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    Friday, February 18, 2022

    Ace Attorney Got my teacher to use Objection.lol

    Ace Attorney Got my teacher to use Objection.lol

    Got my teacher to use Objection.lol

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 05:05 AM PST

    This is just a funny story, but recently I've been using the computers to make some skits in Objection.lol in class, and I showed my teacher one of them, and the next day, he asked me to teach him how to do it. I showed him how to select a character, select a background, give characters a custom name, all the basic things in Objection.lol, and the next week he started using it to teach the class by using Luke Atmey to ask the class questions.

    This is quite possibly the greatest thing I've ever accomplished.

    submitted by /u/DiggityDog6
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    Would you want an Ace Attorney Investigations Franziska Von Karma?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 09:40 PM PST

    What are your thoughts if Capcom made Ace Detective: Dick Gumshoe?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 06:49 PM PST

    The One Straight Man in objection.lol (in honor of the tumblr post that’s been floating around here recently)

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 04:53 PM PST

    I went to an electronics store to buy new headphones. They were giving out free stickers and I found this absolute GEM!

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 06:17 AM PST

    How I would modify dual destinies to make it Apollo justice 2 (spoilers for dd and aj)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 05:15 AM PST

    Before starting this post I wanna say that I do not claim to know better than the ace attorney writers. In this post I'll be going over some stuff I want changed and then I'll write down the reasons why I I want the changes and how the affect the story. I want the following additions to be made to dd to make it more of an aj sequel:

    -athena cykes is a prosecutor-to-be instead of an attorney but she's still a prodigy of psychology. In this rewrite she doesn't go to Simon's trial because like.. She was 8 (making her 3 yrs younger here) so she doesn't know he's lying about killing her mother and now she wants to become a prosecutor to "send people like blackquill to jail"

    • athena was taken in by klavier after her mother died as per request of Simon, something that confuses him to this day. In the game she acts as his assistant/protége

    • Phoenix hasn't gotten his badge back yet and is in the mentor position

    • Ema is still the detective but she's passed the forensics exam

    • the jurist system is kept in and works just like it does in dgs/tgaac

    • the phantom doesn't exist and the person who killed her mother actually was athena, though she's locked that memory away. This doesn't really help make it a sequel but unless the phantom can be handled better I think he should just be scrapped

    • turnabout acedamy is replaced with a trial with thalassa being the defendant and the victim is related to troupe gramarye, Simon reveals her identity Mid trial to establish a motive which eventually leads to the sibling reveal

    • athena is only apollo's assistant during the 4th case because trucy is still trying to process all the information about her family

    • Starbuck dies instead of clay and apollo defends him. The person responsible for the murder is aura blackquill who wants to pin it on athena as revenge

    • Edgeworth is the one who tells Phoenix that the case at hand might be related to the past case involving metis' death. He also tells him that the case files and evidence for UR-1 have mysteriously gone missing. Phoenix then conveys this info to apollo

    • kristoph is somehow related to metis, which is why he investigates her death 7 years prior, getting him to help is the only way to find out about UR-1. I'll explain why I want this later.

    Now making these changes will result in the following:

    • apollo will stay in the spotlight and will get a chance to properly develop

    • making klavier and athena related somehow will give us an excuse to keep him around and further develop him while introducing Simon as the prosecutor because of athena's importance in the story

    • athena not joining the agency will give trucy more screen time and development with apollo and having less protagonists won't make the story feel unbalanced

    • klavier would try to be the older brother to athena that he wanted kristoph to be to him. This will give us a chance to explore how he feels about kristoph and expand on their relationship

    • when we reach the point of the sibling reveal, both apollo and trucy would obviously feel overwhelmed and confused by this information and would try to avoid each other for a while. This would give us a chance to see trucy bond with Phoenix while he tries to comfort her while klavier bonds with apollo as he tries to highlight how a younger sibling looks up to their older sibling and needs their support (I mean he'd be speaking from experience, right?)

    • Simon would be a much bigger threat as someone who can manipulate people's feelings when the verdict is literally gonna depend on the jurists feelings

    • kristoph being the only one who has information about UR-1 will result in apollo going up against him to get him to spill the information. I just think it would be a nice way for him to tie up loose ends with his former mentor.

    • kristoph's relation to metis could give us an excuse to explore their backstories and character in more detail and maybe explain why kristoph is the way he is.

    • when athena finally finds about the truth behind her mother's death, she'll decide that she wants to be a defense attorney instead because she wants to "make sure people like Simon don't go to jail"

    the ending will set the stage for an "athena cykes: ace attorney" taking place a few years later which revolves around psychology and emotions and their use in the courtroom and has Bobby fulbright as the detective and a new rival prosecutor.

    Please share your thoughts in the comments and please share your criticism as well, that would highly appreciated

    submitted by /u/Anonnymous279
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    Which game should I get before the 3ds Eshop sits down

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 07:11 PM PST

    Ghost Trick Phoenix

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 12:53 PM PST

    The Two Red Riding Hoods [@tryph]

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 07:16 AM PST

    well, its done - edgey

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 03:56 AM PST

    Is the Great AA chronicles and the Phoenix Wright AA Trilogy worth it for $45?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 12:37 AM PST

    I have never played any Ace Attorney games before and objection.lol videos blowing up has made me interested in the series. Right now, there's a sale for a bundle that has the 2 games I mentioned in the title but first I would like input from other people before I decide whether to buy it or not

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/wittingplains130
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    So i got a fan art book and stumbled upon this… interesting page, can anybody translate it if possible?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 07:05 AM PST

    Who do you think is a better lawyer? Athena Cykes or Ryutaro Naruhodo?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 07:37 AM PST

    Hi, like one year ago I made "Manfred von Karma Cornered, but in objection.lol" it was made poorly to say the least but tell me what you guys think :)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 06:05 AM PST

    Is Canada's Emergency Act Justified?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 03:18 AM PST

    Maybe the most viewed video on YouTube related to Ace Attorney? (37M) It’s taken from the Steel Samurai CADENZA remix

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 04:10 AM PST

    Which AA Quotes Live Rent-Free in your Mind?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 01:35 PM PST

    I first started playing the AA series when I was in high school and these two quotes have lived rent-free in my mind ever since; I'm in my mid 20's now.

    These quotes are from AA: Justice for All. (I labeled the post as a spoiler but I also wanted to hide the quotes too, just in case. I just don't wanna break any rules.)

    "A fool who doesn't think is more foolish than a fool who foolishly thinks. " - Franziska Von Karma

    "A fool's fool fools fools who foolishly accept the foolishness of a fool's fool." - Franziska Von Karma

    I LEGIT LOVE these quotes and I used to shout of the second one often as a joke, but now I just occasionally shout it. I say the first quote once in a while especially because it's actual wise and I love it.

    What are some AA Quotes that live rent-free in your mind? I'd love to know!!

    submitted by /u/pezze345
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    As requested by the majority, I drew M!Maya Fey. What do you guys think?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 07:58 AM PST

    How do you prefer to play the mobile-only AA games (SoJ, AJ, DD, AAI)?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 01:53 AM PST

    I tried playing on my phone, but didn't really like it. I've used an Android emulator for all of the games that haven't be released on PC. The bigger screen is better for investigating crime scenes/evidence and the games just look better.

    submitted by /u/Sir_Toni
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    Out of all cases in AA, AAI, and GAA, where would place 4-1?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 09:13 PM PST

    For 3-5...

    Top Ten (Score of 5): 180 Votes, 900 Points

    Below Top Ten (Score of 4): 3 Votes, 12 Points

    Middle Ten (Score of 3): 0 Votes, 0 Points

    Above Bottom Ten (Score of 2): 1 Vote, 2 Points

    Bottom Ten (Score of 1): 1 Vote, 1 Point

    Total Points: 915

    Total Votes: 185

    Average Vote: 4.9459459459

    Ranking: 3-5 > 2-4 > 1-4 > 1-5 > 3-4 > 3-2 > 3-1 > 2-2 > 1-3 > 3-3 > 1-2 > 1-1 > 2-3 > 2-1

    Average T&T Case Score: 3.4840215391

    Game Ranking: T&T > PW > JFA

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    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
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    Time for final main game. What is/are ur favourite character(s) from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney except the characters from this poster(ik this is from anime but consider it as the game's)

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 05:02 AM PST

    How Investigations 1 answers the question The Great Ace Attorney posed [spoilers for the games of course]

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 01:05 PM PST

    A little digression - it's a common opinion that Chronicles is a game (let's count the duology as one game for clarity) with plenty of recurring themes that were delivered in plain and well-rounded manner. But at the same times the game reuses many ideas, which, as I probably said before, is a double-edged sword in terms of my personal enjoyment, but here I'd like to focus on positive aspect of it - seeing the execution of some themes in the duology sort of retroactively helps to see these themes in other games in different light and trace how themes were developed from game to game.

    I1 and TGAA is sure an unusual comparsion: the games were written by different teams, feature different characters at different stages of their life and careers. But given that it's even more fun to discuss different approaches to one interesting topic that is prominent in both entries - vigilantism. To be more specific, how to deal with those who see themselves above the law

    Let's start with Chronicles, because chronologically it would make sense. Two main incidents - The Professor and Reaper killings - were dedicated to seek justice by drastic and unlawful means - killing people who sully their hands with public miscief and get away with eveerything. This "inspires" prosecutor Klint van Zieks to take away their lives, because otherwise he didn't see the way to bring them to justice - that's how he became the Professor. The Reaper organisation is sort of a "younger brother" to Professor killings, because it serves the same purpose - to punish those who escaped conviction. Same MO is explained by the fact that there's one mastermind behind these two incidents - Mael Stronghart, the embodiment of vigilantism in Great Ace Attorney series.

    By the end he, being almost cornered by heroes, asking if there's any alternative to his philosophy to fight fire with fire, to dispel the darkness within the society using their own? The narrative potrays Stronghart's mindset as wrong, but the answer to his question is rather vague - to pursue the truth and only truth. Initially I was wondering how exactly it can be used to catch "untouchable" individuals, but here I remembered that the other Ace Attorney spinoff has showed it already in its own, unique matter, with the most famous truth-seeking prosecutor - Miles Edgeworth in the final case of the first Investigations game.

    A case back, in turnabout Reminiscence (interesting chapter by the way, because here we see Manfred mentoring Miles firsthand - a rare sight for such important plot point in the series) in conversation between novice prosecutor Miles and his teacher appears an interesting topics. Manfred says about how their fellow prosecutor, Byrne Faraday, was trying to fing the way to punish those who can be brought to court. As we know, this his struggle caused him and other two people (detective Badd and Calisto Yew who was a traitor) to form a group of so-called truth burglars by the name Yatagarasu. They didn't do such big crimes as murder and their target was more specified (the Cohdopian smuggling ring), but the objective, the purpose of Yatagarasu more or less are akin to those of the Professor or the Reaper - to do justice using no-so-legal methods.

    Interestingly enough, von Karma himself commented that Faraday is a fool and there's no need to mess with such individuals). So the Investigation game offer two different ways to deal with people who have "immunity" to the law and conviction - to use illegal methods such as thievery (or to put it simply, vigilantism) or not to do anything at all. Neither of these ways are right, however, as Edgeworth himself pointed out in final case:

    (I no longer follow the path of Manfred von Karma... ...and I won't follow the path of the Yatagarasu! This leaves me with what? What creed will I believe in? If I want to pursue the truth, then I will sully my hands in illegality... ...and if I want to pursue justice, then I will lose the truth! What is the "law", and what is "justice"? And which path is a "prosecutor" supposed to follow!? That choice... is one I must make by my own hand here and now!)

    Eventually, he comes to a conclusion that in order to ascertain that the wrong will be punished the law itself must be constantly improved, because the law is not an absolute constant - it's an instrument that serves people (this too, by the way, is a recurring theme in AA games - see Turnabout Succession). This realization makes Edgeworth to use evidence that weren't verified by the police which allows him to move firther in his pursuit of the smuggle ring leader. It's still a law-bending, but the game is quite okay with this. As I understand the message, there's a line that should not be crossed in order to bring justice and find the truth. The law can be flexed, but never should be broken

    Side note: many people complain about Investigations 1 for being boring or insignificant in developing Edgeworth, but here actually I want to commend it. It's not the I2 of course, but it does provide some challenge to Edgeworth and his approach to his job as prosecutor. It's a minor detail that can be missed by blinking, but it's still here

    Another side note: that's one of the reason I'm not against the idea of Chronicles Investigation game with either of its prosecutors. It would be interesting what resolution the vigilantism problem will get within TGAA world

    Thanks for reading! That's pretty much all my thoughts, it would be wonderful if you share yours

    Tl;dr is in italics

    submitted by /u/etermellis
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    Worst Moments In Game (Gameplay Wise)

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 05:09 PM PST

    Not about story specifically but, what parts of the game sucked to go through like, tedium in the investigation mode, background details that were way too easy to miss. Testimonies where no reasonable person would've guessed the method of going through. Or times where the court wouldn't accept evidence until later even though it shows a clear contradiction. Maybe even trials/investigations that were insultingly easy. Etc.. Etc..

    submitted by /u/One_Employ_3604
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    What would happen if the Skulkin brothers tried robbing Sholmes’ house?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 01:57 PM PST

    The dude doxxed himself in his own book. I'm surprised these professional baddies didn't try ransacking his home at least once

    submitted by /u/crystalbluez
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    Am I the only one who actually thinks Larry's drawings are actually pretty good?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 12:35 AM PST

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