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    Tuesday, January 4, 2022

    Ace Attorney Franziska/Maya Chibi Art by Eggworst

    Ace Attorney Franziska/Maya Chibi Art by Eggworst

    Franziska/Maya Chibi Art by Eggworst

    Posted: 04 Jan 2022 03:19 AM PST

    Machi Tobaye's relief at the end of "Turnabout Corner" in Apollo Justice was one of the cutest & most wholesome thing I've ever seen.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2022 04:00 AM PST

    I'm back at the fandom. Left due to my mom.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2022 03:53 AM PST

    Half a year ago my mom found the Dual Destinies on my phone. She is ultra strict about "VIALENT GAMES THAT BURN BRAIN AND MAKE ALL DO PEWPEW IRL" so yeah, she decided to check what this Ace Attorney thing is. After that i was told to delete the AA games i had on my phone (DD, NDS emulator with Trilogy and Inv). Now, she is less more strict about it, so I'm back.

    submitted by /u/DonSenbernar
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    AsoRyuu could come true, just saying

    Posted: 04 Jan 2022 06:17 AM PST

    Put down your pitchforks of homophobia and paragons of transphobia. I want this to be seen not as a signal for a shipping war, rather, a look into the double standard for straight ships and gay/queer ships.

    AsoRyuu is the ship name for Kazuma Asougi and Ryuunosuke Naruhodou, from the franchise's Great Ace Attorney/Dai Gyakuten Saiban.

    I shall now go into points as to how/why this ship could happen.

    1. Plot subtext - throughout the course of the two games, Asougi and Ryuu are portrayed as "best friends", which is further solidified through our protagonist's constant dialogue of endearment towards the man. However, looking through the lens of romance, we could regard these words of friendship to love (Their term of endearment for one another "partner" has been used throughout history as a substitute for the term lover, for example the term partners in crime). Yes, I agree this is mere speculation, but at the same point, we can look at other ships in the same light, for example: SusaRyuu or NaruMayo or Klapollo, it is never clearly stated that they are canon, so they are just mere speculation from the fandom. If one argues that AsoRyuu is merely the fandom guessing, the same can be said about every ship except the explicitly canon ones (like Klint and his wife or Ron and Desiree Delite).
    2. The ancestor of PW - many have argued that Ryuu could not have ended up with a man for the sole reason of being Phoenix's ancestor. But therein lies the problem with the argument "ancestor", Ryuu is only that, an ancestor, never explicitly stated that he was a direct ancestor to him, to quote Phoenix from "Special Trial 2017", he simply states that the name was somewhere in the family tree, he could be his great grandfather or he could be his great-great-uncle, one should also remember that we don't know Phoenix's biological family, nor Ryuu's, so it's not farfetched to say that Ryuu could've had a brother or a cousin that became Phoenix's great grandpappy or something. (There's also the argument that they act similarly, for example some of their sprites, but again, if I shared Apollo's thinking sprite, would that make us related?)
    3. Men can't have babies without women - this only further expands my second point, we don't know if Phoenix is directly descended from Ryuu, there is no proof, all the material say that he's an ancestor and so did the wiki. But let's say Ryuu was his great grandpappy, there still would be chances for him to have children other than having a wife. Lest we forget that adoption, surrogacy, one night stands gone wrong, and lots of other procedures. In adoption, they are still family through and through in all except blood. In surrogacy, they could have one of them give sperm to a willing woman. In the last one, a lot of people have had flings that ended up with a child.
    4. Gay people didn't exist in history - let me redirect you to r/SapphoAndHerFriend for that one.
    5. Ryuu and Asougi aren't gay - as with previous points, no canon material has called Ryuu "straight" with confirmation from the writers, it is still plausible for him to be anything, he could be gay, bi, ace, pan, trans, anything really--all we truly know of Ryuu is that he's a guy who studied English in Yumei, nothing else of his past except the first escapade where he recalls how he and Asougi met. This argument can be said of every character in every story, you can't gatekeep who they're attracted to just because of them thinking a certain person is attractive, that still doesn't narrow down their sexuality.
    6. Forcing a narrative - as with a lot of gay ships, there will be the argument that we are forcing a narrative, but they never think about how straight ships are shoved down our throats in most media without them being a necessity, like in an action movie. If you've realised, I haven't made a single accusation against straight ship in this "essay", yes I've made comparisons, but I haven't said anything horrible about them, the same cannot be said for other shippers who dislike gay ships, they will go out of their way to point out weird details just to stop the gay.
    7. Lastly, AsoRyuu is cute - okay, this one isn't serious, but look at them, they are adorable together.

    This was an essay to point out how bewildering some shippers are when it comes to gay ships to a point where they bring up these arguments just to shoo the gay away. There is no good reason for someone to condemn a ship simply for existing-- because ships are only that, simple fun the fandom creates to enjoy.

    Edit: realised I only put Gyakuten Saiban instead of Dai Gyakuten Saiban, sorry

    submitted by /u/Pleasant_Mess_3737
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    My Case Tier List (give your opinion but pls be nice)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2022 02:33 AM PST

    My Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Review

    Posted: 04 Jan 2022 06:44 AM PST

    TL;DR: This is a great duology of games and a must-play for fans of the franchise, and they deserve all of the credit in the world for FINALLY solving the eternal problem of making investigations interesting (dance of deductions is my favorite "gimmick" in the series by far), but they still feel like they're lacking something the original trilogy had.

    The good: The games look and sound great. That's the first thing. While I am a fan of the 2d art I can absolutely see the benefit of moving up to 3d because some of these animations are stunning. The details in the artwork shine and as per usual the character designs are another level, there are no misses. I would have given a miss to Hugh Boone but then it turned out that was a disguise, so even that ended up working!

    I mentioned it in my quick rundown but I have always held the opinion that the investigation segments of Ace Attorney are boring...until these games. For the first time EVER I actually had fun playing these parts. This is such a huge boon to the franchise that you can reasonably call these the best Ace Attorney games just for solving this puzzle alone and it would be hard to disagree. I wasn't dreading the end of trial segments anymore! How novel

    The characters are great, Van Zieks' arc is one of my favorite in the series and he's an awesome prosecutor. I wasn't sure what to think of how over the top he was but I shouldn't have worried. He ended up being arguably the deepest character in the cast. Come to think of it, it's hard to even argue.

    I was going to criticize the cases in the first game, but you know what? I won't. Sure, the tutorial case is slow. That's a fair cop. But in retrospect, and after watching a replay, the second case is really, REALLY good. Like fantastically good, and ambitious. This case has so many twists and turns to it and some great moral complexities that the series to its credit does a terrific job exploring, and the final cutscene is one of the most shocking in Ace Attorney history.

    The Clouded Kokoro is a filler case, but it's REALLY good filler, more "The Stolen Turnabout" than "Turnabout Samurai", and I was moved by some moments of the trial. Gina's trial is a little disappointing with all of the loose ends, but it is better in retrospect with the sequel out.

    Great Ace Attorney 2 is really just stellar. The first case does drag a little again, and the second case is just fine, like B tier. But case 3 is a widely regarded masterpiece and it is great, there are so many different things going in as you dig deeper and deeper into it (and credit to the game for not insulting my intelligence and having Ryunosuke and Susato recognize Kazuma immediately). Case 4 is set-up but case 5 is arguably THE most ambitious case in the franchise, wrapping up every plot line from not just one but two different games and doing it mostly successfully, and the ending is quite touching.

    So what are my issues with it?

    For a start, "The Resolve of Ryunosuke Naruhodo" may be ambitious but IMO it isn't the absolute masterpiece people say it is. I detailed why here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AceAttorney/comments/rul32l/issues_with_the_resolve_of_ryunosuke_naruhodo/ . Suffice to say despite some good faith replies that I appreciate my opinion of it hasn't yet been swayed.

    I also think the first game was just too depressing. I know it was part 1 of a duology, but even so it was sold as a full game in its own right. Kazuma's death just went too far for an Ace Attorney game IMO, especially with the way he died. I praised the second trial earlier and I stand by it but by the end of it it's pretty hard to feel good about what you're doing as an attorney.

    And while yeah, 2-3 is great and a lot of fun I REALLY don't know how I feel about the way they brought Kazuma back. On one hand the game absolutely does use him and it was clearly planned. On the other hand, his death is the catalyst for a lot of Ryunosuke's decisions afterward and giving him amnesia just...doesn't hit right. The game uses amnesia as a plot device surprisingly often (the whole franchise does actually) and it strikes me as a little too convenient.

    As fun as the characters are, I stand by my initial assessment of Susato. Takami said he designed her with the idea in mind that she would be someone the player wanted to spend time with. I appreciate that and I do LIKE Susato, but she just doesn't have the personality of Maya. Maya didn't feel like she was there for the player, she had her own life and goals and a bubbly, memorable personality on top of it. Susato...isn't a total blank slate but it's clear to me that her whole creation was conceived under the auspices of "let's make the perfect Ace Attorney cute girl sidekick". And sure, it works. But it doesn't stand out as much to me.

    I like the games a lot, but to me they were missing a little of that sense of fun of the first trilogy, especially in the first game. And while they are must-plays, I do find myself excited to return to Apollo Justice.

    Recommendation: Highly, highly recommended.

    submitted by /u/Senku2
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    turnabout revolution - plot bullet points?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2022 02:17 AM PST

    this is a bit of a weird request, i'm so sorry. spoilers for the last case of spirit of justice.

    i've played SoJ but turnabout revolution is a LONG case, and i really need a refresher of how the murder took place, especially a timeline of events. i'm reading through the wikipedia, but there's so much information to take in and i really need it stripped down to it's bare essentials of what happened in what order.

    starting with maya being kidnapped and dhurke dying, and ending with ga'ran being overthrown, could one of you guys please help me bullet point out a timeline of everything that happens in that case? i'd appreciate it so much!! thank you in advance <3

    submitted by /u/GABR1ELKIT
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    What Tier For 4-2, Turnabout Corner?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2022 01:26 AM PST

    Mip mip, vweeeeeeeew, BAM

    (have no idea what I'm doing)

    But let's go for Turnabout Corner

    4-1 score : somewhere between 0 and 10.

    Good day everyone!

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    submitted by /u/DeadRev0lt
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    What tier would you put Trials & Tribulations on?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2022 06:47 AM PST

    Which of these has your favorite cast of characters in the series?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2022 07:35 AM PST

    If you'd like, leave a comment ranking them from most to least liked as well.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Evelinessa
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    My ace attorney oc (leader of new ultimate despair) (can you create Japanese and American name of this character)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2022 07:49 AM PST

    Since I've grown tired of whack tier lists, here's the case tier list of a somewhat rational person.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2022 07:48 AM PST

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