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    Sunday, June 5, 2022

    Ace Attorney Do you think we may get a remake of these as the Trilogy did?

    Ace Attorney Do you think we may get a remake of these as the Trilogy did?

    Do you think we may get a remake of these as the Trilogy did?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2022 10:24 AM PDT

    I have been thinking about getting one of the game posters or some of the other images here as a poster on my wall, but i cannot choose which one, so please help me to choose!

    Posted: 05 Jun 2022 11:54 AM PDT

    Am I the only one who seriously didn't like this aspect of GAA2's ending?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2022 11:11 AM PDT

    I am a firm believer that's its the journey not the destination, but I just finished Resolve and I can't deny how Kazuma was handled during the ending if Resolve really soiled things for me.

    My contention largely being that he just gets away scott free despite doing some fairly despicable things. Despite his intentions not to actually kill anyone, his still willingly conspires in an assassination plot. Not to mention despite the fact that he didn't kill Gregson, he still held a sword up to the man and threatened his life. He openly admits these things in a court of law and has himself set to be chaged for them after the trial, only for him to be walking free afterwards with no mention as to why. Yes Stronghart is no longer in power now, but there's no way that the fact that he was set to be charged for these things was something that went only through him. Even if it did only go through Stronghart, it's still something openly admitted in a court of law.

    My second issue being just how chill Ryunosuke is with all of this. He was brought to Britain ( a huge life changing decision ) by his friend based off of a lie. Obviously Kazuma legitimately cares about him and values his friendship, but dragging him across the world pretending it's solely for a study trip ( which in all fairness I'm certain he took that aspect seriously ) is a straight up dick move in my opinion.

    Seeing both of them all chummy at the end really rubbed me the wrong way. I'm not against the idea of them moving past these things, but that has to be earned, and I don't think Kazuma earned it. I did appreciate him acknowledging that him threatening was a dark moment for him, but they all just so non chalantly move past it.

    I would have much preferred him going to jail, giving Ryunosuke a proper apology, and Ryunosuke resolving to see him again after his sentence is over, giving him the opportunity to mend things.

    Obviously I'm not writer, and this is just my opinion ( and no more valid than anyone else's ). Needless to say despite my issues here, I overall still really enjoyed the experience as a whole, and I'm super glad after so long I finally got the chance to enjoy this duology.

    submitted by /u/EPiiCx5587
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    Looks like these guys need some help again. Posting here so it can be seen.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2022 10:54 AM PDT

    Great Ace Attorney

    Posted: 05 Jun 2022 12:59 PM PDT

    Does anybody else just have a pure hatred for Herlock Sholmes? Every time I want to get into Great Ace Attorney and attempt to finish it for the first time, he just ruins it for me.

    The walls of text he always brings, his inability to say anything remotely intelligent despite being so arrogant, and of course the awful great deductions. I just can't stand him.

    I should clarify the reason I hate the great deductions. There are only two types:

    1) extremely obviously wrong, why are you wasting my time 2) wasn't given a chance to investigate the things mentioned in the great deductions, effectively being spoonfed the key points for a case

    I keep hearing the second Great Ace Attorney game is much better than the first and even rivals the original trilogy, but for the life of me I don't know if I'm going to be able to tolerate this character enough to get through the first

    submitted by /u/AtlasBanana
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