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    Monday, November 29, 2021

    Ace Attorney Weekly Poll [70]: Who is your favourite Juror from The Great Ace Attorney: Chronicles?

    Ace Attorney Weekly Poll [70]: Who is your favourite Juror from The Great Ace Attorney: Chronicles?

    Weekly Poll [70]: Who is your favourite Juror from The Great Ace Attorney: Chronicles?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 08:54 AM PST

    Round 1 of the Ace Attorney cases elimination turnabout. We will start eliminating 5 cases on this first day. The top comments will decide which one will be overruled. Let the trial begin!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 07:57 AM PST

    Edgeworth in animal crossing

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 10:05 PM PST

    Kazuma Asogi, professional best friend

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 03:10 AM PST

    A dance with daddy

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 07:02 PM PST

    (No Spoilers) Why Inspector Gregson is the single most evil person in the entire series

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 10:13 AM PST

    Man has a bottomless roll of fish and chips. He could solve hunger, at least in London, if he would just open his heart and share some with the poor, but this Devil in human flesh greedily hordes his fried bounty in his greasy, malice-filled pocket.

    submitted by /u/NessTheGamer
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    Give me any topic and I'll attempt to link it to Ace Attorney.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 09:33 AM PST

    Wow, this isn’t... super-stable

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 02:20 PM PST

    Larry Butz except he looks a little different here

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 01:57 AM PST

    Turnabout Badge

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 07:33 PM PST

    Ace Attorney -- who would like them and why?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 06:50 AM PST

    This is crazy on sale and I keep seeing high Metacritic scores for the series, but this style of gameplay reminds me of Carmen San Diego-type games. Those were fine, but I don't really want to play that style of game right now, also not really a fan of visual novels.

    I'm an ARPG/JRPG/tactical game lover with a huuuugggeee backlog and I've already bought a bunch of games on Black Friday.

    So are these games right for me, or what type of gamer are they right for? Is the closest analogue to Ace Attorney the Carmen San Diego games?


    submitted by /u/eliterun
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    I made an objection.lol out of one of those incorrect quote generators.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 10:45 AM PST

    Who's your favorite "underrated" character?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 10:45 PM PST

    Simple question, as the title states. What character do you absolutely love, that nobody else seems to really even care about? For me, I'd probably say Shih-na/Calisto Yew from Investigations. She's tied for my favorite character in the entire AA franchise, yet nobody seems to talk about her. (I hope I flaired this right)

    submitted by /u/IwantToLivePlease
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    Damon Gant - When All You Can Do is Laugh (RFTA Spoilers)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 02:26 AM PST

    I drew a bunch of Ace Attorney stuff in Drawn To Life

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 10:47 PM PST

    Just a funny little moment from Turnabout Samurai I sometimes forget about

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 10:17 PM PST

    During the last day of trial, when first cross-examining Dee Vasquez, there's a point where this little exchange happens.

    Vasquez, at Phoenix: "Don't hit your desk. It irritates me." Edgeworth: hits his desk "Yeah! Mr. Wright...! Oops."

    (I've been blasting through these first cases ever since I bought the trilogy for the Switch but sometimes I stop to relive these fragments I love so much).

    submitted by /u/venr_vals
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    What is your favorite AA:PW case?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 01:45 AM PST

    Gonna do one for each game of the main trilogy + AJ (maybe Investigations too)

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/IDontKnowMyLoginHelp
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    Video I Made Going Over JFA and Why People Don't Like It

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 06:00 AM PST

    I was bored so I made a big family tree connecting a bunch of families from the games!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 12:50 PM PST

    If you had one, what would your AA truth-finding power be?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 07:28 AM PST

    This isn't for anything. Just a fun little question you can answer at your own pace. You can existing powers as well, like Athena's or some random person's that you saw in the comments. Just give credit if it's the latter.

    This totally isn't for a creative writing project for English Class, and I just need some ideas for a power (if any) for my story.

    submitted by /u/Cant_think_of_shz
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    What Tier For 1-5, Rise from the Ashes?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 04:17 AM PST

    Well 1-4 hasn't been the first S tier... Maybe 1-5 (let me hope pls)?

    Actual Ranking:

    1. 1-4 : 8,68 (A+)
    2. 1-3 : 5,08 (B-)
    3. 1-1 : 4,59 (C+)
    4. 1-2 : 4,57 (C+)

    How ranks work?
    Votes : S = 10 / A = 8 / B = 6 / C = 4 / D = 2 / F =0

    S+ = 10-9,75

    S = 9,75-9,25

    S- = 9,25-9

    A+ = 9-8,5

    A = 8,5-7,5

    A- = 7,5-7

    B+ = 7-6,5

    B= 6,5-5,5

    B- = 5,5-5

    C+= 5-4,5

    C = 4,5-3,5

    C- = 3,5-3

    D+ = 3-2,5

    D = 2,5-1,5

    D- = 1,5-1

    F = 1-0

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/DeadRev0lt
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    Whats your favorite intro scene to a case

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 06:27 PM PST

    like, the cutscene that plays before the case starts proper

    submitted by /u/NEVERTHEREFOREVER
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    I made this a while ago, but I didn’t post it at the time, so here, Edgeworth.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 07:32 AM PST

    What are some overused tropes you think the series should retire?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 08:47 AM PST

    Tropes are the building blocks to any story. However when overused, they may start to get stale. Some tropes I think the series should retire:

    Introducing a new prosecutor every game. Klavier should be given more development and screentime as character please. Why have him make an appearance in 5-3 if he's not going to do anything? Nahyuta was a very unnecessary character.

    Incident x years ago is related to current case. It was great the first few times, then it became repetitive. This is why I much prefer the telegram storyline from TGAA1 to the Professor Killings storyline from TGAA2.

    I also feel like the recent games really like big bads that are somehow the cause of the corruption in the legal system. Like (DD) The Phantom somehow being the cause of the dark age of the law or TGAA2 Stronghart being the main source of corruption in Britain. It's just none of that actually makes any sense and doesn't solve the main issue of the game. It just pushes the blame on one person who's simply a product of that corruption and calls it a day.

    Anyway, I'm interested to know what other tropes the series overuses too much.

    submitted by /u/Stormfather100
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    Is Nikolina Pavlova dead?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 11:23 PM PST

    In case two I believe it's said Nikolina is to be handed over to British authorities. It's also stated in case 3 that those guilty of murder receive the capital punishment, death. So are we to believe she was hung?

    submitted by /u/Bgredds
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    so i just finished chronicles...

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 06:02 AM PST

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