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    Sunday, May 1, 2022

    Ace Attorney Weekly Poll [25]: Who is your favourite culprit from Spirit of Justice?

    Ace Attorney Weekly Poll [25]: Who is your favourite culprit from Spirit of Justice?

    Weekly Poll [25]: Who is your favourite culprit from Spirit of Justice?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 05:00 PM PDT

    I needed to get this out of my head and into my sketchbook.

    Posted: 01 May 2022 01:25 PM PDT

    (Spoilers to all games except PW vs PL) Tier List But It's on How Good of a Lawyer/ Prosecutor/ Judge they are (like how good they are at their job from a non Japanfornia pov) (Happy to answer questions)

    Posted: 01 May 2022 12:17 PM PDT

    What is something you wish you could remove from canon?

    Posted: 01 May 2022 08:44 PM PDT

    Biggest missed opportunity in the series?

    Posted: 01 May 2022 08:48 AM PDT

    What particular choice did you wish the Ace Attorney team made in regards ot the games? Could be anything.

    submitted by /u/BEEFYCHUNKYMUNKY
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    Finally, after an entire hour I've finish-

    Posted: 01 May 2022 06:06 PM PDT

    Should I even play DD and SoJ?

    Posted: 01 May 2022 04:20 PM PDT

    I've gotten really into Ace Attorney the past several months, and I'm almost done with the trilogy. I was planning on playing all of the games I possibly could, but I've seen a lot of dislike/hatred for DD and SoJ, and it's kinda turning me off. Anything I've read about it doesn't really bother me but the major dislike for them is making me wonder if they're even worth buying and playing. People seem to really dislike them, especially on this sub, so idk. I'd like to play them since I'm very strongly hyperfixated on the series and absolutely love it, but due to the strong discourse and dislike it almost seems like I shouldn't bother and now I'm confused

    submitted by /u/Tallshadow1221
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    Updated Sebastian design! :D

    Posted: 01 May 2022 05:39 AM PDT

    Concept for an Athena Cykes: Ace Attorney Trilogy

    Posted: 01 May 2022 12:17 PM PDT

    I originally posted this in a comment thread, but I figured a post would probably allow more people to see it and give their thoughts.

    Each game would have five cases. I'll summarize each case in individual paragraphs, but the third game is currently just a list of ideas, so it'll be a single paragraph.

    AC-1, Turnabout on the Run: The first case would be more standard like 1-1 and 2-1, but it would showcase her understanding of emotions and psychology by having her convince the defendant, a journalist named Lyle Little, to confess to publishing falsified police scandals, sacrificing his credibility as a journalist but ensuring he's not falsely accused, as he confesses vital information that helps in the trial.

    Also Ema's the detective and the prosecutor is Winston and Gaspen's father, Noah Payne, who doesn't much about his reputation as a prosecutor compared to his sons, but just so happens to be better than both of them.

    AC-2, The Alleged Turnabout (JFA References): I would have Athena defend an attorney named Austin Le'groud who's been accused of a murder in his boss's office building. Austin would try to let Athena lead the case, being afraid he might mess something up if he defends himself, but during a trial, he'll call an objection and make a deduction no one considered. His boss is currently being pursued by someone for allegedly hiring and blackmailing escaped criminals, so after the trial is won, it's revealed Austin was fired, since him being a known criminal could've been used against his boss. Phoenix tries to offer a job at WAA, but Austin quickly declines.

    We would meet Quincy Bickle, a fellow attorney who only defends people he thinks are guilty just so another attorney can't use underhanded tactics to get a false verdict. He decided this path after his brother, Quinton Bickle, was suspected of murdering their father, Quinn Bickle. Quincy believed Quinton was guilty, but he believes the defense attorney, Nestor Nabor Sr., bribed the judge into getting a not guilty verdict. Quincy distanced himself from Quinton never willing to trust him, and became an attorney to stop corrupt attorneys from letting criminals walk free.

    We also meet Susannah Peals, who's been trying to prove Austin's boss has been hiring criminals, but is revealed to be the culprit as she was breaking into his office to find evidence to help her case, but the victim tried to stop her, leading to her killing him.

    Franziska von Karma is the game's prosecutor, and her attitude towards her whip would be different, as rather than using her whip as a means to keep people quiet or let out her anger, she only attacks people who are shown to annoy people other than herself, exclusively for events like if Athena is badgering a witness, or the witness is wasting the whole court's time and not just hers.

    One of the examples I have is when Trucy is the assistant. She would be 18 in this game, but still showcase traits of her personality as a teen. Trucy would make a witty remark like most assistants do, and would be followed up by: Franziska: "How old are you, Ms. Wright?", Trucy: "Um, 18?", whip Franziska: "Then either act like an adult or shut your mouth."

    Also Gumshoe returns because he's epic and we get to meet an old Missile.

    AC-3, Turnabout Overdrive (DD Spoilers, SOJ References): A filler-esque third case in similar fashion to 1-3, where the overarching story progression involves Austin appearing, working at the racetrack that the murder took place at, and serving as a witness to the murder, but making his own deduction again.

    Athena would showcase her psychology expertise again, as the culprit's motive involves an article that said his wife had an affair with the victim, but Athena would realize the defendant, a popular racecar driver named Hermes Rhodes, was actually the one who was with his wife, and would have to convince Hermes to confess to this as she learns that he's not afraid of what the public would think of him if the truth got out, but of having to deal with the reality that he betrayed his friend's trust by getting in a relationship with his wife, and ultimately being a cause of the victim's murder.

    I'd also have a cameo from Apollo via phone call. I'd set up the idea early on that Athena considers herself a weak attorney, as despite her victories in DD and SOJ, she's either only been an assistant, or won through the direct help of Phoenix, Apollo, or Simon, with this game introducing Austin, an attorney with far less experience than her, as a fourth helping hand. Athena would be stressed after the second investigation due to all the evidence pointing towards the culprit that she didn't do good enough, and after Phoenix and Simon fail to help her, she reaches out to Apollo. Apollo tells her that if her defendant is innocent, she'll prove it by using what makes her a good attorney, like how she helps in trials using her psychology expertise, sensitive hearing, and Mood Matrix, or her unique way of finding out-of-the-box solutions, like in her first trial in 5-3 where she made herself look like a statue to reveal a hiding stop for the victim's body, saying that if she does, she'll be fine.

    Also Maggey makes a cameo, she and Gumshoe got married, and they had a kid named Aiden.

    AC-4, Turnabout Ultimatum: Austin is the defendant again, with his boss murdered at his office after inviting him back to negotiate giving his job back. Athena begins investigating for him, but is attacked by a mysterious person late into the investigation and sent to the hospital. Phoenix offers to defend Austin, but Austin wants to defend himself saying this his last chance at proving himself as a lawyer. Phoenix lets him take the trial, where Quincy is the witness. The suspects left near the end of the trial are Austin, Quincy, and the mysterious person, and while a culprit is never discovered, Austin manages to prove that the evidence against him is no longer solid enough to warrant a guilty verdict, ending with him being declared not guilty and the case being unsolved. While Franziska is uneasy with the lack of a guaranteed culprit, she admires Austin for winning despite the odds being against him. Athena is released from the hospital and when once again suggesting a job at WAA, Austin quickly flees.

    AC-5, Carry On, Sweet Turnabout (SOJ References): The case starts off by setting up AC2, with Trucy and her magic crew leaving to Borginia to host a magic show there due to ratings for Trucy in Gramarye-Land being the highest with Borginian audiences, with an appearance from Klavier who would perform Gavinner songs during the show, with his music playing a key part in a new trick they brainstormed.

    Austin is revealed to have been murdered, with Franziska being the defendant as her whip was believed to be used as the murder weapon to strangle Austin and his body being covered in multiple scars. The body was discovered by his neighbor, Nestor Nabor Jr., after seeing it in the window of his apartment. Franziska tries to get Athena off the case claiming that she killed Austin, but through the case, Athena realizes she's suffering from the reality that her whip, aka a weapon, was used to kill someone, and that she could've easily killed anyone she met or attacked.

    As the case goes on, Quincy is brought back in due to his apparent hatred of Austin from last case, and when investigation Quincy's house, it's revealed he has a sister named Quinzelle, who's brought into court.

    The trial ends up tying back to AC-2 where Quincy drops some major news. He says Susannah came to him because of his values towards the law, and that in the middle of the trial days, she told Quincy in prison to go to her apartment and get the one piece of evidence she made it out with: a mugshot of an escaped murderer who looked similar to Austin.

    Athena is almost ready to drop the case due to the shock and sorrow of Austin being an escaped murderer, until Franziska objects and tells Athena to continue on. Franziska says to the court that her whip was at Austin's apartment because she went there to ask about why he didn't accept Phoenix and Athena's offer. Austin, under pressure, said that his former boss had "kept him safe from people that wanted to hurt him." Franziska decided to leave her whip with Austin, telling him that if anyone tries to hurt him, to just strike them. Now that she knows it was prison that was trying to "hurt" him, she's willing to confess all of this, as she believes Athena can use the new info to her advantage.

    She manages to keep the trial going, and after more deductions, it's revealed the person Susannah killed was actually Quincy and Quinzelle's previously established brother, Quinton. While Quincy doesn't care about his brother's death, Quinzelle is destroyed by it, and begins confessing her involvement in these crimes.

    After Quinton was declared not guilty by Nestor Sr.'s bribe, Quincy forced Quinzelle to come with him and confront Nestor Sr., leading to Quincy strangling and killing him. Quincy quickly took a photo of Quinzelle next to the dead body and blackmailed her into staging the murder as a suicide. He continued using the photo as blackmail, and forced Quinzelle to distance herself from their brother, Quinton.

    She claims years later, Quincy killed Austin's boss in AC-4 due to Susannah losing the case against him, and after attempting to frame Austin, he forced her to disguise herself as the mysterious person and attack Athena to stop her from defending Austin, which led to Austin defending himself. For Austin's murder, she was only advised to keep quiet about what she knows.

    Quincy claims that her confessions are all false, but Athena proves using evidence from all the events that Quincy is guilty. Quinzelle is relieved that all she's had to hide is finally revealed, but Quincy is bitter that he's been caught. He starts angrily mocking Athena for trusting an escaped criminal, saying Austin only became an attorney to cover up his criminal past, while Athena tries to have an optimistic outlook claiming he felt guilty for his crime and became an attorney to stop other criminals.

    During their argument, Quincy pulls out a gun and takes Athena hostage. He starts accusing everyone in the courtroom of random crimes, like the Judge of taking bribes or Phoenix of forging evidence, and during his rageful rant, Franziska whips the gun out of his hand and strikes him unconscious. Franziska is declared not guilty, she leaves the courtroom and her whip behind, and Athena is left unsure if Austin actually wanted to redeem himself, or just didn't want to pay for his crimes.

    AC2-1, The Unfortunate Turnabout: Athena has to defend a bank robber named Robin Banks, who was accused of murdering a bank teller. Athena would show signs of being affected by Robin's criminal status, given Austin's similarities and what happened with him, but would still push through the trial, and when Robin tries to end the trial after being ridiculed for being a criminal regardless of if she's a murderer, Athena helps her carry on saying she has the potential to be better once she's let out of prison. The culprit is the victim's brother and fellow bank teller, who killed him because their father left his inheritance to his oldest son, the victim, and this is to set up reoccuring instances of siblings appearing in these cases. Outside of this, another standard opening case.

    Also the prosecutor is Winston's daughter, Cyan Payne, who wanted to be a defense attorney but was guilted into continuing the Prosecutor Payne legacy by her uncle, Gaspen.

    AC2-2, Hotel Turnabout (PW, AJ, & AAI References): The case starts with Phoenix asking Athena if she wants to come to Borginia after Trucy called him and said that he, Ema, and Athena need to see the rest of her show. Phoenix also introduces Athena to Lamiroir, saying she's coming with them as she's been in America for a while and misses her home.

    When they make it to Borginia and get to their hotel, someone is murdered in the middle of the night, with the main suspect being Ema's sister, Lana. Lana had joined Interpol, and was sent to Borginia with her partner, Uni Serchin, to investigate an international ring of art forgeries which the culprit is a member of. The hotel owner and art collector, Zinc Lablanc, goes under suspicion after the topic of art forgery brings into question his art collection, and Athena helps him cope with the reality of a majority of his recent art being forged or stolen, due to how much he's traded his art and that he founded the hotel to make more money for art collecting.

    Klavier is the game's prosecutor, able to serve as the magic show is moving to the city the case takes place in, and while he won't undergo as much development as Franziska, he still serves a key role, as he's focused on pursuing the truth like the attorneys, with this trilogy's focus on harsh realities and revelations that he has to bring up because he's the prosecutor, and dealing with and accepting these harsh realities is necessary to move on from them, as shown by Athena helping Robin and Zinc.

    AC2-3, Turnabout Encore (SOJ Spoilers, AJ References): This case is meant to be somewhat of a fusion of concepts from 4-3 and more so 6-2, combining the music and magic aesthetics and basing the case around an accident in the performance.

    When the gang get to the magic show and Phoenix asks Athena to look for Trucy, she finds her trying to hide something, which is revealed to be Apollo. Trucy called him during her flight about potentially surprising the gang during the show or on the way back to America, and when he made it to Borginia, she called Phoenix to have him, Ema, and Athena come to Borginia to surprise them. Athena promises to not tell the rest of the gang about Apollo as the show starts.

    An accident happens during the show, and the a stranger is found dead on the stage, with the evidence found pointing towards Trucy being the culprit. Athena and Apollo take on Trucy's case while also reminiscing on how life's changed after over a year of being apart.

    Late in the case, the twin sisters and performers Bonny and Betty de Famme are called on as witnesses, but Betty comes to the courthouse alone, claiming heavily that Trucy was the culprit. Later on, Bonny arrives and tries to confess to the crime.

    She claims that she overheard two people planning on sabotaging the show, and while she and Betty were preparing a trick, she saw one of the people trying to ruin it. In desparation to save the show, she attacked the person, and ended up accidentally killing them. Betty tried to comfort Bonny about the death, but their lack of attention towards the performance led to an accident, where Betty tried to use the opportunity frame Trucy as the killer and keep her sister safe. Betty kept Bonny silent about everything, and when Bonny was planning to confess to the crime, Betty tied her up to keep her from coming to court, which Bonny eventually escaped from.

    Betty tries to keep pushing Trucy as the culprit, and when that doesn't work, she starts accusing herself of Bonny's actions saying that Bonny is trying to cover for her, but Athena disproves this and tries to help Bonny and Betty cope with the reality of what they've done, leading to Betty giving up and Bonny being jailed for accidental manslaughter.

    After the trial, Trucy declares that she's retiring from magic because of how much harm this performance has led to.

    AC2-4, The Distant Turnabout (SOJ Spoilers): While Phoenix is trying to help Trucy after what happened, Athena and Apollo continue discussing what's happened since they departed, where after Athena brings up her cases and talks about Austin, Apollo talks about the last trial he took in Khura'in.

    A former prosecutor turned defense attorney named Naivin Zi'bek was found dead with a knife in the back. The suspect is Won'teen Gah'jab, a previous member of the Defiant Dragons who was on trial for murder but was freed when it was revealed to be self defense.

    Nahyuta is the prosecutor, and during a trial, Won'teen shames him for sitting by as innocent people were killed under the reign of Ga'ran. Later on, Nahyuta confesses to Apollo that when he would return to America, Nahyuta was planning on retiring from prosecuting, after considering Won'teen's anger and the internal stress when he served under Ga'ran.

    The culprit, Keh'pini Teh'laiv, is a prosecutor revealed to be a member of a small rebellion who believes life was better during the reign of Ga'ran, and has been slowly trying to wipe out all attorneys in Khura'in. One of their previous members tried to kill Won'teen, but he killed them in self defense revealed by the Divination Seance in his trial, so Keh'pini killed Naivin from behind to not be seen during the next seance. When Keh'pini is revealed as the true culprit and vital information about the new rebellion is brought to the public's eye, she'll escape from court and no one will be able to find her.

    During the case, Apollo will get a phone call from Athena revealing this case was happening the same time as AC-3, and her pursuit towards her case will inspire Apollo during an argument in court against Keh'pini about the value of attorneys.

    AC2-5, A Turnabout Apart (AJ Spoilers, SOJ References): The case starts with Phoenix and Athena talking about what happened in AC2-3 and him asking Athena due to her psychology expertise about what might happen if another situation were to ever happen to Trucy, as he's concerned for the well being of his daughter. Phoenix also brings up everything Apollo's been through in the past few years after Athena mentioned his Khura'in trial, and Phoenix asks Athena to be sure to help both of them if something like that ever happens to them again.

    At the hotel, while everyone's preparing to head back to America, the bellhop found Lamiroir dead, accusing Phoenix of the murder. When Apollo and Trucy try taking on the case, Phoenix tells them to stay away from the case and that Athena will be his attorney. As Athena is investigating and questioning the bellhop, she's attacked and sent to the hospital, and despite Phoenix's objections, Apollo and Trucy take on his case.

    During the trial as more of the murder is solved, the bellhop is revealed to be the escaped Keh'pini, and when questioning her motive, Phoenix tries to redirect the attention of the court back to the crime itself, with Klavier suggesting the trial be paused until tomorrow to further investigate. Apollo, tired of Phoenix's inability to cooperate with him, tries using the evidence of the case to solve and force out what he's trying to hide, coming to the realization that Lamiroir was his mother. As Apollo is paralyzed with shock, Keh'pini claims that he missed a revelation: that Trucy is his sister. Phoenix is forced to admit this as the truth, and Apollo is filled with shock and stress until going into cardiac arrest and quickly being given medical attention.

    Athena is released from the hospital as Apollo is sent in, and is met by Phoenix released from prison after Keh'pini confessed to the murder. Athena goes to meet Keh'pini in the detention center where she explains everything that happened.

    After she escaped from the trial in AC2-4, she stalked Apollo from a distance wanting revenge for destroying her new rebellion and outing her as a criminal, either by killing him or taking something or someone valuable away from him, but not wanting to get caught in hopes of starting another rebellion after the fact. She heard Apollo getting a call from Trucy about coming to Borginia, so she had one of her few remaining rebels forge passports so they could take a flight to Borginia.

    When they made it to Borginia, she applied at Zinc's hotel as a bellhop, accepted instantly for being willing to take a smaller pay. She and her partner made a plan to sabotage Trucy's show and hopefully get someone killed in the process, but this only led to Bonny accidentally killing Keh'pini's partner.

    Back at the hotel, Keh'pini, serving as a bellhop, overheard Phoenix and Lamiroir talking about what had happened at Trucy's show and whether or not Trucy and/or Apollo could actually handle the news that they're her children after all they've been through, with Lamiroir fearing she might've waited too long to tell them without psychologically damaging them.

    While Phoenix was out, Keh'pini killed Lamiroir and rearranged the crime scene to make it look like Phoenix did it, using a photo taken during their conversation and saying that was the moment he attacked her. She knew about Athena's psychology expertise, so to make sure she couldn't soften the wound the revelation would cause, she attacked her and got her hospitalized, with Apollo and Trucy taking on the trial.

    After the trial carried on, Keh'pini was outed as an escaped Khura'in criminal, and Apollo discovered the truth about his mom and sister sending him into cardiac arrest, Keh'pini decided to confess to the crime, as Apollo outing her meant she was already gonna be sent back to Khura'in and punished for murder, and the damage on Apollo had already been done.

    After a confrontation between Athena, Phoenix, and Trucy about why Phoenix and Lamiroir hid this information, they head back to the hospital Apollo's at, but he's gone, only leaving his bracelet behind with a note saying he's going back to Khura'in and leaving his past behind.

    AC3 (AJ Spoilers, AAI2 References): I don't have individual case concepts yet, so this is just a series of ideas I have.

    I want one of the culprits in the first or second case to return in the final case after escaping in their debut case. The first game had Athena help people confess to their wrongdoings, the second had her help people cope with harsh realities, and this game would focus on her needing to accept help from people that seem irredeemable in the eyes of the law and society, which in this case would be an escaped killer. This person would try to deny their connection to the previous crimes due to their fear of what will happen to them if they're caught again, so Athena would need to put her faith in this person to see that even though they need to pay for their crime, they can still do good for everyone by confessing their connection to the present crime and providing information to help the case, similar to Austin who was also an escaped killer but there was never a conformation on if he became an attorney to make up for his crime or just to avoid paying for his crime, and contrasting with the final culprit who's goal is explicitly to avoid being arrested rather, not caring about his impact on the victim and the people who knew them.

    I'd also want someone important to either Athena or another character to be the victim of either that person's debut case or the final case, to emphasize Athena's need to trust this person, either by moving on from what this person did to her, or by trusting that this person wants to help solve what happened to her.

    Apollo would come back to America, either because someone like Nahyuta went to America to ask about him, or because he was considering how his old friends are handling his departure, which would lead to him getting a therapy session from Athena and finally accepting what happened in AC2, wanting to be a better friend and brother.

    While I'm not certain if this would make it in a final draft, I was thinking of incorporating AAI2 characters like Sebastian and Justine into this game, as it would match the 2nd release pattern of representation in these games (pw-JFA-t&t-AJ-aai-AAI2), as well as I feel these represented games carry a sense of underappreciation with them (JFA is the least popular game of the original trilogy, AJ is the most contoversial game in the series, AAI2 is the only non-localized game in the series).

    Finally, I wanted to set up Trucy potentially becoming an attorney. After Trucy gave up magic, Phoenix was revealed to be hiding Trucy's mom from her, and her brother essentially abandoned her in AC2, Athena would be a source of inspiration for her. Late into the game, when Athena is cornered, Trucy would have her own objection moment and reinspire the court, maybe utilizing her history with magic in some way and seeing that there's still potential for magic to do good for people. Then by the end of the game, when the gang is together, Trucy would tell Phoenix that she wants to become a defense attorney to do good for people like the other attorneys.

    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
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    Learning about pawnbrokers & money in historical England

    Posted: 01 May 2022 03:42 PM PDT

    Spoilers for The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. In playing for the first time and learnt some fun facts I thought fans of the game might enjoy.

    I thought it was fascinating when Sholmes talked about pawnbrokers being in such common use in England so I went down a rabbit hole learning about pawnbrokers. Seems he was lying, the well off didn't do it (at least they didn't do it commonly, it was embarrassing to do it.) though it was much more commonplace and there were said to be as many pawnbrokers as there were pubs (bars) on high streets. King Edward III once pawned the crown jewels to pay the military https://www.royal.uk/crown-jewels) so like Mr Garrideb Sholmes was "keeping up appearances" by saying everyone does it.

    Also, something else I went down Google reading about because this game piqued my interest, a guineas value was in line with what it was worth in gold but apparently it was worth just over £1 GBP but the equivalent of value of an 18th/19th century pound today is more like £90 GBP, about $113. So 20 guineas is the modern equivalent of a little over $2k

    Edit: marked spoiler because spoiler text tags messing with me

    submitted by /u/circumference_x
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    I made Susato fan art!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 06:17 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! So I’m currently playing Chronicles and have played the Trilogy and AJ, so let me just say I love this series! When I finish Chronicles I have yet to play games 5 and 6. I was wondering if someone can let me know if those games are worth playing

    Posted: 01 May 2022 07:04 PM PDT

    No spoilers please!

    submitted by /u/Features1997
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    When you get lazy because it's 02:20 in the morning XD part 2 to my last post

    Posted: 01 May 2022 06:20 PM PDT

    Which hypothetical plot twist would you like the most?

    Posted: 01 May 2022 05:53 PM PDT

    I'm simply taking this poll out of curiosity. I have an AA7 idea, but I've already decided on what the "big twist" will be. If you have an even better idea for a fan game plot twist, then comment. Also, to my knowledge, none of these twists have been done before, though I could be wrong.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/AnythingMasterGabe
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    Bit of a long shot, but does anyone know what this gif is from (if it's someone's creation, or from a game, etc?)

    Posted: 01 May 2022 09:31 PM PDT

    Bit of a long shot, but does anyone know what this gif is from (if it's someone's creation, or from a game, etc?)


    What the title says.
    I found it in Discord's gif search (Tenor search) and honestly have no idea if it's actually from a later game, or if someone just made it and uploaded it to Tenor. Just by cursory glance it looks real, but I don't know enough about the later games' cases to say whether it happened or not. If anyone happens to know (especially what game/case if real, or what original source if fake) that'd be great, thanks! (Also, sorry if that's the wrong flair tag)

    submitted by /u/jnlhui03
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    What cosmetic would you prefer

    Posted: 01 May 2022 03:32 PM PDT

    Ok, but what if, in AA7, instead of alternate outfits (or i guess in addition), you were also able to enable 3d mode or sprite mode, where you could play the games in the style of DD and SoJ, or switch to the style of the trilogy and AJ? I honestly like that style better, but that's just me, Your thoughts?

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    submitted by /u/EightBallJuice
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    AAI1-5 SPOILERS: I'm playing this case for the third time and I'm incredibly confused at one bit...

    Posted: 01 May 2022 03:27 PM PDT

    Okay, so if you've clicked on this, I'm assuming you've played I1-5, Turnabout Ablaze. If you haven't and don't want spoilers, STOP READING THIS! I'm gonna spoil this case rotten.

    One bit that I really don't understand is the timing of Manny Coachen's death, and an apparent contradiction in what Ambassador Palaeno says when talking to Edgeworth. To best summarise what's said, I'll cite the wiki page:

    "Palaeno and Coachen had had to be in the Theatrum Neutralis for the start of the Steel Samurai show; Palaeno had taken a photo with Alba and the Steel Samurai, after which Palaeno had gone to his office alone. He hadn't seen Coachen alive again."

    Palaeno says something to the effect that the next time Palaeno saw Coachen, he was already in "eternal sleep". However, when you ask him about what he found strange about the Babahlese ink being in-tact in the office, Palaeno says this:

    "Palaeno said that Coachen had rushed back to his office during the second fire. Palaeno had followed him back to the office, only to be greeted by green flames at Coachen's doorstep."

    If I recall correctly, the second fire was after both stage shows. This implies that Palaeno saw Coachen run into the building, which means he saw him alive. Weirder still, we find out later that Manny Coachen was murdered backstage in the Theatrum Neutralis, and the fires were set so that the Rose Pool would be drained and Manny Coachen's dead body could be smuggled from one side of the embassy to the other. So this testimony from Palaeno makes no sense. He couldn't have seen Manny run into the building, and he couldn't have heard Manny say he was worried about his ink, because by this time Manny was already dead.

    Am I missing something? Did Palaeno actually see Shih-Na enter the embassy (disguised in her coat) and think she was actually Manny? It's really bothering me, because I'm hoping this isn't a plot hole, as I was really starting to appreciate this case more. But it's just not adding up.

    Also, I'm confused about this... Coachen wanted to switch the statues behind Alba's back so that Palaeno would have the real statue, and thus be the ambassador of the reunified Cohdopia. However, Alba and Shih-Na already switched the statues... but I'm not sure why. If the plates in the statue were found in Babahl, wouldn't that add further credence to Manny being the true head of the smuggling ring? Or was it because Alba wanted to retrieve the plates so he wouldn't need to make new plates for the counterfeiting? I'm not as confused here because I think the latter bit is probably the reason.

    So, yeah any help with this? I know this case is considered notorious for its issues but I'd like some sincere explanation beyond just "haha this case is convoluted". It's also weird, because these issues didn't occur to me the first two times I played it.

    submitted by /u/FarOffGrace1
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    Ace Attorney Characters as Horror Characters

    Posted: 01 May 2022 04:29 PM PDT

    So a while ago I made a horror theme for Athena and I wanted to make a post on how the ace attorney characters would be as horror characters.

    How They Would Torture You:

    Phoenix Wright:

    He'd end up torturing you by lying to you about horrible stuff and you wouldn't know it as he'd tell you stuff like "no one loves you" "this world isn't real" or tell you lies about the world but he'd be so convincing that he would break your mind to the point where you tell him everything he wants to know before you kys and no one knows what happened. He'd also be able to tell if you're telling the truth due to his magatama and thus if you lied about something then he'd torture you more until you finally tell him the truth.

    Apollo Justice:

    He'd force his bracelet onto any random body part of yours like your neck, waste or arm and make you sit infront of a mirror, forcing you to tell the truth unless you want your body part to be squished as the more you lie the more you're nervous and thus the more the bracelet squeezes you. He'd know when to stop torturing you based on if you've stopped screaming or gasping for air.

    Athena Cykes: (the person who ended up inspiring this)

    She'd torture you by manipulating your emotions and then using them to put you in pain mentally so it breaks your mind (like Phoenix) so you'd give her all of her information and she would know if you're lying or telling the truth by you're emotions the more scared you are then you're lying but also from your voice, if you have a shaken voice then you're telling the truth and if it's more scared then you're lying. She'd also replicate someone you love's voice screaming for help to break you even more. She'd also get physical by throwing objects at you or tying heavy objects onto your wrists and putting them in uncomfortable places.

    Maya Fey:

    She'd channel someone you loved but keep control of them so she'd be able to speak through them and convince you that they are alive and the ones torturing you which leads to you having your mind broken, she'd throw insults at you by telling you that you're worthless and stuff but she would also channel others you've lost and act like they're in the room and also being tortured so you'd finally break and tell her what she wants. She would know if you were lying by how you tell her: if you sound relived or just a bit scared then you're lying but if you sound upset and scared then you're being truthful.

    Trucy Wright:

    Magic tricks- she would force you into any of her magic trick boxes (example: The magic trick box in this and move the pieces, she'd also do all of her magic tricks on you but terribly so you'd get hurt badly in the process. This would repeat until you told her what she wanted. She would know if you were lying or not by a lie detector which would shock your body enough to make you atleast scream if you lied.

    How They'd Get Their Victims:

    Phoenix Wright:

    He'd stalk you by putting that [AJ 4th case spoiler]camera in his hat onto a piece of clothing, then he'd follow you until you get somewhere where no one is and then knock you unconscious before taking you into his office at the WAA and finally torturing you.

    Apollo Justice:

    He'd literally just let Phoenix get you because he'd be easily distracted and lose you.

    Athena Cykes:

    She'd invite you on a date and then take you somewhere where no one is and when she hears someone coming knock you out. She'd do this so that when that person comes out she tells them that you passed out and she really needs to get back to the WAA so they help you so they end up not expecting you as why would you help someone who you suspect of kidnapping?

    Maya Fey:

    She'd scare you by taking you to a cemetery and then blindfold you, but after she tells you to take the blindfold off she jumps out at you with the face of a loved one whose passed away which ends up with you fainting.

    Trucy Wright:

    She'd stop you and give you a VIP pass for an upcoming magic trick of hers, because she'd famous you'd obviously go since it's a VIP ticket and free. The ticket would let you watch the show and go backstage to ask Trucy anything however Trucy would surprise attack you with a bat as soon as you go backstage, thus knocking you out.

    That's all my ideas so far, if you have any other ideas for different characters or for the characters I've chosen feel free to comment them as I love seeing other people's ideas!

    submitted by /u/Dora_Queen
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    Somehow managed to glitch myself out of bounds and invisible on my first playthrough of AA investigations 2, by going to the right side of the stage slightly only to just lucked out and fix myself by just walking in one direction

    Posted: 30 Apr 2022 06:25 PM PDT

    [POLL] Who do you think are the MOST SKILLED prosecutors?

    Posted: 01 May 2022 01:12 PM PDT

    Argument between my friend and I (it hurts my brain)

    Posted: 01 May 2022 11:10 PM PDT

    Should I get the trilogy on Steam?

    Posted: 01 May 2022 03:46 AM PDT

    I'm a newbie and realized it's on sale and I decided I have time to play it. So should I buy it, or is there going to be a sale upcoming?

    submitted by /u/deksann
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    A rant about the great ace attorney’s racism controversy:

    Posted: 01 May 2022 03:27 PM PDT

    I know that I'm late to the party and I'm obviously not the first to rant about this and I've seen a lot of people talk about how extremely dumb this whole thing is but, I just need to get this off my chest

    I'm not English or Asian, and I've never been a victim of racism myself however, I believe that simply depicting racism is… fine.

    Having a problem with a depiction of racism is like complaining about the depictions of murder in the series.

    Seriously why does this controversy even exist?!

    submitted by /u/theaf55
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    Weekly Poll [25b]: Who is your least favourite culprit from Spirit of Justice?

    Posted: 01 May 2022 05:00 AM PDT

    Phoenix Wright

    Posted: 01 May 2022 09:17 AM PDT

    what are the game that Phoenix Wright was the mc or atlist playable ?

    submitted by /u/sonic1384
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