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    Sunday, August 22, 2021

    Ace Attorney All the money I spent for a new graphic tablet went to this. Worth it

    Ace Attorney All the money I spent for a new graphic tablet went to this. Worth it

    All the money I spent for a new graphic tablet went to this. Worth it

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 01:28 PM PDT

    the game is afoot!!

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 04:18 PM PDT

    epic blue badger made by my friend

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    Just a reminder that this game exists

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 04:50 PM PDT

    Wincey Payne!

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 12:33 PM PDT

    Ace Attorney characters have ridiculous designs, there’s no way anyone back then styled their hair like Mr. Garrideb di—

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 10:50 PM PDT

    Anyone struggling with the stereoscopic cat pictures? Aren't they being displayed the wrong way around?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 04:53 PM PDT

    Gina Lestrade...

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 08:40 PM PDT

    Is my new favorite character in the entire series.
    Rogues/redeemers are my favorite character archetype, and I've been really happy with what they've done with her over the course of 2 games. From starting off really standoffish, slowly opening up to Iris and friends, and overcoming her inability to trust others, while also testing and reaffirming Ryunosuke's commitment to believing in his clients to the end after what happened before. It was a very nice note for the first game to end on.
    And then she completely turns her life around, and she's so much more positive and hopeful for her future, while keeping her mischievous/rogueish personality intact. People also treat her completely differently: in the first game, everyone saw her as a troublemaking child despite her not being THAT young, but by the second game she has earned a lot of respect despite not that much time passing. I'm only on case 3 of the second game, so I still have some more to go, but I'm already really happy with her character arc.

    submitted by /u/PikminWarrior
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    If the Judge is ever given a name, I want his last name to be "Judge".

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 03:25 PM PDT

    Not only would it be funny, but because his text box has "Judge" as his name, it would mean we've been calling him by his name ever since the first game.

    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
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    Is this a reference to the 80's song by The Police? (GAA 1-5)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    Kazuma doodle! Going to try van Zieks next

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 06:23 PM PDT

    After playing "Turnabout Big Top" for the first time and loving it, I decided to search for the general opinion. Oh, well... lol

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 05:10 PM PDT

    I'm playing the original trilogy for the first time, and today I finished "Turnabout Big Top". I'm a little sad to know that this is the most hated AA case, because so far it's one of my favorites. lol

    The only part I really hated was the cape landing on the bust. But honestly, at this point I'm already used to far fetched logic in AA cases. Most cases so far had one of these. I mean, we have spirit mediums who transform their bodies, and that's used as evidence in court!

    Also, somehow I missed the fact that Regina was 16yo when I was playing. Knowing that now, it really makes the love triangle very creepy. However, it's not like I had any deep respect for Max or Ben to start with. They're awful pedophiles, but that doesn't make the story bad in my opinion.

    What I really liked in this case in comparison to the others was:

    • No culprit breakdown, finally! I hate how the culprits in other cases become extremely out-of-character when contradicted in court. When I realized Acro was the culprit, I was already imagining how that calm guy would become villainous and ridiculous when the truth was revealed. To my surprise, he didn't! He remained calm and in-character until the very end.
    • This time, the villain is more tragic than purely evil. Even though Acro's actions were unrational and unjustified, I can actually understand the psychological reasons that made him act that way. His mind was probably a mess, he and his brother were also victims, and the fact that he ended up killing the person he admired only makes the whole situation more tragic. In the end, I only felt sad for him.
    • In general, I like the investigation parts of "Justice for all" way more when compared to the first game. I love the new psyche-locks mechanics! Also, I feel like the steps required to progress are actually more intuitive. In the first game, I often got stuck because I needed to present an evidence to someone seemingly unrelated, so I had to try every combination of evidence-person, always. That was exhausting! The worst episode in my opinion was the extra, "Rise from the Ashes". Man, that one was so long and counter-intuitive!

    That said, I understand the reasons why this case is so hated now that I read some of the opinions. But I still love it, so I wanted to share my point of view. lol

    There's just one thing I still don't understand about the story though... maybe someone here could help me out: was there a reason why the ringmaster was using Max's costume during the murder? Did he just want to disguise himself and randomly chose Max's costume?

    submitted by /u/PericlesCarvalho
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    I can’t believe this (TGAAC2-1)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 07:55 PM PDT

    I just finished the case and I can't believe the culprit was thrown not once, but twice. The second one was by the Judge, of all people! Lmao. The Japanese Supreme Court Judge has more of a spine than the Japanifornia Judge we're all used to.

    Also, Auchi is so extra for making a big deal out of a topknot that was barely even there

    submitted by /u/No-Balance-2226
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    Looking Back on The First Turnabout + My History With Ace Attorney

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 10:05 PM PDT

    A bit of context about my history with the franchise, and why I'm making this post.

    Before 2019, I discovered AA through a now deleted stream of someone on Ace Attorney Online. I never knew the games existed and only knew about the concept of the franchise. I spent a few months on there, made a few friends, got a few plotpoints spoiled because I was and still am a dumb teen, and had fun acting out some improvised stories. I don't know why, but we never did actual trials and I was just obsessed with giving Apollo Spider-Man powers. It's been about a year and a half since I left AAO and stopped talking to my friends on there.

    Some time in 2019 when I was 15 and the PW Trilogy HD was released, I got into the series by watching the Game Grumps play the game. I really liked what I was seeing, and I decided to buy the game on my Switch. I immediately fell in love with the series.

    Halfway through JFA, one of my teachers in 10th grade had a quarterly project for us, where we would do something we've never done to get out of our comfort zone. I decided that my project was gonna be writing a movie script since I'm a big fan of movies, but I wasn't as imaginative with coming up with concepts for movies as I am now, so I decided to base my script off of the first two cases of PW. I finished the script in about three weeks and was really proud of it, but after some rewrites due to too many plotholes, it's incomplete now, along with a now deleted sequel script based off of 2-4. I don't think my teacher read it, but this project was about the effort put in so I got an A. After that and finishing the rest of the trilogy, I was so inspired by the games and my script that I wanted to make more concepts for movies.

    I came up with the concepts for future movies while playing AJ on my phone, while also making covers of AA songs for YouTube with a music website I discovered in a 7th grade music class. These concepts began to go into games I hadn't played yet, and because my script layouts were basically just adapting the final case of every game, I spoiled even more plotpoints because I was and still am a dumb teen.

    But I had fun thinking of new stories to tell with the foundation laid by the first four games and the Fandom wikia pages of the rest. I wanted to, and still want to play Apollo if I had the chance, and I was so dedicated that I started screaming "Objection!" occasionally so that I could try to mimic his voice. Nowadays, while I still hope to make the movies and continue to develop more original stories and ideas for this film series, I haven't written a script nor touched the original script in months due to a lack of motivation and fear that any revisions I make to my early movies will affect later movies negatively. That script still had a postive impact on me, and I still want to go to college and become a film director. I'll cherish that script forever, even if I never use it again.

    In late 2020, a few months after I made a Reddit account and while I was playing DD, I found this subreddit and joined it. To this day, I'm glad I joined, as it's helped me immensely with developing my storytelling, and helped me to appreciate these games in new ways. I continued to play the games, completing DD, AAI, SOJ, AAI2, and playing PLvAA, when reviewing all the cases became a more popular topic thanks to JC-DisregardMe's Case Discussion Threads and Abencoa's 40 Cases, 40 Days. I wanted to try this since I've always taken these cases at face value, and I thought my memory would serve good enough and only needed to be assisted by the wikia pages, rewatching some scenes on YouTube, and my roommate playing PW after I bought him the Trilogy.

    Rather than reviewing the cases in order, I wanted to review them by least favorite to favorite. I reviewed about 60% percent of the cases within two weeks, but after that, I found it harder and harder to put my opinions into words. I didn't know why back then, but now, I think it's because it was harder to remember the cases.

    I never considered the idea of replaying the games, both because of my order of reviews, and because I didn't think I'd get anything out of it. These games were built on newfound logic, shocking twists, and discovering things I didn't know about these characters, so what was there to gain from replaying?

    I stopped making the reviews and deleted my posts, and outside of the Case Discussion Threads, I spent less time giving my detailed thoughts on cases, and more time looking back on my memories of the cases, which made it harder to get into discussions when I would get annoyed by something as little as someone wording their opinion as if its an objective fact, something I'm sure I've probably done and was just being hypocritical about.

    Chronicles came out, I played it and loved it. I sold the game since I wasn't a game collector and didn't have a reason to keep it since I didn't think I would ever revisit it. But recently, I've started to question my idea of these games and their replay value.

    I thought about how my memories of these games constantly changed, how my nostalgia and bias affect my memories and discussions with other people, and how my opinions were inconsistently positive and negative. I didn't like the idea that these games I've cherised for almost two years, and have changed who I am as a person, weren't worth my time, and that all my memories were wrong.

    But I don't want my memories of this franchise on their own to be the motivation for my career and foundation of my adulthood. These games have affected my type of storytelling and who I am, so I want to make sure these games hold up, because even though my first playthrough is something I'll always cherish, the only way I'll ever experience these games again is through replays.

    I want to find what I think works and what doesn't work in these games, and I want to apply this knowledge to how I tell stories. I want to fix what went wrong and evolve what went right. Through direct or indirect action, I want to leave an impact on this franchise as great as the impact it's left on me.

    So with that said, this is the beginning of my look back on the Ace Attorney games, starting with The First Turnabout.

    History With This Case

    It's hard to remember my initial thoughts on this case, and a ton of earlier cases in major detail. The most confident memory I have was that I thought it was good.

    Over the months, and after watching my roommate play the case, I started holding it in higher regard due to it being the first case ever. I think nostalgia clouded a lot of my judgement since, even though it's an important part of the series, I think now it should be evaluated the same as other cases, with its placement in the series not being an excuse for any weak aspects it may house.

    I'll try my best to avoid spoilers of future cases, and for future posts, every case and game that came before the discussed case or game is open to spoilers.

    This case will be judged by its characters and trial segment. Character criticism will revolve around the character's personality, role in the story, and their actions throughout the case. Trial segment criticism will revolve around the enjoyability of the cross examinations, and quality of the story being told during that segment.

    Court is now in session for the trial of The First Turnabout.


    Phoenix Wright

    Phoenix is a good character here. Despite being a rookie, he has understandable motivations for taking on a murder trial, that being to save a childhood friend. It feels like he's continuously learning how to be a good attorney throughout this case, and both his self-doubt when he thinks he lost the case, and his determination to find the truth and save Larry feel genuine. However, with this being his first appearance in a case, and a short case at that, these aspects are less developed than they will be in the future. He leaves a good impression, just not a great one.

    Mia Fey

    Mia's a good character as well. Although she's more experienced and has less to lose than Phoenix does, it feels like she cares about the trial just as much as Phoenix does. Unlike Phoenix whose determination comes from beating the case, Mia's comes more from helping Phoenix beat the case, and although her being more experienced runs the risk of her looking like she's not telling Phoenix the answer so that he can prove to her that he's a good attorney, here it feels more like she's encouraging Phoenix to carry on so that he can prove to himself that he's a good attorney, which I appreciate. Again, this being her first appearance means she can't be as developed as future appearances, but she leaves a good impression.

    Larry Butz

    Larry's a fun character and a good defendant. He has a pitiful charm to him with how little anything goes his way, like his girlfriend dying and him being accused of the murder, which makes the glimpses of hope more impactful and his not guilty verdict feel more rewarding. Outside of the "first appearance" issue, because the case is so short, I feel like they didn't have enough time to show the bond Phoenix and Larry have and had to tell it instead, and while Phoenix does at times show it with his stress from potentially losing the trial, Larry has too little time in the case to showcase his dependance of Phoenix. But he's still likeable.

    Winston Payne

    He's an okay character here. He doesn't really have that prominent or entertaining of a personality in this case and just feels like someone doing their job. Maybe this adds to the reveal of how different the prosecutor acts in future cases, but it hurts this case. He's not bad, though, and I don't mind him being here.


    Take Winston's description and replace "prosecutor" with "Judge".

    Frank Sahwit

    I like Frank. His personality is a bit weaker than Phoenix, Mia, and Larry's, but he makes up for it with his moments of stress and how much he freaks out late into the trial, like throwing his toupee and foaming at the mouth. His motive is understandable given the situation he was in, even if his reason for being at the crime scene isn't compelling. He works as a culprit, and I'd say he's the most entertaining character in the case.

    Cindy Stone

    She dead.


    None of these characters are bad, but because of the time constraint of the case and this being their first appearances, I can't call these characters great either. But this is still a good cast for an introduction to the series, and no character feels unnecessary or undeveloped. They just haven't reached their full potential.

    Day 1 Trial

    Cross Examinations

    Maybe it's because I already played this case, but the logical deductions in this case feels a bit too easy to point out. Of course, it's the first case in the series and a tutorial case, but going back to it years later, it's not that fun to find contradictions. I can't call the cross examinations bad since they never drag nor have distracting leaps in logic in them, but if they were more challenging or if there were more contradictions to be made so that it was harder to go off of my memory, I could see more value in this replay. But as it stands, they're just alright for what they need to be, and despite being relatively simple, they do prepare you to view everything from another angle.


    This case's story is far from outstanding, but it's a good introduction to the game and characters. The opening cinematic is cool, and the way each character is introduced and represented match their importance to the story. There are no noticable plot holes nor leaps in logic, and everything that happens feels natural and moderately engaging, albeit a bit short for my liking.


    This is a good trial. It's a bit simple at times and because of its length and the fact that it's the only trial in this case, it's not that impactful now as it was on my first playthrough, but it still does a good job.

    How I Would Improve

    If I were to try and improve this case while retaining most of its original identity, I would make two changes.

    1. I would give Winston and the Judge more prominent/entertaining personalities. Since this is their first appearances, having them be the only characters I would call okay leaves a much more negative impact than if they were on par with the rest of the characters.

    If Winston could be a bit more cocky or rude, that would not only be much more memorable and unique, but also make his defeat and moments of embarrassment on par with Frank's signs of stress and breakdown. Or if he was a bit nicer and he was the franchise's iconic "good prosecutor", that could have me and Phoenix relate to him while still recognizing that he's not gonna help me win.

    As for the Judge, giving him a bit more dialogue that isn't just repeating what we know/expect would make him a more memorable character, such as if was more shocked by contradictions or praised/criticized Phoenix and Winston's work more. As it stands for this case, he felt more like a lie detector that knows a lot of courtroom lingo.

    1. I would make the case a bit longer and a bit more complex. This is the only case in the series that's under an hour long, and the logic is pretty simple with me going off of memory a lot of the time. I think making the case over an hour, giving the case two trial segments instead of just one, and/or utilizing/requiring future trial gimmicks like pressing the witness or having pages of evidence be in one icon, would be enough to make this case slightly more challenging and satisfying to complete while still being a good tutorial for newcomers.

    Plus, more playtime means more time to flesh out characters and have them be less prone to this "first appearance = worst appearance" trend that's happening.

    Final Verdict

    This is a good case. It's got a good cast of characters, a good story, good cross examinations, and it's overall a pleasant time. That being said, even though this is the first case, I feel some aspects could be improved without taking away the tutorial aspect of the case. Despite these issues, I liked this case and I'm glad this is what kicked off the series.

    7/10, currently the top of the list.

    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
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    A primer on the real-life Soseki Natsume - gives you a sense of how deep the references to his background in TGAA go

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 09:14 PM PDT

    Quick random words of praise regarding Case 4 from TGAA 2 - Resolve

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 11:03 PM PDT

    [Please, no spoilers for Case 5! I have yet to play it]

    Well, case is more of a generalization. While I found issue with the first game's lack of focus regarding how each case worked, cutting this case right before the final trial, just to make it a huge unique thing, was such a good idea.

    Case 3 already pumped you up. But case 4 is just twist and shock after shock. Jesus Christ.

    My favorite AA game is investigations 2 - Sorry, WAS. This case alone made this game for me. While Investigations 2 is so good thanks to its interconnected-chapters nature, the depth of this story just blows it out of the water.

    This is a situation we haven't seen in the series. Not to this extent. To this level of depth.

    The level of corruption, secrets, lies, choices made, truths. How everything's connected, lives were ruined, future destroyed. Every reveal here was more shocking than the next.

    Just the sheer epic feeling of it all. Barok the defendant. Kazuma is alive and your rival now, taking Barok's place. Mikotoba was Herlock's partner. Genshin definitely wasnt the killer. Gregson died and may have been part of what makes the reaper organization.

    All the sadness attached to it. And Naruhodo's resolve. I can't wait to delve into the final chapter.

    submitted by /u/Frank_Cap
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    Which of these hypothetical Judge names sounds better?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 06:31 PM PDT

    UPDATE: I was right. After flipping the images (first image), it does look better than it does in the game (second image)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 06:15 PM PDT

    What's a motive for murder that a culprit hasn't had yet that you think could work great in a future entry?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 04:51 PM PDT

    Ace Attorney/Sonic crossover because Ivo looks so much like Lyesa!

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 09:53 PM PDT

    Is it just me, or is Ryunosuke incredibly bad at placing faces?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    It seems like one of the most common things in this game is we see a picture of someone we just met, or someone who was on the Jury before, and the first thing Ryunosuke thinks is… "Hmmm… where have I seen this face before?"

    I don't really care, I love the cute little dumbass, though I am wondering if they're really expecting the player to be wondering along with him…? Sometimes Susato says the same thing

    submitted by /u/SigmaMelody
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    Did anyone else get stuck on this? (Resolve final trial)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 10:53 PM PDT

    Right at the beginning where you have to show Gina what the Grouse really is. You present the ship ticket. Problem, the ticket says "Black Bird Line", not "SS Grouse". I had to look this up because I could not for the life of me figure out what to present. It's like they missed something in translation.

    submitted by /u/KaiserMazoku
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    What is your best Phoenix Wright series headcanon?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 11:06 AM PDT

    Alright. I pretty much JUST started case 2-2 (and I'm stuck in Investigation 2 ): ), so make sure to make spoilers for cases covered by the spoiler thing. (For my sake, and other people's too)

    My best headcanon is that the reason why Detective Gumshoe always wears a bandage is because he got a shaving cut once and just forgot to take it off.

    What are yours?

    submitted by /u/ATCOSTTEHMEMER
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    Since a remake of an AA game has been released every two years (AJ: 2017, PW Trilogy: 2019, Chronicles: 2021), do you think this trend will stop here, stop once all the games are remade, or stop at some other time?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 06:40 PM PDT

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