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    Wednesday, September 29, 2021

    Ace Attorney One more Miles Edgeworth cosplay by me

    Ace Attorney One more Miles Edgeworth cosplay by me

    One more Miles Edgeworth cosplay by me

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 01:11 PM PDT

    Early concept art for Ace Attorney characters: The lawyer, the prosecutor, the assistant, the detective, and the mentor.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 04:33 PM PDT

    Edgeworth by redlhz on Twitter

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 02:04 PM PDT

    I was watching PBNT's playthrough while writing to make sure I'm getting facts right and I paused it at this frame of Edgeworth's sprite.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 09:36 PM PDT

    How often does the ace attorney cast smoke weed?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    Ryunosuke Naruhodo fan art based on one of his appearances in the concept art [OC]

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 07:30 PM PDT

    This scene in 4-4 is just magnificent.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 07:21 PM PDT

    What’s your hottest take on any of the cases in the series?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 12:21 PM PDT

    The Monstrous Turnabout is good.

    Edit: Wow this really blew up! Thank you so much! it's super interesting to see all the different responses

    submitted by /u/Holographic_Raven
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    Phoenix tells Trucy a Story

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    Minor DGS2 Spoilers [OC]

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 04:43 AM PDT

    Its Karaoke Night: Tierlist

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 12:33 PM PDT

    GAA character tier list based upon how often they partake in a bit of opium

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    I recently got into Ace Attorney

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 12:52 PM PDT

    I'm addicted now and I'm falling in love with the characters. I just finished the second one and now am on the third. I can't decide between Gumshoe or Pearl as my favorite characters

    submitted by /u/Jakon_93
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    If they follow up on a plotline from AJ...

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 09:19 PM PDT

    If Apollo and Trucy learn they're related, it would be funny if Apollo tries calling Phoenix "dad", but afterwards they just awkwardly stare at eachother in silence.

    It would also be a great place for the series's first F bomb, like Apollo afterwards thinking "Why the f*ck did I say that...?"

    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
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    Duel Destines Ending

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 12:07 AM PDT

    I have not started the retrial yet, however I have heard of this "confidence gauge" that can reflect different endings. Now with minimal spoilers how do I get the best ending.

    submitted by /u/Derg14
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    Can we PLEASE talk about the Skulkin brothers??

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 12:48 AM PDT

    Okay, just to start out, this will involve SPOILERS for TGAA1, so please PLEASE go play it first before reading this! I promise you will not regret it.

    Playing through all of the AA games has given me many different examples of side characters that were either super great… or not so great. I found myself underwhelmed & annoyed most of the time by side characters (See: Wesley Stickler), especially during trials—wishing that they would just shorten their stupid testimonies or that they would stop freaking lying every 2 words. TGAA was definitely better with these annoying side characters than the other games, which made the trial segments so much more bearable and fun.

    Who I was NOT expecting to like while playing TGAA was none other than… the Skulkin Brothers. Yes, Ringo and Nash (and Sulky, duh) ended up quickly & unexpectedly becoming my favorite side characters in ALL of the AA games. Their synchronized poses and quips had me gasping for air in laughter. The entire time they were on the stand, I was eating up every word they spoke. I pressed on all of their statements every time they testified just because I wanted more of them!! But the real great part about them isn't even their funny lines, their gun reenactment act, or their cute 'palms against each other while smiling' pose—no, the BEST part about those two was their relationship with Ashley Milverton (side note: Eggert Benedict is the funniest AA name, period). I could not BELIEVE that they actually grew up with him; I truly thought that those two were just pulling another Sulky on us. But no!! They did grow up together, and hearing all about it was one of the highlights of that trial for me. They (eventually) brought out the soft side of Ashley, which is something I did not think I would ever see. They were beautifully written, their comedy, their intentions, their backstories… It was the perfect recipe for a GREAT duo of side characters. I was sad the second they stepped off the witness stand. KUDOS to the TGAA team for writing the Skulkin bros, my favorite side characters in all of AA!!

    Now I just need a matching jacket like theirs…

    submitted by /u/melodybussy
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    I don’t really like the epilogue of the Magical Turnabout…

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 01:28 PM PDT

    After Apollo saved Trucy from getting the guilty verdict, Trucy does give Apollo a heartfelt "thank you" and it was a really sweet scene. Only for it to be followed by a really bad epilogue of her forcing Apollo to be her assistant and putting him inside a box and attempts to thrust sword inside of it. And ends off on Apollo screaming for his life. I think this ending is in bad taste 'cause this chapter literally talks about someone dying in the same fashion, and its taken seriously. They do it again in the epilogue, and since Apollo's the "comic relief butt monkey", it's suddenly funny. It's worse when you consider that after all the work he put into getting Trucy her "not guilty" verdict, this is what he gets. I think Trucy's relationship with Apollo reminds me of why I hate how some characters get treated liked the "butt monkey who gets shat on by the universe" cliche (Gumshoe, for instance).

    submitted by /u/Illustrious-Emu-7900
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    [SPOILERY?] A lot of fanarts picture Kazuma with a white snake, but why?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 10:37 PM PDT

    If you haven't finished both games, pls consider this as your warning to GET OUT!!!

    So I came across a bunch of Kazuma fanarts on twitter, depicting Kazuma alongside a white snake (or a white mouse. or some other animal to that effect). It's especially prominent from the Japanese artistes.

    Is there a hidden meaning behind the symbolism? After beating the duology, I still couldn't find any clues.

    submitted by /u/Zeldarch
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    Short Kristoph au

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    “Turnabout Musical - Live at the Phoenix Theater” video premieres tomorrow

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 09:13 PM PDT

    Would you rather...

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 03:55 PM PDT

    If Capcom made a 'Punch-Out!!' style Ace Attorney game.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    The story could be that some time post-SOJ, Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth decided to host a boxing tournament, with some of the participants being forced to join. All the boxers here wear mouth guards.

    • Little Mac: Apollo Justice. Despite being short (only 155cm tall), he has a strong punch.

    • Doc Louis: Trucy Wright. (4-4) They are half-siblings, so fights come naturally, and Trucy supporting Apollo would be a good way for some interaction. Also, Apollo punching Trucy and her just telling him to be faster would be badass and parallel with Hobo Phoenix.

    • The Referee: The Judge. Need I say more?

    • Glass Joe: Wocky Kitaki. He isn't that tough and he once got shot. In Title Defense mode, he gets a head guard.

    • Von Kaiser: Manfred Von Karma. Von Karma is like a German aristocrat, while Von Kaiser is like a stereotypical WW1 German soldier. Von Kaiser gets a gun reload sound effects when getting up, while Von Karma (1-4) murdered Gregory Edgeworth with a gun. Von Karma has a 98-2 Win/Loss record, one of which was Gregory KO'ing him. In Title Defense mode, Von Karma either uses a taser or yells "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTACK!" before punching hard, which are both one hit KOs.

    • Disco Kid: Aura Blackquill. Aura wears her safety goggles. KO'ing her shatters them.

    • King Hippo: Marvin Grossberg. Defeating him makes him complain about his hemorrhoids. In Title Defense mode, he tapes a manhole cover to his abdomen.

    • Piston Hondo: Simon Blackquill. Simon acts like a samurai. Also, as he used to be in death row, he probably would have got into lots of fights.

    • Bear Hugger: The Canadian Judge. Or Jay Elbird. He is an actual boxer and he has a pet polar bear named Rocky.

    • Great Tiger: Nahyuta Sahdmadhi. After taking off the jewelry and cutting his hair shortly after SOJ, Nahyuta is slowly becoming nicer, but is still a bit of a jerk. He uses magic to teleport around the ring. He also shouts "BATTLECRY!" in Khura'inese before his special attack.

    • Don Flamenco: Klavier Gavin. Like Don Flamenco, Klavier has a lot of horny fangirls. Ema Skye cheers when you knock him down because like Apollo, she also dislikes Klavier.

    • Aran Ryan: Franziska von Karma. She is a dirty cheat, crazy, uses headbutts and elbow hits, jumps off the ropes, puts horseshoes into her gloves, tries to attack Apollo before the match begins, and attacks the Judge. She once tickled another boxer while they were lifting a barbell, potentially killing them. In Title Defense mode, she stuffs an old boxing glove full of horseshoes, attaches it to a rope, and uses it as a whip. She will also attack Apollo with it when she is knocked down.

    • Soda Popinski: Phoenix Wright. Like Popinski, Wright is fond of a sugary drink. However, unlike Popinski, Wright always liked grape juice, while Popinski originally liked Vodka before switching to soda. Wright hits hard has a ridiculously large health bar. In Title Defense mode, Wright heals by drinking grape juice.

    • Bald Bull: Maya Fey. Like Bald Bull, Maya has a special attack where she gets angry and runs at her enemy, punching hard. In Title Defense mode, she trains by bullfighting.

    • Super Macho Man: Godot. Godot probably died shortly after 3-5. Having spent the past few years dead and spending time with his girlfriend Mia, Godot is suddenly channeled by Maya to beat up Apollo. He is not happy about this. KO'ing him literally punches him out of Maya's body, leaving her face down and unconscious.

    • Mr Sandman: Miles Edgeworth. Edgeworth doesn't cheat anymore, but he does play mind games and is fast and very strong. However, he is not very tough.

    • Bonus Character: Chris Redfield, the boulder puncher himself. He doesn't cheat, but he hits hard and has even more health than Phoenix. This man once beat up Albert Wesker in a fist fight.

    submitted by /u/LegoCrafter2014
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    GAA-only Tier List

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 07:52 PM PDT

    Biggest Glow up?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    Who changed for the best after the AA4 time jump?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/daVVaci
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