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    Tuesday, January 25, 2022

    Ace Attorney Made a drawing of Van Zieks, thought you guys would like it! :D

    Ace Attorney Made a drawing of Van Zieks, thought you guys would like it! :D

    Made a drawing of Van Zieks, thought you guys would like it! :D

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 10:12 PM PST

    Ace Attorney crossover project with educational publisher Bunri. Special site (opening in February) will feature questions with contradictions, and DGS-themed quizzes on English. Also new art/merchandise.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 12:01 AM PST

    I began to play Apollo Justice for the first time and man, Trucy should have been a lawyer. She's Killin it in court

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 05:00 PM PST

    A revised Ace Attorney parent tier list, changed by comments on the first one

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 03:34 PM PST

    You need to take a break even from science.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 10:18 AM PST

    Kiss your favourite prosecutor day

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 02:22 AM PST

    This is a Trucy's theme "Child of Magic" appreciation post since this song is just too good.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 08:10 PM PST

    This song is just a masterpiece just like any other AJ OSTs. But this one is just special. Every time I hear I already felt nostalgic even though I first played AJ for just over one year. Song's joyful, emotional, cheerful, and also can be sad at the same time. I always hum this whenever I walk around. This song is always stuck in my head.

    Child of Magic is the best assistant theme and one of the best themes in Ace Attorney in general.

    Child of Magic is a masterpiece.

    submitted by /u/Ineedtobesilent123
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    I 3D modelled the Objection! speech bubble!

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 08:59 AM PST

    Round 20 of the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles character elimination contest. Kazuma Asogi has been declared guilty. Vote for the next character to be eliminated in the comments. Already in the top 5!!

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 10:30 AM PST

    Nick is a savage

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 02:20 PM PST

    In Turnabout Big Top, he says: "Well well well Acro, you can't run away from things so easily this time…" before Franziska whips him. He should be glad that she didn't let him finish that sentence. Lol what a thing to say to a disabled man

    submitted by /u/crystalbluez
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    pov theyre playing ace attorney

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 01:37 PM PST

    Objection.lol: Edgeworth on nuclear power plants

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 01:40 PM PST

    I'm playing dual destinies(app),are there supposed to be yellow lines on the side?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 04:45 AM PST

    Objection.lol broke my saved projects...

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 12:46 AM PST

    So Objection.lol got updated a few times while I was away from the site, and upon re-loading a save on the website, I found it it completely reset backgrounds for all frames. This means scenes that are supposed to be in an intended spot like a hotel or office are now all on the default courtroom backgrounds

    Is there any way to reset this issue without having to painstakingly go through every frame and re-add in the background?

    submitted by /u/Die-Hearts
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    Who's the best Investigations 5th case victim?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 02:11 PM PST

    Last round, Byrne Faraday won with 87 votes followed by Jill Crane with 30 votes with Mack Rell at last with only 4 votes.

    I counted the SS-5 victims for this one because we spend a large portion of the case solving it (probably longer than the present-day murder actually.)

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Stormfather100
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    Ranking the culprits from the Original Trilogy cuz I have nothing better to do

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 02:14 PM PST

    1. Richard Wellington (2-1, The Lost Turnabout)

    God, it's like they combined Redd White and Oldbag and then multiplied it by 10! There is nothing compelling or fun about this idiot and the sooner he is off the screen the better. At least there wasn't much to ruin in his case anyway.

    1. Redd White (1-2, Turnabout Sisters)

    The reason I hate this guy so much is because he is built up to be an imposing, all-powerful god among murderers, but when you go and actually meet him he just comes off as a presumptuous brat. He was also hopelessly outmatched in court, despite apparently being so powerful.

    1. Acro (2-3, Turnabout Big Top)

    No one talks about how stupid his murder plan was. If Max's cape hadn't miraculously snagged on to the statue, he would have immediately been caught. Asides from that the whole tragedy thing fell flat on it's face. Kinda sad how this guy is the best character 2-3 has to offer.

    1. Frank Sahwit (1-1, The First Turnabout)

    Now we're getting to the ones I like. Frank worked really well for a first culprit. It was really fun to point out his contradictions, despite being the easiest ones the trilogy has to offer. I can't really justify putting him higher though, as he is essentially just a tutorial opponent.

    1. Furio Tigre (3-3, Recipe for a Turnabout)

    Not bad, just average really. I liked his dynamic with Viola, but apart from that I never really cared for the 'rage monster' archetype. Still a solid culprit.

    1. Shelly de Killer (2-4, Farewell, My Turnabout)

    He Counts, Right? Anyway, this guy was pretty cool. He served as a fun contrast to Matt Engarde's Bravado, and the fact that he's an assassin was also pretty neat. However, I can't rank a background character too high, even if said character is really cool.

    1. Yanni Yogi (1-4, Turnabout Goodbyes)

    He was an interesting character with believable motivations, so I actually felt really bad for him. Unfortunately, he was vastly overshadowed by von Karma.

    1. Dee Vasquez (1-3, Turnabout Samurai)

    The first actually smart culprit in the series, Vasquez was appropriately fun and tough to take down. The only problem is that it was painfully obvious she did it just by looking at her.

    1. Luke Atmey (3-2, The Stolen Turnabout)

    Zvarri! This guy was basically a huge joke, and I'm here for it. The great thing about Luke is that despite being comic relief, he was actually really smart and tough to take down. Easily the best filler case culprit.

    1. Mimi Miney (2-2, Reunion, and Turnabout)

    Basically everything a culprit should be. Tough to take down, yet fun to fight and cross-examine, with generally surprising twists. The only problem here is the word "like". She says it too much. Way too much. Other than that, she's really good.

    1. Matt Engarde (2-4, Farewell, My Turnabout)

    Dear god, he's so evil. Like, ruin everyone who comes near him's life evil. It was actually genius to make him the defendant. Nobody expected him to be the murderer. Overall, there's really nothing bad about this culprit.

    1. Manfred von Karma (1-4, Turnabout Goodbyes)

    This man was responsible for most of the franchise's major events. Thanks to him, Miles Edgeworth was traumatized and Misty Fey's life was ruined. He was literally directly responsible for Phoenix's, Edgeworth's and even Mia's Careers as lawyers. If that's not worth this placement, I don't know what is.

    1. Damon Gant (1-5, Rise from the Ashes)

    If Redd White lived up to his expectations, this would be him. He is terrifying. 'Nuff said.

    1. Dahlia Hawthorne (3-1/4, Turnabout Beginnings/Memories)

    Do I even really have to explain?

    1. Godot (3-5)

    He has a sexy theme song and I don't need any further reasoning

    submitted by /u/GlazedHamburger
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    Do It Again, But Better - 5-3: Turnabout Academy

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 09:12 AM PST

    Sorry about the lack of a new thread yesterday! I got very preoccupied, and by the time I remembered, "oh, damn it, I needed to do that", it felt much too late in the day to bother with having one that would be replaced by its successor so quickly.

    (For anyone who hasn't seen this thread series before, use this comment space to discuss ways you might prefer to change the content of this episode, be it by story alterations, removal, addition, or alteration of characters - whatever you like!)

    Past threads:

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

    Case 1: The First Turnabout

    Case 2: Turnabout Sisters

    Case 3: Turnabout Samurai

    Case 4: Turnabout Goodbyes

    Case 5: Rise From the Ashes

    Justice For All

    Case 1: The Lost Turnabout

    Case 2: Reunion, and Turnabout

    Case 3: Turnabout Big Top

    Case 4: Farewell, My Turnabout

    Trials & Tribulations

    Case 1: Turnabout Memories

    Case 2: The Stolen Turnabout

    Case 3: Recipe for Turnabout

    Case 4: Turnabout Beginnings

    Case 5: Bridge to the Turnabout

    Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney

    Case 1: Turnabout Trump

    Case 2: Turnabout Corner

    Case 3: Turnabout Serenade

    Case 4: Turnabout Succession

    Dual Destinies

    Case 1: Turnabout Countdown

    Case 2: The Monstrous Turnabout

    Case DLC: Turnabout Reclaimed

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    My Opinions on "Turnabout Corner" After Finishing the Series (AJ:AA Case 2)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 01:45 PM PST


    This is that one case that just kind of exists and never gets talked about. Out of every case in the series, this is the only one I see nobody really saying much about that's not a first case in the series. Every other case in the series has either it's fans or it's detractors and this case just doesn't really get either other than the occasional guy who says this case is absolute trash and shouldn't be allowed to exist. I'll admit, I took quite a while to think about this case after replaying it and I still don't really have an exactly strong opinion on this case (unlike cases that I am about to replay that I DEFINITELY HAVE ISSUES WITH AND WILL DRAG BACK TO MY GRAVE AND SEND IT BACK TO THE HELL IT CAME FROM). But that's another issue that I'll eventually cover.

    Le Case

    The Case itself is an interesting concept in itself, multiple incidents come together and eventually start to make sense, and it works really well as a mystery. We have to cover 4 incidents, Phoenix not dying after being launched 30 feet into the air and somehow surviving because he's a robot, Pantie theft because of course this case has panties and the word theft, a NOODLE STAND theft, and a murder. This might seem absurd at first, but it does end up coming back together in an actually decent way.

    This case is also our first exposure to Trucy as an assistant and personally, she's my favorite assistant in the main series from the time we've spent with her in Apollo Justice. Her banter with Apollo is always really fun and she's always a blast to be around. She's also one of the smartest assistants in the series, and it's shown when she basically solves quite a bit of the case for you and holds your hand through this trial.

    I also think Klavier is amazing mostly because of being a new breath of fresh air due to him being a genuinely good person and hot. From the past 3 games in the series, we've had an evidence forger, Manfred Von Parma, Girl Von Karma who's also a person who really loves whipping people and being a n absolute pain in the butt to everyone, and someone who literally hates you to no end. Klavier as a person isn't the most nuanced and deep character, but that's alright for the first case we see him in and he is explored a bit more later in the game. Also he has my favorite prosecutor theme that isn't Edgeworth's Objection themes.

    So the Plot is good and the Characters are good, so that means it's generally a good case right? The problem is, is that it's only GOOD, it doesn't stand out compared to other cases and does have a couple of small burns that can really be detrimental the enjoyment of the case.

    First of all, we have to talk about the defendant. Wocky is probably one of the most heavily disliked defendants in the series to date, being one of the most annoying douchebags in the series because of his "gangster" attitude which ends up coming off the wrong way. People don't talk about this often, but having a good defendant is one of the main ingredients to a good case due to having more drive to actually finish it. Obviously there are cases that are absolutely fantastic without having a defendant say The Grand Turnabout or Turnabout Target from AAI2, but a majority of truly fantastic cases have fantastic defendants. Some examples being Iris in Bridge to the Turnabout or (Quick SOJ Spoilers) Trucy in The Magical Turnabout, both of them being great defendants which help put the case above others. This case doesn't do it at all, he comes off more as if he's a spoiled brat if anything. Especially in the latter half of this case does this come in and definitely gave me a hard time to actually want to play through this case.

    The culprit is Alita and she just feels like a ripoff Dahlia if anything. She's fine but nothing exceptional, but that kind of describes this entire case. Fine but nothing exceptional. The Noodle Man is also great in this case due to adding an emotional core to this case and a bit more depth to really help this case become just a tad bit better, and Winfred Kitaki is a dad character who does have some great moments in this case despite only appearing twice ever.


    It's Okay. I had my fun with this case and I've had my problems, but it just feels like a really standard case. Nobody goes "TURNABOUT CORNER OH BOY THAT CASE IS MY FAVORITE IN THE SERIES" but I've never seen someone say "TURNABOUT CORNER IS THE WORST CASE EVER TO GRACE THE PLANET AND SHOULD BE REMOVED." It has a decent story and decent characters but all of it is just decent and that's it. I think its a decent filler case with few flaws but it doesn't have any large highs to make this The Stolen Turnabout tier. Its good, but not amazing, and ultimately that comes to it's downfall.

    The List

    1. ???
    2. ???
    3. ???
    4. ???
    5. ???
    6. Bridge To The Turnabout (Verdict: GDHDSKGLSNGM<G)
    7. Farewell, My Turnabout (Verdict: Peak content baby)
    8. Turnabout Goodbyes (Verdict: EXCEPTIONAL)
    9. ???
    10. ???
    11. ???
    12. ???
    13. ???
    14. Turnabout Trump(Verdict: Funny Horn Man has great case)
    15. Rise from the Ashes (Verdict: Stellar)
    16. ???
    17. ???
    18. ???
    19. Reunion, and Turnabout(Verdict: Really Gosh Dern Good Brudder)
    20. ???
    21. The Stolen Turnabout(Verdict: Great!)
    22. ???
    23. ???
    24. ???
    25. ???
    26. ???
    27. ???
    28. ???
    29. Turnabout Corner (Verdict: It's good I guess)
    30. Turnabout Memories (Verdict: Great for plot, still a first case)
    31. Turnabout Samurai (Verdict: Fun, but flawed )
    32. ???
    33. ???
    34. ???
    35. Turnabout Beginnings (Verdict: Probably My Hottest Take by far)
    36. ???
    37. ???
    38. ???
    39. ???
    40. The First Turnabout (Verdict: Meh)
    41. ???
    42. ???
    43. Turnabout Sisters (Verdict: Dislike)
    44. Recipe For Turnabout (Verdict: Same Feelings as Big top)
    45. ???
    46. The Lost Turnabout(Verdict: Horrible)
    47. ???
    48. Turnabout Big top (Verdict: I'm Sorry I just couldn't get into this case at all)
    49. ???
    50. ???
    submitted by /u/NaotOwO
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    Hypothetical game thing idk

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 10:10 AM PST

    So if Capcom were to kind of reboot the series (or maybe it would be the opposite of the reboot idk) and pretty much ignore dd and soj and backtrack to directly after the fourth entry in ace attorney and actually make a proper "2nd trilogy" that actually takes into consideration the things that happened in apollo justice, what would that look like? and would you want capcom to do that? I know it'll never happen I'm just kind of curious.

    submitted by /u/MongooseNo3847
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    Does somebody know if there's a Walkthrough from Spirit of Justice of the Android/IOS Version?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 05:09 PM PST

    Rise from the Ashes: a lesson in why you should use multiple save slots.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 02:51 AM PST

    I'm playing through the trilogy for the first time, and I've been having an absolute blast, right up until about half an hour ago. I have a very poor system of only using one save per episode, because I think it looks neater. At the very end of this incredibly long episode, I made the mistake of saving after presenting some evidence I shouldn't have, and I got the "bad ending." Better yet, it looks like I'm going to have to replay the entire episode, instead of having the ability to reload at a chapter or something. I don't think I've ever felt so depressed over a game before, and I don't think I have the heart to continue playing.

    submitted by /u/Nixon7
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    Which Ace Attorney games have you played? (Survey)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 04:43 AM PST

    Poll for the future of the case maker and to see the fandom's opinion

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 12:51 PM PST

    Which revisualization is better?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/FCMakes
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