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    Monday, November 1, 2021

    Ace Attorney Halloween 2021 (Ace Attorney Edition)

    Ace Attorney Halloween 2021 (Ace Attorney Edition)

    Halloween 2021 (Ace Attorney Edition)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 01:25 PM PDT

    I made a Ryunosuke Jack-o'-lantern

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 07:16 PM PDT

    My Trucy Wright Cosplay for Halloween

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 12:18 PM PDT

    Me and my brother's Halloween Costumes (I'm Miles Edgeworth, my brother is Yanni Yogi)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 04:50 PM PDT

    Halloween at the Wright & Co. Law Offices

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 04:44 AM PDT

    OBJECTION! The defense wishes to present these photos to the subreddit

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 09:34 PM PDT

    Maria Gorey (by @m_arci_a)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 02:00 PM PDT

    Poor Edgeworth will be getting this a lot today --Happy Halloween!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 08:26 AM PDT

    [Happy Halloween!] Maya Fey as Ame-no-Uzume - as seen in Shin Megami Tensei / Persona

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 08:15 PM PDT

    My Halloween plans may only be staying at home and watching baseball, but I'm still dressing up

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 05:06 PM PDT

    Maria Gorey Halloween costume!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 01:21 PM PDT

    Round 5 of the Ace Attorney elimination tournament, 12 Characters have been declared guilty. Vote the next 12 in the comments. This time we have a special message from Paul Atishon as he was almost out last round.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    I'm low cost Godot for Halloween

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 07:11 AM PDT

    hey look i found thoses drawings from when i played aai2 and aa3, still love theses games!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 04:56 PM PDT


    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 06:45 PM PDT

    SakuDrew: "Happy 20th Anniversary ! ★~(◠‿◕✿)"

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 02:38 PM PDT

    Community-based popularity poll for the series' characters, songs, cases etc / 2 weeks left ! (Not managed by me, however I was given explicit permission to share it here.)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 07:34 PM PDT

    Looking Back on The Rite of Turnabout

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 09:22 PM PDT

    From Khura'in to America to Khura'in, I wonder where the next case will take place. From what I've seen, this is a pretty mixed case, with its popularity from bottom to toptier being somewhat of a bellcurve. Let's check back in on Phoenix while looking back on The Rite of Turnabout.

    History With This Case

    From what I can remember, this was my favorite mainline case, as I thought it was borderline perfect, enjoying almost everything about this case, though I feel some of my positive memories might have been affected by my partial bias towards SOJ and the alleged third case syndrome.

    This case will be judged by its characters, trial segments, and investigation segments. Character criticism will revolve around the character's personality, role in the story, and their actions throughout the case. Trial segment criticism will revolve around the enjoyability of the cross examinations, and quality of the story being told during that segment. Investigation segment criticism will revolve around the enjoyability of the general investigations, and quality of the story being told during that segment.

    Court in now in session for the trial of The Rite of Turnabout.


    Phoenix Wright

    Phoenix is good. His personality and development feels far weaker than in 6-1 and feels more inline with DD, but he did have his moments.

    Ahlbi Ur'gaid

    Ahlbi's okay. Much like Phoenix, he lost a lot of his personality and importance, and he doesn't have much of a reason to be here. He's my least favorite character in this case.

    Maya Fey

    Maya's okay. This isn't my least favorite appearance of hers since she does feel important to the case, but her personality feels weaker than in the GBA trilogy, and her dynamic with Phoenix feels almost nonexistent.

    Ema Skye

    Ema's okay. Nothing she does outside of giving Phoenix Luminol felt noteworthy, and I kind of wish the case would've done more with Phoenix and Ema working together considering the only other time they traditionally worked together was 1-5.

    Rayfa Padma Khura'in

    Rayfa's great. Her personality doesn't always work for me, and her reactions to her seances being proven wrong didn't feel that impactful, but she did have her funny moments, and I really like how she reflects on all of her seances in general when the DC Act and Tahrust's suicide is brought to attention.

    Tahrust Inmee

    Tahrust is fantastic. His personality isn't that impactful, but there was some fun in his mannerisms and spirit-based comedy. Getting to cross examine the victim of the case is incredible, the reveal that his death was a suicide to protect Beh'leeb and the rebellion is the most chilling event in the entire series so far, and his silent, dialogue-free final moments as he's split from Maya's body by Beh'leeb manages to convey a ton of tragedy and emotion, being one of my favorite defeats of a culprit in the entire series.

    Datz Are'bal

    Datz is perfect. He's an incredibly funny character both before and after his identity is revealed. I really enjoy how all of his testimonies are basically just one big buildup to who he really is, and while I don't normally enjoy characters that only exists to talk about other characters, I think it works here due to how enjoyable he is and how much of his identity is baked into his passion for the rebellion and his relationships with Dhurke and Nahyuta. He's my favorite character in this case.

    Beh'leeb Inmee

    Beh'leeb is good. Her personality and picture gimmick didn't do much for me, and I think a cross examination could've been beneficial since a lot of her character feels based around the twist that she's the culprit, but she does add to the emotion of Tahrust's final moments.

    Ga'ran Sigatar Khura'in

    Ga'ran's okay. I'd consider her a character despite her minor role in this case since her appearance here is more important than Inga's in 6-1, but her personality and relationship with Rayfa weren't that interesting or impactful.

    Inga Karkhuul Khura'in

    Inga's okay. Again, he's more important here since his appearance in 6-1 was more about foreshadowing while this one is more about vital information about the plot, but he still wasn't that interesting of a character.

    Nahyuta Sahdmadhi

    Nahyuta's okay. I like how he's revealed to be related to Dhurke and Apollo, but unlike the last case where he was just interesting, in this case, he's outright boring, with the case not taking advantage of him being in his home kingdom.

    Your Magistry

    The Judge is good. His personality and impact on the story are heavily dialed back from 6-1, but I like how he acts sort of as a witness when Tahrust uses him to make his alibi.

    Puhray Zeh'lot

    He dead.

    Dhurke Sahdmadhi

    Wait, he was in this case?


    This is a good cast. It seems like this case is suffering from a major issue from DD, where a lot of the returning and new cast have weak personalities and don't have much to offer outside of a couple noteworthy moments, but there were enough great appearances to make the overall cast just good enough.

    Investigation - Day 1


    This is an okay investigation. This investigation felt similar to the ones in DD where too much of the information was delivered in conversations than in investigations, but investigating the locations and the return of psyche lock trials were alright.


    This is an okay first chapter. The reunion with and accusal of Maya felt underwhelming, and there aren't any impactful character events or revelations, but it works to move the story along, and I like the continuing setup for Dhurke and the Plumed Punisher introduction.


    This is an okay opening segment. I feel this segment suffered from prioritizing the story over the gameplay, but not making everything that happens the case feel meaningful, but there's just enough substance in both categories to make this segment feel worthwhile.

    Trial - Day 1

    Cross Examinations + Divination Seance

    This is good gameplay. I felt the Divination Seance was pretty weak, with some answers being obvious but having somewhat strict guidelines for what counts as pointing it out, but the amount of contradictions in the testimonies made up for it.


    This is a perfect chapter. There aren't many revelations about the crime itself, but the existence of a third party is a good one, and the factors in coming to that revelation make it feel stronger, and despite the testimonies themselves adding nothing to the murder plot, I honestly really enjoy how it's a slow buildup to the reveal of Datz and his escape from jail. Datz revealing that he personally knew Nahyuta was cool, getting a guilty verdict at the end of the case is great, and I really like how Phoenix and Maya are saved by the reveal of another crime, as solving this crime won't guarantee that their initial guilty verdict will be changed.


    This is a really great trial segment. Outside of the weak Divination Seance, everything else about this case is incredible, especially after how barren of engagement and intrigue the first segment was.

    Investigation - Day 2


    This is a perfect investigation. This segment did a far better job mixing examining environments and talking with people, along with how they introduce new environments amd reutilize old environments, with the psyche lock trial and Luminol section being fun inclusions.


    This is a fantastic chapter. The information we learn about the case in this segment feels far more impactful than in the first segment, and while there aren't many major character events, learning about the rebellion and Nahyuta and Apollo being Dhurke's kids is incredible.


    A borderline perfect investigation segment. This is a great step up from the previous segment and a major improvement from the first segment, with the gameplay being the most engaging of the case so far, and the stuff we learn about the case being more impactful than everything we've learned so far.

    Trial - Day 2 Part 1

    Cross Examination + Divination Seance

    This is perfect gameplay. The Divination Seance here is the best one so far, being consistently engaging and feeling far more fair than the last seance, and this one seance is so much fun that the cross examination ultimately felt like a bonus.


    This is a fantastic chapter. The revelations about the true events around Puhray's death are heavily impactful, and while there once again aren't many major character events, the reveal that the victim of the first murder might have played a part in the crime and that he'll need to give testimony via spirit channeling is incredible.


    A borderline perfect trial segment. Much like the previous investigation, this segment does a lot to improve the weaknesses and evolve the strengths of what came before, making for an incredible buildup to the finale.

    Trial - Day 2 Part 2

    Cross Examinations

    These are good cross examinations. I feel the gaps in gameplay and overeliance on pressing in the beginning was a bit of a negative, but the revisualization and final contradictions ultimately saved it.


    This is a perfect final chapter. Outside of the revelations about Tahrust and Puhray's deaths and Rayfa's reflections on the case, this single chapter has two of the most impactful scenes in the series: the buildup to the reveal that Tahrust's death was suicide being the most chilling, and Beh'leeb removing Tahrust from Maya's body being the most tearful.


    This is a really great final segment. While the gameplay did take a hit, I'm completely satisfied with how the story ended, so while the segment overall isn't the strongest segment of the case, it's a more than enjoyable ending.

    How I Would Improve

    If I were to try and improve this case while retaining most of its original identity, I would make two changes.

    1. I would make Ahlbi Phoenix's assistant. Not only would Ahlbi hanging out with Rayfa help develop them after she shamed him for trusting a lawyer, but considering he's basically to Maya what Maya is to Phoenix, it would be interesting to see how he handles Maya being suspected of murder, especially since he was a suspect in 6-1 and could reflect on that case while Maya reflects on all the times she was suspected of murder, helping to make Maya's appearance more impactful.

    2. I would make Phoenix and Maya's reunion more meaningful. I feel the case doesn't know if they want this to be a major event that the case was building up to, or a casual event that could've happened at any time. I feel they either should've made it a more emotional event with them reflecting more on how much they've changed over the years, make it a more casual event and don't bring much attention to it, or save the reunion for after Maya is arrested to give it a hint of tragedy and bittersweetness.

    Final Verdict

    This is a really good case. It does have the previously mentioned personality/purpose issue with the cast, and the case didn't start off on the highest note, but a lot of the aspects managed to improve overtime. While a majority of returning characters got weaker appearances, and not all the new characters were heavy hitters, Rayfa, Datz, and Tahrust add a lot to this case that I was afraid they wouldn't, and despite some weak moments of gameplay and some weak aspects of the story, they mostly managed to improve overtime making for some incredible experiences. So while it's my least favorite case of the game so far, and it's not as great as I remembered, this is a still a worthy inclusion to the game.

    7.7/10, it's going between 1-2 and 4-3.

    Case Rankings

    4-1 (9.4583333334/10)

    1-4 (9.275/10)

    3-4 (9.1428571429/10)

    3-5 (9.0714285715/10)

    2-4 (9.0479166667/10)

    I2-5 (8.9131578948/10)

    6-2 (8.9027777778/10)

    3-1 (8.7916666667/10)

    I-5 (8.6818181818/10)

    I-1 (8.625/10)

    I2-1 (8.625/10)

    5-5 (8.4833333334/10)

    2-2 (8.4166666667/10)

    6-1 (8.4166666667/10)

    3-2 (8.3833333334/10)

    1-3 (8.2916666667/10)

    1-5 (8.2/10)

    I-4 (8.1875/10)

    5-DLC (8.1666666667/10)

    I2-3 (8.1507936508/10)

    I2-2 (8.0865384616/10)

    I2-4 (8.0833333333/10)

    5-2 (8.0625/10)

    4-2 (7.9423076923/10)

    1-2 (7.825/10)

    6-3 (7.7/10)

    4-3 (7.6/10)

    I-2 (7.5833333334/10)

    2-3 (7.575/10)

    I-3 (7.5/10)

    5-4 (7.3875/10)

    5-1 (7.2321428572/10)

    4-4 (6.9642857143/10)

    5-3 (6.8333333334/10)

    1-1 (6.8333333334/10)

    3-3 (6.4416666667/10)

    2-1 (6.2321428572/10)

    Previous (6-2)

    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
    [link] [comments]

    (TGAA2) Happy Halloween! I love Maria Gorey <3

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    We had a tie, and the poll is getting very few votes, so both 3-3 and 5-3 are now removed. Which is your favorite 3rd case out of these?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 03:20 PM PDT

    Cases now removed 1-3 3-3 5-3 6-3 I2-3 DGS1-3 DGS2-3

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Sad_Papaya7860
    [link] [comments]

    A Mystical All Hallows Eve lantern from the Child of Magic

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 07:15 AM PDT

    Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations Chapter 5 Bridge to the Turnabout

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 09:46 AM PDT

    Geez the last trial in this game is a real rollercoaster of Emotions I almost cried and k ow I'm excited and curious about how this will end.

    submitted by /u/Hour_Music5715
    [link] [comments]

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