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    Saturday, January 29, 2022

    Ace Attorney Weekly Poll [7]: What is your favourite case?

    Ace Attorney Weekly Poll [7]: What is your favourite case?

    Weekly Poll [7]: What is your favourite case?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 02:07 PM PST

    Ngl, I wanted to be a lawyer for the same reason too.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 10:37 AM PST

    Had to remake the Kazuma sketch qwq

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 09:15 AM PST

    pov: you've been framed for murder during the Victorian era in Great Britain and these are your lawyers

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 12:36 PM PST

    i stitched together outtakes and original audio track. hope you like it!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 12:00 PM PST

    Klavier but he’s in Danganronpa (8-bit)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 09:17 AM PST

    Things I should be doing: work. Things I am doing: drawing Trucy

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 12:27 PM PST

    My own game has a nod to this classic Ace Attorney gag.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 01:03 PM PST

    I just beat Trials and Tribulations the other night (And thus the HD trilogy) for the first time...

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 12:49 PM PST

    And man, I've never had something in a game just straight up stun me out of pure joy and giving me a wide grin as when the original "Cornered Pursuit" theme started playing once you got Godot backed into a... Well, corner.

    Having it be absent since the first game made it's appearance so much sweeter for me as that was one of my favorite tunes in the series and I had started to miss it at that point, the other Pursuit themes never really pumped me up as much as the original did.

    What a great way to cap off the HD Trilogy for me and the soundtrack is just part of why. ^_^

    submitted by /u/LinReu
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    I'm sorry, but for 8 dollars, this collection of songs is not worth it at all.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 12:05 PM PST

    How to watch the live action movie (2012)?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 12:09 PM PST

    All google says is that it's either on YT (which to my knowledge has been taken down), on Kissasian (RIP), or on US Amazon Prime (it is not available in my country). Is there any way I would be able to watch the live action movie online? I wna see people hurl projector screens at each other. Much thanks.

    submitted by /u/Expensive_Dress4523
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    I knit the Beanix hat !

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 02:54 PM PST

    A Newcomer Reviews the Ace Attorney Trilogy Part 1: Phoenix Wright

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 02:39 PM PST

    Hello, everyone! My name is Magnus, and this is my first time playing Ace Attorney. I had a lot of thoughts going through the original trilogy collection on the Switch, and I wanted to share them with you all. So with the introductions out of the way, the defense is ready, Your Honor.

    Case 1-1: The First Turnabout)

    Going into this one, I didn't have a whole lot of knowledge of the Ace Attorney franchise. I knew the names Phoenix Wright and Apollo Justice, and that the series was about defense lawyers in court, but that was about it. So this was essentially a crash course for me in what Ace Attorney was like. And wouldn't you know, it's a really good introduction. Sure, looking back now it's rather plain, but there's something to be said for how well this case establishes the characters, gameplay, and, most importantly, the tone of the series. Much like the first Star Wars and Avengers movies, there's an elegance to its simplicity. It makes a short, effective statement on what this game is, and then bows out. That's exactly what a good introduction should do.

    Case 1-2: Turnabout Sisters)

    So this case starts off with a shock immediately. Your mentor is dead, her sister was framed, and it seems the only person on her side is you. Like the first case you're once again the underdog, but this time it's because of how powerful your opponents are rather than your lack of experience. It's a good switch-up, and the best trial sections of the series are the ones where it feels like you're at your most desperate. But of course, this case also introduces the Investigation segments. They're basically a point-and-click adventure game, but that's fine. The hybrid of that genre and visual novels is what makes this series distinct from other games.

    As for the case itself, I'll admit that my first time playing through it I did get frustrated with how long it was. I had originally been expecting a game that had a larger number of cases that were all similar in length to the first one, so it felt like this one was dragging to me. Once I looked it up and found out that they're supposed to be this long I was able to adjust.

    It's a solid case with some fun and memorable characters. I'll talk about Edgeworth and Maya later, but the rest are solid characters. The bellboy in particular is very memorable, despite lacking a name. As for the murderer, I know a lot of people have said that Redd White was too obviously villainous and that the case should have had more of a mystery about who the bad guy was, but I think this actually worked. The question isn't "Who did it?", it's "How do we catch him?"

    This is admittedly where the ending feels weak. White weasels his way out of your biggest argument against him and is then blackmailed by Mia into confessing his guilt. While the blackmailer being blackmailed into defeat has a certain poetic justice to it, it's unsatisfying from a player's perspective. You solve the puzzle, only for the game to yank the victory away from you and give it to an NPC. That's poor game design, and thankfully it's a flaw that wouldn't be repeated.

    Case 1-3: Turnabout Samurai)

    Case 1 introduced the game and your role in it. Case 2 introduced the supporting cast and general structure of the series. So what's next? Well, now it's time to set the bar for what a typical case will look like. And that's just what this case does.

    A common criticism I've seen from the Ace Attorney fandom is that the third cases in the games are generally lackluster. They're less important to the main plot and feel like padding. But for myself, I don't mind side-adventures as long as they're interesting in their own right. Plus these sorts of episodes can be great for exploring and fleshing out characters, which is just what this case does.

    While the case may revolve around a TV studio and its workers, the real star of the show is Maya. This time you have her along on your investigation, and you really get to see the dynamic between her and Phoenix. Her quirky, fun-loving personality is on full display, and her joy is infectious. It makes exploring Global Studios a lot of fun, even when you're just running a fetch quest. It's that sense of fun that keeps you going through this case, even if it does drag on a little too long.

    Case 1-4: Turnabout Goodbyes)

    Now it's time to talk about Edgeworth. The game teased us throughout the previous cases of what was up with him and Phoenix, but now we finally get to peel back the layers of this onion. And it's a very big onion.

    The thing about Edgeworth is that, at his core, his goal is to uncover the truth. He outright spells this out in later in the series, but deep down, this has always been a part of him. The problem is that his perspective has been warped by Manfred von Karma. He's been taught to believe that winning and perfection are everything. But that conflicts with his core value once Phoenix shows up. When Phoenix proved Redd White murdered Mia, it was the first real challenge to his worldview that Edgeworth had. It planted doubt in his mind. It was that doubt that led to him flipping on Dee Vasquez. But it flourishes when Edgeworth finds himself on the wrong side of von Karma's philosophy, and soon to be found guilty of a crime he didn't commit. Ironically it's breaking free of von Karma's original manipulation and embracing his core value of truth that nearly ends up causing him to fall for another manipulation. It's a masterpiece of planning on von Karma's part, and it would've worked if not for Phoenix and Maya.

    Speaking of von Karma, what a great villain. He's diabolically intelligent, and has the ego to match. If Edgeworth is the Demon Prosecutor, then von Karma is the Devil. As final bosses go, he's hard to top.

    But von Karma has one major flaw: he underestimates the power of friendship. It's what leads to Phoenix, the only attorney who could hope to stand up to him, to take Edgeworth's case. It's what leads Gumshoe to provide Phoenix with useful information and equipment. It's what leads Larry to intervene at the last possible moment. And it's what leads Maya to get herself thrown out of court in order to buy Phoenix time. Congratulations von Karma, you fell for the same trap as 95% of anime villains.

    To wrap things up, the end of the case puts a nice cap on Edgeworth's arc through the game. We get to learn how the past mirrors the present, with Edgeworth defending Phoenix in a desperate time. Admittedly the stakes of a middle school mock trial are much lower, but it demonstrates the contrasting yet intertwined natures of Phoenix and Edgeworth nicely. Maya also showcases character growth in departing from the city to train her abilities to better help Phoenix. All in all, it's a great ending to a truly unique game.

    Case 1-5: Rise From the Ashes)

    But what's this? A bonus case? How intriguing.

    So even if you didn't know that this case was added in when the game was ported to the DS, it does still stand out. The only returning characters are Phoenix, Edgeworth, and Gumshoe, and the rest are all shuffled off in one way or another by the end of it.

    But what's surprising about this case is how it manages to weave in Phoenix and Edgeworth's arcs into this in a way that fits without contradicting or repeating points from the rest of the the trilogy. For example, we know Edgeworth sticks around for a little while thanks to the end credits of the last case, but at some point he's going to question his role as a prosecutor and leave a psuedo-suicide note. This case bridges the gap of how he reached that point, and it does so very well. It builds off of what was established and adds to it. It's a good way to go about making a bonus case.

    However, I think something that hurts this case is its ambition. This is one of the longest cases in the series, both in section count and in length of time to play. Unfortunately large swaths of it feel redundant and padded out. There's a lot going on in this case, but not all of it is necessary.

    That being said, the additions this case makes to the game are all solid. The new mechanics for blood detecting and fingerprint analysis give the gameplay a welcome shakeup from the typical adventure game mechanics of the rest of the trilogy. They also fit in with the setting of the case and the characterization of your new assistant.

    Speaking of which, let's talk about the new characters in general. Ema Skye is a fun replacement for Maya. She's obviously filling the role of the quirky young woman with a special talent who follows you around, but the details are different enough for her to feel like her own separate character. She's a bit less silly than Maya typically is, and more focused on the job at hand. She's also very studious and actively preparing for her future, whereas Maya is much more in the present moment. Basically, Ema is what happens if you give Maya a Type A personality rather than a Type B. They're still similar, but definitely distinct.

    The rest of the new cast is solid too. Angel Starr and Mike Meekins are probably the weakest of the bunch, but they're still fine and able to bring in some good drama and comedy respectively. Though I do hate that siren that blares during one of Meekins animations. Officer Marshall felt weird and gimmicky at first, but as the story revealed more of his background he became very interesting.

    But it's Lana Skye and Damon Gant who are the most interesting of the supporting cast. Lana's backstory is very suitably tragic and complex. When you're finally able to wrangle the truth out of her it's easy to understand why she acted the way she did. And Damon Gant is an incredible villain. He starts off as a genuinely affable and helpful guy, only to slowly reveal more and more of the monster underneath as you get closer to the heart of the case. The reveal of how far he went in his crimes is simultaneously monstrous and fascinating. I don't know if he's more evil than von Karma, but the two are definitely on an even playing field. And taking him down leads to one of the absolute best breakdowns of the trilogy. It's a great finale to an incredible final trial day.

    Final Thoughts on Game 1)

    Of all the games in the series, this is the most pure. There's not much in the way of gimmicks or gameplay shifts. It's just basic pointing and clicking, and then logic puzzles. As such, this game lives or dies on the strength of its story and characters. Thankfully, those are where it excels. It's not the most realistic depiction of the court system (a topic I'll cover more in a later part), but it's exciting, colorful, witty, and full of heart. It's clear that this was a real labor of love, and the attention to detail drives that home. I'm very grateful that this series managed to make its way overseas, because unique series like this are exactly what the gaming industry needs more of.

    submitted by /u/MagnusPrime24
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    Your Weirdest Stories about first discovering Ace Attorney

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 01:05 PM PST

    I'm really curious as to how many weird stories there are as to how people got introduced to this game series. I've always thought that the way I first discovered the Ace Attorney series was really weird.

    Back in the first half of 2018, I'm just scrolling through, listening to different videos on this channel called BrawlBRSTMs3 X (This guy was like the ORIGINAL video game soundtrack YouTube channel). I decide to filter his videos based on "Most Viewed" and see what soundtracks were the most popular, and the third most viewed video on his channel was this Cornered theme for a game called Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Now, I had never played or even seen the series before this, and yet, when I started listening to the song, there was this nagging feeling in my head that I had heard this music from somewhere. I didn't know where I could have possibly heard it from, and after having that thought in the back of my head for days, I finally made the connection. I had heard the song from the court section of the Newgrounds flash game Escaping the Prison! That certainly gave me peace of mind now that I finally didn't have to spend any more mental energy on that pretty trivial problem, but I really liked the sound of the music and would listen to it quite a bit.

    Then fast forward to another day where in my suggested videos I see this acapella cover of the Cornered theme by SmoothMcGroove. The way his videos are formatted are simple: all of the frames of each acapella instrument surround footage of the video game in the center. This was the first time that I had ever seen the actual gameplay of Ace Attorney, and as I'm watching it, I'm just thinking in my head, "oh my gosh......that's such a smart idea." I love puzzle adventure mystery games so seeing the footage really pulled me in. It got to the point where I decided to find an emulator of the game online to try playing it. I was completely HOOKED. I started playing the 2nd game on an emulator as well, but by that point, I had so much respect for the series that over the next 2 years, I decided to by every physical copy of the game, including the physical copies that weren't released in the west!

    I have so much love for the series, and yet, my discovery of it essentially went like this:
    (BrawlBRSTMs3 X » Henry Stickmin » SmoothMcGroove » Illegal Emulator)

    I honestly want to know if any of you guys have a weird story relating to how you got into this series as well, so please comment on this post if you do!

    submitted by /u/2achar-E
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    If I may add to the “stuff that happened to Phoenix that he absolutely didn’t deserve”

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 01:59 PM PST

    Can we talk about the fact that Phoenix was actually right when he was talking to Mia about Dahlia/Iris' love for him being real? Imagine being told the person doesn't love you only for it to be revealed years and years after that you were technically correct and that they did.

    Not to mention, Iris is the closest thing to a confirmed love interest for Phoenix, and she spends most of her time behind bars. Man can't even find happiness with a woman!

    I really wish Phoenix would've at least mentioned Iris or going to see her in the past few years sucks that after the last case she's just forgotten about.

    submitted by /u/killerkenb2654
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    Do It Again, But Better - 6-2: The Magical Turnabout

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 10:05 AM PST

    This should be interesting. One of the post-Trilogy episodes to come the closest to universal praise? Let's see what we can do with that.

    (For anyone who hasn't seen this thread series before, use this comment space to discuss ways you might prefer to change the content of this episode, be it by story alterations, removal, addition, or alteration of characters - whatever you like!)

    Past threads:

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

    Case 1: The First Turnabout

    Case 2: Turnabout Sisters

    Case 3: Turnabout Samurai

    Case 4: Turnabout Goodbyes

    Case 5: Rise From the Ashes

    Justice For All

    Case 1: The Lost Turnabout

    Case 2: Reunion, and Turnabout

    Case 3: Turnabout Big Top

    Case 4: Farewell, My Turnabout

    Trials & Tribulations

    Case 1: Turnabout Memories

    Case 2: The Stolen Turnabout

    Case 3: Recipe for Turnabout

    Case 4: Turnabout Beginnings

    Case 5: Bridge to the Turnabout

    Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney

    Case 1: Turnabout Trump

    Case 2: Turnabout Corner

    Case 3: Turnabout Serenade

    Case 4: Turnabout Succession

    Dual Destinies

    Case 1: Turnabout Countdown

    Case 2: The Monstrous Turnabout

    Case DLC: Turnabout Reclaimed

    Case 3: Turnabout Academy

    Case 4: The Cosmic Turnabout

    Case 5: Turnabout For Tomorrow

    Spirit of Justice

    Case 1: The Foreign Turnabout

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    Who's the better Chronicles 4th case victim?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 01:41 PM PST

    Last round, Mason Milverton won with 96 votes followed by Odie Asman with 32 votes.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Stormfather100
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