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    Ace Attorney It seems I downloaded a wrong Ace Attorney 7 game

    Ace Attorney It seems I downloaded a wrong Ace Attorney 7 game

    It seems I downloaded a wrong Ace Attorney 7 game

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 06:49 AM PST

    I heard you guys liked my Ace Attorney Yakuza 0 mods

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 06:42 PM PST

    Phoenix Wright in the Danganronpa Artstyle (Ultimate Defence Attorney) [OC]

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 02:33 PM PST

    wait so criminals in this game get death sentence?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 01:10 AM PST

    I Just Finished My Cover of Courtroom Revolutionnaire, What Do You Guys Think? All Feedback Is Appreciated.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 09:13 PM PST

    Phoenix Wright as: The Turnabout Terror. It's time to D-D-D-D-D-Defend! OCArt/Fandom Fusion pt 2

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 05:18 AM PST

    Edgeworth Investigations 2: A Lot of Potential

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 08:53 PM PST

    This game has had an interesting journey for me. On first playthrough, it was one of my top games but has slipped on further revisits where several cracks begin to show. It's an interesting game as I totally understand why this game is so highly ranking. But at the same time, there are just so many possibilities that the game never fully capitalizes upon which I want to discuss here.

    Before I get into the game itself, I feel it's important for me to mention context behind some of my opinions which is in due to the differences in directors. Shu Takumi was the director for the original Trilogy and Apollo Justice and later on The Great Ace Attorney Duology (which please leaks be true). Meanwhile, the Investigations and the mainline 3Ds games were directed by Takeshi Yamazaki. I mention this because I feel their differences in writing styles is a big reason why Investigations 2 works yet also not so much. (TL:DR If Takumi was more about "motive" then Yamazaki is more about "how" something occurs). One thing I noticed about Yamazaki is that his twists and mysteries, when he gets them right, are incredible with the amount of complexity and twists within each large mystery. Whether it's the "mastermind" here, the Phantom's "identity" in Dual Destinies, or Dhurke's death in SOJ all were some of the most shocking reveals I have ever had in the Ace Attorney series. Yamazaki really knows how to create good mystery that allows us to piece together the situation and find a conclusion which is great considering this game is a murder mystery game at heart(with the exception probably being the first Investigations game). However, the problem with Yamazaki is that he is more "tell than show" with the actual characters feeling more plastic compared to the intricacies written by Takumi. Takumi may not have had the grandious when it comes to what the mystery is with the exception probably being Godot from T&T but what he does so well is bringing emotion and complexity in the little things like character arcs and personalities. Because of that, the meat feel more alive and you feel you are along the journey with Phoenix and Maya or Trucy and Apollo, etc. etc. There is just so much energy both comical and emotional that gives those games that extra depth that has made their stories so well written. Yamazaki doesn't do that as well. A lot of the time he tries and takes a risk but doesn't fully follow through with the idea. Apollo's personality shift or Athena's backstory in general, etc. just fall flat because nothing follows through and the cases feel more about finding clues rather than connecting to the story and characters themselves.

    I mention all of this in that large blob of text because I feel that's what happens especially in Investigations 2. The cases maybe complex which it hosts my favourite first case and some my favourite beats in a final case, but it suffers with focusing too much on the mystery rather than adding depth or character/relationship building. That's one reason the pacing is done so poorly in these investigations games because you are spending too much time investigating and arguing about the information that it drags on for too long. In the trilogy, you are given points to hit so you always have something to do. Here, you have no direction in the investigation segments because the game focuses too damn much on getting information. And it sucks because the characters themselves are interesting bunch. Ray is charismatic, Justine makes a good rival to compliment Edgeworth, and Sebastian is a dork (though can be a little prick up until case 5). I want more time developing relationships between characters rather than just their little gimmicks and quirks. It maybe why case 4 was my favourite because you actually got to see a new side of Edgeworth as he contacts Kay who shows her true self behind her personality which was heavily influenced by her father. I feel it provided some nice moments and helped add a new layer to Justine and Sebastian in this case. But that brings me to my next problem which I mentioned in the previous blob of text.

    Missed Potential

    I want to list several of the plot points I feel this games hints at but never centers heavily about that I feel the should have.

    • Ray Shields providing a love-hate relationship with Edgeworth, still bitter at Edgeworth's transfer to being a prosecutor up until maybe case 3 or Case 5.
    • Edgeworth struggling whether to follow the prosecutor path or the Defence Attorney's glory to inevitably find a nice balance of both "the cold harsh demeanor" from Von Karma and "the pursuit for truth and justice" like his father
    • Edgeworth needing to face someone he falsely convicted or something along those lines
    • Simon Keyes tragic decent to darkness and a false vigilante because of his mistrust in the law from people like past Edgeworth who sought more for glory and greed rather than what is just.
    • Edgeworth growing out of his shy and tsundere attitude and growing to be a father/mentor figure to help others like Sebastian like how Phoenix affected him.
    • Corruption in the government/law enforcement with Blaise Debeste
    • Case 3 providing a more tragic background to the main culprit Gustavia to match the overall tone of the case rather than "haha evil bad guy lol."
    • Case 4 adding more context and ulterior motive to the PIC rather than keeping them a gimmick (plus other stuff but IDK how to phrase)
    • Giving Gumshoe more dimension and showing more of his commitment in helping Edgeworth rather than him coming in with the big evidence at the end of each case.
    • etc. etc.

    I'm mostly spitballing concepts I can think off the top of my head but you get my point. I feel in many cases the would allude to a situation but never fully commit to it which is why Edgeworth just comes across as stale and "perfect" because that lack of growth and development to his character. This again goes towards a tendency of Yamazaki, but in this case it just feels rushed and incomplete because of it. The amount of pacing issues and lack of expanding upon ideas and concepts plus some probable translation stuff (it's well done but loses the little details to make the language less basic) makes the overall product feel incomplete as if they wanted to just ship it once the Ace Attorney Anniversary happened which I hear this game was meant to be (and probably added to some of the pacing issues of them introducing useless sections of cases like Lotta).

    The relationships between characters also suffer from this with Gumshoe and Kay acting more like cheerleaders/s(hr)imps to Edgeworth, Ray being sidelined after case 3, and Justine and Sebastian not giving more complexity till Case 5 which is still limited. Like what I have said many times in this post, the interactions feel incomplete. Take for instance the logic chess with Sebastian in case 5. It's a great moment for Edgeworth and Sebastian, yet the problem comes with the set up not being there. Edgeworth doesn't come across as Edgeworth with him just being perfect and helping Sebastian without any struggle. It would make sense IF there was anything leading up to the interaction but it's barely there. Edgeworth, once again, is just very limited. Same with many other of the interactions in this game and it's truly something I wish was developed more on rather than running around in an open environment cluelessly.

    And once again, I feel this game does a lot of things right, especially if you look at the overall plot itself and the mysteries that unfold because of it. And I still believe this is Yamazaki's best work with Ace Attorney and it probably a contender for top 4 AA games. Yet there is just so much potential missing that makes them feel plastic like they are reading out a storyboard rather than adding them into the story. I'm getting into filmmaking and storytelling myself, and noticing how this game is probably the most convoluted and complex game in the series only for that complexity be its biggest detriment. There are simply so many concepts to be tackled yet it doesn't fully commit to any and leaves a mess of ideas. T&T and maybe DGS2 (which I have yet to play but I already understand how the game is going to work) are games that do add that complexity while still maintaining the simple aspects that makes the stories flow. And I still understand this game is so renowned because I argue it takes the most risks in any Ace Attorney game besides probably Apollo Justice. AAI2 provides good mystery and sets up several good ideas. The pieces are there but there is just a lot that needs to be organized and condensed to make this game truly special.

    But at this point I'm just rambling and throwing out all of my thoughts on what should be improved and why the game is like that. Sorry if anything is repeated or incoherently phrased or what but I'm happy to discuss more of this. I'm off to bed.

    submitted by /u/ICoolcarguy
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    So I completed 3-1 and have a question

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 05:23 PM PST

    Woudn't Dahlia have gotten away with it if she didnt decide to testify against Phoenix so that Mia wouldn't just find holes and wreck her

    submitted by /u/elitegamer_28
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    Does anyone know where I can find subtitles for the live action adaptation of Gyakuten Saiban (Ace Attorney) that use the character's Japanese names?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 11:32 PM PST

    I saw the trailer on YouTube and the subtitles said their English names and I started watching the actual film with different subtitles, but they still used the English names. If someone could tell me where to find subtitles that use the Japanese names, that would be great. Not a torrent, though, because I don't want to pirate and risk breaking the law.

    submitted by /u/nara-_-shikamaru
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    edited trucy's aa4 sprite in mspaint for a little. left is my edit, right is the original.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 04:21 AM PST

    Are there any DLC costumes you would like to see in in one of the following games?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 01:03 PM PST

    What the title says, basically.

    I have two costumes I strongly desire to see, and they're both connected with the respective lawyers' parents: Dhurke's suit for Apollo and Metis's kimono for Athena - especially later for letting Athena have a costume with actually good fanservice involved.

    submitted by /u/Black_Griffin23
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    The thing about Godot I don't understand

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 07:59 PM PST

    The whole second investigation in 3-5 is just Godot saying:"TrItE,MiA DiEd BeCaUsE Of YoU!!! AnD MaYa Is AlSo DyInG bEcAuSe Of YoU!!!!" non-stop. I mean...What? He is saying it like Phoenix was supposed to follow Mia everywhere,like a bodyguard. I would understand if Larry was saying it,but Godot is supposed to be smarter than him. When I was playing the game at first,the thought that I zoned out on some important dialogue and that's why I don't understand Diego's words wasn't leaving me. And I remember Godot apologizing for that in the end,but that's "conflict" with Phoenix is still dumb,at least in my opinion.

    submitted by /u/paulvanzieks
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    How it feels to know you have evidence

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 06:21 PM PST

    Monika as a prosecutor! :D

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 10:16 AM PST

    JelloApocalypse - Miles is a Robot - Episode 1 (Ace Attorney Investigations 2 Highlights)

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 12:09 PM PST

    DGS Leaked Scripts Information (DGS 1 & 2 spoilers separately tagged)

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 03:56 AM PST

    Hey there. I've wanted for a while now to discuss a bunch of things from the leaked scripts, but found no place to do so. As such, I'll be posting my findings here, tagged by game and subject so as to allow everyone to see what they want.

    So, bearing in mind this stuff was leaked and is most definitely still being worked on, here we go!

    Character Names

    (Not found by me, though I can confirm them. Posted by Ana.)

    Puns that have been found will be in parenthesis afterwards. Ignore if you want to figure them out yourself :P


    (Elongated vowels are not used.

    Example: Ryuunousuke Naruhodou -> Ryunosuke Naruhodo )

    Sherlock Holmes -> Herlock Sholmes (Changed due to copyright) (Possible reference to Maurice Leblanc's novel "Arsène Lupin versus Herlock Sholmes")

    Iris Watson -> Iris Wilson (Same as above)

    Hart Vortex -> Mael Stronghart (Mael Strong = Maelstorm = Vortex, Strong Heart)

    Jezail Brett -> Jezaille Brett (Possibly to make the name more natural.)

    Sanmon Sonohigurashi -> Kyurio Korekuta (Curio Collector)

    Taizou Uzukumaru -> Iyesa Nosa (Yes, Sir! No, Sir!)

    Kuroumaru Uzukumaru -> Aido Nosa (I haven't confirmed this name change) (I dunno, Sir!)

    Nikomina Borschevic -> Nikolina Pavlova (Changed to utilise actual slavic name. Pavlova was the name of an actual Russian Ballerina.)

    Mitrov Stroganov -> Bif Strongenov (Beef and Buff, Strong Enough and Stroganov)

    Cosney Megundal -> Magnus McGilded (Magnus as Magnanimous or Great, Gilded as in coated in gold/super rich. Mc as a reference to the Localisation making him Irish.)

    Oscar Fairplay -> Bruce Fairplay (Unknown why the change, but they intend to give him an Australian twang, so might be a reference to that.)

    Adam Ladyfirst -> Lay D. Furst (Since only the last name had a pun, it was extended to entire name.)

    Mortar Milverton -> Mason Milverton (Changed to an actual name.)

    Pat O'Malley -> Roly Beate (Beat from police beat. First name pun with wife swapped compared to fan translation.)

    Rola O'Malley -> Patricia Beate (Same as above.)

    Hatch Windibank -> Pop Windibank (Pop as in pawning things at the pawnbrokery.)

    Egg Benedict -> Eggert Benedict (Possibly to make the name seem less fake and yet obviously fake.)

    Rupert Crogley -> Ashley Graydon (Original name was Kurogrey = Black Grey = Ash Grey)

    Nemmy Tinpillar -> Nash Skulkin (Nashi = Pear in Japanese. Skulking. Might reference the Skull on

    their clothes.)

    Tully Tinpillar -> Ringo Skulkin (Ringo = Apple in Japanese. Skulking. Might reference the Skull on their clothes.)

    Dmitri Demiglaski -> Vilen Bolshevik (Villain. References the political movement of the Bolsheviks, revolutionaries.)

    (DGS2 up to case 2)

    Haori Murasame -> Rei Membami (Remember Me)

    Heita Mamemomi -> Raiten Menimemo (Writing Many Memos)

    Viridian Green -> Olive Green (Changed to an actual name.)

    Decargo Mieterman -> Adron B. Metermann (A drone bee. Meterman.)

    William Petenshy -> William Shamspeare (Copies Shakespear but is a sham. Initially seems like simple reference to the fact that he copies Shakespear.)

    Mrs. Altamont -> Quinby Altamont (Queen Bee)

    (DGS2 complete)

    Benjamin Dobinbough -> Albert Harebrayne (Reference to Albert Einstein and his presence in Germany. Harebrain from his hyperactiveness.)

    Connette Rozaic -> Esmeralda Tusspells (From her betwetching appearance of a witch. Spells.)

    Lumba Marmatch -> Balthazar Lune

    Maria Goulloyne -> Maria Gorey (Gore, Gory)

    Elyder Meningen -> Odie Asman (Odious Man)

    Anna Mittlemont -> Evie Vigil (Reference to her husband's name, being Evie for Evening.)

    Ann Sasha -> Asa Shinn (Assassin)

    Harry Barricade -> Barry Caiden (Last name split into full name.)

    Maurice De Capable -> Fabien de Rosseau (Possibly a reference to the Fabian strategy of using indirect attacks, but I'm reaching for this one :P)

    Marco Duklutz -> Peppino de Rossi (Peppino sounds like "Pepino", cucumber in Spanish.)

    (For these two I think they're just going for flashy French and Italian names.)

    Everyday Mittlemont -> Daley Vigil (Daily Vigil.)

    Mapatov Stroganov -> Tchikin Strongenov (Chicken Stroganov, Strong Enough)

    Klimt Van Zieks -> Klint Van Zieks (Possibly to make it easier to pronounce.)

    Character Accents and Speaking Styles

    For this section I'll only be detailing the ones we know for sure as having an accent in the written text. Feel free to message me and I can talk with you about all the accents they've noted down for the characters with voiced lines.


    Gina has a strong East End accent, more or less what is known as the Cockney accent. The Tinpillars are the only characters with a heavier one.

    Gregson has a mild East End accent. Inspector Japp from Poirot is an inspiration (played by Philip Jackson).


    Gotts, Maurice and Marco have, respectively, German, French, and Italian accents.

    Barricade has a strong Scottish accent (The origin of the accent wasn't stated, so I can only guess from looking at the lines.)

    Character Shout Bubbles

    For this section I'll detail the speech bubbles used when they differ from the fan translation.


    Chotto! - Hang on! -> 'Scuze me!

    Hai! - Sir! -> Yes!

    Well, there are few of these to begin with, and most carry from previous games :P

    Character Voice Lines (Multiple Witness Mechanics)

    For the most part, most people have variations of "Wait...", "Is that right...?" : That is, puzzlement in their own memories at something that was said, but a bunch of people's reactions have voice lines reacting specifically to something.


    They use regional British exclamations of surprise for a bunch (quick googled explanation in front):

    Fairplay: "Strewth!" (Corruption of God's truth! - Also Australian;)

    Nemmy: "Lumme..." (Corruption of Love me...)

    John Garrideb goes "By Jupiter!" or "I say!".

    Ladyfirst agrees with someone: "Quite right."

    Pat goes "Wha...?!" and falls asleep. Rola laughs.

    Most others are specific to what they're thinking at the moment. So, not a generic surprise but "Oh boy..." from the juror that remembers his abusive wife, "Oh my..." from Joan when she thinks her knife might have done it, etc.

    Megundal has his classic "Well now..." as he plots.

    And apparently there's a line for Rupert talking with Gregson in the files, but near as they can tell it's not used. I don't remember it myself, either.

    Finally, Gregson goes You little toerag! or You little runt! at Nemmy.


    Benjamin: "Great Scott!"

    Gotts, Marco and the other redhead are Bohemian, Italian and French, so the lines reflect this.

    Gotts goes "Zat's piffle!" (That's piffle!) and "Vot rot!" (What rot! - Potentially 'rot' might mean something else.)

    Marco literally says things in Italian and goes "Che?" (Roughly same as Spanish "Que?", or "What?") and "Oddio!" (Roughly the same as "Oh dios" or "Oh God!")

    The taller red-head goes "Is zat so...?"

    (Please keep in mind that all these are meant to be heard, not read.)

    The police officer juror goes "Not in my day!"

    What Characters Call Each other

    Ryuu (DGS1):

    Calls Susato "Miss Susato" or "Susato-san".

    Calls Van Zieks "Lord Van Zieks".

    Calls Kazuma "Kazuma".

    Calls Iris "Iris".

    Calls Holmes "Mr. Sholmes".

    Calls Vortex "Lord Stronghart".

    Calls Mikotoba "Professor Mikotoba"

    Ryuu (DGS2):

    Calls Vortex "My Lord" or "Lord Stronghart".

    Calls Barry Caiden "Governor Caiden".

    Calls Daley Vigil "chief warder Vigil".

    Kazuma (DGS1):

    Calls Ryuu "Ryunosuke".

    Susato (DGS1):

    Calls Ryuu "Mr. Naruhodo" or "Naruhodo-san".

    Calls Kazuma "Kazuma-sama".

    Calls Mikotoba "Father".

    (I am currently under the impression that Ryuu and Susato use Mr. and Miss in public rather than -san because they are speaking in English to each other. But I guess this is my headcanon :P

    Anyway, as you can see both Mr/Miss and -san appear, they're either they're going for a Japanese/English difference in speech, or it's still being worked on.)

    Holmes (DGS1):

    Uses Mr/Miss last name, as far as I can tell. Might have a name for Van Zieks.

    Holmes (DGS2):

    Calls Mikotoba "Mikotoba".

    Iris (DGS1):

    Calls Ryuu "Runo".

    Calls Susato "Susie".

    Calls Holmes "Hurley".

    Calls Gina "Ginny".

    (Runo might seem weird, but I think it's just Iris removing that 'y' from his name so it's not a strange syllable for her.)

    Iris (DGS2):

    Calls Mikotoba "Professor Mickey".

    Calls Van Zieks "Mr. Reaper".

    Gina (DGS1):

    Calls Ryuu 'Oddo.

    Terms different from Fantranslation


    Russians keep bad grammar and use k instead of c "kriminal".

    Funnily enough, they're going with Karuma for the sword. Kazuma Karuma

    Ever heard of the St Synner Hospital :P

    Everyone is so posh back then that they use "accusal" instead of "accusation" :P

    Instead of "Lawyer", "Counsel" is used in this game. Counsel for the defence, Counsel for the prosecution, or just Counsel.

    Van Zieks is called "The Reaper of the Bailey".

    submitted by /u/Tiagofvarela
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    AAI 1-4

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 11:47 AM PST

    I just finished watching the part where little Kay kicks Edgeworth in the ass and I don't think I should've laughed as much as I did.

    submitted by /u/401-Lee
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    Ace Attorney Plushies

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 01:37 PM PST

    Guys I really want a Phoenix Wright Plush but trusted website's are out of stock. Will stocks be replenished or resaled? If you have information, sharing your knowledge would make me very happy.

    submitted by /u/NotCreativeHuuh
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    Great games like Ace Attorney

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 01:55 PM PST

    I want to play a new visual novel that has you figure out the plot like ace attorney. Im not allowed to play danganronpa or 999 so something more age appropriate would be nice

    submitted by /u/Derg14
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    Juniper Woods drawn in my middle school art style.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 04:11 AM PST

    Spirit of Justice In-Game Voice Clip Rips

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 10:25 AM PST

    Consider this an addendum to my previous topic regarding the unique SoJ sound effects that I posted. Here are some of (I think all of, really) the in-game voice clips that were used in Spirit of Justice.


    Spoilers, of course, since some are from breakdowns and key plot moments. Others are just funny. Again, use for whatever, or just archive them along with the sfx I posted before. Hopefully we'll have a comprehensive collection of the SoJ audio clips outside of just the OST for people to download and enjoy.

    submitted by /u/JBoote1
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    Does anyone know how I’m supposed to get the special episode for Dual Destinies? It won’t let me buy it on the eShop.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 01:38 PM PST

    My favorite games from least favorite to most favorite so far.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 09:01 AM PST

    So I finished Apollo Justice and I decided to put some of my ramblings here!

    1. Justice for all.

    Kind of boring, none of the cases are too memorable for me and the final case defiantly isn't on par with the others in the trilogy in my opinion. I will admit that without Reunion, and turnabout, Trials and tribulations wouldn't be as cool.

    1. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.

    I have to give it credit, it's the game that got me into the series but like the Justice for all, the cases don't have as much substance as some of the others. Was fun to play though, and turnabout goodbyes is one of my favorites.

    1. Apollo Justice

    I loved it, I was hesitant when I started but the first case really hooked me. The whole arc with Phoenix and Trucy over the time skip was super cool to me. The way everything came together at the end I enjoyed. Apollo is a great protag and him and Klavier make a great duo. Really fun game. I have seen some people that Turnabout succession wasn't their favorite and the ending was kind of sloppy, I sort of agree with that point but the case was still fun to play. Plus Edgeworth wasn't there and he's my favorite, but I'm starting Edgeworth investigations soon so I don't mind.

    1.Trials and tribulations

    My absolute favorite! The backstory with Mia, Dahlia, and Phoenix was so cool. Like AJ, I loved how the whole story came together at the end, and Bridge to the turnabout is my favorite case in the whole series. Edgeworth pulling strings to defend in place of Phoenix, the Misty plot twist, the Dahlia plot twists, its just so perfect to me!

    submitted by /u/SatanTakeTheWheel_
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