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    Thursday, November 25, 2021

    Ace Attorney Baker Street squad! I hate backgrounds so I just made IbisPaint spit out a random one on my canvas

    Ace Attorney Baker Street squad! I hate backgrounds so I just made IbisPaint spit out a random one on my canvas

    Baker Street squad! I hate backgrounds so I just made IbisPaint spit out a random one on my canvas

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 01:19 AM PST

    Can somebody help me identify this font? Probably a spoiler but I'm not sure

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 08:11 PM PST

    What’s with Chuunosuke and the animal things?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 03:51 AM PST

    I'm just curious. I've seen little animal things all over but I don't recall seeing them referenced in game (still playing tho) or in official art. Just this little animal mascot fans called Chuunosuke or Nyan Zieks and stuff.

    submitted by /u/Throwawaynotmebye
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    It is my headcannon now that Godot wears his red light glasses as treatment for his declining receptors.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 07:08 PM PST

    What Tier For 1-1 - The First Turnabout?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 12:26 AM PST

    Recently (well okay one month ago) I published the result of "global opinion" of people of AA cases, based on tier list that I found on Reddit.
    Like I said this technic was not that precise and I thought it would be better to ask directly by poll, with a definite number of tier (goodbye conversion!! Hallelujah), and with a much larger number of votes (I was limited to 60).
    That said, in which tier do you think 1-1 should be? (of course don't vote if you haven't played but if you haven't played 1-1 wtf are u doing here).

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/DeadRev0lt
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    Should I vote GAAC as GOTY or Best Soundtrack in the Steam Game Awards?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 06:05 PM PST

    Help, it won't allow me to choose both and I am stuck in dilemma, which is a borderline paradox.

    submitted by /u/ssbgoku69
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    Looking Back on The Return of the Great Departed Soul

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 07:45 PM PST

    This case made reviewing G-2 a bit more difficult for obvious reasons. Like G-3, this is one of the more popular cases of the duology, and sometimes ranked alongside the most popular cases in the series. Let's see if this case makes for a great return by looking back on The Return of the Great Departed Soul.

    History With This Case

    When I first played this case, I thought it was great, being the weakest case in the game due to some characters and concepts not feeling fully realized, but still having a lot of great things to offer to the game and story.

    This case will be judged by its characters, trial segments, and investigation segments. Character criticism will revolve around the character's personality, role in the story, and their actions throughout the case. Trial segment criticism will revolve around the enjoyability of the cross examinations, and quality of the story being told during that segment. Investigation segment criticism will revolve around the enjoyability of the general investigations, and quality of the story being told during that segment.

    Court in now in session for the trial of The Return of the Great Departed Soul.


    Ryunosuke Naruhodo

    Ryunosuke's fantastic. While I still don't think he's consistently endearing, he does have a similar fish-out-of-water charm like in G-3 thanks to the Great Exhibition. I really enjoyed seeing him reunite with characters like Gina and Susato reflecting on what's happened since G-5, it was great to see him get a similar scene to G-3 where his client is considered innocent but he's uncertain about the trial ending, now being more confident in what he's doing by indicting Courtney, and his reunion with Kazuma was fantastic.

    Iris Watson

    Iris is okay. She's only in about half the case and offers nothing major personality or storywise.

    Herlock Sholmes

    Herlock's perfect. He's once again the most entertaining character here, I like his antics of having to pose as a statue for Esmeralda's wax museum, and I really like him being called out for Kazuma being alive despite him claiming he was dead in G-2, which he says he'll explain at a later date. Once again, favorite character.

    Mael Stronghart

    Mael's okay. Once again, he has little to offer.

    Albert Harebrayne

    Albert's great. While his love for science wasn't that entertaining or endearing, I really like him being an old friend of Barok's, as well as the lessons he learns about how much he valued science over human life and safety.

    Barok van Zieks

    Barok's fantastic. While his mannerisms and traits still don't always have the same impact as in G-3, there are some ways they're changed up, like Kazuma assisting his animations, or phrases like "I slipped." I like how this case sets him up through a story about him and Kazuma being attacked in a newspaper, and I really like how this case develops him, from getting to interact with him outside of the courthouse, to learning about his friend from university and his dead brother, to the Professor case being connected to his racism, to him showing more signs of being comfortable working with Ryunosuke, and so on.

    Tobias Gregson

    Tobias is great. I think he was more entertaining in the last case, but I really like how he's serving as Gina's new boss and mentor, as well as him saying he'll be taking her to France to protect her from the Reaper.

    Gina Lestrade

    Gina's great. Like Tobias, I wasn't really into her personality, but I love how this case develops her from the previous game by making her a junior at Scotland Yard and working under Tobias, with her being useful to Ryunosuke and Susato thanks to Toby.

    Esmeralda Tusspells

    Esmeralda's fantastic. While I feel she could've been a bit more entertaining, I enjoyed some of her antics with Herlock. I like how she's introduced by being Herlock's temporary owner before she has a major connection to the case, and it's cool that she later on becomes a time capsule of the Professor case through her testimony of Enoch's demands and her sculpting the wax models of Enoch and the Professor.

    Father Christmas

    The Judge is okay. What's new?

    Juror No. 1 (Newman S. Printon)

    Juror No. 1's okay. I wasn't interested in his personality, and he was just here to do his job.

    Juror No. 2 (Evie Vigil)

    Juror No. 2's okay. I wasn't interested in her personality, and she was just here to do her job.

    Juror No. 3 (Graham D. Lujin)

    Juror No. 3's great. I wasn't interested in his personality, but I really like how he uses his expertise in magic to judge Albert's machine and see how it could be faked, as well as him knowing about Enoch due to his history in science scams.

    Juror No. 4 (Simon Tiffick)

    Juror No. 4's great. Like No. 3, while his personality is average, he's just as useful in the case thanks to his background in science, as well as how he judges Albert after learning that his machine was a scam.

    Juror No. 5 (Cornelia Cobbs)

    Juror No. 5's okay. I wasn't interested in her personality, and she was just here to do her job.

    Juror No. 6 (Winkle Irving)

    Juror No. 6 is great. I wasn't interested in his personality, but I like the detail of him being at the wax museum during Herlock's Dance of Deduction, and I also like how him being part of Scotland Yard plays a part in his judgement of whether or not Courtney could be associated with the case.

    Odie Asman

    He dead.

    Balthazar Lune

    Balthazar's okay. He doesn't really offer much to the case outside of being a one-off witness.


    Gotts is meh. He's not bad, but his whining could be annoying at times, and I think it would've been funnier if they stuck to him forcing his money into every part of the conversation that he could rather than being a spoiled child who wants his way. He's my least favorite character in this case.

    Susato Mikotoba

    Susato's great. While I still don't think she's that endearing of a character, I really enjoyed her early reunion with Ryunosuke and later reunion with Kazuma, and when she's back with Ryunosuke in the courthouse, she continues to feel like a useful assistant.

    Courtney Sithe

    Courtney's good. I wasn't that interested in her character and motive, and I think it would've been beneficial to give her more time in the case, but I like the idea of the coroner being the culprit, along with the twist that she was more than just an accomplice to the murder.

    Enoch Drebber

    Enoch is fantastic. While he's not that entertaining verbally, his mechanical animations and design are more fun than most characters in this game. I really enjoyed how he's foreshadowed during a trial and introduced through a Dance of Deduction, and his motive for murder due to losing his scientific credibility being parallel to the impact he would've left on Albert was really cool.

    Kazuma Asogi

    Kazuma's great. While most of his character is based around being mysterious, and his initial callout at the exhibit didn't really affect me, I like how he becomes a part of Barok's animations, and the ending scene with his true reveal and confrontation of his dead father was fantastic.


    This is a good cast. While I wouldn't say any individual character is good, the amount of characters above and below this ranking was about equal.

    Investigation, Part 1


    This is an okay investigation. It feels like it's suffering from the first game's issue of valuing story over gameplay, and while there are some things I like such as the Dance of Deduction and some of the conversations being broken up by evidence examining or presenting, I felt the most interesting environments had the least amount of things that needed to be investigated, and the gaps in gameplay also make the few things found a bit more underwhelming.


    This is an okay first chapter. Like the first chapter of G-4, it didn't really feel devoted to developing stuff as much as it felt focused on introducing stuff, and while the stuff introduced here was more interesting, the amount of information is a bit overwhelming, with the first third of the segment basically being devoted to Barok and Albert, the second being devoted to Gina and the case, and the third being devoted to Esmeralda and the wax museum, with each aspect having two to three things to remember.


    This is an okay opening segment. I feel it encapsulated more of the last game's issues than the last two cases' opening segments did, but there was enough here to consider it servicable.

    Trial, Part 1

    Cross Examinations

    These are meh cross examinations. The timeframe of the segment plus the slow pace means while I was never bored, there also wasn't a lot here to engage me.


    This is a good chapter. Again, the timeframe makes the stuff here feel a bit underwhelming, but the revelations about the case and Albert trying to shut down our accusations to preserve his hypothesis were cool.


    This is an okay trial segment. While previous segments of the duology's cases usually suffered from things going on for too long, I think this segment suffered from not really having a lot to offer due to how short it is.

    Trial, Part 2

    Cross Examinations

    These are good cross examinations. While the short timeframe and extended interactions are still a bit of an issue, I found myself enjoying this segment more than the last two.


    This is a great chapter. Again, the timeframe is a bit of an issue, but the revelations about the events of the murder and Albert's machine are impactful, the foreshadowing of Enoch is cool, and Susato's return is great, even if the takedown felt unnecessary.


    This is a really good trial segment. While I still feel some things could've been done to improve it, it feels like the case is finally picking up after the last two segments were just servicable.

    Investigation, Part 2


    This is a great investigation. While I feel there could've been far shorter/less conversations considering most of the beginning half was mostly just telling four people the same things, the new environments and Dance of Deduction made this feel far more engaging than the first segment.


    This is a fantastic chapter. The stuff we learn about the case and Enoch is great, his reveal and the final scene were incredible, meeting Barok at the crime scene was cool, and while I don't think Susato addressing Kazuma was that special of a scene, I like when she and Ryunosuke went to Herlock about it.


    A really great investigation segment. I'm hoping this case doesn't fall victim to the issues of the duology's previous cases again, because this case has started slowly improving overtime, and I hope it keeps this up.

    Trial, Part 3

    Cross Examination + Summation Examination

    This is fantastic gameplay. I still think a bit more player input or a slightly tighter script could've benefited the experience, but the contradiction solving and summation examination were extremely fun and engaging, making this the most engaging trial segment of the game.


    This is a fantastic chapter. The revelations about the murder and Enoch and Courtney's role in the case are great, and while not many major events happen here, I really like how the case ties into both the Professor wax model and case.


    This is a fantastic trial segment. This has been the most enjoyable segment of the entire game thanks to how engaging the gameplay and interesting the story has been, and I'm hoping this improvement trend keeps going.

    Trial, Part 4

    Cross Examinations

    These are fantastic cross examinations. While I feel the time between Esmeralda and Enoch's testimonies could've been shortened, everything else has currently been the most fun and engaging the game has been.


    This is a perfect final chapter. The revelations about the Professor's death and Enoch and Courtney's roles in the murder are great, postponing the not guilty verdict to prove Courtney was the main culprit was really cool, and all of the ending, from Barok keeping Albert safe, to the reveal of the Professor, to Ryunosuke and Susato's reunion with Kazuma, was fantastic.


    A borderline perfect final segment. Nearly everything was working at full capacity, resulting in the best part of the case, and currently the whole game.

    How I Would Improve

    If I were to try and improve this case while retaining most of its original identity, I would make two changes.

    1. I would change Gotts's personality. I feel he started off moderately strong with the lines like "I am very rich", because it was funny to see him force his money into the conversation, but it quickly fell flat with either average showcases like him buying balloons, or switching to the annoyance of him being a spoiled brat.

    I feel they should've stuck with him being a brag and ignored him being a child that wants power, because him not addressing the fact not only would avoid the annoying moments, but also add to the comedic value as that subtle detail would benefit his obvious bragging.

    1. I would combine the first two trial segments. While they're not the worst segments of the case, they feel incomplete when separate, as individually, they're the shortest segments of the case, and I feel making it one segment would've made it feel like a much more substantial part of the case, as the one segment would have more gameplay and story events without feeling empty due to the split.

    Final Verdict

    This is a really good case. I think it suffered immensely from a weak beginning, as because of how ambitious this case's story was, it had to set up a lot of things, but the way it introduced these didn't make for an engaging first few chapters, nor a fun first couple of hours. But I think this case also slowly fixed a lot of both the beginning and the duology's issues with pacing and balancing, as this case steadily improved overtime, going from a weak beginning to one of the strongest endings of the duology. I really enjoyed how this case continued to develop the characters and themes of the game, all while being a mostly enjoyable case to play, which hasn't been a common thing in this duology. So while I don't think it's the best of the game or duology so far, I think this is a major accomplishment considering the duology's track record.

    7.6022727273/10, it's going between G2-1 and 4-3.

    Case Rankings

    4-1 (9.4583333334/10)

    1-4 (9.275/10)

    3-4 (9.1428571429/10)

    3-5 (9.0714285715/10)

    2-4 (9.0479166667/10)

    I2-5 (8.9131578948/10)

    6-2 (8.9027777778/10)

    3-1 (8.7916666667/10)

    I-5 (8.6818181818/10)

    I-1 (8.625/10)

    I2-1 (8.625/10)

    5-5 (8.4833333334/10)

    2-2 (8.4166666667/10)

    6-1 (8.4166666667/10)

    3-2 (8.3833333334/10)

    1-3 (8.2916666667/10)

    1-5 (8.2/10)

    I-4 (8.1875/10)

    5-DLC (8.1666666667/10)

    I2-3 (8.1507936508/10)

    I2-2 (8.0865384616/10)

    I2-4 (8.0833333333/10)

    5-2 (8.0625/10)

    4-2 (7.9423076923/10)

    6-DLC (7.8636363637/10)

    1-2 (7.825/10)

    G-1 (7.7833333334/10)

    6-5 (7.7763157895/10)

    G-5 (7.75/10)

    6-3 (7.7/10)

    G2-1 (7.6875/10)

    G2-3 (7.6022727273/10)

    4-3 (7.6/10)

    I-2 (7.5833333334/10)

    2-3 (7.575/10)

    I-3 (7.5/10)

    5-4 (7.3875/10)

    G2-2 (7.25/10)

    5-1 (7.2321428572/10)

    4-4 (6.9642857143/10)

    G-2 (6.9166666667/10)

    G-3 (6.84375/10)

    5-3 (6.8333333334/10)

    1-1 (6.8333333334/10)

    6-4 (6.8214285715/10)

    3-3 (6.4416666667/10)

    G-4 (6.3611111111/10)

    2-1 (6.2321428572/10)

    Previous (G2-2)

    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
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    Those Endearing Young Charms (Bomb Joke) AA-Apollo Justice Animated

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 06:17 PM PST

    Select the case you like the least of these, the winner (or loser) won't take part in the case elimination contest, just to make the template 7x7 with 49 cases. Every case here has been mentioned in the comment of my previous post.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 05:50 AM PST

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