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    Tuesday, August 31, 2021

    Ace Attorney Pray forgive the discourtesy

    Ace Attorney Pray forgive the discourtesy

    Pray forgive the discourtesy

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 10:42 AM PDT

    My favourite part of TGAA 1 (summarised in pictures)spoiler warning for one of the cases... i just love their doofy faces

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 07:05 PM PDT

    [oc] Everyones favorite spirit medium :)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 06:22 PM PDT

    Iris Wilson! :D (OC)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 02:41 PM PDT

    I genuinely mean this and I wanna see if anyone feels the same.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 09:53 PM PDT

    The british judge is unironically one of the best characters in the series. He's funny, he's serious, he's competent, he cares for real justice, and he's one of the nicest guys to ryunosuke.

    submitted by /u/Nhom12
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    "The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over... and when he cuts his hand after deciding to shatter a coffee mug for dramatic effect..." (objection.lol)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 02:05 PM PDT

    My brain 24/7 after Resolve (TGAA 2-4 spoilers)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 05:45 PM PDT

    Phoenix and Maya art by omen_hohoho

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 07:13 AM PDT

    Yatagarasu stuff ig...

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 08:09 PM PDT

    Best witness lineup without a doubt (Spoilers for TGAA 2)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 11:51 PM PDT

    Phoenix Wright Remixes

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 10:22 PM PDT

    Susato Mikotoba and Ryuunosuke Naruhodou (please don't give any spoilers to the game as I'm playing it right now)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 03:27 PM PDT

    Animation swap by @corzev_

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 07:12 AM PDT

    I'm shocked at how bad Investigations 2 performed in a poll I made

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 05:42 PM PDT

    Investigations 2 has always been seen as one of the best games in the series, if not the best. However, I made a poll earlier about the best final cases in the series, and Investigations 2's Grand Turnabout is getting a really low number of votes. This shocked me, as I've always heard praise about this case and the game overall.

    Do you think it's because not many people played the game due to the lack of localization?

    submitted by /u/GarouAPM
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    Phoenix and Maya art by omen_hohoho

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 07:11 AM PDT

    Quick little gregson sketch

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 09:39 AM PDT

    What do you consider Edgeworth's "Theme"?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 03:48 PM PDT

    Simple Really, out of these songs which one is Edgeworth's to you?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/phoenixman64
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    A fun potential Easter egg (TGAAC 1-5 Spoilers)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 08:38 PM PDT

    During the second summation examination, Juror Number 6 aka Vilen describes a story in which a bullet hit a block of ice behind him and a piece of ice went into his body and melted.

    Now, we all know this game has clear connection to the Sherlock Holmes series - and this could be a very subtle Easter egg. Years ago, I remember reading a Sherlock Holmes book (it might've been some subseries or something because I don't think it was part of the main series) in which a man created a locked mystery. He did this by stabbing himself with an ice knife, which melted, framing the only other man in the room who had been knocked unconscious. (I think this book was called Black Ice).

    Now, this could be a reference or it could be an insane coincidence that I'm overthinking.

    submitted by /u/Floor_Master_Ranger
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    Difficulty in Ace Attorney

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 09:16 PM PDT

    I played through all the AA games some time ago and very much enjoyed them. I saw that a PC port for the Great Ace Attorney games had just come out so I picked it up and so far have played through the first two adventures (I guess they're not turnabout [x] anymore). The universe seems cool but I really felt like I was just clicking through dialogue boxes.

    I know generally the first case in any AA game is more of a tutorial, but I just wanted to know what you guys think about the Great Ace Attorney games overall. Does the difficulty pick up at any point? How does it stack up against previous entries in the series?

    Also, do you guys have recommendations for games that are like AA but more difficult? Thanks

    submitted by /u/FlazeHOTS
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    What's your favorite canon moment between your OTP ship(s)?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 11:14 PM PDT

    Note: If you see someone mentioning a ship that you don't like, and if you're going to say something negative about it, please just shut up. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Ineedtobesilent123
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    A somewhat different opinion of TGAAC (spoilers for all games)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 07:29 PM PDT

    I'm forever glad that the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles were localised and ported to consoles, and I had a lot of fun playing them and beating them. I'm also glad Capcom at least has some faith enough in the West to bother, and I am hopeful and optimistic for the future of the series.

    Having said all this, I cannot agree with the majority of people in the fandom that TGAAC is among the greatest of Ace Attorney games. In fact, I find it makes many of the same mistakes that other games in the series do, and for me it's a far cry from the excellence of the trilogy in my view. I present my opinion purely as my own, and take everything I say with a grain of salt, I just wanted to share my thoughts on these games and get a bit of a discussion going.

    Firstly, I think a big problem that this has, and a lot of Ace Attorney games have, is it's pacing. Both in the cases and in the broader narrative. In these games, all cases feel either too long or too short. 1-4 is an example of a case that has a remarkably uncomplicated mystery, yet lasts for far too long. So does 1-1, 1-2 and 2-2 in a lesser capacity. While 2-3 has such a meaty story that it moves at breakneck pace through it and forgets to develop parts of it to a full extent. The final cases also have this problem, but I'll come to them later. The only cases that I feel are entirely appropriate for their length are 1-3, 1-5 and 2-1, the latter of which is only because it's such a dry case that it's short length is a credit...

    Not only that, but on a broader scale, the overall tone and pace of the story is so changeable that it's completely jarring to go from one case to the next. The rising pace from the first three cases is completely dropped by the 4th case, and suddenly almost the rest of 1 doesn't bring back that exciting tone. Then, in the second game, its structure doesn't help its tonal issues because first we're in Japan, then we're back in first game monotony, then we're finally back in the present, but even then the tone is completely different from what we have seen before. It just feels inconsistent to me, and only by the final three cases of 2 do I feel like there's a general sense of building to the finale, where before it felt like a strange slog of a game. And most disappointingly, this is a problem AA has had before, namely in AA5 and AA6, where the tone doesn't feel cohesive and clear, so we get a strange stop-start type of game. Except I feel it's more pronounced here because the narrative is so much more prominent between every case...

    Something else I'd like to mention is the characters. I'm always in favour of doing new things with the series, and everything about these games is good in intention. Having an entirely new cast and setting makes for far more interesting storytelling than a game with the same characters over and over, so TGAAC absolutely deserves credit for that. But in execution, I have more than a few problems with a lot of the major characters, so I'll just mention a few here:

    -Susato really doesn't get much to do. It's promising in 1-2 when she's debating Ryu's innocence, but then she has barely a hint of development until 1-5, which is not massive in itself, and she obviously has some decent moments in 2-1, but for the most part she's just kind of... nice. She's sweet, funny and smart but there's no real depth to her character. Even in 2-1 and 2-5, I felt like she didn't really justify her existence in the game except as a plot and gameplay device. I'm not saying she needed a deep background motivation or anything, but perhaps some kind of conflict or differing motives to Ryunosuke, something to set herself apart from everyone else. Instead of being a Maya or a Kay, she ends up feeling more like Ray Shields in the latter half of I2, or Trucy in AA5. Just kinda... there.

    -This sub has debated Barok enough, but sufficed to say, he's... fine. He has the same old arc as most prosecutors in the series. He's mean except he's not really. He's more polite than other prosecutors, sure, but I was really looking for something more with him. And while I really don't mind that he's xenophobic, the game's justification for this is extremely lazy and cliché. I find it extremely difficult to believe that he wrote off all Japanese people, just because of Genshin. Not to mention the fact that he probably knew Mikotoba and Jigoku at the time as well, who were (as far as he knew) good as gold. It just feels so rushed as a justification for a character that's in nearly every case and doesn't develop nearly as much as he should. But what can I say? He's fine. One of my least favourite prosecutors, but still good enough I suppose. Just disappointing that we could've had more.

    -Iris gets nothing until the final case. She's just cute and sometimes feeds plot resolution to you. In fact, for the amount she was advertised as a major character, she's in the game surprisingly little. It's only in the final case when we get any sort of actual character for her, which was very gratifying when it came.

    -Kazuma is... well, I don't really know how to feel about him. I appreciate that he has a clear motivation throughout the games, and that even though he's more villainous by the end, he's still a friend to Ryunosuke, and still cares about all the same things. But having said that, he seems too different in the final cases for me to ignore. He seems to have completely lost all interest in the idea of defense, despite his passion for it in the first case. He seems so much more cold, and while that's sort of justified by the more intense circumstances, it still feels egregious. And by the end it just left me feeling indifferent towards him. Whereas before, I really appreciated his tragic death, especially as the reason why Nikolina pushed him was because of his empathy and friendship with Ryunosuke. So it just felt inconsistent for a character like that.

    -So many minor characters in these games felt underdeveloped as well. The minor witnesses I can forgive, because they are there only for cross examination... although it does feel a little bit like quantity over quality sometimes, but nevertheless... particularly in the second game. Rei Membami was touted as a really significant character, and yet barely has five minutes of screen time in these games. Purely there to give Susato a slight reason to care, I suspect.

    -Courtney Sithe is a similarly non-existent character, barely any screen time and barely any character. Even in her final confrontation, she just kind of... confesses. And yes, it's because she was avoiding a worse charge, but that takes less than a few minutes to prove. She doesn't feel intimidating or sympathetic as a villain, she just falls flat, which is a shame as Drebber is actually really decent.

    -Other such non-existent characters that should've had more screen time are Evie Vigil, Adron B Metermann, Maria Gorey, Beppo, etc...

    -Jigoku is such a bizarre character, because he's basically two different people. It was such a cool concept to have a judge as a villain, but his judginess doesn't come through in the slightest in the final case, and neither does his corruption in the earlier ones. They might as well be two separate characters. And so the novelty of his persona is moot. And even when we are getting to know him in the later cases, we barely see him before his final confrontation. He's there, and then he isn't and we don't see him again until he's under suspicion. So he just ends up feeling so... dull as a character. Very unmemorable for a final villain and disappointing for me.

    That's enough about characters. Let's talk about the overarching plot, and this is where my opinion might get controversial.

    There's too much plot in this game.

    This may sound stupid when talking about a visual novel, but hear me out. The entirety of the first game is based around setting up the interesting plot threads for the second. It had it's own self contained story about McGilded and Graydon, which was a serviceable overarching story, but not the meat and potatoes of the game. So it falls to the second game to resolve that, and while everything is solved in a satisfying manor, it feels like it's rushing to do so.

    Every major plot development and resolution in 2-3, 2-4 and 2-5 is almost spoonfed to you, outright told to you and then you are just forced to prove it. For example, the idea that the execution of Genshin was faked. The idea that Sithe and Drebber are in debt to Asman. Kazuma being alive. Kazuma's father. Everything to do with Asa Shinn. Everything to do with the telegram. And on, and on. You are never given the chance to discover these things on your own. It doesn't feel like a mystery, and it doesn't feel like a Eureka moment. Each time, I felt kinda like, 'Oh ok, that makes sense I guess.' And I don't mind it too much if there's some decent evidence to back it up, but some of the confrontations and ways to prove things in these games are so flimsy. Kazuma shouldn't know about the trunk? That explains everything, surely... Sithe was paying for loads of scalpels? Proof positive. Queen Victoria heard everything? What an easy way to best a mastermind of international crime These games feel so rushed and flimsy in terms of what is used to create a good case for the defence, where in the trilogy everything was smaller and tighter and there was a clear way in which everything is researched and resolved. And this comes to my main point.

    The story for TGAAC should either have had another game to give it room to breathe, or should not have been nearly as complicated a plot as it was. And I realise this is partially the fault of sales. I feel like the poor reception to the first game meant that the second game was made to be the absolute end, and was perhaps rushed a little. But I would also say that setting up an ongoing story unsatisfactorily in the first game is a terrible problem and an issue with game at large. Because it sort of doomed DGS as a series, when people bought the game and didn't get the story resolution they wanted, the reception for the game fell hard. At least in AA1, while the game had obvious plot threads linking to potential sequels, it also had a conclusive simple satisfying story that resolved most of the story and characters. Here, it just kind of stops, and I really hope future Ace Attorney put more into this. And this is why I say it's overcomplicated, because its complex story was it's own downfall, and it lead to a worse experience overall in the second game.

    I've focused on the negatives almost entirely because, well, we've all heard the positives. Some of the cases are really good. My favourites are 1-3 and 1-5, although the latter is a bit of a deus ex machina with the cat flap, but nevertheless. Some of the cast is stellar, Ryunosuke, Herlock, Gina and Yujin to name just a few. And the music and atmosphere is really the best in the series. But there are unshakeable problems for me that mean I just cannot put these games anywhere near the top of my list, unlike many of you, and I'd love to know if anyone felt the same way.

    submitted by /u/Catorpedo
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    GAA Giant Plushies

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 10:28 PM PDT

    Does anyone know where it's possible to find and buy the giant sized plushies of Kazuma and Ryunosuke? I've seen a few pictures of people with them on Twitter and I really want to get one for myself but I have no idea where to find them! If anyone could help point me in the right direction I'd be eternally grateful!

    submitted by /u/outlawsshock
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    A question I had (Spoilers for Investigations 2 cases 4 and 5)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 08:46 PM PDT

    Why did Simon Keyes need to inform Blaise Debeste that Jill Crane was going to try to kill him? Wouldn't this just add unnecessary risk for him?

    submitted by /u/Cowlord2005
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    The Mikotaba family in a nutshell.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 11:24 AM PDT

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