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    Friday, May 6, 2022

    Ace Attorney Weekly Poll [26]: Which game features your favourite cross-examination theme (excluding Presto versions)?

    Ace Attorney Weekly Poll [26]: Which game features your favourite cross-examination theme (excluding Presto versions)?

    Weekly Poll [26]: Which game features your favourite cross-examination theme (excluding Presto versions)?

    Posted: 04 May 2022 05:00 PM PDT

    Gum Dickshoe

    Posted: 06 May 2022 03:19 AM PDT

    Trucy has joined the Khura'inese Revolutionary Forces.

    Posted: 06 May 2022 07:37 AM PDT

    Some art of my favorite lady 💎

    Posted: 06 May 2022 07:44 AM PDT

    This scene hits hard

    Posted: 06 May 2022 03:50 AM PDT

    My top 30, thoughts?

    Posted: 06 May 2022 05:42 AM PDT

    Why Kristoph Gavin is one of the best characters in Ace Attorney

    Posted: 06 May 2022 04:42 AM PDT

    Kristoph casually being threatening

    Right then, you obviously read the title so might as well go ahead and start.

    Kristoph Gavin is my favorite villain in the Ace Attorney franchise and I'm going to try to explain why I think that way.

    Turnabout Trump:

    Ahh yes, one of my absolute favorite cases in the franchise. As we start the case, we meet Apollo Justice a very young attorney understandably nervous about his first-ever trial. And soon after, we meet Kristoph Gavin. He's the mentor of Apollo Justice and the head of his own law firm. After meeting him, our initial impressions are that he's a very articulate, polite person. This is due to his outfit and words obviously. As the trial starts, we learn that Kristoph is obviously a big shot in the law business from the Judge's surprise that he is not heading the defense. The trial moves on, Kristoph acts like a proper mentor, helping out Apollo here and there BUT what's this? Our own mentor has been accused of the crime, what would his reaction be? Absolutely nothing. He's just as calm as ever. His words are still articulate but there's a different bite to them all of a sudden. It's like he's masking his anger behind all of the posh words. He starts to get a little bit edgy which is understandable considering he's been accused of murder but you don't see any noticeable reaction from him. He also starts to get a little bit more (urgent?? if thats the word I suppose). Pushing you to break Nick's testimony, becoming more and more critical of your performance etc etc. The signs start to show and finally he is called to the witness stand. As he testifies it feels like he's just out for a normal chat with a friend not that he's testifying for a murder case. This clearly showcases how he got his "Coolest Defense in the West". His testimony is nearly flawless and he would get away if it weren't for Nick's quick thinking. None of the contradictions in his testimony were obvious in any way. And he doesn't leave a shred of proof behind. I mean the evidence required to convict him is fucking forged. Even his breakdown is really constricted in a way. Not over the top in any way just slams the stand in anger then proceeds to regain his composure in a second. Then we get this absolutely amazing bit of exposition dialogue:


    This explains why Phoenix might have been so quick to doubt Kristoph and also adds more question marks to Nick and Kristoph's friendship. Because why would they become friends if Kristoph stole Nick's most precious thing away from him? This also kind of explains their hostile yet civil dialogue towards each other during the trial and I absolutely loved it.

    But that's it for trump. It leaves a lot of questions such as motive, Nick and Kristoph's relationship etc etc. This all left me feeling that Kristoph's story isn't yet over. And I was right but we don't see him for a fair while.

    Turnabout Succession:

    This is gonna be an extremely long bit of the essay as this is where majority of Kristoph's characterization is received. The final case of AJ, a very divisive case in the fandom. I absolutely adore this case but this isn't about succession this is about Kristoph Gavin's character and this case is exactly when Kristoph became my favorite villain.

    I personally hold the opening scene of this case in extremely high regard. It never fails to get me hyped for what's gonna happen and also the shot of Kristoph standing menacingly just smiling from the witness stand always sends shivers down my spine. But I will concede that this basically spoils the killer. I would argue though that this case is more about finding out the events of 7 years ago and linking them to the goings-on of the present because clearly there is a huge link between them. This case is also the perfect anti-thesis to 4-1 where we don't know anything but Phoenix knew everything. Now we know who the culprit is, we just have to watch how Phoenix knew what he knew in 4-1. But enough about succession now.

    This case gives huge insight into Kristoph's character. Underneath that polished and eloquently dressed person lies possibly the most cunning and dangerous sociopath in the franchise. He is extremely proud and narcissistic but you would never realize that from just talking to him.

    Let's start with 7 years ago. The defendant is a world-famous magician Zak Gramaryae and anyone who defends him successfully will be famous and rich beyond belief. Kristoph already making his name as a first-rate attorney sees this opportunity and takes the job. For all the fame and money I mentioned previously he commits the ultimate sin for a defense attorney: he forges evidence. After receiving it, he proceeds to silencing the forgers (more on that later). He's extremely well prepared and will leave nothing to chance. This showcases his perfectionist side. But suddenly Zak calls him to the detention center and plays a game of poker with him. Kristoph lost the game and Zak proceeded to fire him and replace him with Phoenix Wright. This is where Kristoph's extreme narcissistic side kicks in. He's not jealous, he starts to fucking loathe Phoenix and Zak because the essentially trampled on his pride. Zak because he fired Kristoph, and Phoenix mainly because Phoenix is famous for relying on bluffs etc to win the trials. Outraged that anyone would ever replace a first-class attorney such as himself with a second-rate attorney (as he called Phoenix), Kristoph derives a plan plotting the downfall of both men who had wronged him. He leaks the knowledge to Klavier (the prosecutor on the case and Kristoph's younger brother). He sends the forged diary page to Phoenix who presents it, loses the case and also loses his attorney's badge. But Zak Gramaryae escapes.

    Now Zak escaping was never in Kristoph's plans, all his plan hinges on Zak being executed for murder because Zak is the only one who knows that Kristoph was the previous attorney on the case. Kristoph proceeds to make himself appear sympathetic to Phoenix by voting against harsh action against Phoenix. He befriends Phoenix but only to keep a close eye on him. This paranoia leads to him keeping an extremely close watch on everyone involved with the case for 7 goddamn years. As soon as Zak comes back into the open, he's murdered by Gavin because Gavin kept an eye on Brushel a friend of Zak's.

    Now back to the present day, the forger who was involved with the case has died due to poisoning and his daughter has also been poisoned right in the damn courtroom AT THE WITNESS STAND. Can we just appreciate Kristoph's plans here? He takes advantage of Vera's tendency to bite her nails and her phobia of going outside to his advantage by the "good luck charm" nail polish he gives her. He sends a poisoned stamp to Drew Misham as you need to lick stamps to post them. But here is where he miscalculated, he never thought that Vera would keep the stamp safe. Nevertheless by pure coincidence both people are poisoned 7 years later almost simultaneously. The absolute genius of this plan is shocking as he could murder the forgers and no one would ever have any evidence to convict him. I mean how do you link stamps and nail polish to a person concretely?

    Next on to the MASON system investigation, another controversial part in this case which I love but I understand if you don't like it. The best part of this investigation is easily the solitary cell interactions between Phoenix and Kristoph. Both men are so filled of hatred for each other yet they don't let it show. Their words are polite yet filled with nothing but contempt. After this great interaction we see what is the greatest bit of characterization we receive for Kristoph: The black psyche-locks.

    Now you may wonder, why the black psyche-locks are so good to me. And here's my reasoning:

    Kristoph spends 7 damn years trying to tie up all the loose ends of all his crimes. He spends all that time lying, building this persona of a nice, helpful person. He tricked people so much that eventually he tricked himself into thinking that he never committed any crime which lead to those black psyche-locks being placed on his heart. He was unknowingly hiding everything not just from everyone but even from himself. People also say that his psyche-locks never broke. But I disagree with that. It was quite clearly stated in DD that breaking black psyche-locks can have damaging effects on a person's mental health. This could have been the case during his breakdown in 4-4 as he just snaps. Starts yelling, openly rude af basically he goes against everything that was his persona so far and I think that was cuz his black psyche-locks broke.

    Now I want to talk about the final cross-examination of Kristoph, he's summoned to the stand to testify for murder and yet again there's that cool persona. He smiles, easily shoots down any accusations thrown against him by using the law to his advantage and this showcases even more how smart he is. Another great thing is that there was no real contradiction in any of his testimony. You only even get close to cornering him is that by luck, the only other person who knew about Zak's previous attorney was the prosecutor. His own brother, Klavier. Kristoph never saw that Klavier might testify against his own brother, showcased by Kristoph's repeated warnings to Klavier all of which are increasingly threatening. People also say how short the cross-examination is as if it's a bad thing but I would like to ask, What can you prove? You can't prove any relation between Kristoph and the Mishams, simply because no evidence exists that concretely shows that he was the killer. Just goes to show how articulate and well thought-out his plan was. The only thing that could prove the relation was the yellow letter but Kristoph easily makes that illegal evidence as well. Also more on the psyche-locks, interestingly, Kristoph never snapped until he heard Phoenix's name. He didn't care about Apollo. Apollo was just a nobody to him. But as soon as he learned that he was bested by Phoenix Wright, the man he considered so much inferior to himself. He snapped, the black psyche-locks broke and we have what is possibly my favorite breakdown. Also his lines about the law are absolutely impeccable, yet more awesome character building.

    To top it all off, he is by far the most terrifying villain in the franchise. Engarde was kinda goofy, Gant gets old after a bit, von Karma was just extremely cartoon-y, Godot never really was the big bad, the Phantom had too little screen time, and Ga'ran was just kinda tropey. But Kristoph... he's the only character that gives me chills. Every time I see that one sprite where a shadow's covering the top of his face and he's looking down I shudder.

    Even though I've said all of this praise for Kristoph, there is one thing I must admit was a missed opportunity and why I hope so badly that there was an AJ2. Apart from his dynamic with Phoenix, Kristoph's dynamic with Apollo and Klavier are kind of just... skipped over? I mean there is something between Kristoph and Klavier showcased by Kristoph easily insulting Klavier as he always looked down on him. And Apollo.... well there's nothing there is there? But that is exactly what I have wanted to see more of but we'll never know I suppose.

    Phew that was a long essay, hope you liked it!

    submitted by /u/Legitimate_Major3799
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    It arguably makes him a less effective antagonist, but I love that Gavin is just like, good at his job and not a jerk. Guy just wants a fair fight.

    Posted: 05 May 2022 04:00 PM PDT


    Walk up to his office, overhear him talking about evidence

    "Hey uh...can you tell us that info?"

    "Yeah, no prob dude. Here's all I know so far. There's a block on information so I haven't figured out the rest yet though, but that should tell you something. Fun thing about the countries reaction though, something to consider, eh?"

    Plus his famous line in 4-4 gets better when you consider that it was (I believe, my Japanese is a bit rusty) mistranslated. He says that Kristoph let him access the victim's belongings, but the opposite is true - Klavier (as the prosecutor) let Kristoph, the defense attorney, look at all available evidence to ensure a fair trial. That's when Kristroph betrayed him and forged evidence.

    It's also why the "A fair fight, brother to brother! I deserved that much!" line hits really hard in my opinion. Guy just really wants a fair fight. Nothing more, nothing less. The whole time he is always open with Apollo and whoever, doesn't try to cheat or even twist the rules to convict someone he's sure isn't the killer. He is just a guy...legitimately doing his best.

    Like, if I was a random citizen in Japanifornia, he'd be the one I'd want prosecuting my case because he's competent, not obsessed with winning, and also probably like the only prosecutor in the entire series who legitimately believes in sharing discovery with the defense for fairness's sake lmao

    There's a decent argument to be made that this made him a much weaker rival character than the other prosecutors, and I would even agree with that. He doesn't feel as memorable or as imposing because of it. But replaying the series and realizing that his defining characteristic is wanting a fair fight no matter the circumstances it's like...damn, I like this guy, you know? Wish he got explored more in the future. Would love an Investigations game for him to struggle with everything.

    Yeah, he didn't have as much "presence" in the series and that's arguably a writing failure. They could have kept the same character and still made him more memorable by highlighting how hard it is for him to live his life the way he does, for example. But I still really enjoy his character, even if I didn't appreciate him as much when I was younger.

    As I get older I see him as just a dude who has it together despite living in a society that not only empowers but actively encourages people in his position to abuse his power. Yet he doesn't, even while his own brother does. And I'm just like "Aw, you're a cool dude Gavin."

    submitted by /u/TuneSquadFan4Ever
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    A rei pfp for y'all!

    Posted: 05 May 2022 05:25 PM PDT

    Sebastian Debeste meeting Bobby Fulbright

    Posted: 05 May 2022 05:05 PM PDT

    PW:AA on Ipad in german?

    Posted: 06 May 2022 09:39 AM PDT

    My mother has displayed interest in trying the ace attorney series and I'm all fir it! Problem is I lost my copy of the first game for DS and since she isn't that well versed in English the ios version for her ipad (which would be great because of its size) won't work for her because it's missing the german translation (seriously why!). also finding an original copy of a 20+ year old game is hard, who would have thought. I even considered emulation shoud it come to it. Lastly i could buy the trilogy for switch but then i can't play TGAA on it.

    TLDR: how can i play PW:AA in german, ideally on iPad.

    submitted by /u/wittyGrumbler
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    A friend of mine is playing Chronicles. I anticipated his reaction to Iris a bit too quickly…

    Posted: 05 May 2022 08:18 AM PDT

    Theory about why Edgeworth drives a Mazda RX-8 in the Ace Attorney anime

    Posted: 05 May 2022 07:56 PM PDT

    DISCLAIMER: I realize that in the games Edgeworth drives an Alfa, but for the purposes of this post I'm going to focus on the RX-8 and why that is a better fit for Edgeworth's personality. I will also assume that he owns both the alfa and the RX-8.

    First off, I'm going to list some reasons why it might seem confusing that Edgeworth would drive an RX-8.

    1) The events of the first game take place in 2016, when Miles was around 24 years old. The RX-8 was last sold in the US in 2012, meaning that the car is at least 4 years old. So, either Miles bought the car when it was brand new before he tried his first case (which was in 2013), or he bought it used. He would have been 20 or 21 when this happened

    2) Edgeworth is clearly a wealthy man. His salary and upbringing would surely allow him to purchase a car of significant value, yet the range of pricing for the last RX-8s was only around $26,795 - $32,960.

    3) The styling in the anime appears to be that of the first generation RX-8, as opposed to the second generation RX-8. The first generation started production with the 2002 and ended production with the 2008 model year. If we can assume that the car that Edgeworth is driving is indeed a first generation RX-8, then that means that when the car was new and originally sold, he would have been AT OLDEST 15 or 16 when the car was new, and possibly as young as 9. So, we can assume that either Edgeworth bought (or was given) the car as he was learning to drive, or he bought it used.

    4) assuming that 3) is true, in 2016-17 Miles is driving a car that is at least around 9 years old and because it's at least 9 years old, we can assume that it has a decent amount of miles on it (and in it).

    So, why would Miles Edgeworth, a legendary and very wealthy prosecutor whose character seems to enjoy cars and take interest in them (This is evidenced by him owning a car that resembles an Alfa Romeo in the games. To quote Jeremy Clarkson: "you can't be a true petrolhead until you've owned an Alfa Romeo") drive an old lower-tier sports car? Not only that, he drives this car to show up in front of a mass of media and cameras when he clearly cares about his public image.

    A piece of evidence showing how much Miles cares about this car is that he has it custom painted with a matte finish to match the colors of his signature clothes. While the RX-8 color Copper Red Mica comes close to the color of edgeworth's car, it was not offered in a matte finish.

    The answer is fairly simple, Edgeworth is a man who grips to the past and drags the past along into the present because he has a hard time letting go.

    The Mazda RX-8 was the last car to ever have a rotary engine, and since the RX-8 ended production in 2012 there has not been another production car made with a rotary engine. According to Wikipedia: " The rotary engine is an early type of internal combustion engine, usually designed with an odd number of cylinders per row in a radial configuration, in which the crankshaft remained stationary in operation, with the entire crankcase and its attached cylinders rotating around it as a unit. Its main application was in aviation, although it also saw use before its primary aviation role, in a few early motorcycles and automobiles."

    Miles clearly has the wealth to drive newer, flashier, more expensive, and more powerful cars, but he chooses to drive an RX-8. I think it fits his character that he would buy one of the last rotary engine cars (maybe he grew up riding in a rotary engine car, which would be a good explanation, though we'll never know what Miles' parents drove). As with all things Edgeworth, one part of him bitterly moves forward through time (in this case by driving and owning at least one different car), while the other side clings to the past and refuses to let go.

    submitted by /u/cyclonetoast
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    the watch and games order?

    Posted: 06 May 2022 05:55 AM PDT

    hi i wanted to know if like there is any watch and games order like how in the danganronpa series after you play ultra dispair girls you have to watch the Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak anime something like that sorry if im bad at explaining

    submitted by /u/ilovefriez
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    Main Game + Investigations Duology Culprit Tier List (based on how the kill was carried out)

    Posted: 05 May 2022 05:38 PM PDT

    I'm wanting to play the ace attorney games on 3DS. How many "blocks" do they take up? Or should I wait until capcom makes more collections?

    Posted: 06 May 2022 04:34 AM PDT

    Just letting ya'll know. I won't have enough space on my 32GB SD card, but I can change the format on my 128GB card to let it work on my N3DSXL. I won't do it until tomorrow or whenever I have time. If It's better to wait for collections that will probably happen soon, I'll wait. I do have the one with Professor Layton already downloaded. I'm not gonna play the games soon, but I will one day. I'm currently interested in playing Bayonetta 1&2 again before 3 is out.

    submitted by /u/TMS-FE
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    I am reposting the analysis post I did yesterday because it didn't get the traction I hoped. I hope this is ok

    Posted: 06 May 2022 10:38 AM PDT

    Phoenix wright trilogy on 3ds or switch?

    Posted: 06 May 2022 10:22 AM PDT

    Jumping on the bandwagon, here are my top 30 characters, plus honorable mentions.

    Posted: 06 May 2022 09:01 AM PDT

    Getting Pywright working

    Posted: 06 May 2022 12:07 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! I've been really curious about some of the fangames that have been made, (I've got my eye on Turnabout Substitution in particular). The versions for Android and Mac don't seem to be working (my brother is the one with a windows pc not me). Does anyone have any advice regarding this?

    submitted by /u/Phrophetsam
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    Is it true that in AA if u kill someone u get the death penalty???

    Posted: 05 May 2022 02:08 PM PDT

    I have a modest inquiry

    Posted: 05 May 2022 08:07 AM PDT

    Is anyone else in this sub fucking tired of seeing tier list topics?

    submitted by /u/AVeryPoliteDog
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    A question regarding the Investigations games.

    Posted: 05 May 2022 10:23 PM PDT

    So I've heard countless times about how amazing investigations 2 is from this sub, many claiming it's similar in quality to trials and tribulations. As someone who's played 1 though to 5 in the main series this has me excited because T&T is my favourite ace attorney game. So I decided to pick up investigations 1 and play it so I could gain relevant context for investigations 2. I'm currently finishing up case 3 and am bored to tears. This game has been such a slog to get through and is tanking my enjoyment of the entire series. I looked on strategy wiki to see how long the next two cases are and case 5 is substantially longer than all the other cases in the game.

    My question is this: Are the final two cases worth playing as someone who has not been enjoying their time with the game in order to enjoy investigations 2 more, or should I simply look up a plot synopsis and abandon this game.

    submitted by /u/Bignate2001
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    No, not this scene making me fall in love with this man [AA:SOJ]

    Posted: 04 May 2022 11:38 PM PDT

    Solving the MASON system

    Posted: 05 May 2022 01:18 PM PDT

    Hello again ladies and gentlemen. I'm back again for more analysis. And I finally set my sights to Apollo Justice. But this time I'm not planning to do a character breakdown but rather, shed light to the most confusing and controversial part of this game. The MASON system.

    But before I do that, let me explain what drove me into doing this analysis. There's a cryptic scene in the last part of the trial that has bugged me ever since I first played the game. The scene happens right after Phoenix's first speech to the jurists after you beat the MASON system part. The scene goes dark and we hear a voice saying "something is rising..surfacing..something important.. lost long ago.. it's close now so close"

    From the day I first played it I kept wondering who that was and what it meant. People have speculated it might be Phoenix and his sense of justice/duty or Klavier and his realization of Kristoph's manipulations but no answer could satisfy me. And looking back through it I had a new idea. And that idea made me realize that we were looking at it the wrong way. That scene and the mason system don't make sense because we believed that the events of the case take place on a linear timeline. But if we remove that assumption a third option emerges that perfectly explains that dialogue. It's Lamiroir and what surfaces that was lost long ago, is her memory.

    You may be thinking that this is a reasonable explanation on its own just by what's said so how is the MASON system connected to it? Well, it all has to do with the images that appear when that words are said. The images are Kristoph testifying, Kristoph's cell, various shots of the borscht bowl club, Magnifi's diary with the blackmail about her "death" and Drew's studio both from present and past(you can tell the second picture is from the past from the mold in the walls).

    All these are important because they are either places from the MASON part where Thalassa was mentioned or from the testimony Kristoph gave that talks about Zak and the events of the past. But the most interesting part of this is that they are BOTH from MASON and the trial. Suggesting that that sentence isn's a singular linear sentence but multiple different points where her memory gradually returns. Something also suggested by the use of suspension points. The timeline presented isn't linear.

    After that I knew I had to turn my attention to the intro. Which is quite interesting because it feels like it starts at the end. The intro starts with a voice, later shown to be Phoenix saying "and that's the whole truth of this case" showing the MASON system. And after it does that Phoenix says "Is the defendant innocent or guilty? It is up to you to decide" and Kristoph is shown in the witness stand.

    That gave me a crazy little idea on how the events happened but I didn't have a way to prove it. And then I did something I never considered before. And I found my proof. I check the times of when the final trial starts and when it ends. The trial starts at 10 AM and ends almost 3 hours later with the judge calling for a verdict.

    This is odd. After all that trial was abnormaly short. All that happened is Klavier giving an update on Vera, Apollo calling Kristoph to the stand, Kristoph giving one testimony Apollo explaining his possible motive and their talk about the nature of the law. It's not that much. For context, earlier in the same episode we had Klavier's opening statement about Magnifi and Phoenix Cross examining Gumshoe on two testimonies in about 2 hours. This should take less but let's assume 2 hours to add in the time they needed to bring Kristoph from jail. That's still 1 unaccounted hour.

    Which confirmed what I had been suspecting from the moment I started this exploration. The MASON system demonstration happened AFTER the conclusion of the trial.

    If you haven't gotten it already I will now demonstrate my belief on how the timelinet took place:

    Vera collapses and the trial is interrupted --> That same night Phoenix takes Apollo in his office and shows him the records of his final case telling him everything that transpired those seven years and what he has to do to win --> The next day Apollo calls Kristoph to the stand as per the plan while Phoenix prepares the jurists- including Lamiroir whom he hopes to help remember --> As the testimony goes on Lamiroir starts having flashes of her old life --> Then, after it ends, Phoenix has the jurists use the MASON system which is basically a VR software allowing them to experience the investigations built by the footage he recorded and all the evidence he collected over those seven years. As she sees and hears more about the Gramamryes the pieces start falling and Lamiroir remembers --> Then the intro happens with Phoenix asking them to give a verdict.

    And with that, once again, I rest my case.

    submitted by /u/TvManiac5
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    Miles Edgework being smug, of course.

    Posted: 05 May 2022 04:21 AM PDT

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