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    Sunday, August 15, 2021

    Ace Attorney Weekly Poll [55]: What is your favourite Lobby theme?

    Ace Attorney Weekly Poll [55]: What is your favourite Lobby theme?

    Weekly Poll [55]: What is your favourite Lobby theme?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 02:50 PM PDT

    My friend was kind enough to get me an autograph from Larry Butz’s Voice actor at our local Con. I had a chat with Mr. Martin, as well, it was a joy talking to him. This made my year!

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 05:57 PM PDT


    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 09:53 PM PDT

    Barok stays behind after trials to clean up the broken wine bottles and chalices | art by @nyanzzieks

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 07:08 AM PDT

    [OC] athena cykes!

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 05:39 PM PDT

    I did some drawings :D

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    I drew Ema Skye from the first Phoenix Wright game (idk how to add more than one flair)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 05:21 PM PDT

    Runo's amazing deductive skills (TGAA2-4)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 09:13 PM PDT

    Cursed edit. Cursed edit

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    Shih-na has one of my favourite designs from AAI, so i drew her

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 11:21 AM PDT

    Okay, that just hurts… (TGAA 2-4 SPOILERS)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 02:16 PM PDT

    Objection! (I work in a courthouse)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 11:31 AM PDT

    Pearl got caught

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    Finished TGAA2: Resolve. Here are some of my thoughts (Spoiler)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 06:16 PM PDT


    My favorite games of the AA Series are Trials & Tribulations and Investigations 2. I can definitely say that Resolve is on par with these two so I will put it in that tier.

    • OST: God Tier, same with Adventures. Hearing this song in Case 3 literally gave me chills. Also this one care of Herlock and Yujin. And these two themes of Kazuma were both singularly fitting remixes.

    • Characters: I am in love with all the returning (and unreturning characters, RIP Tobias, one of the most enigmatic characters in this game). The new characters were all interesting on their own. The best ones imo are Dr. Courtney Sithe, Maria Gorey, and Enoch Drebber (appear all in one case lmao). I can definitely say that the MVP on this game aside from Ryunosuke is Herlock Sholmes and Yujin to an extent. The Voice Actors were amazing, props to them!

    • Story: I think Case 1 & 2 were a bit slow although I honestly really like Ryutaro. The Olive Green case was my least favorite in Adventures so I think that's also a factor. Come Case 3 & beyond, I just know the writing is good. Case 3 was phenomenal. You can really see how Barok was before he became the "Reaper". Case 4 plus 5 is definitely the best with all the big reveals and twists. Mael Stronghart & Judge Jigoku, you deserve a special place in hell I really dig the Ending/Conclusion.

    • Overall: GREAT, pun intended. Being in a Tier with T&T and Investigations 2 says a lot.

    Some musings:

    • Barok van Zieks deserves better. I can't believe he held his ground when the secret was told. I would definitely breakdown if I were him. But he stayed and pursued the truth until the end.
    • Can't wait for a time skip Gina Lestrade. Please!
    • Love how the writers approached telling Iris who her father is. Herlock and Yujin are cool dads. Just really glad that the genius that is Iris Wilson is under the best care in the world.
    • I am gonna miss the Susato Throw and of course, Ryutaro herself, Susato!
    • My emotions for Asogi was a roller coaster ride. I was like, "I like this guy in the first game. Oh, I don't like this guy. Scratch that, I like him" Repeat. Now that I think about it, he's a mix of Edgeworth (finds the truth about dad), Godot(attorney turned prosecutor), and Blackquill(good samurai). All in one majestic beast, Kazuma Asogi.
    • I jumped when Yujin Mikotoba was revealed to be the Watson all along And his VA was the narrator too, how could I miss that. Goated.
    • Herlock Sholmes bamboozled us. He wasn't lacking at his deductions at all. He was using "guiding questions" with Ryunosuke. Every single time he mentions something is "wrong", it's on purpose. Dance of Deduction is insane.
    • Ryunosuke Naruhodo. In Adventures, he still has doubts on his ability as a lawyer. He has this thought that he's "just a replacement". But in Resolve, the subtitle says it all. He resolved his doubts and became a full-fledged attorney. Love his banter with Kazuma in the last trial. That's confidence. Not because Kazuma told him so, but because of Ryunosuke's own ability. Fitting with the title of the Great Ace Attorney.
    • Did I mention Herlock Sholmes? That's the sentence.
    submitted by /u/rozeluxe08
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    My problem with Maya in Spirit of Justice (spoilers)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 03:53 PM PDT

    We all know and love Maya Fey (well, most of us at least). I think her role as a character is clear in the original trilogy: in the first game she has to go through a whole character arc which consists on her feeling that she is not useful to anyone. This took her to such an extreme that in the final case she faced von Karma and, as a result of this, she got electrocuted by a taser only to prove that she can be useful. I would say that the best Maya of the series is found in the first game.

    Her role in Justice for All does not convince me that much, since in the cases where her character is truly relevant, she is simply accused of murder or kidnapped. In her favor, this makes Phoenix develope as a character in Farewell My Turnabout, as well as reinforces their bonds even more. Also, at least we can enjoy her full character in the third case.

    In Trials and Tribulations we have two whole cases to enjoy Maya as an assistant and, in the final case, she goes through a character arc again which, although more subtle than in the first game, makes her mature as well as it closes the plot of the Fey family.

    I wish I could say the same for her role in Spirit of Justice.

    To begin with, her personality remains exactly the same except for a couple of dialogues from the third case that suggest she is slightly different from before; I'm okay with that, the issue is that as her growth as a person is not very noticeable, the game itself has to tell us: "wow, look how she has changed, she has matured". I think something much better could have been done than this, which also highlights one of the obvious problems with the game: the lack of subtlety. The worst thing, however, I think is the use that the game makes of her: appearing on the cover of the game and seeing the promotional campaign Maya received, one would expect her character to be crucial in the story. Nothing could be further from the truth: it takes 3 cases for her to appear and, once she does, she is immediately charged with murder. The problem with this is that this is a trope that has already been repeated many, many times and feels lacking in ideas and repetitive, as well as wasting a good chance of having her as an assistant again and see how the dynamic between her and Phoenix has evolved. To make things even worse, she is later charged with murder AGAIN in the SAME case.

    It's like the game tried to parody the original trilogy, but not in purpose: it simply tries to raise the stakes and, in the end, the character of Maya seems like a simple plot device to force the drama in this game. On the second day of the case, what I say gets even more obvious, because during 80% of the trial she just channels the victim so that we can solve the case. In case 5 everything gets even worse: first she is kidnapped AGAIN to again force the drama and give birth to the infamous civil trial that we all know. Later, in that same case, she is used again as a plot device so that the mystery of the case makes sense, and two characters make use of her as well (Dhurke and Inga). Not only all she has to offer is fanservice and being a walking plot convenience, but the characters themselves use her as a device of their convenience. I find it ridiculous. She doesn't even have a character arc this time nor has any really interesting chemistry with anyone, since she only appears in two cases, 3 and 5: in 3 she is absent 70% of the time and in 5 she only appears to be cross-examinated once. She only has actual chemistry with Phoenix, but we see very little of it outside of the DLC, and... it's just more of the same, as it remains exactly as it was in the original trilogy.

    The mere inclusion of Maya in Spirit of Justice denotes to me the obvious problem with the inclusion of old and new characters; the writers have too many new characters but, at the same time, they keep including old characters out of fanservice and fear that the games will not have interest to fans. And the best thing for the franchise is that they stop doing it; especially if they are going to receive Maya's treatment.

    submitted by /u/GarouAPM
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    Iris but coloured lines! lmk what you think about it

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 08:29 PM PDT

    With the height difference in their sprites, this is all I picture whenever these two interact

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 04:23 AM PDT

    Maya sells fireworks

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 03:25 PM PDT

    Does anyone know where I can find this render of Phoenix? I can’t seem to find it for the life of me without it also including Edgeworth and the logo. I remember seeing it used as a thumbnail for Johneawesome’s lets play of JFA so I assume it’s real.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 01:03 PM PDT

    Justice for All Ending

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 05:36 PM PDT

    Does anybody know if de Killer has killed Engarde yet? In Investigations 2, de Killer had a new target which implies that he did kill Engarde but I just wanted to make sure.

    submitted by /u/TeezyYT
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    I finished TGAA:Chronicles! Here are my top 5 moments from the game. DANGER: SPOILERS FROM EVERYTHING!

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 10:14 PM PDT

    In no particular order.

    • TGAA1-2. At first glance, the second case from the first game seems like a "Mia Case", where your best friend and mentor dies for the sake repurposing Kazuma's objective to Naruhodou, pushing his story forward and giving him the motivation to become a lawyer.

    But this case is so much more to me. First, it introduces us to the best character in the game, Herlock Sholmes. It then presents one of the best mechanics introduced in Ace Attorney: Dance of Deduction. And to top it off, what I realized while doing Case TGAA:2-5, is that we see just a glimpse of Sholmes deduction powers, by revealing how Pavlova killed Kazuma. And that ending, where it cuts from Kazuma's glance to the wardrobe, to Pavlova's face is one of the best directed parts of the whole game. Truly one of the best cases for me personally.

    • Introduction to Enoch Drebber. I just love this guy's design. I just love the way he moves. I love his music. Every second with him on screen was really fun to listen to and break him down. Plus, he has one of the best setups for the following cases.

    • Case 1-3. This is a no-brainer. This is our first case inside a British court and we truly see the beginnings of a gigantic tread of conspiracy and betrayal. McGilded is an amazingly well written character; It truly made me triple-guess whenever he spoke. Is he truly a villain? Is he just a misunderstood anti-hero? Is he just unlucky? But by the end of the case, we get that bittersweet win that setups the rest of the game. Case 3 curse this game ain't havin'

    • Case 2-5 Dance of Deduction. Do I even need to explain myself? Just Tap Dance!

    • Kazuma is alive. Okay, let me just say first that I saw this coming but so did Naruhodou and Susato, which I do appreciate, since the moment he appeared, everyone could've guessed it was Kazuma, so I am glad the game actually acknowledged that and just revealed him after the end of case 2-3. What makes it top for me is that the reunion is quite sweet and it also helps reveal one of the biggest red herring twists of the game, that being of his father identity. That was a turning point for Kazuma, Zieks and Naruhodou, in which trust was not an option and they'd have to fight each other to get to the truth. And so they did!

    submitted by /u/jado1stk2
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    What do you guys recommend for playing Dual destinies? I like the controls on 3ds, but image quality is way better on the phone.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 08:22 AM PDT

    Didn't enjoy AA Chronicles: Adventure that much. Would like to hear people's thoughts on some quick criticism

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 04:51 PM PDT

    What I liked:

    -Good characters as always and some animation that brings life and expression to them.

    -Interesting ending and I'm excited and curious to see what comes next.

    What I didn't like:

    -The big thing is everything takes too damn long. Investigations, doing Sholmes corrections, pressing witnesses, even just the normal dialogue. There's way more fluff text and pointless dilly-dallying than any of the original trilogy games (I went back and played it just to make sure and it's not my imagination). It really wore me down by the end, which is not a feeling I want from an AA game.

    -Reliance on contrivance and coincidence. There's so much right place/right time, wrong place/wrong time, or just plain dumb luck in this game. Furthermore, every single case would've been lost if certain people weren't on the jury. No stagecoach guy in case 3? We lose. No maid/wife in case 4? We lose. No ballistics expert on case 5? We lose. Which leads me to...

    -The jury system. This one is ironic because Britain is supposed to have this model law system that is put on a pedestal but it's completely farcical. The fact that they can hear one testimony and make up their minds is crazy. And only an obscure never-been-used footnote in their law lets you challenge that? I understand it's not the real legal system of course it's just hilarious that this is the model for the world and nobody has questioned its shittiness. Overall I felt it could've been done better.

    Anyway I didn't hate the game but I found myself not enjoying it as much as other entries. Which is disappointing because many people say it's one if the best in the series. Anyway looking forward to part 2.

    submitted by /u/idocrunches
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    Is there a reason why pursuing witnesses is "Scuse me!" instead of "Hang on!"?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 12:07 PM PDT

    Seems like the mechanic in GAA is the same as in PWvPL, but they use two different terms for it. Why is that?

    submitted by /u/Mavrickindigo
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    Ace Attorney girls placed on a Girlboss / Hapless + Refined / Edgy compass.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 12:58 AM PDT

    Not my original design for an older Shi-Long Lang, but I like this one way better

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 10:47 PM PDT

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