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    Wednesday, May 11, 2022

    Ace Attorney i made the beanix... beanie

    Ace Attorney i made the beanix... beanie

    i made the beanix... beanie

    Posted: 11 May 2022 09:56 AM PDT

    Played so much Ace Attorney recently so here are some rough drawings!

    Posted: 11 May 2022 11:06 AM PDT

    Could Mia hypothetically represent a client through Maya/Pearl?

    Posted: 11 May 2022 12:19 PM PDT

    If desperate times called for it, would Mia still be recognized as an attorney despite being dead? Franziska never seems phased by her presence in court, even responding to her by name.

    Obviously people would need to accept the legitimacy of Spirit channeling, and it would be awkward if Maya or Pearl were needed as witnesses (but if both were present they could baton pass Mia which honestly would be quite funny)

    submitted by /u/Lucifer_Crowe
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    Beginning my ace attorney journey

    Posted: 11 May 2022 03:10 PM PDT

    Newcomer Reviews Ace Attorney Trilogy Part 2: Justice for All

    Posted: 11 May 2022 01:14 PM PDT

    Welcome back, everyone! For those interested in starting this series at the beginning, here's a link to the last part: https://www.reddit.com/r/AceAttorney/comments/sftqf1/a_newcomer_reviews_the_ace_attorney_trilogy_part/

    Anyways, to clear the air on a few things, I've actually already finished the Trilogy. So some of what I have said and will say is with the benefit of being able to look back on the whole trilogy as opposed to just the game I'm reviewing.

    But now onto brass tacks. Let's see if Phoenix Wright truly has what it takes to ensure justice for all.

    Case 2-1: The Lost Turnabout)

    Tutorials in sequels can be a tricky thing. If you're playing an experienced character, it can be hard to accept that the character would need to relearn everything that they've already mastered. But there still needs to be a tutorial for newcomers or people who forgot how to play the last game. This is why amnesia is such a common plot device for these levels. It's simple and easy for the writers. It's also as subtle as a fire extinguisher to the head. When it comes to this level, I'm torn on how this is handled. On the one hand, it's humorous how brazen the level is with this device. On the other, it's still very obviously a device. So it's a mixed bag.

    And that kind of describes the case itself. Maggey Byrde is charming and Richard Wellington has some good moments, but the mystery is rather pedestrian. Even compared to The First Turnabout, this one feels rather basic. There's not much to find fault in, but there's not much to praise either. Thankfully that generic feeling is not something the rest of the game can be accused of having.

    Case 2-2: Reunion, and Turnabout)

    So this is the case that really gets the ball rolling on the Fey family history and the culture surrounding spirit channeling. It's also the introduction of Pearl Fey, who is absolutely adorable. And the real identity of the murderer is a shocking, mind-bending twist that turns what you thought on its head while still fitting the facts at hand.

    So with all of those positives, you'd think this would turn out to be one of my favorite cases of the trilogy. And yet, at the end of the day I consider it pretty middling. In fact, when I sat down to rank all the cases in the trilogy, this one landed smack-dab at #7 out of 14. So what exactly keeps this from being a top-tier case for me?

    Well a lot of it just comes down to tone. This is a very somber and serious case, and there's only so long you can put your audience in that mood before you start to lose them. And unfortunately this case wallows in the sad side just a bit too long for my personal tastes. It's certainly a good case, but I just didn't quite have enough fun with it to call it a great one.

    Case 2-3: Turnabout Big Top)

    So I have weird quirk when it comes to things that are widely hated. Whenever I hear that something is despised by a majority of people, I tend to be kinder in my assessment of it. I have a soft spot for the underdog, and this case seemed to be a big one.

    So I'll say this: I do agree with the general assessment that this is one of the weakest cases of the trilogy. That said, I think it's still enjoyable. I don't mind the music too much, and most of the characters are fine. The only one that really got on my nerves was Trillo, for being an annoying jerk. I know that Moe can be annoying for a lot of people, but I didn't mind his humor. The pressing penalty on his testimony is slightly annoying, but with how easy it is to save scum it wasn't too bad for me.

    That said, the case definitely has flaws. The love triangle is all kinds of creepy and unnecessary, and the fact that we don't even learn about Acro's existence until the second day of investigation, and the early parts of the case aren't enough fun to make up for it. It leaves a feeling of wasted potential. The end result is a case that, while not what I would call bad, is still a very mixed bag.

    Case 2-4: Farewell, My Turnabout)

    I'll start off by saying that this case is awesome and a rollercoaster of emotions. Even though I already knew the big twist going in (and it's kind of obvious given that an assassin is blackmailing you to take Matt's case), this is still a tense, exciting story that keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout. The only criticism I have is that Wendy Oldbag isn't quite as well-used here as she could have been. Her obnoxiousness and abrasiveness are directed almost exclusively towards Phoenix, whereas in Turnabout Samurai she was more balanced. But that's a minor issue. The case still stands up as an intense thriller that has you biting your nails until the end.

    With that out of the way, now's a good time to talk about how this series depicts the legal system. Full disclosure, I'm an American with a basic understanding of our justice system, but I am by no means an expert. When it comes to Japanese law I know even less. The good news is that Ace Attorney is a fictionalized hybrid of the two, so analyzing it doesn't necessarily require in-depth knowledge of either.

    The biggest thing to understand about the Ace Attorney justice system is that it essentially operates on the assumption that the defendant is guilty until proven innocent. This is the opposite of what the US justice system is meant to operate on. In our system, the defendant is supposed to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. The reason for this is because we believe it more important to protect the innocent from wrongful punishment than to ensure that all potential criminals are imprisoned. The rights of the defendant, even if they are guilty, must be protected.

    I bring this up here because this is the first (and as far as I know, the only) case where you defend a client who is guilty, and the game makes a big deal about Phoenix's struggles with that. The reality is that in the American justice system, that's actually a very common occurrence. Obviously the "threatened by an assassin" part is much less common, but there are many cases where the defense attorney knows their client is guilty and defends them anyways. Their client may even be a terrible person who has done something horrible. But the defense attorney still has the necessary job of defending their client and protecting the client's rights. Because if they do not, it sets a precedent for future trials to take away the rights of the defendant, and make it more likely for the innocent to be wrongfully convicted. A good defense attorney isn't someone who never takes a guilty client, it's someone who does their best legally and morally to defend all their clients regardless of whether they're guilty or not.

    This is important because this case in particular exposes the differences between the values of the Ace Attorney justice system and the American justice system. In the American system, there would be no need for someone to threaten a hostage to get someone to represent Matt Engarde. He may be guilty as sin, but he still deserves the right to defense as much as anyone. It also shows how the Ace Attorney system is stacked against the defense. The burden of proof is generally upon them, which is why the cases require Phoenix to find the true culprit.

    The interesting thing is that while the Ace Attorney system is morally disturbing from an American justice perspective, from a gameplay/narrative perspective it's one of the series essential strengths. By presuming your client's guilt it makes you the underdog and forces you to fight incredibly hard to win. It keeps your attention because you're constantly trying to figure out how to deal with the odds stacked against you, and makes your eventual victory all the sweeter.

    To bring things back to this case, that system also makes this case compelling because while proving a guilty man is innocent is a major challenge in itself, the even bigger challenge is to get Matt convicted without sacrificing Maya. That makes this case even more interesting as you try to figure out a way to walk that incredibly thin tightrope. And when the answer finally presents itself it becomes all the more satisfying as you've solved the seemingly unsolvable.

    So to wrap up this one, I think this is a great case. It's tense, puzzling, and exciting. It forces both the player and the main character to confront the question of what exactly justice means.

    Final Thoughts)

    So with that long essay about how Ace Attorney handles law out of the way, what are my thoughts on Justice for All as a whole? Well, I think it was a good follow-up, though not quite as good as the original. The cases weren't quite as good, and the diminished presence of Maya causes the game to lose some of the charm of its predecessor. That said, it has an excellent finale, and introduced some great new characters. Pearl was adorableness personified, the villains were all interesting, and while I didn't care at all for how Francizka von Karma was depicted in most of this game, I do think she got better later and became a good character. So I had a good time with this, and I look forward to discussing the final entry in this trilogy.

    submitted by /u/MagnusPrime24
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    Who is Edgeworth's aunt? Is she even real?

    Posted: 11 May 2022 09:04 AM PDT

    the wiki said that Miles has an aunt, which could either be Gregory's sister or sister-in-law. a Tumblr blog post i saw once mentioned this aunt, and also mentioned how she had a big fireplace and that after Gregory's death she declined taking young Miles in. i know wikis are pretty reliable but i've seen other people here reccomend that they take the wiki's info with a grain of salt. plus, the second half of information i got was off of Tumblr, so i might have accidentally read a headcanon post and assumed it was legit. so i'm gonna ask here instead

    i've finished Edgeworth's games and i'm up to Datz's first testimony in 6-3 ((i'm not spoiled about the game entirely though. i just learned his real name is Datz Are'bal because i wanted to look up how A'nohn Ihmus was spelled for this one post and got his real name instead)), but there's still no mention of his aunt

    just tell me if she's mentioned at all. if she is, also tell me where. no big spoilers about AA6 tho please, if any will be connected to this info. i know some stuff about certain characters but not enough for me to consider it spoilery

    i need to know because i'm starting to get impatient since Edgeworth hasn't shown up yet to dispense this information himself, and because i want to see if a theory i saw once can hold water

    thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/clutterspunk
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    My top 30 characters! I hope I'm not too late... (From AA1 to AA4 only!)(pls don't kill me)

    Posted: 11 May 2022 01:15 PM PDT

    miles egeworth in hope peak library

    Posted: 11 May 2022 03:28 AM PDT

    All culprits ranked based on their APPEARANCE(and also some personal opinion, but mostly appearance.)

    Posted: 11 May 2022 09:49 AM PDT

    What is the worst mistake AA Anime has done in your opinion? Mine is simple, the Wind attacks and the auras taken from DBZ

    Posted: 10 May 2022 01:13 PM PDT

    What's the most important thing to you in Ace Attorney?

    Posted: 11 May 2022 03:47 AM PDT

    Well, to me all of them are. However, if I have to pick the one thing that made me love these games the most, I think it's the mystery aspect.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/GarouAPM
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    A code for extra special contents for The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles on PS4. The area of residence of your PSN accounts must be Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia or Thailand. Have fun.

    Posted: 11 May 2022 09:38 AM PDT

    [Investigations 2] The Pyromaniac Chairman, by me

    Posted: 10 May 2022 05:57 PM PDT

    Ready to give these a read!

    Posted: 10 May 2022 10:45 PM PDT

    Can I just rant about how much I hate Turnabout Big Top?

    Posted: 11 May 2022 02:48 PM PDT

    Spoilery for this case of course, but I just need to talk about this with someone.

    I've recently been trying to get through the Ace Attorney Trilogy again, and I completed Case 3 about a week ago...

    ...and it was the most I have absolutely despised a single case in any of the games I've played so far.

    I thought Acro was a great killer in motive, backstory, and breakdown, and Moe and Ben were charming enough as characters to where I enjoyed reading their dialogue rather than being bored to tears in investigations...

    ...but it had some of the most annoying trial days I think I've ever experienced. I even enjoyed RFtA's trial days over them.

    Moe was where it started. It was mildly annoying to have to laser pinpoint specific presses, where pressing the wrong dialogue penalized you (for once...), and it was only ramped up more by being penalized for pressing on any line for his later testimony, and having to find a contradiction.

    But, I tolerated it, and moved on.

    By the end of the investigation, I'd already everything figured out in my head. Acro was the true killer, Money the Monkey retrieved Max's shiny bust from the cafeteria, and Acro used it to drop it on the head of whoever went to pick up the box, who happened to be the Ringmaster. I'd gotten his motive slightly wrong, thinking that he killed the Ringmaster to take someone from Regina the same way she took someone from him, but I was 90% of the way there.

    Then, when it got down to presenting an accomplice, I thought, "oh! I know! Money! It wasn't really a conscious thing, but Money stealing shiny things is probably how Max's bust wound up in Acro's room!"

    ...no dice.

    Had to drop it and leave it for later. Also a little annoying, but fine, I get it. Money didn't have conscious intent as an accomplice, so he doesn't count as one. He just stole shiny thing because he like shiny thing.

    Then, I thought Moe's contradiction in his testimony (describing Max's cloak as black when it's clearly purple) would come back in Acro's testimony to mean that the cloak hanging from the bust was a black sheet Acro threw over it out of necessity, having no purple sheet, to make Max's visage seem more convincing to any potential witnesses (especially when Phoenix described the happy coincidence of Max's bust showing up as an "opportunity" to Acro or something of the sort), but instead it linked back to the Ringmaster wearing Max's cloak, which does make sense, the cloak had to have gone somewhere, but... are we just gonna pretend that Max wears a black cloak now? Even though it's clearly purple with a red inlay in every depiction it's shown?

    I get this is a very "cope seethe mald" post I'm making here, but god I didn't like that case.

    submitted by /u/MrManGuySir
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    Top 30? Try top 135. I think I went a bit overboard on mine lol.

    Posted: 11 May 2022 11:34 AM PDT

    My Opinions on "Turnabout Countdown" after finishing the series (DD: Case 1)

    Posted: 11 May 2022 02:00 PM PDT


    Dual Destinies, definitely a game that I've played. The 5th entry into the mainline Ace Attorney series and one that people probably enjoyed. Dual Destinies is a very strange game, the first 3d entry into the main line series (YEAH YOU HEARD ME PHOENIX WRIGHT VERSUS PROFESSOR LAYTON) and the one that introduced a lot of new things whether good or bad. We get our first NOT DEAD playable female lawyer in the series and a huge amount of misunderstandings of the title. What is so dual about this destinies when there's 3 lawyers and no real intertwined destinies in this game. If you told me this was going to be the title of the next Ace Attorney game without showing me the actual spelling I would've thought that Phoenix and Apollo were going to go full on samurai mode and start slashing the ever living god out of the prosecutor. Instead we kind of got a swordsman in our main prosecutor which is kind of cool I guess.


    Ah yes first case back to the 3d game first case with our good old reliable lawyer Athena WHAT A FEMALE MAIN PROTAGONIST IN MY ACE ATTORNEY GAME? Athena Cykes AKA the person designing her took a page out of Pokemon X and Y and made her look like a literal A. Apparently some police officer got murdered and the courtroom went KABLOOEY and now Athena Cykes is on the case. But then she gets PTSD and NOW we play the game as Phoenix Wright everyone's boy and he's back in action with his suit and tie.

    To be honest, the only noteworthy thing about this case is that it does tie into the plot in the most unnecessary way possible by putting it right in between the 4th and 5th cases but it sure does tie itself into the plot. If I were to say it did it neatly I'd be electrocuted to death by a lie detector but it does.
    We get to see Edgy Apollo for the first time ever and he's dead kind of and this case isn't too noteworthy.

    What is noteworthy however, is the music because the objection themes in this game is really good. However, the pursuit theme and cross examination theme is rather weak in comparison to almost any other ace attorney game.


    I really don't have much to say about this case other than it exists and it does its job in a weird way but it does work.

    The List

    1. ???
    2. ???
    3. ???
    4. The Inherited Turnabout (Verdict: Phenomenal)
    5. The Grand Turnabout (Verdict: Yay)
    6. Bridge To The Turnabout (Verdict: GDHDSKGLSNGM<G)
    7. Farewell, My Turnabout (Verdict: Peak content baby)
    8. Turnabout Goodbyes (Verdict: EXCEPTIONAL)
    9. ???
    10. ???
    11. ???
    12. ???
    13. ???
    14. Turnabout Trump(Verdict: Funny Horn Man has great case)
    15. Rise from the Ashes (Verdict: Stellar)
    16. ???
    17. The Forgotten Turnabout(Verdict: Amazing)
    18. ???
    19. Reunion, and Turnabout(Verdict: Really Gosh Dern Good Brudder)
    20. ???
    21. The Stolen Turnabout(Verdict: Great!)
    22. ???
    23. Turnabout Reminiscence(Verdict: Also Grrrrrrrrrrreat!)
    24. The Imprisoned Turnabout (Verdict: COURTNEY STOP YELLING AT ME I'M TRYING TO SOLVE THE CASE)
    25. Turnabout Target (Verdict: Take notes AAI-1)
    26. Turnabout Succession(Verdict: Flawed Masterpiece)
    27. ???
    28. ???
    29. Turnabout Corner (Verdict: It's good I guess)
    30. Turnabout Memories (Verdict: Great for plot, still a first case)
    31. Turnabout Samurai (Verdict: Fun, but flawed )
    32. ???
    33. ???
    34. ???
    35. Turnabout Beginnings (Verdict: Probably My Hottest Take by far)
    36. ???
    37. ???
    38. Turnabout Airlines (Verdict: It exists)
    39. Turnabout Countdown (Verdict: It does exist)
    40. The First Turnabout (Verdict: Meh)
    41. Turnabout Ablaze (Verdict: Disappointing)
    42. Turnabout Visitor (Verdict: I Forgor)
    43. Turnabout Sisters (Verdict: Dislike)
    44. Recipe For Turnabout (Verdict: Same Feelings as Big top)
    45. ???
    46. The Lost Turnabout(Verdict: Horrible)
    47. ???
    48. Turnabout Big top (Verdict: I'm Sorry I just couldn't get into this case at all)
    49. The Kidnapped Turnabout(Verdict: End me)
    50. Turnabout Serenade(Verdict: Where did we go wrong)
    submitted by /u/NaotOwO
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    Im just gonna say it: This guy after the first AA got a serious case of bad writing

    Posted: 10 May 2022 07:56 AM PDT

    prosecution music (OC)

    Posted: 11 May 2022 03:46 PM PDT

    Saw the top 30s recently, so I challenge that with this, top 51

    Posted: 10 May 2022 02:23 PM PDT

    Family and Friends Gathering.

    Posted: 10 May 2022 06:49 AM PDT

    How I imagine some different Ace Attorney characters as Pokémon

    Posted: 10 May 2022 07:49 PM PDT

    Something not in either Great Ace Attorney game, which I find interesting. (Entire Franchise spoilers.)

    Posted: 10 May 2022 02:26 PM PDT

    There is not a single character in either game that transforms. By which I mean when a character changes their entire animation set and visual appearance, usually for the final confrontation with them, such as Engarde, Aristotle Means, Ga'ran, or Alba.

    It was becoming more and more common in the series. SoJ had it in basically every case. Yet not a single character does in in either GAA game.

    I think I actually like it more. It makes the characters feel more real. As an example, when Seishiro Jigoku is on the witness stand, he definitely holds his posture and speaks slightly differently differently then when you're talking to him out of court. But that makes sense, he's on a very tense witness stand, he's going to be picking his words carefully. It just feels like a natural character action.

    It's kind of odd that I find the subtle change in character animations more compelling than the broad transformations, but I think I do. They feel more real. And this even goes for Ryunosuke, where you can see his animation set slowly change from case to case, instead of all at once in a climatic transformation scene.

    submitted by /u/TheTitan99
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    Lil Gina animation I did today

    Posted: 10 May 2022 01:44 PM PDT

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