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    Sunday, April 4, 2021

    Ace Attorney Weekly Poll [36]: Which is your favourite second case?

    Ace Attorney Weekly Poll [36]: Which is your favourite second case?

    Weekly Poll [36]: Which is your favourite second case?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 12:33 PM PDT

    Some Gumshoe swaps :)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 12:58 PM PDT

    [SPOILER] (?) After great amounts of genetic research, biological analysis, and anatomical study, I have successfully de-hairgel'd Apollo Justice.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 11:09 AM PDT

    Franziska Von Karma, but she's extremely innocent (T&T)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 09:10 PM PDT

    Gender bend of Klavier (And Apollo, as a treat)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 04:03 PM PDT

    trucy washes herself with pepsi

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 11:14 AM PDT

    Am I the only one put off by the blatant Pedophilia in Turnabout Big Top and Turnabout Beginnings?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 06:29 PM PDT

    This really baffles and upsets me. I really don't understand why it was included, all they had to do was age up their characters a bit.

    submitted by /u/throwaway02847292782
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    Hi, I’m new to the fandom but the whole franchise has been consuming me for weeks and I need to get it out of my system so here are some sketches- ��

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 06:40 AM PDT

    Gumshoe wallpaper for y'all

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 05:44 PM PDT

    After Playing and loving the first game I'm excited to jump right into the Second one!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 04:18 PM PDT

    Just finished Dual Destinies and figured I'd put my thoughts below, as always be forewarned (spoilers)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 10:23 PM PDT

    Hey all! Perhaps you remember as the guy who posted about how much I liked PL vs PW when I had finished it? Anyway here are my impressions of this game.

    First, the style. The 3D characters and animated sprites were amazing. The concept of having anime cutscenes had been introduced in PL vs PW, so it was really welcomed.

    Secondly, and probably more importantly, we have the introduction of a host of new characters. In particular, I got to learn about the Athena Cykes, who I had seen around before in the fandom, but this game really explained not sure her, but also her backstory well. Her infamous power is quite interesting, though I wonder how it would be treated in our world. Her past tied with Phoenix's, Blackquill's and the past of the legal system as a whole. The whole idea of the whole legal system being re-hauled is a fascinating concept, that I really think contrasted with the original Phoenix Wright game where the court was the savior of the day where the truth was always guaranteed to be found.

    Simon and Aura Blackquill. Definitely two standoffish people, (more Edgeworth than Phoenix), but ultimately two good people and something that you learn as time goes on, in a way that I thought mimicked a real relationship which I thought was interesting. Also Taka did come in clutch several times, especially near the end.

    Now just to reiterate, this whole statement is spoilerific, but in particular this section because I want to talk about the phantom. I think they were definitely unexpected, but for me they were doubly unexpected because I played myself in a sense. Allow me to explain. In the final stages of the game, it becomes more and more apparent, that for once, maybe this phantom isn't any of the people directly involved in the case. Every person who is alive seems genuine, in fact, in the cases of Aura and the Director, even going out of the way, in their own ways, to figure out the truth. This led me to believe that if we found the phantom, it was going to be someone we wouldn't think about, but someone who the players must be aware of, since as you probably know, it's not like Ace Attorney to bring in a random Average Joe just to presented as the phantom. (At least as far as I can tell, the culprits always have interacted with us, and have some sort of connection, not to mention always end up on the stand). It is with this mindset I listen to Athena's testimony on the stand, and when she mentions how she stabbed the phantom in the hand, my mind combined this statement with some other facts that I thought were important to arrive to this person:

    1. Athena displayed black Pysche-locks, a phenomenon so rare that as far as I can tell, up to this point has only occurred with one other character. At that time, Phoenix, at least according to my memory, never did dismantle those locks and get behind the motive and mind of that character. 2.Athena stabbed them in their hand, so whoever they are they should be notorious for something about their hand.

    Do you see where my mind went? A character we've seen before that shouldn't really display much emotions, or at least have emotions/motivations drastically different from average, shrouded in secrets that even Phoenix's Magamata couldn't penetrate, and notorious for having a special scar/mark on their hand. I am, of course, talking about, Apollo's former boss, Kristoph Gavin. That's who I thought was the phantom, since those black Pysch-locks never did get open could be related to his memories about the past incident, and Kristoph seemed very well a man who could fit the phantom's psychological profile. So imagine my surprise when the true identity of the phantom was revealed! I was doubly shocked! First, by who it was, but it did make sense after much thought, and in fact, looking at the smaller details you can see the marking on their character sprite's hand, but secondly I honestly thought the phantom was going to be Kristoph, though I see now that a new player might not know/understand who he is. (Was I foolish/crazy to guess that? Who did you guys think the phantom was?)

    Following the order, I'm going to play/see the Great Ace Attorney next. I know some about it, (like this is a "prequel" in a sense, since we have the ancestors now), although I'm curious why this is the order, since it's not really chronological. Oh well.

    Overall, I thought it was a really good game. I'm not one to compare the games in the series to each other, (partly because they end up blurring together, so I'd attribute something from one, when it really was from the other) but it made me feel confident and excited to continue playing the rest of the games in the series.

    Oh, and before I forget. The time skip! Aw, it was so bittersweet. Seeing all the characters older now was quite an interesting experience, and even the, (well I think of them as ), cameos of characters like Pearls and Edgeworth really were cool to see how they had grown up/aged forward. It did make me wonder how, story wise, people like Maya and Gumshoe were doing. We haven't seen them since before Phoenix became Hobo Phoenix, so I was wondering how they would react to that you know?

    I like how older Phoenix looks more formal in his dress, (and also has that small cowlick).

    Sorry if this was long, but I was excited.

    submitted by /u/HyperboloidalPop
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    Clearing up a Misconception about the Fates of Culprits...

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 03:06 PM PDT

    So, something I see debated about a lot is the nature of the death penalty in Ace Attorney. The punishment is something debated over given that it creates this grand sense of ambiguity to the culprits fates; did they ultimately die by the hands of the state? After all, a major plot point in the third game was that Dahlia was executed, so surely this must have happened to at least some of the other killers, right?

    In reality, no. It's more than likely very few ever had that fate.

    The thing one must understand first and foremost is that the Japanese penal system is built generally on rehabilitation, not punishment as an end all. While Japan is legendary for its insanely high conviction rate, cases not of the most serious crimes often end on either suspended sentences, or on the sentence being shortened on part of good behaviour. This is in large part the result of the influence of Confucian teaching on the country influencing its justice system, which literally states all crimes to be forgivable, even up and to murder, as long as the perpetrator is willing to repay their debt to society. (For some additional understanding of the social context, this is a good article)

    When determining the nature of Capital punishment in Japan, the court bases its decision off a list of criteria in what is call "the Nagayama Standard" (named in reference to the controversial execution of prison novelist Norio Nagayama, widely believed to have been a powerplay by the ministry of justice). The list accesses these rules in making a judgement:

    1. Degree of viciousness
    2. Motive
    3. How the crime was committed; especially the manner in which the victim was killed.
    4. Outcome of the crime; especially the number of victims.
    5. Sentiments of the bereaved family members.
    6. Impact of the crime on Japanese society.
    7. Defendant's age (in Japan, the age of majority is 20).
    8. Defendant's previous criminal record.
    9. Degree of remorse shown by the defendant.

    This sort of ruling is important because, when combined with Japan's low rate of crime, getting the death penalty is extremely rare in Japan. Looking through a list of Japanese executions, Japan only executes a few people a year, excluding special cases like the mass execution of remaining Aum Shinrikyo members in 2018. If you are on death row in Japan, it has to be for something incredibly serious, and that fact will reflect in JP media as well.

    You might have noticed something important as well on that list, and it's something reflected in the trilogy as well. Notice how, of the three cases of the death penalty in the trilogy, two, Daarke and Dahlia, were serial killers? That's because the most important criteria in Japan for the death penalty is the number of murders committed, in other words what judges someone as a genuine threat to society. There are extreme cases where it can be applied for a single murder, should it be in cases of torture or ransom involved (hence Fawles), but those are very much the exception that proves the rule.

    In short, the chances of any of the culprits getting the death penalty? Very, very unlikely for the majority of them, given that the vast majority of the murders were not from repeat offenders, not from those judged dangers to society, and at least half the murders weren't even pre-meditated. There's a few who most likely would (hi Kristoph), but generally speaking, no. Under Japanese law, them being executed simply wouldn't make sense.

    submitted by /u/RainSpectreX
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    Playing Apollo Justice again so decided to draw Trucy :)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 02:42 PM PDT

    MIA NO- (It's offcial artwork I think)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    So there is now A Tier-List for the OST... (if there are problems with knowing what icon is what, go to the original post https://bit.ly/3fBjl9j )

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 03:02 PM PDT

    Cases where prosecution presents the motive (spoilers from the first game to 6th, without Investigations and DGS)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 12:32 PM PDT

    The First Turnabout: Larry supposedly killed Cindy because she supposedly dumped him;

    Farewell,my Turnabout: Juan Corrida wanted to tell biggest Engarde's secret during the ceremony, so Matt supposedly silenced him.

    Turnabout Memories: Supposedly there was love triangle between Phoenix, Doug Swallow and Dahlia.

    The Stolen Turnabout: Ron DeLite killed his blackmailer.

    Recipe for a Turnabout: Maggey killed Glen Elg to get hands on his successful lottery ticket;

    Turnabout Beginnings: Terry Fawles killed Valerie Hawthorne, because she testified against him in court 5 years prior;

    Turnabout Trump: Phoenix lost to Zak in poker.

    Turnabout Corner: Wocky killed Pal Meraktis, because the latter lied about the lack of a deadly bullet near former's heart.

    Zak's trial: Shadi shot Magnifi because of latter's order.

    Turnabout Countdown: Juniper blowed up the Courtroom No. 4 because of her grudge on the legal system caused by false charges.

    The Monstrous Turnabout: (Simon actually doesn't present it straight awsy — he brushes it off as a rumour) Demian Tenma killed Rex Kyubi because the latter opposed to merging Nine-Tails Vale with Tenma Town.

    Turnabout Academy: Juniper killed Constance Courte because the latter declined Woods' script for a mock trial.

    Retrial of UR-1 Incident: Athena killed Metis due to former's feeling of being abused by latter (after all, Cykes didn't like wearing these headphones her mother made her to wear).

    The Foreign Turnabout: Ahlbi killed Paht Rohl to silence him and not let everyone know of former stealing the Founder's Orb.

    The Magical Turnabout: Manov Mistree wanted to reveal Gramareye's secrets and tricks, and Trucy silenced him.

    The Rite of Turnabout: Maya is Lady Keera who was supposed to assassinate Tahrust Inmee and Puhray Zeh'lot because of their connection to Defiant Dragons.

    Turnabout Storyteller:Bucky killed Taifu Toneido to get rights on Whet Soba.

    Archie Buff's death: Datz was trying to steal the Crystal of Ami Fey, and Buff was in the way (well, we know it's Founder's orb, but still).

    Inga Kakhuul Haw'kohd Dis'nahm Bi'anhi Lawga Ormo Pohmpus Da'nit Ar'edi Iz Khura'in III' death: Inga was in Dhurke's way to continue revolution.

    submitted by /u/paulvanzieks
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    Matchups you wish to see ?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 05:15 PM PDT

    who would oyu like to see battle each other on opposite sides of the courtroom (whether Lawyer vs Prosecutor or Lawyer vs Lawyer), here are some of my favorites I wish we saw/will see

    1. Apollo Justice vs Miles Edgeworth: the two people who got a clean victory over Phoenix Wright, but it would be interesting to see them against each other, I want to see Edgeworth facing someone else
    2. Miles Edgeworth (playable) vs Phoenix Wright: not much of a dream matchup, but this is something I wish they did in the Investigations games, we see the legendary rivalry except from Edgeworth's perspective, would be interesting to battle bluffing with logic for change
    3. Miles Edgeworth vs Godot/Diego Armando: this is an interesting one because they both stood on both sides of the courtroom at least once. but would be an interesting matchup between the two most popular Prosecutors, we sadly didn't see them interact that much in T&T
    4. Mia Fey/Athena Cykes vs Franziska Von Karma: I kinda love woman vs woman battles in anime for how rare they are (and AA is no exception to that), but both of them would have great dynamics with Franziska. Athena tries to understand the witnesses psychologically and giving them therapy, which is the opposte of what Franziska does, like how she exploited Adrian's weaknesses for her favor. Mia isn't a direct foil to Franziska, but would still be interesting.

    I didn't mention any of the newer prosecutors because they pretty much faced all 3 of the playable characters (except Klavier vs Athena, which is not that interesting)

    let me know what is your own wishlist

    submitted by /u/nouratef
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    What would be the morality of Reunion and Turnabout if Maya actually wasn't framed?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 05:03 PM PDT

    Let me know if there's a similar thread on this topic. As far as I know, there isn't any laws that determine charges for spirit channeling induced murder, but I know killing someone while drunk is still murder and a doctor is responsible for a patient's life. But what if that person was under mind control? I found it weird that the court fully acknowledged spirit channeling despite trying to find she herself guilty. I can only assume they and Maya believe it's similar enough to the examples I gave. My guess is the point of the trial is avoiding the debate all together to avoid the worse case scenario at all cost, much like the decision not to plee justified self defense.

    submitted by /u/Antasma1
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    Is Spirit of Justice worth playing?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 01:08 PM PDT

    I heard that it's much better than Dual Destinies. Sadly, I don't own any Nintendo consoles, and the 3DS and Switch are really expensive here.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/ElWiktorLBP78
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    Hey, I made a Beat It AMV and wanted to share with you guys(please tell me what you thought of it)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 01:03 PM PDT

    What the hell even IS the Wright and Co. Law Offices?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 02:38 AM PDT

    What the hell even IS the Wright and Co. Law Offices?

    So, I've been writing out RETRIAL, my big fanfic project, and I've hit...a bump, so to speak. That bump, being that I have no flipping clue what the hell the physical geometry of the series ever constant office space is.


    So, these are the things I can definitely say:

    1. The office is more than just the singular office room we see all throughout the series.
    2. There is a table and couch somewhere in the main room.
    3. It's located on the third floor of a building. What the hell that building is is unclear.
    4. There is a toilet...somewhere.

    Other than that, though, I'm stumped as to what on earth is supposed to be the design of this place. Anyone willing to help?

    submitted by /u/RainSpectreX
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    this GODSENT Ace Attorney/Pokemon animation by @Matchstick_39 on Twitter

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 05:31 AM PDT

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