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    Tuesday, May 31, 2022

    Ace Attorney More Sprite Swaps by @khyt47

    Ace Attorney More Sprite Swaps by @khyt47

    More Sprite Swaps by @khyt47

    Posted: 31 May 2022 09:10 AM PDT

    Did Phoenix actually say this in the Japanese version?

    Posted: 31 May 2022 07:16 AM PDT

    Snuck in a little wagahai into a final project for an art class

    Posted: 30 May 2022 06:39 PM PDT

    Draw Mia Fey (Disegno su Mia Fey)

    Posted: 31 May 2022 02:41 AM PDT

    Meanwhile at the Wright Anything Agency.

    Posted: 30 May 2022 08:39 AM PDT

    What's your take on this? [mild AAI2 spoilers]

    Posted: 31 May 2022 10:44 AM PDT

    Meanwhile, at the prosecutor’s office…

    Posted: 30 May 2022 10:24 AM PDT

    How important to a game's story/character's development does a game's prosecutor need to be?

    Posted: 30 May 2022 10:27 PM PDT

    Spoilers for each game will be marked, but the spoiled topics may include any aspect of the respective game's story depending on what's relevant to the conversation. If you wish to further discuss about individual games and their prosecutors, use spoiler flairs in the comments.

    I ask this because of my current desire to make fangames, and recalling old discussions of whether future games should use previously established prosecutors or keep introducing new ones.

    Paynes excluded, basically every prosecutor in the mainline hexology and Chronicles has served a function in each game they appear in outside of serving as the prosecution for trials.

    PW: Miles is Phoenix's childhood friend, the defendant of 1-4, was integral to Phoenix becoming a lawyer, has connections to the DL-6 incident, and is impacted heavily by the events of 1-5. Manfred is the culprit of DL-6.

    JFA: Franziska goes through character development during the epilogue of 2-4 during her conversation with Miles when her values as a prosecutor and as an individual are brought into questioning. Miles is integral to Phoenix's character development regarding his values as a lawyer in 2-4, and is integral to Franziska's previously mentioned character development.

    T&T: Godot knew Mia when she was alive, played a major role in her career as a lawyer due to his mentoring of her in 3-4 and how his coma impacted her in 3-1, and is the culprit of 3-5. Miles returns after 3-4 to take over as defense for Phoenix when he's in the hospital. Franziska shows signs of development in 3-5 when she stops caring about the von Karma legacy and focuses on herself.

    AJ: Klavier shares connections with the culprits of 4-3 and 4-4, and played a role in Phoenix's disbarment.

    DD: Simon was integral to Athena becoming a lawyer, was considered the culprit of the UR-1 incident, and was declared innocent of the charges from UR-1 in 5-5. Miles helped Phoenix get his badge back, and worked to restore the public's faith in the law.

    SOJ: Nahyuta is Apollo's foster brother, and goes through character development in 6-5 when denouncing his service under Ga'ran and embracing his role as a Defiant Dragon. Ga'ran is the Queen of Khura'in and the culprit of the second trial of 6-5. Miles is Phoenix's investigation partner in 6-5.

    GAA: Barok's role as the "Reaper of the Old Bailey" affects the defendants of each case he prosecutes through either their death or their fear of death.

    GAA2: Barok's affects on defendants carries over, he's the defendant of G2-4 and G2-5, has a connection to the Professor killings through Klint and Genshin, and gets character development through the examinatiom of his racism. Kazuma is revealed to not be dead, is integral to Ryunosuke's development as a lawyer in both GAA games, is part of an assassin exchange, has a connection to the Professor killings through Genshin, and goes through character development at the end of G2-5 when wanting to become a full-fledged prosecutor after considering how he wanted to kill Tobias.

    Some of these prosecutors have more complex roles outside of prosecution than others, with some roles being partially debatable on whether or not they surpass "basic prosecution", like AJ's Klavier disbaring Phoenix just by doing his job as prosecutor or GAA's Barok's role as the Reaper being highly important to GAA2, but initially being mostly a means of foreshadowing GAA2 and making him more intimidating, but I think there's a case to be made about all of these characters being more to the games than just prosecutors.

    So with how common it's been for prosecutors to go beyond this role, I want to know if you think this is a necessity for each prosecutor, or if you would be fine with a prosecutor that just serves their role as each trial's prosecutor well. Along with that, depending on how important you think a prosecutor should be to the game they appear in, I also want to know how you think that should apply to prosecutors that are either old or new characters, such as if you think new prosecutors should only be introduced if they're important to the game, or if returning prosecutors that aren't as integral to the story as they once were could be damaging to the character.

    Engaging personalities and means of countering the defense's arguments are a given; they would still have to be good characters regardless of how important they are in the game. This is just about how important and complex their role in the game should be.

    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
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    AAI 1 Behind The Scenes Questions

    Posted: 31 May 2022 03:22 AM PDT

    I don't think it'll come up but just in case: I'm currently in the middle of the 4th case in AAI so please no spoilers.

    I had some questions about the voice clips. Namely for the character of Calisto Yew, her objection sounds like it was the worst take they could have used and it sounds like it was recorded on a really bad microphone is there any story to that? Also I noticed that Young Franziska's hold it doesn't have the usual voice clip attached to it is that a bug or was it something they had to do for the NDS? Btw I'm playing on iOS.

    submitted by /u/Creampuffism
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    Does Anybody Know…

    Posted: 31 May 2022 05:27 AM PDT

    …what happens if you fail Mikotoba's Dance of Deduction? I can't seem to find a footage of a game over of that. I know that usually it just says "Deduction Failed — I can see nothing", but this is a special case considering it's not Naruhodo this time. So, if someone can disclose this for me lol. It's been bugging me for a while.

    <<Okay, full disclosure: I'm an AA fan but I don't get to play the games for myself (yet).>>

    submitted by /u/Confident-Hearing-78
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    Posted: 31 May 2022 10:49 AM PDT

    Rank every courtroom soundtrack from A to F

    Skip the question if you don't know/can't decide to rate a soundtrack


    submitted by /u/Waelomano_KM
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    Interested In Playing!

    Posted: 31 May 2022 06:22 AM PDT

    Hi R/AceAttorney! I am interested in hearing what this game is all about! I have played Danganronpa and loved the visual novel genre and the plot, so now I am trying to explore similar games!

    If anyone could give a spoiler free summary/ run-down of the series, I would greatly appreciate it. I am interested in knowing if there is a certain game I should start with, or if I can play the games in any order. (If I can play in any order, what is the BEST order!)

    I also see that there is an anime, is that something that I should watch before or after playing a certain game?

    I wanted to ask in the subreddit because I feel as though this is the best way to avoid spoilers. I ran into a lot of spoilers when looking up information about playing Danganronpa and would like to avoid them as much as possible.

    Thank you to anyone who responds! I am very interested in the game!!

    submitted by /u/fukawas-scissors
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    Has anyone heard of any progress from the DGS fan translation for the 3ds?

    Posted: 31 May 2022 07:37 AM PDT

    It's basically been a year since they updated their website and I'm just wondering if anyone has heard about whether they're dropping the project or it's still in progress?

    submitted by /u/ryantoast77
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    what are your favourite Japanifonia-isms?

    Posted: 30 May 2022 03:34 PM PDT

    I'm doing a paper that features Ace Attorney's localization and I wanted to know what everyone's favourite localization discrepancy was (ex. hamburgers vs sushi)

    submitted by /u/honjapiano
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    Musings About the Fate of the Main Antagonist of "Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney" (Spoilers for 4-4)

    Posted: 30 May 2022 05:37 PM PDT

    I've been thinking a lot lately about what might have happened to Kristoph Gavin after the events of "Turnabout Succession", and I wanted to make a relatively small post sharing some of my thoughts and musings in hopes of inviting healthy discussion.

    Before I begin discussing my own thoughts, I should begin by briefly mentioning something I have ascertained from canon regarding Kristoph's current whereabouts. Something very interesting I noticed in the final credits of Apollo Justice is that we don't see Kristoph back in Solitary Cell 13 after the events of "Turnabout Succession". We see Spark Brushel there "on the hunt for a scoop", and we see that all of Kristoph's things (i. e. his bookshelf, his chair, his desk, etc.) are still there, but we don't see or hear any sign of Kristoph himself there. This, to me, implies that, at the very least, he was not allowed to return to Solitary Cell 13 after the events of "Turnabout Succession" and was moved somewhere else without being allowed to bring his things with him. Exactly where this somewhere else was, canon doesn't tell us, but I am pretty convinced that he is no longer held in Solitary Cell 13.

    An idea I keep coming back to is that Kristoph may have ended up in a psychiatric hospital for at least a period of time after the events of "Turnabout Succession". While this thinking on my part is somewhat inspired by this Tumblr post, it is primarily based on my own observations of the sheer intensity of his final breakdown combined with his reaction to hearing Vera be declared innocent. To put it simply, his reactions during and after his breakdown do not strike me as those of a person who is in their right mind, and I believe that his laughter at the end was a sign that he had finally broken completely. I view his laughter in that moment as coming from a kind of despair--a despair that mirrors the one Phoenix sensed in his black psyche locks when he visited him at Solitary Cell 13. This despair, I think, arose from Kristoph's entire worldview being shattered in a single moment. In hearing the verdict, he had not only ultimately "lost" to Phoenix--someone whom he believes to be fundamentally inferior to him as both a lawyer and a person, but his entire philosophy of law had been completely overturned in a single moment. I think that his years of lying--not just everyone around him--but also to himself out of his own pride had created in his mind a warped sense of reality, and that he had gotten himself so stuck in his ways of thinking that he refused to accept his web of false beliefs being proven to be lies. Kristoph is someone who is prideful above all else, and his pride will not endure him being proven wrong, and that is why he despairs and loses what is left of his grip on true reality.

    I also think it's interesting from a storytelling perspective if Kristoph is never officially sentenced after the events of "Turnabout Succession" due to his mental state. Although I did not come up with this idea myself (as I initially heard it in this Tumblr post), I think it mirrors the lack of closure that a lot of the aspects of Apollo Justice had, and it also presents the characters with a reality that (much like the law itself) is less than ideal and that they have to confront and wrestle with. As much as they would like to bring about justice in every scenario, that is something they simply can't do--they are only human and therefore can't control every outcome. All they can do is grieve, process, heal, and move forward to the best of their ability, which takes a lot of time and is by no means enjoyable. Whether they like it or not, they must eventually come to a place where they (unlike Kristoph) can accept reality as it is and stop trying to control every outcome. They can't right every wrong in the world--they can't heal Kristoph's broken mind and then bring him to justice, but they can eventually come to a place where they are able to live their lives without Kristoph's shadow looming over them.

    If you have any thoughts, theories, headcanons, etc. about what ultimately happened to Kristoph after the events of "Turnabout Succession", please feel free to share them! I would love to hear and discuss your thoughts on this. Also, if you would like for me to explain and/or elaborate on any of my thoughts (and also if you have any critiques of what I have said and/or anything else that you would like to add), please let me know!

    submitted by /u/ancientrobot19
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    Who is your favorite prosecutor among these? (Prosecutor Ranking - Round 6)

    Posted: 31 May 2022 09:32 AM PDT


    so I decided to make a fanbase ranking of the prosecutors. the rules are that there will be multiple rounds, the winner of the first round will be the #1 most popular prosecutor, then for the second round this character will be removed and the winner will be #2, then for the third round they will both be removed so we get #3, etc....

    but due to reddit limitations, I can only have 6 options, so I'll to pick the 6 most popular remaining picks I can think of.

    however, to make things more fair, if the character I just added for a new round won the poll, that means they would've been contenders to win the previous poll, so I will give them a retrial, an additional match for said spot. (for example, if Edgeworth wins the first round, and Klavier replaces him and wins next round, I will do an Edgeworth vs Klavier poll to determine who is #1)

    each vote will be 24 hours long, hope you enjoy!

    Ranking so far:

    #1 Miles Edgeworth

    #2 Godot

    #3 Barok Van Zeiks

    #4 Simon Blackquill

    #5 Klavier Gavin

    #6 TBD

    Other posts:

    Round 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/AceAttorney/comments/uy9qh9/who_is_your_favorite_prosecutor_among_these/

    Round 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/AceAttorney/comments/uyzqns/who_is_your_favorite_prosecutor_among_these/

    Round 3: https://www.reddit.com/r/AceAttorney/comments/uzonp7/who_is_your_favorite_prosecutor_among_these/

    Round 4: https://www.reddit.com/r/AceAttorney/comments/v0d7ch/who_is_your_favorite_prosecutor_among_these/

    Round 5: https://www.reddit.com/r/AceAttorney/comments/v13k4i/who_is_your_favorite_prosecutor_among_these/

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/nouratef
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    Edgeworth with earrings (OC)

    Posted: 30 May 2022 10:43 AM PDT

    How would the ending to Magical Turnabout affect Take 2 TV?

    Posted: 30 May 2022 08:20 PM PDT

    Since it's been reveal that Roger Retinz forge a contract, won't that cause chaos, throughout Take2 TV as many people and businesses will think "if that contract was forge what if there was a forge one against me?" Hack anything that was give a negative rating by Retinz can now easily shrug it off by saying yes he hating it, but he's a murdering and a contract forging so his opinion doesn't matter. Even if the whole case with Trucy was just the one and only time it won't stop companies like Gobal star studios from using it to there advantage.

    TL;DR Take 2 TV is screwed

    submitted by /u/Borkerman
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    Not too far into the game but we’re having fun making fun of Redd White

    Posted: 29 May 2022 09:41 PM PDT

    The Crossover Literally No One Asked For

    Posted: 30 May 2022 10:20 AM PDT

    PWAA: LtD Episode 1-3 is released!

    Posted: 30 May 2022 02:00 PM PDT

    My thoughts after finishing Farewell, My turnabout in Justice For All [WARNING: SPOILERS]

    Posted: 30 May 2022 02:11 PM PDT

    Wow. This case was so well written, with foreshadowed yet unexpected twists. The ending was very emotional and gave us some closure in regards to Edgeworth and Von Karma.

    I would really have liked more action in terms of De Killer in the end, and bringing him to Justice, I guess something doesn't really sit right with a known contract killer being out there and nothing being done.

    Overall though, Farewell My turnabout is in my opinion an amazing case, possibly my favourite. It has the perfect combination of a tense plot (with the risk of getting an awful ending) and actual difficulty in piecing things together when presenting evidence. I'm now definitely going to recommend the trilogy to friends.

    P.S. Engarde is the scum of the Earth and after I knew what he'd done to Celeste I wanted to throttle him everytime he appeared.

    submitted by /u/Jezzer69420
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    Take a common fan request for future Ace Attorney games, and then explain why you think it wouldn't be a good idea

    Posted: 30 May 2022 09:13 AM PDT

    Pretty simple topic here - obviously people all across the fandom have all sorts of things they want to see happen in AA7 or any other potential future game, but are there any commonly recurring ones you think would present more problems than they're worth?

    (Please use spoiler tags when appropriate, and do try to be more constructive than just "I don't like this character people want to come back so no".

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    Phoenix wright solar sistem disco

    Posted: 30 May 2022 04:44 AM PDT

    Currently playing through the OG trilogy, question about Stolen Turnabout

    Posted: 30 May 2022 12:43 PM PDT

    I've been playing through the original trilogy and have been enjoying it a lot. I just finished Stolen Turnabout and one plot point confused me though. So we know that Masque dropped his wallet around 1 AM in front of the CEO's office when he used his keycard. However, Larry said he found the wallet around 1 AM as well. What I don't understand is how Larry didn't encounter either Luke or Masque around the time he picked up the wallet. I don't understand how he didn't hear the alarm either. Even if he wasn't in the guard's office it was pretty loud no? If he was close to the door or on the same floor he should have heard it. If anyone could help me understand this I'd greatly appreciate it lol.

    submitted by /u/mAAdvibes
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