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    Tuesday, October 26, 2021

    Ace Attorney In an alternate universe (Spoilers ToT but not really)

    Ace Attorney In an alternate universe (Spoilers ToT but not really)

    In an alternate universe (Spoilers ToT but not really)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 03:09 PM PDT

    Seems dreams don’t always come true

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 06:28 AM PDT

    The ending of DGS2-5 completely ruined my immersion

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 10:11 PM PDT

    DGS1 and 2 are some of my favorite games in the franchise now- they probably are 2nd and 3rd after T&T. But the ending of the final case of the duology really broke my immersion into the game. Specifically, I'm talking about the part where Herlock and Iris project themselves into the courtroom and reveal they've shown Queen Victoria the entire thing. You're telling me this is the same universe where VHS tapes and flip phones are still commonplace in the year 2026? It would've been so simple for Herlock to come to the Old Bailey in person and reveal he had a scroll from the queen to prevent the bailiffs from immediately throwing him out. I recognize that I have to suspend my disbelief somewhat, and I was capable of doing that when Herlock invented comparably simple things like blood coloring or a regular telephone. From what I've seen, most people seemed to love this moment. But it was just completely at odds with the rest of the existing technology both in DGS and the entirety of the Ace Attorney franchise, and as such it just took me out of what would otherwise have been an incredible capstone to the game.

    submitted by /u/LikeThemPies
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    Please tell me I'm not the only one...

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 02:27 AM PDT

    ... Who burst out laughing when Sholmes brought the Cat-Flapomat in this absolutely dramatic moment just to fall unconcious with the most hilarious falling animation ever.

    This is this moment

    Like, it's so goofy. It fits Sholmes so perfectly but the atmosphere was so tense - yet I fucking screamed from laughter as the text crawled by... ever... so... slowly...

    I love this moment

    submitted by /u/Xizz3l
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    Turnabout Pirates

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 04:16 AM PDT

    i tried to make the attorney badge out of hot glue

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 02:21 PM PDT

    How is this not a contradiction?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 08:12 PM PDT

    Ace Attorney Villain Royale: Day Forty One - Round of 32 (DGS2-3 vs DGS1-3)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 04:47 AM PDT

    Today begins the second half of the Round of 32. Conversely, this will end the streak of DGS characters for now.

    Both culprits of their game's third case - but who is better?

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    submitted by /u/EntertainmentKey6275
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    I drew Franziska! I honestly love how this came out AGHHH!!!

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    What do you think of this criticism of Rise From the Ashes (Phoenix isn’t carried this time)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 12:28 AM PDT

    This case is among my fav in the trilogy, most of the characters are compelling, the plot is dense but somehow flows well, and has arguably the best culprit in the franchise.

    With that said, I saw a video on it earlier this month that says it mars Phoenix's gradual development in the trilogy from upstart rookie to being a more self-sufficient lawyer. In the game RFTA is packaged with, Phoenix is saved by Sahwit being an idiot, Mia, Mia and Edgeworth's change of heart, and Maya saving the decisive evidence and planting the idea in Phoenix's head that Von Karma did it. However, in RFTA Phoenix comes up with a plan (with minimal aid from Lana giving the evidence law book) to trick Gant into letting the cloth be submitted into court, revealing him as the murderer.

    This level of independence isn't really seen until T&T, where help for Phoenix is more minimal in Mia coming back and spooking Godot into providing one last shot for Phoenix, and is almost nonexistent (you could say Godot tamed Tigre into giving testimony that leads to his convinction). Both cases end with Phoenix tricking the culprit into divulging information only the guilty party would know about. And of course bridge where Phoenix deduces Godot's mask as hiding blood.

    There are clear differences from one to the other and RFTA feels more similar to the latter than the former. What do you think?

    TLDR, the argument is that Phoenix is written as the capable attorney of T&T vs an upstart rookie who gets lucky breaks.

    submitted by /u/hhjmk9
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    do the games get less boring?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 02:49 AM PDT

    (eng is my second lang plz excuse any typos)so im in the investigation phase of the second case in the second game and its kinda really boring the only real reason im playing is cuz i know the trails are gon be fire. you guys know any good ways to not get bored investigating?

    submitted by /u/asslavz
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    Why did DD fail to acquire new fans?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 10:08 PM PDT

    Okay, so I'm currently doing a full write-up on what I think AA7 should be (which will almost without question be polarizing), and there's something in my materials which I find...interesting.

    So, according to the leaked Capcom doccuments, a major issue Capcom has internally with AA is that, starting around AA4 (and excluding Trilogy 2019), AA games have consistently struggled/failed to establish new fans, and have only seen old fans slowly leave, devaluing the IP and further lessening the need to make new games.

    While there's a good number of reasons why I believe this may be the case (Capcom provided several themselves for TGAA), I was curious...why do you guys think AA5 couldn't achieve that? That game was pretty clearly designed as a new "jumping-on" point for the franchise, but for one reason or another it appears it failed at what Capcom wanted of it long-term.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/RainSpectreX
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    Do you think the Ace Attorney series is done?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 07:20 PM PDT

    The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles gives me hope, but there hasn't been an actual new AA game since 2017, with no confirmation of an Ace Attorney 7 or Great Ace Attorney 3.

    Is there any proof that Capcom wants to keep the series alive?

    submitted by /u/skiiingdude42
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    Which playable character do you relate to most?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 10:06 PM PDT

    The games have many playable characters and I wanted to see who everyone personally relates to all of them. Since there are so many playable characters, if your answer isn't the 5 I listed, say which other one it is. Personally, I would have to say, Apollo, since I can relate to his dorkiness.

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    submitted by /u/AE86FTS
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    Who is the hottest prosecutor?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 12:17 PM PDT

    Forgive the discourtesy of only including the men folk and leading prosecutors. Apologies to Franziska, Queen of Hotness, and any secondary prosecutors not named.

    We all know every prosecutor is H O T, but which one of our main prosecutors goes through the extra effort to tickle your fancy the most?

    Comment below if your special fella or lady is mysteriously absent from this poll. There's just too many prosecutors to simp for these days.

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    submitted by /u/moistcheese
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    Favorite female character from the DS Era?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 02:45 PM PDT

    The title. Gotta say, the female cast in AA is a really strong one, much like a lot of the characters. I won't ask anything about the male cast for now (because Edgeworth normally wins by a landslide lol), but I want to know what's your favorite female character in the DS era, which comprises the OG Trilogy (yes, I know it was released on GBA at first), AA4 and the Investigations spinoffs.

    My favorite one is certainly Mia Fey. I really liked her development in AA3 and how she stood as a golden standard for a defense attorney throughout the Trilogy. She certainly had some impact on the lives of many people, and even though she suffered a lot of tragedies (DL-6, Turnabout Sisters, Turnabout Beginnings), she always kept a smile and kept going. Definitely a girlboss, and thus, my favorite female character in the DS era. Anyway, what are your favorites, fellow strangers?

    submitted by /u/Lost_Rough
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    Enough with unpopular opinions! What are your popular Ace Attorney opinions?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 04:07 AM PDT

    I personally think Miles Edgeworth is a good character.

    submitted by /u/practice_spelling
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    He’s so sexy:

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    A Defense for Phoenix Wright in Apollo Justice, The once Ace Attorney.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 07:46 AM PDT

    Excuse the corny title, I love Phoenix Wright, all of him. His fantastic growth and the relationships he's built and trials he's overcome with everyone and himself in the trilogy, his character design in the modern games and of course the so called "betrayal" in AJ and I'm pretty tired of how people dismiss him so I'm gonna try to address some of the claims brought up against his character and the direction they took. Never done this before so go easy on me lol

    Okay, first off: It's a betrayal to Phoenix's character and he'd never do anything close to that!

    Phoenix's bent the system for his benefits and the truth before, this approach isn't too much of a drastic shift for him.

    -For example, the player, and by extension he can instruct Larry to "Lie like a dog" in The First Turnabout

    -He accuses Oldbag in Turnabout Samurai purely to extend the trial and buy more time

    -in Rise from the Ashes, He uses his connection to Gumshoe to break into Gant's office to search for evidence (this one seems like a regular occurrence but at the time the place was unguarded and it had massive repercussions after)

    -In Rise from the Ashes again, He conceals the evidence he found willingly because it was bad for Ema (it wasn't completly relevant at the time but it still warranted submission)

    -In Farewell he once again accuses someone, Adrian to buy more time and delay the verdict

    -This kinda counts as well so I'm just gonna include it, In Memories he EATS a poisoned necklace and actively lies to Mia all to protect his lover

    -In Stolen, he uses the Double Jeopardy loophole to get Ron a FULL acquittal

    -And the big one, In Recipe, he just straight up lies to Tigre to make him slip up

    Point is Phoenix isn't a completely straight laced attorney like Apollo and it isn't such a jarring betrayal of his characterization and what he stands for. Yes he never could use truly illegal methods earlier but it's the same essense it's just that he can pull off something more direct regardless of how he feels about it because he's not an attorney and he's well aware of that. Him using underhanded means has always been for good reason, it's just framed differently now that he's no longer a lawyer and he's doing something directly illegal, which brings me to...

    Him forging evidence completely goes against his character!

    Yes, forging evidence is an extreme even for him but it's not treated like it's something he enjoyed doing or even the right way. He admits to Apollo that because of it he doesn't feel like he's qualified to stand in a court of law anymore, and he seemingly taunts Apollo into punching him and loses his respect in the process. And no it doesn't go against everything since even after everything he still fought for seven long years to find the truth like how he always had. Regardless of how people percieve Phoenix in AJ, I don't think it ruins his character or even backtracks, it's a natural continuation of his ideals and methods put under those extreme circumstances and as a personal point, if they were gonna put him in the game, I'd rather they did something with him and moved his character forward in interesting yet consistent ways like they've done in AJ compared to the guy wearing his skin in the modern mainline games.

    Anyways, the reason people bring up Tigre and the bottle when comparing the bloody Ace is because they're essentially the same method. The evidence, or rather the information they hold would be worthless and irrelevant to anyone else but the actual culprit and exposing their knowledge would render their alibi null and expose them

    -For Tigre it was him claiming he's never seen the bottle of cyanide before and Phoenix saying that the ear medicine, which was green was cyanide and Tigre slipping up and saying he knew it was brown thus proving he's seen it before and that he tried to pin Maggey, impersonate Phoenix and was the culprit

    -For Kristoph it was that if he revealed he knew the card was forged he'd be revealing that he was there at the time of the murder and that he had personally disposed of the original Ace rendering his earlier claim about only seeing Smith once null but if he just stayed silent he would've still been caught because the Ace was just that incriminating for him.

    He was petty and manipulated the jury to get revenge!

    I don't really agree with the popular consensus of him doing it as revenge but again it doesn't go against anything. All he did was as he put it, "Point the finger of justice in the proper direction."

    He's unhelpful and cryptic!

    Yeah but you know, it's kind of a necessity because he couldn't really jeopardize his investigation and Apollo needs to figure things out for himself, Mia does the same thing to him at cetain points though not AS cryptic.

    Apollo completely forgives him afterwards!

    This isn't something I've seen as much but I've seen it a handlful of times. Yes, the fact that they never bring it up again after Apollo goes to the Wright Talent Agency is a massive missed opportunity but its effects are still there when it comes to the two's relationship, Phoenix still at times manipulates him and is generally very cryptic towards him and Apollo being sick of Phoenix's attitude is present up until the 2nd half of Succession. The fact that they resolved their bad blood off screen is something else entirely.

    Phoenix didn't protest

    Yeah he shouldn't have given up so soon but I mean could he really have done anything? He had zero evidence, Zak's vanished, Misham didn't know who the client was. And despite that, he spent 7 years collecting evidence that's essentially worthless in a court of law only to find out the truth. There's a part in that entire exchage which I feel perfectly represents Phoenix. It's when once they find out the page is forged, he doesn't care what happens to him, he's more concerned about Zak and asks that his actions be judged as representative of him alone. Despite everything against him, Phoenix never stopped fighting for his client. (Even if he was a big douche)

    This is where i get into the """meta""" and more headcanon stuff so read if you wanna hear me out

    Phoenix was too cocky in the Zak trial!

    Yeah, and he was completely justified in doing so. He was hot off the heels of the biggest case of his life, he accepted a case transferred to him without much preparation and he only had about 3 or so pieces of evidence going into it, the case was airtight and most of all his opponent was an even cockier rookie and guess what? He completely turns the case around using only the evidence given to him, he was never once taken back or surprised by anything the prosecution pulled, he didn't even use his shocked sprite once. The prosecution's comeback argument, the color of the IV bags was nothing to him he shot it down immediately and even after that, the diary page was the piece of evidence that was the closest piece to the puzzle but his reliance on evidence shows that sometimes conclusions drawn from it can be faulty because he almost pins it on Valant. (This isn't a thing exclusive to this trial btw, Stolen's first half is basically just Atmey misrepresenting evidence) Point is, this is a very respectful way to reprsent everything Phoenix has learned over the years and something he still has even off court.

    And on the more meta reason, he could've been made cockier to give his disbarrment more, i dunno, of a dramatic irony?

    Phoenix stole Apollo's spotlight!

    This is entirely my reading of it buuuut. I feel like this is kind of a necessity in this case because Phoenix has a LOT of history behind him and since he was made to be there, they had to think of a new story for him in a more drastic way that justified his presence in the story, he needed to take a lot of the spotlight and help move the narrative and player interest forward so he can feel like he's got a place in this new saga and to fully adjust to him because even when he's not on screen his presence is felt, because him in that state and his demeanour just gives great intrigue. Turnabout Succesion to me can be read in 2 ways, the first is him passing on the evidence and in essence the torch to Apollo and with it, everything weighing him back. And the second is succeeding the role of protagonist onto him because now that the history that tied him behind is resolved, he can now transition into the cast of this new saga and let Apollo have his time in the spotlight, I think Apollo's monologue about his inexperience in the trial really drives this point forward.

    Anyways, I think AJ has problems but I don't think Phoenix's characterization and what they've done with him is one. After all, I believe that guy is STILL Phoenix Wright at his core, even before you play as him you can tell it's him below all that cryptic speech. it's just a broken, jaded and careful version of him that he needed to have after everything that's happened to him and to do what he needs to. It doesn't destroy anything previously established about him, the story he lived through and the relationships he's made, in fact, i think it strenghtens his character. Of course you don't have to like it or agree with what I'm saying, Hell, even I heavy disliked him for the same reasons everyone's heard before, but over the years after really thinking about it and familiarizing myself with the series more and more, I've come into this conclusion. (That, again you don't have to agree with) Much like how T&T helped build Phoenix into a fully fledged lawyer and character that moves away from the player, AJ fully cements him as someone who's his own person that has his own way of doing things which the player may not totally agree with without, to me, totally compromising who he is as a character and what he believes in. It's said that you find out who someone really is when they're at the pit of despair and yeah, I can't help but agree.

    Oh! I just remembered another point:

    Phoenix should be in jail!

    Sure, if the Ace was actually officially submitted as evidence or if he was caught but he wasn't so

    Anyways, I might have not fully articulated my thoughts as well as I want to so if you wanna discuss this more feel free! After all...

    submitted by /u/Hadri_Anas
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    A van Zieks sketch :)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    I flipped a sample from Apollo Justice and added Kendrick & Baby Keem

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 06:00 PM PDT

    I made a cover of Spirit of Justice's Pursuit ~ Cornering Together, what do you guys think?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    Finally finished my Halloween Fanart!

    Posted: 25 Oct 2021 10:09 AM PDT

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