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    Thursday, August 12, 2021

    Ace Attorney Case tier list based on bodily harm suffered by Phoenix

    Ace Attorney Case tier list based on bodily harm suffered by Phoenix

    Case tier list based on bodily harm suffered by Phoenix

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 06:30 PM PDT

    I wish we had gotten a game like this on 3DS.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 06:54 AM PDT

    Gumshoe Doodles!

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 12:11 PM PDT

    With Ace Attorney Chronicles finally seeing the light of day in the US, what are the chances that investigations 1 and 2 will get hd ports, with 2 finally having an official localization?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 11:06 AM PDT

    Friendship Bracelet!

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 02:57 PM PDT

    U guys have no idea how excited I am to start this ^^

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 11:37 AM PDT

    So why does the great ace attorney look more like Phoenix than Phoenix in DD (minus hair style)

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 03:34 PM PDT

    Eye Rolling

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 09:04 PM PDT

    Early Morning Sword Practice (fanart)

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 05:38 PM PDT

    Anyone else think the UI in Ace Attorney HD is just gross and cheaping looking? Apollo Justice remaster totally got it right.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 11:48 AM PDT

    TWUCY‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 05:58 AM PDT

    The Great detective Herlock Sholmes fanart

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 09:53 PM PDT

    Justine Courtney and Courtney Sithe! [OC]

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 12:26 PM PDT

    Who is the Worst Father in the Franchise?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 03:28 PM PDT

    If you answered other please Spoiler Mark for the Great Ace Attorney games and the Layton Crossover as I've yet to play those games

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Skibot99
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    From Chronicles - A strong contender for the best prosecutor theme in the series, in my opinion.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 04:43 PM PDT

    Random question about Gumshoe and Phoenix

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 11:03 PM PDT

    I was listening to someone's live play of the first game, and I just got to the first day of Case 1-4 where Phoenix ran into Gumshoe right as he arrived at Gourd Lake. By this time, Gumshoe was still calling Phoenix by the wrong name (the Butz guy), and then this question occurred to me:

    Did Gumshoe ever call Phoenix by his correct name by the end of Trials and Tribulations? My memory tells me he just says "Pal" when he sees Phoenix. But with Edgeworth, Gumshoe addresses him as Mr. Edgeworth (similarly towards the von Karmas), so obviously he doesn't call everybody "Pal".

    This is such a random thought, but I can't get it off my head. Any idea?

    submitted by /u/bzzzz2018
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    Thoughts on the new mechanics introduced in The Great Ace Attorney?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 01:41 PM PDT

    Hey y'all! Was wondering what you guys thought of the 2 (3?) new mechanics introduced in The Great Ace Attorney:

    1. Multiple witnesses/witness reactions: I haven't played AA5 and AA6 yet (kind of a new fan), but up until now I think this is the first time in AA where multiple witnesses take the stand, where one witness can react to another witnesses statement, allowing you to pursue and possibly glean more information. Usually the game straight up tells you when to do this, although I love how in Adventures-5 one of the cases of witness reaction is intentionally trying to draw attention, and in another moment you're not given a notification because it's a secret, covert discussion.
    2. The jury/summation examination: While not bearing any resemblance to any real-life jury system I've ever heard of, the majority of TGAA cases include juries, who you can press for more information and whose statements you can pit against one another, to prolong the trial but, in reality, gain new information.
    3. The Deduction Dance: Herlock presents a scenario based on the clues present at the scene, you offer corrections at relevant points upon further examination at the scene, with super fun animations and special effects.

    Personally, I love all of these, although I think #1 has the same issue as the Perceive and Logic Chess mechanics in that it's overly tutorialized, and the game spends more time teaching you how to do it than it does using the mechanic to its full potential. I think #1 is much better than the above examples in this regard, but I wish there'd been more creative use of it, with like Adventures-5. That said, it integrates into gameplay very smoothly (moreso than Perceive, which felt more disruptive), and I do love all the little character reaction voice clips, from (Adventures-3) McGilded's sly "well now" (Resolve-3) Harebrayne's "Great Scott!"

    Summation examination is also a lot of fun, not the least of which because the jurors are colorful, fun, silly characters who, while probably not suited for any jury in real life, fit in well with the world of TGAA, with memorable character designs and funny dialogue. My main issue with the summation examination is that it is, of the three mechanics, the most weirdly integrated into the plot: (Adventures-3) Van Zieks makes it clear that the summation examination is not only an archaic feature of British law, but also one that fell out of use because it didn't usually make a difference in trials, which is in stark contrast to how effective summation examinations prove to be in TGAA, and also makes the characters' acceptance of it past Adventures-3 in later trials kind of odd, at least to me. Not to mention that multiple summation examinations can happen in a single trial, which makes it, as a law, incredibly biased towards the defense especially since the prosectuion can't say anything during an examination. I think it's a mechanic that, like the Magatama, makes more sense from a mechanic standpoint than a story standpoint, which I'm fine with, it just seems a bit clumsier. But, despite the fun I have with the jury system, (Resolve-4&5) I'm glad it's missing in the last two cases of TGAA2. Whether or not this was for budget constraints, I don't know, but the reason for its absence is perfectly integrated into the story, the trial is still fantastic without it, and it helps sell the epic finale.

    The deduction dance is the simplest, but, again, I love it, although I'm not entirely sure why. A part of it is that the banter is always excellent for each of these scenes, a part of it is the admittedly great animation and sense of energy it carries, but I also think it helps spruce up investigation sections. I was surprised to see Adventures-2 doesn't have a trial section, but to my surprise, by the end of it, I didn't care. I loved the case, and thought the deduction dance was used to great effect here that I didn't miss trials the way I did in many of the cases in the AAI games.

    What do y'all think?

    submitted by /u/tarutighwi
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    Just finished Episode 1 of Resolve and I'm already hyped up for the future cases

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    Maggey and Marie

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 10:15 AM PDT

    I'm really enjoying doing these! This time it's Kay Faraday

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 12:44 AM PDT

    Odd question but if you could pick a theme if u were an attorney in aa what would it be?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 02:42 PM PDT

    For example like godots thing is coffee,Fran has her whip, klavier is a rockstar, etc.I'm currently studying to be a paralegal and I'm thinking of making my outfits like a night theme/space theme but I'm honestly not sure yet haha

    submitted by /u/mickNcheez
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    Does this character from 20th century boy remind you of a certain AA1 character?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 09:48 AM PDT

    some pixel arts i did, swipe right for more.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 11:42 PM PDT

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