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    Wednesday, October 27, 2021

    Ace Attorney One of the most confusing pieces of dialogue in Ace Attorney that I find interesting

    Ace Attorney One of the most confusing pieces of dialogue in Ace Attorney that I find interesting

    One of the most confusing pieces of dialogue in Ace Attorney that I find interesting

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    [OC] Don't me, just over here making a comic about how two of my favorite video game characters are in the same bad dad situation XD

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    Franziska/Maya Labyrinth AU by Pizza-Snake

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 06:53 AM PDT

    I've completed this chapter but the cover art never showed up. Is this a glitch or am I doing somthing wrong?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 08:51 PM PDT

    Ace Attorney Logos pt.2. Now with Prosecutors!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 12:56 PM PDT

    What's the most underrated Ace Attorney case?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 07:47 PM PDT

    The best case no one really talks about. It could be from any game, even TGAAC!

    submitted by /u/skiiingdude42
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    Among those cases, which one is the best?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 04:28 PM PDT

    Say something nice about one of those four infamous cases!

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    submitted by /u/Lost_Rough
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    Ranking every Ace Attorney Case: 50-30

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 07:49 PM PDT

    (For clarity, this covers ALL games but PLvsPW, and spoiler warning. Also, I by no means expect you to read all of this, and that's fine, you're also free to share your opinion if you disagree with anything.)

    50: Recipe for Turnabout

    This case is the worst case ever. I don't know what Takumi was thinking when he made the worst case in T&T the longest one, because I literally hate this case with everything in me. AA is ridiculous, but it's not ridiculous enough for a buff tan guy with a cardboard badge and just happens to have the same hairstyle. Like, aside from the hairstyle, Furio looks nothing like Phoenix. In conclusion, this case sucks with terrible characters and is full of filler.

    49: Turnabout Big Top

    This is a case that is almost just as bad as 50. All of the characters are annoying pedophiles, and the one guy that isn't is still bad. People often defend Acro as a sympathetic villain, but is he really? All of that guy's problems could've been solved by just talking to people, not committing murder. His motivation for killing a minor isn't justified, and nobody that isn't a psychopath would act the same way as him if they were in his shoes. But putting the characters aside, the trials and investigations were either really boring, or really boring and annoying. Half of the trial was spent on deciding which guy was going to marry Regina, who, once again, is a MINOR. Overall, terrible case, skip straight to Farewell my Turnabout if you're playing JFA.

    48: Turnabout Serenade

    Once again, a case of nobody using their common sense. The murder was a very complicated and elaborate crime, and the police blamed the blind kid. Not to mention, the entirety of this case was just annoying, especially the trial parts. This case isn't as long or as bad as the last two, I'll give it that, but it still sucks. The only thing about this case that I can say is good is that one song Lamiroir sings.

    47: The Adventure of the Clouded Kokoro

    Yikes. This case is not good at all. The characters aren't likable at all, even Soseki. (But he was fixed in TGAA2 so he's not a bad character by any means.) However the main issue with the characters is the villain, who is THE WORST villain in the series. She almost killed somebody because she was abusing her war veteran husband, and abusing her husband is her only personality trait. Joan Garrideb does not deserve John. Aside from that, the case is just really boring. The trials were OK, and the investigation isn't even worth talking about. Overall, this is bad case.

    46: The Kidnapped Turnabout

    The only thing I can remember about this case is that it has Lance Amano in it, which isn't a good thing. That's all I'm going to say.

    45: The Lost Turnabout

    This case isn't really all that bad, but it's also not good. Richard Wellington was pretty cool, but that's all I can really say about this case. It was just kind of boring.

    44: Rise from the Ashes

    Okay, here me out first. I'd like to start by saying that the final trial to this case is great, and if we were only ranking these cases based on that this case would be top 5, but we're not, which is why RFTA is so low. This case is so damn long, and dragged out waaaaaay too much. It takes too long to get to the action, and just has really frustrating parts of it. Like that one 3D animation part, I lost half of my sanity and brain cells playing that section. Overall, it's a very mediocre case with a great climax.

    43: Turnabout Airlines

    It had a cool setting, but the case in general was just very forgettable in my opinion. It didn't take me all that long to complete, and compared to the other cases in the series this one is just very mediocre.

    42: The Monstrous Turnabout

    This case was all over the place. It was entertaining to say the least, but aside from that it's not that great. The characters were pretty poorly written and this case's plot might as well be nonexistent. It definitely did a lot of good things, like introducing Athena and Bobby, but aside from that, it's mediocre.

    41: Turnabout Corner

    The part of this case where they solve the actual murder was pretty fun, but the panty part was actually mindfrying. Westley is down there with characters like Joan Garrideb. I still definitely enjoyed this case and think it's over hated by the fandom, but it doesn't deserve a ranking higher than 41st.

    40: The First Turnabout

    Great start to the series, but I can't put it higher than 40th. It's by no means a masterpiece.

    39: Turnabout Visitor

    I really enjoyed this as a start to investigations, like the First Turnabout. But, also like the First Turnabout, this case is not flawless. The case itself isn't that interesting, which often made it a little bit less fun to play than the others. It's still great though.

    38: The Adventure of the Unbreakable Speckled Band

    This was a great case, but it was also kind of boring. It introduced Herlock and his deductions to the duology which definitely was a great part of it, but asides from that it was kind of boring at times. And this is off topic, but I'm also kind of annoyed by the lack of Satoru in the rest of the games. It would've been so cool if he made it to London and then would be under a different disguise every case. But putting that aside, this case is good, but not better than 38th, which is why that's where it is.

    37: Turnabout Storyteller

    This case was really fun. It brought back Athena as a protagonist and Simon as an assistant which was just a good experience overall. It also introduced Uendo Toneido, who was a really cool character in my opinion. But the good stuff kind of ends there, this case does not serve as a very good follow up to 6-5, and is also very flawed with the way it introduces a lot of its main witnesses and villain. And the fact that there's no investigation feels kind of lazy to me, there definitely could have been one.

    36: Turnabout Samurai

    This case gets a lot of hate that is completely undeserved in my opinion. It's got a good plot with a good villain and story. But with that being said, it's not flawless, and there's a lot of unnecessary filled that doesn't need to be in it, which definitely brings down my overall enjoyment level with it.

    35: Turnabout Sisters

    A really good case with a really anticlimactic and boring ending. Taking down Redd White could have been so much better if it wasn't dragged on like it was. Sometimes I feel like Takumi struggles with finding a way to end a case, and this is a huge example of that. I also think that the game having us know the villain in the very beginning makes it a lot less fun to play. It actually would have been a good mystery if they didn't for the most part. Overall, 1-2 is a great case but still very flawed which puts it lower on my list.

    34: Twisted Karma and his Last Bow

    I love this case with everything in me, but it's not really a full case in my opinion. IMO Jigoku should have been the villain of this case, and case 5 should've focused on Stronghart. But still, this case was great. It had a pretty entertaining trial, and an investigation segment that I really enjoyed playing.

    33: The Adventure of the Blossoming Attorney

    This case was an average plot with some average trials carried by its amazing cast of characters. I didn't really like Soseki in 1-4, but his character got completely revived in this one, and it was really nice to see the return of Satoru. Not entirely sure why Rei gets so much cover art though, considering she only appeared in one case.

    32: The Adventure of the Great Departure

    I really enjoyed this case, but looking back on it, the steak part was really annoying. I still really enjoyed it though, and I think it's waaaay over hated.

    31: The Stolen Turnabout

    This case is really good, and I personally really liked Luke Atmey. But, I think the one flaw of it is just the first part in general. After Kane was introduced the case became a lot more enjoyable, and this is when the work pays off. Still with this being said, I feel like the first half of it was really boring.

    30: Turnabout Countdown

    Another really over hated case. This case is good, it has a good villain, and it's characters are really likable. With this being said however, I get where a lot of its criticism is from. What had happened in the case was just incredibly obvious making it a lot less entertaining and satisfying to play. Still, it's a great into the Dual Destinies, and deserves no lower than 30th.

    submitted by /u/pickleioi
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    Best Finale Culprit in the Mainline AA Games

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 10:51 PM PDT

    Best Phoenix Wright design?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 10:25 PM PDT

    I'm not SUPER knowledgable on the Ace Attorney franchise yet, and trying to avoid most spoilers, so it's possible I might have missed one, but I think I got them all.

    Also this is just about design, not personality, or the games that they appear in.

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    submitted by /u/Wolfgalaxy63
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    How many cases do you want a hypothetical AA7 to have?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 02:26 PM PDT

    Looking Back on The Magical Turnabout

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 08:59 PM PDT

    This case would've been way cooler if magic was real. From what I've seen, this is an extremely popular case, and is sometimes ranked alongside people's favorite cases of the series. Let's leave Khura'in and head to Gramarye Land while looking back on The Magical Turnabout.

    History With This Case

    From my most recent memory, I thought this was a really great case, embracing the best aspects of its magic theme and one investigation-trial day structure, only ever feeling held back by some aspects that couldn't be fully developed.

    This case will be judged by its characters, trial segment, and investigation segment. Character criticism will revolve around the character's personality, role in the story, and their actions throughout the case. Trial segment criticism will revolve around the enjoyability of the cross examinations, and quality of the story being told during that segment. Investigation segment criticism will revolve around the enjoyability of the general investigations, and quality of the story being told during that segment.

    Court in now in session for the trial of The Magical Turnabout.


    Apollo Justice

    Apollo's perfect. I really enjoyed his personality and how he works off of Athena and Trucy, him keeping Trucy happy using both his "I'm fine" method and Trucy's "keep smiling" method is really nice, I like how the case sets up his connection to Nahyuta, and there's something really impactful about how the case most connected to AJ, a game where Phoenix overshadowed Apollo, is the case where Phoenix puts all his trust into Apollo and by the end of the case considers him to be a full fledged ace attorney. This is my favorite appearance of Apollo's.

    Athena Cykes

    Athena's great. While I feel the jokes about her hurting Apollo could've been toned down a bit, this case managed to recapture a lot of what I loved about her and Apollo's dynamic in 5-2 and her personality in that case and 5-DLC, and like in DD, she feels like Apollo's partner rather than his assistant.

    Trucy Wright

    Trucy's fantastic. This case made the magic side of her character more fun than DD did, and I really like how it implements it into the case, both by having the murder seemingly be the result of her magic trick, and in the form of her testimony where she breaks down the sword trick.

    I think bringing back Troupe Gramarye was a good move since despite most of the members doing terrible things, I think Trucy would be the kind of person to put a positive spin on a negative event given how well she managed to keep her composure during hard events in AJ and DD. This case might've actually made her appearance in DD a bit better, as in 5-5, she managed to keep people happy with her magic depsite being held hostage, making her signs of stress in this case and overcoming that stress feel more impactful as rather than being a tool for emotional manipulation by being a hostage, she's the one being emotionally manipulated by Nahyuta and the gallery by being the defendant.

    My only issue would be that I feel the ending joke was a bit too mean spirited for her considering she just came out of a case involving a murder by magic, and she's now willing to make Apollo her new partner in a trick when the victim of the case was her original partner.

    Bonny de Famme

    Bonny's great. While I feel her development about being brave like Trucy could've had better buildup, I like her shy personality both its own and by how it works off of Betty.

    Roger Retinz

    Roger's perfect. He's a really fun character with the ways he obviously and subtly flaunts his success and status, along with him breaking character when handing people his business card, interacting with Betty in secret, and revealing himself as Mr. Reus.

    I really like his ties to Troupe Gramarye and that Manov's murder was just a tool to ruin Trucy, the last Gramarye, taking down the daughter of the magician that deemed him unworthy with a self-proclaimed better magic trick by pulling people's attention away from how Manov died, making him feel partially victorious by the end of the case despite his trick being revealed and him going to jail. He's my favorite character in this case.

    Ema Skye

    Ema's great. While I feel her passion for science was better represented in AJ, I like how she's developed from that game, both in her reunion with Apollo and her going from a decetive to a certified forensics expert like she always wanted to be.

    Manov Mistree

    He dead.

    Phoenix Wright

    How'd they fit an ace attorney, Phoenix Wright into a tiny phone? Now that's magic.

    Nahyuta Sahdmadhi

    Nahyuta's great. The religious and foreign aspects of his personality didn't really interest me, but I like how his relationship with Apollo is set up, and the scene of him turning the gallery against Trucy is really cool and helps showcase how the biases of Khura'in can also affect foreign courts simply by using similar methods, as if the issues with Khura'in's legal system could end up hurting other countries' systems as well if not addressed, furthering developing the kingdom without taking place there simply by having a character do his job in his own ideal way.

    The Great Beardini

    The Judge is okay. He's gone back to feeling like a pretty standard Judge, but I feel it's the most disappointing here given how incredible Khura'in's Judge was. He's my least favorite character in this case.

    Betty de Famme

    Betty's perfect. Much like Bonny, her dynamic with her sister is great, and I like her more antagonistic personality more than Bonny's. I really enjoy how she was plotting with Roger to get revenge on Trucy and how her being Bonny's twin ties into it, and she gets some small but meaningful development when she realizes she was used as a tool for murder.


    This is a really great cast. Every character except one is at the very least great, and most of the characters' issues can be seen as simply not utilizing their fullest potential, but the ways they do utilize their potential can be series-topping at times, with some of the returning characters salvaging negative aspects of previous cases.

    Investigation - Day 1


    This is a perfect investigation. This game is finally doing what I wanted DD to do: give us more than two locations to investigate. The combination of the 3D investigation system from DD, the ability to examine any environment from the first four games, and the cool locations like the stage and backroom make investigating incredibly fun and engaging.

    The gaps in gameplay and tutorials didn't feel like an issue, and some of my issues with DD's tutorials were resolved, like the investigation system tutorial being optional, and the tutorial-only perceiving section being overshadowed by a later perceiving section, and I like that forensic science is back in the form of the fingerprint dusting, and this is my fingerprint system in the series, as even when I can't find fingerprints quickly, it's just satisfying to cover a spot in powder and blow it all away, getting one step closer to my destination.


    This is a perfect first chapter. Like the previous case, despite being a two hour long opening segment, the information provided here didn't feel overwhelming like it did in a case like I2-5. Learning about Trucy's new show, the circumstances around the murder, Roger's control over the show and Trucy and how he seemingly got it, and so on is really engaging, and I really like the focus on Trucy's magician career and the connections to Troupe Gramarye. Ema's return and reunion with Apollo is really cool, I like the setup for the new prosecutor and Apollo knowing who he is, and Trucy's breakdown and Phoenix's phone call with Apollo are really impactful events. I have no issues here.


    This is a perfect opening segment. This segment feels like a seamless combination of two different investigation segments, but designed in a way that works in the context of one period of time. The gameplay is a major improvement from DD and a great alternative to the DS games, and the character and story events that take place here are incredible, some as standalone events and others as beginnings to later events.

    Trial - Day 1

    Cross Examinations

    These are fantastic cross examinations. While I feel the gaps in gameplay did somewhat hurt the experience, I also think the game did a nice job filling some of those gaps with minor player input. Plus, the additions of the Mood Matrix, the revisualization, and the length of the segment meaning more cross examinations and contradictions means more opportunities for fun and engaging gameplay.


    This is a great final chapter. Unlike the first segment, I feel a split trial would've been beneficial given how many new events and revelations occur here, and I feel the ending was a bit too mean spirited towards Apollo, but the revelations about the true events of the murder are still impactful, and the reveals of Bonny having a twin and Roger being Mr. Reus, along with Trucy's cross examination, Nahyuta controlling the gallery, Roger's self-proclaimed victory by tricking the last Gramarye, Nahyuta and Apollo's final interaction, and Phoenix's second phone call congratulating Apollo and declaring him a full fledged lawyer are great.


    This is a really great final segment. While the long timeframe was somewhat of a negative unlike the first segment, I'm glad the segment still managed to fill the time with engaging contradictions and impactful story events, making this a more than satisfying second half.

    How I Would Improve

    If I were to try and improve this case while retaining most of its original identity, I would make two changes.

    1. I would make the Judge better. Passable judges are nothing new, but Khura'in's Judge was incredible both personality and storywise. Khura'in's Judge managed to leave a great first impression by being a funny and charming character, but he was made better by how his perspective on the legal system contrasted and developed with Phoenix's foreign mindset.

    We've had judges with better personalities before, so if I were to make him better storywise, l would've done something equivalent to the last case by giving him more meaningful reactions to Nahyuta's methods, like having him react more to Nahyuta abusing the defense and turning the gallery against Trucy, leading to him threatening to penalize Nahyuta and remove him from the courtroom, further developing the themes of Khura'in's corruption much like the last case did, even giving Nahyuta some more value as a character in the form of how he reacts to it.

    1. I would split the trial segment in half. I feel a split would help to make all the revelations and events more digestable, as well as to further cover up the gaps in gameplay as beginnings and endings are a lot easier to accept as less intense on a player due to the sense of rise and fall.

    I feel splitting the trial before Trucy's cross examination makes the most sense, as the reveal of Bonny and Betty being twins and the Judge calling for a recess feel like they can work both as a conclusion to a segment and as buildup to the rest of the case.

    Final Verdict

    This is a really great case. This case does have its issues, like the lackluster Judge appearance, the slightly too long trial segment, and once again, a majority of the characters not feeling 100% realized, but I think this case has managed to do something I haven't seen a lot of cases do: salvage parts of previous cases and games.

    The investigation system is basically the same as DD's, but just having the option to examine any environment and getting more environments to examine makes me prefer this single investigation over every investigation from that game.

    Apollo was overshadowed by Phoenix in his debut game, but this case not only appreciates AJ more than DD by making Troupe Gramarye the focus whereas DD occasionally referenced Phoenix's disbarment, but Apollo being overshadowed makes Phoenix putting his faith in him and calling him a true ace attorney even more powerful of a moment than it would've been if 4-4 was more of Apollo's victory.

    In DD, Trucy left so little of an impression that if she had been scrapped from more than half the cases, my opinion of her and the game itself would've been the same. But this game took her role as a hostage keeping other hostages happy with magic in 5-5 and made it feel almost like foreshadowing to the emotional abuse and stress she has to deal with in this case and the ways she tries to cope with it.

    Out of all the cases I've replayed so far, this case feels the most like it recognizes the negative aspects of previous cases, and is making them positive aspects of this case, all while still delivering a charming, emotional, funny, and engaging case at its core.

    Again, this case could've been better; something as simple as splitting the trial segment in two or making the Judge consistently funny would've been enough for me to call this case fantastic. But considering the only non-opening/finale case to rank higher than this one is 3-4, this case still feels like a major accomplishment when I view it both as a fan of AA, and as someone whose future career path and style of storytelling and directing has been defined and refined by this series.

    I love this case.

    8.9027777778/10, it's going between I2-5 and 3-1.

    Case Rankings

    4-1 (9.4583333334/10)

    1-4 (9.275/10)

    3-4 (9.1428571429/10)

    3-5 (9.0714285715/10)

    2-4 (9.0479166667/10)

    I2-5 (8.9131578948/10)

    6-2 (8.9027777778/10)

    3-1 (8.7916666667/10)

    I-5 (8.6818181818/10)

    I-1 (8.625/10)

    I2-1 (8.625/10)

    5-5 (8.4833333334/10)

    2-2 (8.4166666667/10)

    6-1 (8.4166666667/10)

    3-2 (8.3833333334/10)

    1-3 (8.2916666667/10)

    1-5 (8.2/10)

    I-4 (8.1875/10)

    5-DLC (8.1666666667/10)

    I2-3 (8.1507936508/10)

    I2-2 (8.0865384616/10)

    I2-4 (8.0833333333/10)

    5-2 (8.0625/10)

    4-2 (7.9423076923/10)

    1-2 (7.825/10)

    4-3 (7.6/10)

    I-2 (7.5833333334/10)

    2-3 (7.575/10)

    I-3 (7.5/10)

    5-4 (7.3875/10)

    5-1 (7.2321428572/10)

    4-4 (6.9642857143/10)

    5-3 (6.8333333334/10)

    1-1 (6.8333333334/10)

    3-3 (6.4416666667/10)

    2-1 (6.2321428572/10)

    Previous (6-1)

    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
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    So this a part 2 to my poll asking what major character capcom might kill of in the final game if the series does end. These are characters that weren’t on the first list. Who, out of these do you think capcom would kill off in the final game?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 08:35 PM PDT

    [OC] Susato with hats!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 09:56 AM PDT

    Do you think Trucy could fool Penn and Telker?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 03:29 PM PDT

    Just as the title suggests. We know how talented she is and if she were somehow to exist in our world and appear on Fool Us, do you think she could fool penn and teller (not Telker sorry)

    submitted by /u/Batgod629
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    Version 1.0 of 'Turnabout Steamed Hams' is now playable!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 07:01 AM PDT

    I’m skipping 4-4 because it’s obvious it would win next, meaning there’s only 1 round left. Which final case is your favorite

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 06:22 PM PDT

    Excluding literally everything except vs-4 and I1-5

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    submitted by /u/Sad_Papaya7860
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    Cube rule ultimate debate !!(objection.lol)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 10:59 AM PDT

    Athena and Apollo in Themis Uniforms (not me drawing this during class ����)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 11:09 AM PDT

    Who is the hottest prosecutor? (Female edition)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 08:35 AM PDT

    To note, there is a spoiler for SOJ in this poll. Proceed with caution. Or don't… in the name of hotness.

    We're going to take the term "prosecutor" a little loosely here. It was clear from the comments of the last hotness poll that I left out some of our very best hot prosecutors, judges, inquisitors, and other such antagonists while doing a terrible injustice to the ladies. While few in number, they are much in hotness.

    So without further ado, presenting the Hot Prosecutor(ish) Showdown Spectacular, Ladies Edition.

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    submitted by /u/moistcheese
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    Some contradictions I found in AA1 And in AA5

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 09:29 AM PDT

    In turnabout sisters we see redd white talking to the CHEIF PROSECUTOR and he says he found mia Fey's killer but Lana Skye is the cheif prosecutor and in rise from the ashes she asks ema to get mia fey to defend her but she would have to know she would be dead. In turnabout for tomorrow athena is arrested for clay Terran's murder and later before her trial for that she gets accused of murdering her mother, in bad ending #1 Simon blackquill is found guilty instead like it was originally was and in the bad ending is says that "Athena left the office" So did The police just forget about the original charge, CT's murder?

    submitted by /u/Minimum_Career_4423
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    How many more games do you think there's gonna be?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2021 09:05 AM PDT

    It's been 5 years since spirit of justice and sure gaa2 came out in 2018 but I'm sad to say this but I think the chance of an gaa3 is extremely low so I guess what I'm actually asking Is, How many more games do you think will take place after AA6? I'd say just 1 in a couple of years to completely wrap up the story and bring back some old characters and maybe after that they may start a new universe. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Minimum_Career_4423
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