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    Friday, May 13, 2022

    Ace Attorney i didnt even notice that notification

    Ace Attorney i didnt even notice that notification

    i didnt even notice that notification

    Posted: 12 May 2022 05:07 PM PDT

    POV: You are Pearl and you are dreaming.

    Posted: 12 May 2022 08:35 AM PDT

    POV: You are Kazuma

    Posted: 12 May 2022 08:13 AM PDT

    The Ace Attorney 20th Anniversary Orchestra

    Posted: 12 May 2022 08:32 AM PDT

    Is Phoenix buff?

    Posted: 12 May 2022 11:07 AM PDT

    How much you wanna bet these three fell in a minute later?

    Posted: 13 May 2022 12:14 AM PDT

    Dual Destinies is one of my favorite Ace Attorney games. Ask me anything.

    Posted: 12 May 2022 11:16 AM PDT

    Basically I'm bored and feel like talking about one of my favorite Ace Attorney games, lol

    I know this is a very unpopular opinion, so I figured it might make for some interesting discussion.

    Of course, it has it's flaws, all games do, but I'll leave the specifics of those flaws to questions that I may get asked.

    submitted by /u/Wolfgalaxy63
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    Chiaki and maya playing in ace attorney

    Posted: 12 May 2022 04:43 AM PDT

    I found an amusingly familiar name in PLvsAA's last trial... [TGAA2 spoilers]

    Posted: 12 May 2022 01:20 PM PDT

    I'm making a comic on AO3

    Posted: 12 May 2022 11:35 AM PDT

    Would ace attorney be better without spirit channeling?

    Posted: 12 May 2022 07:33 PM PDT

    For example, was spirit channeling annoying to you when it was incorporated in cases such as bridge to the turnabout?

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    submitted by /u/StealMyBagels
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    Was there a reason why Shu Takumi stopped working on the mainline Ace Attorney games?

    Posted: 12 May 2022 01:05 PM PDT

    I know that he wanted the series to end after Trials and Tribulations, but he did make Apollo Justice, with a bunch of hanging plot threads that would lead directly to a sequel...... until he stopped working on the games. I know he was working on Ghost Trick, but Ghost Trick came out in 2010, with there being about 3 years until Dual Destinies came out. For some reason, Takumi was in charge of the Layton crossover, while Yamazaki was put in charge with continuing the mainline series. Seems sort of odd that the creator of the game would work on the spinoff, while someone else worked on the main series, no? Does anyone know why this is?

    submitted by /u/BEEFYCHUNKYMUNKY
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    which main villain do you find the most relatable

    Posted: 12 May 2022 05:09 AM PDT

    you can write down the reasons too if you want

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    submitted by /u/Anonnymous279
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    Where do I start with these games? And what devices can I get them on?

    Posted: 13 May 2022 01:23 AM PDT

    Favorite moment from each game? (spoiler tagged for each game, full series spoilers)

    Posted: 12 May 2022 02:45 PM PDT

    Off the top of my head:

    • PW:AA - Edgeworth's objection in 1-3 and Gumshoe saving Nick and Maya from Dee Vasquez and her mafia as close econd.
    • JFA - Matt Engarde's reveal
    • T&T - You know the moment, Wright's final objection where Cornered plays
    • AJ:AA - Owning the same nailpolish doesn't a murderer make. jokes, probably Wright appearing next to Apollo in 4-1 to shoot down Kristoph
    • AAI1 - The whole Badd/Shih-Na/Lang scene, but particularly the Yatagarasu reveal and the moment where Lang takes the bullet
    • AAI2 - Blaise Debeste, I indict you!
    • DD - Apollo taking the stand and saying he is doing this to ease his doubts
    • SOJ - Dhurke's death reveal
    • TGAA1 - Gina finally smiling and Naruhodo resolving to defend Soseki and realizing what it means to be a lawyer
    • TGAA2 - Final Dance of Deduction with Mikotoba and "no games now"
    submitted by /u/nouratef
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    How would you write one of the main characters being a killer?

    Posted: 12 May 2022 10:59 AM PDT

    I'm curious about it. How would you write such a thing so it was believable, yet in character, provifing we already know well these characters?

    submitted by /u/GarouAPM
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    thank you for the fan translating AAI2

    Posted: 13 May 2022 01:15 AM PDT

    I just finished ace attorney investigations 2 and it was great, i love it a lot, but while playing, i keep thinking about how i was playing this thanks to a fan team and wanna thank them personally for doing it, saw in the credits the amount of them that were involved and it was crazy, it was a toooon of people, so yeah, thanks to the team a lot, i dont think if those involved will see this message but still think is worth thanking them for their work done, great job guys (also sorry for messy english, not native speaker)

    submitted by /u/kirvyx
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    How bad do you think are the "Motive hypocracy" moments and how often they occur?

    Posted: 12 May 2022 01:10 PM PDT

    By "Motive hypocracy" I mean occurrences when the prosecution does not provide a motive for which the defendant committed a crime, but requires the defense to provide it when they're accusing some other person.

    submitted by /u/well_I_do_exist
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    found this cool website

    Posted: 12 May 2022 11:00 PM PDT

    its like a multiplayer ace attorney

    join it


    submitted by /u/_suxen_
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    a bug in an emulation

    Posted: 12 May 2022 03:06 PM PDT

    So i was messing around with a gba emulation of ace attorney for my boy!free an emulator, then i sent mia phone as a evidence to mr white as the last possible thing, and then i respawned in the courtroom , is this in the original or is it because it is an emulation?

    EDIT: it is now back to normal


    submitted by /u/riceandbeans8
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    Super speculative fun theory: Possible Fey Clan ancestor (Major TGAA2 Spoilers)

    Posted: 12 May 2022 01:50 PM PDT

    (WARNING: Major TGAA2 Spoilers, read at your own expense)

    so we now got 2 characters named Iris in the story. Iris Fey/Hawthorne from Trials and Tribulations, and Iris Wilson from The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. according to Mikotoba, he named Iris after his deceased wife Ayame. so what if Iris Fey was also named after an ancestor of hers? (Note: this is assuming Ami Fey is much older than Late 19th Century)

    • Exhibit A: she was named after Iris Wilson. in that case we have to figure out how the Feys ended up in London? there are a lot of branch families in Kurain, just in one geeration we got Morgan married to someone outside the village, and we got 3 Fey Clan members living in the city. Dahlia and Iris with their father, and Mia as a lawyer. so it is not a stretch to assume many Fey Clan members left Kurain, some of them could've easily travelled to Britain or married omeone from there. and judging by Iris' parents, that means either Van Zeiks Family or Baskerville Family are Fey desecendants. I wold honestly lean towards Lady Baskerille being a Fey, we know nothing about her so there's no evidence she doesn't have spiritual powers.
    • Exhibit B: she was named after Ayame Mikotoba, Ayame is Iris' name in the Japanese version even. since Ayame Mikotoba is ded and has only Susato, that means Susato could be an ancestor to Misty and Morgan and their children. Susato may have not realized her lineage yet, but since she took her father's name, it possible Ayame was straight-up called Ayame Fey and is an actual spirit medium, but Yujin never told her this fact bout her mother. Mia and Dahla easily hid their lineage and powers until their death, so wouldn't be surprised if Susato doesn't know that fact about her mother.

    that's all. thank you for joining on me on this Dance of Logic and Reasoning. Elementary, My Dear Iris.

    P.S.: yes, I know it's super farfetched, and I don't claim it to be accurate, I am just speculating for fun, no strong evidence for it being any possible. (please no hate speech it's a joke)

    submitted by /u/nouratef
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    Trivia: Other than Gumshoe himself, who is the only character who has Gumshoe’s theme play for them?

    Posted: 12 May 2022 12:51 PM PDT

    Correct answer: Penny Nichols

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    submitted by /u/awildspenappears
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    Motive for Murder: An Analysis of The Motivations of the Main Antagonist of "Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney" (Spoilers for "Turnabout Succession", a. k. a. 4-4)

    Posted: 11 May 2022 05:46 PM PDT

    In observing much of the Ace Attorney fandom over the past several months, I have seen quite a few people claim either that Kristoph Gavin's motive for killing Zak Gramarye is completely unknown, or that Kristoph himself does not know his own motivation. Although I certainly see where they are coming from (especially in light of Kristoph's black psyche-locks), I believe that Kristoph Gavin actually does know his own motivation and makes it very clear to the player. In this post, I will strive to break down what exactly Kristoph Gavin's motivations were and to ultimately prove both that we, the viewer, learn what Kristoph Gavin's motive was, and that Kristoph Gavin also knows what his motives were.

    Towards the end of the last trial of "Turnabout Succession", Kristoph has a moment in which he reflects on the night Zak Gramarye dismissed him as his attorney for his trial seven years ago. After this moment passes, he says:

    Kristoph: ...To be honest, I don't know what his reasons were to this day

    Kristoph: As far as I could tell...

    Kristoph: ...he dismissed me as his representation...because I lost in a game of poker.

    Kristoph: I can come to no other conclusion.

    In these words, we learn something crucial--Kristoph Gavin genuinely believes that Zak Gramarye dismissed him because he lost a game of poker. It is worth mentioning that, contrary to his belief, that is not why Zak Gramarye dismissed him, as discussed by Apollo and Trucy in the following exchange, which occurs moments later:

    Trucy: Daddy used to say something.

    Trucy: \"If you want to know a man, you have to compete\"...

    Apollo (internally): (...Zak wasn't watching his points or the cards.)

    Apollo (internally): (He was watching the man behind the cards... Kristoph Gavin.)

    From this exchange, we learn that Kristoph Gavin was not dismissed because he lost a game of poker--he was dismissed because Zak Gramarye observed something about him via his poker-playing that, in his eyes, made Kristoph an unsuitable attorney for him and for his case. However, as has already been established, Kristoph does not recognize this--in all of seven years, it never occurs to him once that Zak dismissed him because of something about who he is as a person. This sets up Kristoph's internal reaction to his dismissal, which he reveals in the following words:

    Kristoph: I couldn't believe it.

    Kristoph: Phoenix Wright...?

    Kristoph: A second-rate attorney who relies on luck and bluffs!

    Kristoph: He dismissed me... and went with that pitiful excuse for a man?

    In these words, we see the essence of Kristoph's reaction to his dismissal, which was, fundamentally, anger at being "snubbed". From his inaccurate perspective, he was dismissed over a trivial mistake (i. e. losing a game of poker) in favor of someone who, in his mind, is fundamentally inferior to him both as a lawyer and as a person1. Kristoph's words here also set up what he says next, which not only reveals his motivation for killing Zak, but is also, arguably, one of the scariest moments in the entirety of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. After revealing his true attitudes towards Phoenix Wright, Kristoph says this about Zak Gramarye:

    Kristoph: ...He deserved to die to that error alone.

    In these words, Kristoph essentially admits his motive: he genuinely believed that Zak Gramarye deserved to die for choosing Phoenix Wright as his attorney over him. We see here that Kristoph's anger and indignation over being passed over in favor of Phoenix co-existed inside of him with an extremely warped sense of what is right and good. In Kristoph's mind, his ego and sense of personal greatness are more valuable than anything else--including the lives of other people, and if someone or something threatens his ego/sense of personal greatness (or at least seems to threaten those things), they deserve to die2. With that being established, Kristoph's words here reveal not only that he has a motive (i. e. he believed that Zak deserved to die for choosing Phoenix over him) but also that he is fully aware of why he did what he did. He knows that he believed that Zak deserved to die for choosing Phoenix Wright over him--if he did not, then he would not be able to reveal to us in his own words why he killed Zak Gramarye. Kristoph's self-knowledge is made clear once again moments later, during the following exchange between him and Apollo:

    Apollo: Hold it!

    Apollo: So, the one who requested that forgery was...?

    Kristoph: ...Oh, I'm not admitting to anything. My point is...

    Kristoph: ...these two men shamed me, and I could not forgive that.

    Kristoph: Phoenix Wright and Zak Gramarye both deserved what they got.

    In this exchange, Kristoph again makes it clear that he knows why he killed Zak Gramarye and also why he ruined Phoenix Wright's career--he felt shamed by both of them (i. e. their actions hurt his sense of pride), so he decided that they both deserved to suffer. His admission indicates that he is fully aware of what his motive was and that we, the audience, can know what his motive was too via his admission.

    So, with that being said, where does that leave us? Well, it leaves us, in my opinion, with definitive proof that Kristoph Gavin does know his motive for killing Zak Gramarye and that we, the audience, know it too because he tells it to us. What we don't know is why he has those black psyche locks when Phoenix asks him about his motive earlier in the case. We are still left wondering "If Kristoph Gavin knows why he killed Zak Gramarye (given that he admits it openly), why does he have black psyche locks when Phoenix asks him about his motive?". To be honest, I am not completely sure--my suspicion is that they originally did not signify a repressed traumatic memory (as they apparently do in Dual Destinies) and that they were retconned to do so after Apollo Justice was released. I wonder if it has anything to do with the despair Phoenix sensed within them, but I am afraid I do not know much more beyond that.

    If anyone has any thoughts that they would like to add, any questions that they would like to ask, any counterarguments that they would like to present, or any criticisms of my post that they might want to voice, please do so! I do not know everything, and I would love to have an open and civil discussion about all of this!

    Thank you so much for reading!

    Source for the screenshots: This video from YouTube user Solazy's playthrough of "Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney" in HD. The scene I took these screenshots from begins at the 38:34 mark

    Footnotes (because I have many thoughts about this scene that I couldn't make fit into my main argument):

    1 In these words, we also learn that Kristoph views Phoenix not only as an inferior defense attorney but also as an inferior human being, as shown in how he refers to Phoenix as a "pitiful excuse for a man". This establishes the sheer magnitude of Kristoph's arrogance--he is someone who genuinely believes that anyone who operates differently than him (in terms of practicing law) is not only an inferior professional but also an inferior human being (which perfectly sets up his outbursts later on against the idea of common citizens having a say in legal proceedings via the Jurist System)

    2 In my opinion, this is absolutely horrifying--the idea that someone's understanding of what is good could be so warped--so twisted by their own pride--that they legitimately believe that someone else deserves to die for wounding their pride is terrifying. That someone could have such a distorted understanding of what is good that they genuinely believe that their ego is worth more than your life is a truly terrifying thought

    submitted by /u/ancientrobot19
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