• Breaking News

    Monday, August 23, 2021

    Ace Attorney If you missed it a few weeks ago, Capcom is taking a survey for opinions on The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles and the series as a whole!

    Ace Attorney If you missed it a few weeks ago, Capcom is taking a survey for opinions on The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles and the series as a whole!

    If you missed it a few weeks ago, Capcom is taking a survey for opinions on The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles and the series as a whole!

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 11:32 PM PDT

    I didn't make this, I found this off of Google. What the actual hell

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 07:30 PM PDT

    I tried something new and I think she turned out pretty well!

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 12:45 PM PDT

    [FANART] “Little Nicky ran away, you say?”

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 07:56 AM PDT

    Hey did y'all know you need to cross your eyes to look at a stereoscopic image?

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 02:42 PM PDT

    You need two images with very small differences then cross your eyes. Then you can see 3D! Just need two similar images and cross your eyes to see the stereoscopic image. It's just that simple. Two images, crossed eyes.


    submitted by /u/strangegoo
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    I drew The Great Ace Attorney cast as pokemon

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 03:45 PM PDT

    What was your first AA game?

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 04:55 PM PDT

    Everyone being fixated on TGAA but there's me...buying SOJ today. Hoping I won't be disappointed!��

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 09:08 AM PDT

    Just finished my jfa replay and wow, I love them

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 11:20 PM PDT

    i pronounce the defendant...

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 02:54 PM PDT

    Does anybody else enjoy the summation examinations?

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 07:32 AM PDT

    It's my second favorite part of the game! After Sholmes' deduction corrections. The members of the jury all have their own unique personalities and some of them even have beef with Ryunosuke. It all feels pretty real

    submitted by /u/No-Balance-2226
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    Some information about the murder weapon of DL-6

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 04:44 PM PDT

    The pistol used by Manfred von Karma during the DL-6 incident and Yanni Yogi during "Turnabout Goodbyes" is quite a distinctive pistol, but I not have seen it's precise model mentioned anywhere. Even the Ace Attorney wiki mistakenly identifies it as a Type 67 Silenced pistol, which is completely wrong in both calibre and appearance. I would like to shed light on this very important murder weapon.

    The pistol in the game is actually a High Standard .22 Pistol. Granted, it is a bit ... squished and with a massive bore, but it is the same calibre as mentioned in game - .22 short - as well as shown to have quite a few distinctive details - note the overall shape, the disassembly button in front of the trigger guard, the unique rear sight and the shape of the barrel. Strangely, it is actually a competition pistol - a pistol mostly built and used for shooting competitions, which would be quite an uncommon sight in a courthouse. Maybe this fact lends itself to the theory that it was evidence in a case Yanni presided over.

    As an additional fact, for some reason, the anime adaptation of Ace Attorney switches the guns around. If you recall, Turner Grey in "Reunion, and Turnabout" had a revolver on him. Anime adaptation chooses to replace the pistol in 1-4 with a Nambu Model 60 Revolver, while making the gun used by Dr. Grey a Norinco Type 54 semi-auto pistol. The reason for this is unknown, but I speculate it might be done to make the scenarios more plausible - this revolver model has been used by Japanese law enforcement, and the pistol is basically a Chinese Tokarev, which could be found more readily on the black market.

    Anyway, just wanted to share some trivia on an interesting detail about the series.

    (All images courtesy of AA wiki and IMFDB)

    submitted by /u/GRona57
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    Generic "I just finished The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles" Post

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 06:40 PM PDT

    I must say, this is by far the best Ace Attorney games by far, it almost saddens me that every other Ace Attorney pales in comparison to me. The story was the best told and executed out of all the games, previous games have attempted an over-arching plot from case to case but this game not only did it the best, but also managed it over not one but two games. The way they set up things in the first game to be brought up in the second was done masterfully. The actual story contents-wise is not only my favorite out of all the Ace Attorney games, its up there with many of the greatest visual novels. The soundtrack to this game was straight fire, the best in the series, I literally have listened to both games soundtracks on Spotify from start to finish multiple times. The characters were the most like-able out of all the games, not just the main characters but I even found myself enjoying the side characters presence, even the bad guys. I won't deny that there were times I got stuck during the cases and had trouble figuring out what to do, and there was one instance during the final case that I resorted to looking up which evidence I needed to present during a cross-examination, but that's par for the course for an Ace Attorney game. Unlike in the other Ace Attorney games, I felt that I enjoyed every single case in both games, even the one I considered the worse, the first case, wasn't as bad as cases in other games, I just think it was much longer than necessary and I hope it doesn't turn off newcomers from continuing because every case after that is so much better. Basically, I think this is one of the best visual novels I've ever played, I think it IS the best Ace Attorney I've ever played, I'm very glad they localized this finally so its more accessible, I hope it sells exceedingly well so Capcom will make more Ace Attorney games of this caliber. Its a goddamn 10/10, perfect game, if this was any other game I'd be upset that I'll have to play it again to get all the off the path achievements but I'll gladly do it for this masterpiece :)

    ps. I basically copied this from my steam review in case you see a similar paragraph on Steam lol

    submitted by /u/ibillu
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    We could get a new TGAA game(?)

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    What YEAR did you first play your first AA game?

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 08:30 PM PDT

    haha I'm just curious again

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    submitted by /u/ghostc0in
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    How is Nahyuta the “kindest prosecutor”?

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 05:26 PM PDT

    That's what Ema says, but isn't evidence everything in court? There's no evidence of Nahyuta's kindness. Quite the contrary, actually.

    He may be nice-looking, but he's very rude. I don't hate him though. It just would've been nice if the game showed us instead of telling us. Show us all of the stress and trauma Nahyuta went through during his upbringing, and show us this gentle side that everybody claims he has.

    submitted by /u/No-Balance-2226
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    thank you Susa-, No I mean Ryutaro for believing in me (credit to @ministarfruit for artwork){Susato Mikotaba x Rei Membani ship}

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 08:15 PM PDT

    Just finished Great Ace Attorney, and it was a fantastic game, but we're not here to talk about that. We're here to talk about who the hell these two guys were?? They show up ONCE the in 4th case, do pretty much nothing, and then never come back into play! Do they come back in the 2nd game?

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 08:37 PM PDT

    Would people be interested in a Great Ace Attorney 3? What kinds of things would you want to see in one?

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 04:15 PM PDT

    I loved Adventures and Resolve, but I feel like there's just so much untapped potential in that setting and cast of characters that I'd personally love to see a third one.

    Personally, I want there to be a case where we actually get to cross examine Sholmes. And maybe have a dance of deduction mid-trial in the middle of the courtroom.

    submitted by /u/pengie9290
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    Something to note about GAAs witness testimonies

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 06:04 PM PDT

    If you didn't notice, almost every testimony from Adventures and Resolve is exactly 5 statements long. I believe there are less than 5 testimonies where the number of statements aren't 5 from the beginning. (This doesn't count amended testimonies where statements get added during cross-examinations)

    I haven't finished case 2-5 yet, but the only testimony I can note not having exactly 5 statements is during case 1-5 when Graydon is explaining why he's not the culprit (he only makes 4 statements I believe)

    submitted by /u/DClordz
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    Looking Back on Turnabout Sisters

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 03:08 PM PDT

    The first chapter is behind us, and it's time to enter the second. I don't exactly know what the common opinion is on this case, as I've seen nearly an equal amount of people call it great, good, mediocre, or bad. It's rarely been compared to the best or worst the series has to offer, but that may or may not change once I look back on Turnabout Sisters.

    History With This Case

    On my first playthrough and while watching my roommate play the case, I thought this case was great. Over the months, that opinion has stayed somewhat consistent, with only some opinions on plotpoints and characters changing with time. I feel this case was less prone to nostalgia bias since it's not the first case, but my nostalgia might've clouded a bit of my judgement since my opinion on this case, while consistently great, did go on a positive to negative slope. But now it's time to look back and see how well I feel it holds up.

    This case will be judged by its characters, trial segments, and investigation segments. Character criticism will revolve around the character's personality, role in the story, and their actions throughout the case. Trial segment criticism will revolve around the enjoyability of the cross examinations, and quality of the story being told during that segment. Investigation segment criticism will revolve around the enjoyability of the general investigations, and quality of the story being told during that segment.

    Court in now in session for the trial of Turnabout Sisters.


    Phoenix Wright

    Phoenix is a great character here. I think a lot of that is due to him having more time to be developed compared to the previous case. Despite having less of a connection to Maya than he does to Larry, he still cares about defending her just as much as he did defending Larry, which makes sense given the state she's in and how they both are connected via their connection to Mia. His connections to Miles are subtly hinted at and he gets a lot more time to showcase his personality and skills as an attorney.

    My only problem with him, which is more of a nitpick, is that his reason for defending Maya involves her having no friends which gives him a flasback to him as a kid crying. It doesn't ruin the moment nor the motivation, but a bit more hints at his backstory could've made his motivation more compelling.

    Mia Fey

    I think Mia's appearance in this case is about on par with her appearance in the last case. Where I feel that case did a better job having her support Phoenix, this case does a better job utilizing her in the story, both because she's the victim and because of her ties to the culprit and defendant. Her being channeled right at the end of the trial means there isn't much time to see her personality shine, and having her hand Phoenix the final evidence, while fitting given he's a rookie, makes the case's ending feel a bit anticlimactic because of her, but she's still a good character and serves her role nicely.

    Maya Fey

    Maya is perfect here. Right from the beginning, I feel a greater desire to defend her than I did Larry. She's incredibly sorrowful which makes sense given she's being framed for her sister's murder. The sorrow keeps coming when no one is willing to defend her, which makes Phoenix's desire to defend her hit harder than if she accepted him immediately.

    Once her trial is over and Phoenix's trial begins, her positivity is a great refresher to know that even if we lose this trial, we've done more for Maya than we could ever believe. Maya helping us is a great parallel to the more experienced Mia assisting us, and after she's channeled Mia and the trial is over, seeing her make a joke about channeling Mia ensures that her sister's death is mostly behind her and that she's ready to focus on helping Phoenix as much as Mia would've if she were still alive.

    So far, Maya's my favorite character.

    Dick Gumshoe

    Gumshoe's great. He's incredibly charming with how much he cares about his job yet how often he messes something up, like giving us information about the witness when he shouldn't have. Seeing how little people care about him, like a fellow investigator calling him Dick instead of Gumshoe, or Miles threatening him after he does something Miles didn't like gives him a pitiful charm similar to Larry, but him being more of an optimist helps him stand out. Great addition to the cast.

    April May

    April is a lot better than I remember. She's not great, but she's good. I remembered her acting more seductive and in-your-face, but looking back, she's actually a pretty casual character. I like her personality and she consistently made me laugh, and her breakdown in court feels less like a new personality and more like she's had enough of Phoenix, which makes her interactions in the detention center stand out. She's a good character.

    Marvin Grossberg

    Grossberg's pretty good, too. When he acts optimistic, he has this sense of "casual passion" for his job and stuff he owns like the oil painting, which is really charming. By the second day, his sadder side is revealed when he talks about White and his blackmail, and although he's not as pitiful or sorrowful as Maya, he's still a sympathetic character by this point.


    The Bellboy's okay. He's not really charming, interesting, or entertaining. He barely had an impact on me outside of one chuckle, and he just feels like an unnecessary edition that could've easily been written out. But I don't mind him being here.

    Miles Edgeworth

    Miles is a great character here. He has great buildup in the first investigation and his connection to Phoenix is interesting despite not being told how they know each other. He's smug yet stern which makes him feel threatening despite him rarely threatening Phoenix. Even when Phoenix does something the Judge tries to overrule, Miles just lets it happen because always has a way to stop it himself. This is a great introduction to and appearance of Miles.

    The Judge

    The Judge is a great improvement from his last appearance. He gets a lot more laughs, has a more prominent personality outside of "the trial's judge", and can be charming at times. I don't think he's a great character yet since these defining aspects still tend to be few and far between, but he's a lot better than he was before. He's a good character.

    Redd White

    White is my least favorite character in this case. I don't think he's bad since he's not annoying or unnecessary and everything he does is at the very least servicable, but I can't call him good or even okay. Any aspect of him that could've been charming or menacing only worked the first time it was utilized, and even then, just barely. His motivations make sense and his impact on the characters is strong, but his personality and present-day actions don't do this role justice.


    This is another good cast of characters, but while it is an improvement from 1-1, it's overall a decent improvement. While this case has great characters that beat the last case's good characters, it also has meh characters that lose against the last case's okay characters. But still, the fact that my least favorite character so far is just meh could be seen as a good thing since there hasn't been a bad character yet.

    Day 1 Investigation


    Something I really admire about this segment is how much faith it has in the player that they can understand the investigation controls. I was expecting a tutorial similar to the trial, like "Hit the move button to move", but I was surpised that the case lets me figure it out myself, and it makes sense since this is much simpler gameplay than the trials.

    Moving on from that, investigating is really fun here. I liked looking around the office and the hotel, and I never got lost or confused when examining the environments. I just wish I could've presented more evidence to proceed rather than just gathering information and keeping it to myself for the trial.


    This segment of the story is perfect. Everything is set up phenomenally: Mia's death, Maya's arrest, Edgeworth's foreshadowing, White's foreshadowing, Phoenix's desire to help Maya, the new characters' introductions, and so on. I don't have any problems with this segment of the story.


    A fantastic beginning to this case, and a fantastic introduction to investigations. I never thought my only problem with this segment would be just a nitpick.

    Day 2 Trial

    Cross Examinations

    These cross examinations are a definite upgrade from the last case's. I'm glad they finally made pressing mandatory, and while it is still a tutorial, it feels just as natural as the investigation segment's non-tutorial given Phoenix's experience and how he learns about it. And the contradictions you have to make are a lot more plentiful, and it's harder to go off of memory. These were fun and engaging.


    This segment of the story is nothing special, but I still like it. Outside of Miles's introduction, most of the major events here are less about evolving characters or major plotpoints and more about solving part of the mystery of the murder, but I still found it really enjoyable and engaging. I just wish we could've gotten more character building moments via a recess or something, and I wish the Bellboy's testimony could've felt a bit more necessary and harder to write out of the story.


    While this trial segment isn't as great as the investigation segment, I still really like it. There are more nitpicks I have with this, but there's nothing that ruins the experience.

    Day 2 Investigation


    I have no problems with the investigation here. It's basically the first segment but now presenting evidence is more necessary, which I like.


    The evolution of the story here is fantastic. It's not as strong as the first investigation segment's story, but it's still amazing. The closest I felt to there being a leap in logic was Phoenix presenting the blackmail evidence to White, but given he's a rookie that found what he believed was the ultimate proof, I'm sure some cautiousness would be replaced with confidence.


    I'd say this segment is just barely under the first segment. This segment has more interesting gameplay thanks to the greater focus on presenting evidence, but the first segment had a stronger story with more impactful events occurring. I still love this segment, though.

    Day 3 Trial

    Cross Examinations

    These cross examinations are pretty great. They do feel a bit more underwhelming since it's the only trial segment of Day 3 and we're only cross examining one person who we just recently met, but they're still good tests of your logic, even if the last two deductions are basically handed to you.


    This is a pretty good way to end this case's story. I'd say it's worse than the first trial segment's story since White makes himself and his actions a bit too obvious with how detailed his descriptions are, and Mia giving you the final pieces of evidence make White's defeat feel a bit anticlimactic, but it still has strong moments like Mia's channeling and the aftermath with Phoenix and Maya. I was really satisfied with this conclusion.


    A pretty strong way to end this case, but it could've been stronger. I think this is my least favorite segment in this case since the other segments either had stronger moments or tested my logic more, but this is a really good ending as it is.

    How I Would Improve

    If I were to try and improve this case while retaining most of its original identity, I would make 2 changes.

    1. I'd give White and the Bellboy better personalities. The Bellboy feels like a last minute character, so unless I were to write him out of the case, I'd make him more entertaining by either making him funnier by focusing on his obsession with April, or make him more charming by focusing on his obsession with making the Gatewater Hotel a tourist attraction.

    At least give him a bad pun name like Kris Indelle (kiss and tell) or something.

    As for White, he either needs to be more competent and subtle, or more arrogant and obvious. If he were more of the former, he would be more intimidating and his present-day actions would leave a greater impact. If he were more of the latter, not only could he be more funny, but it would be scary to know that someone so obviously evil has gotten away with so many crimes all because no one has ever stood up to him or found useful evidence against him.

    1. I'd make the ending less anticlimactic. I'm fine with Mia coming back and showing you the reciept since it showcases how Phoenix still needs to learn about viewing everything from outside the box, but Mia having a list of people White blackmailed makes this feel less like Phoenix's victory and more like everything in this case was planned by Mia.

    I think the list should've been a piece of evidence you find at the office on Day 1, but it was on Mia's desk rather than in a "Blackmail" or "Suicide" file so you don't know who these people are until the final trial where you look and see that the name of the suicide headline and one of the names on the list are the same. Even though it would still be Mia's list, more of the deductions regarding it would feel like Phoenix's deductions, and presenting the list would feel like Phoenix's idea.

    Final Verdict

    This is a great case. While the cast of characters is only a decent upgrade from 1-1's cast, the trials and investigations are a major upgrade from 1-1's trial, due to more major events happening with more time to develop those events. While the culprit isn't as satisfying to beat, and there are a few minor leaps in logic, the positives of this case definitely outweigh the negatives. This is a great case, and a great follow up to 1-1.

    8/10, it's taking 1-1's spot at the top of the list.

    Previous (1-1)

    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
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    Who is the Worst Final Villain in the Main Series?

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 08:11 AM PDT

    I'm split between The Phantom and Ga'ran. I guess I'm voting for The Phantom because at least Ga'ran had real personality.

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    submitted by /u/GarouAPM
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    Would you rather try

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 02:58 PM PDT

    Objection.lol: Trucy attempting the Quick Draw Shoot-Em.

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 12:52 PM PDT

    What is the Most Unexpected Twist in the Whole Series? (DGS games aside)

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 04:31 PM PDT

    I don't mean the best twist out of them all, but the one that surprised you the most. For example, I don't think The Phantom's identity was a really good twist, but it was certainly surprising. However, I'm voting Kristoph's because I'd never thought we would get such a twist only in the tutorial.

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    submitted by /u/GarouAPM
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