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    Ace Attorney Another headcanon of mine

    Ace Attorney Another headcanon of mine

    Another headcanon of mine

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 04:26 PM PDT

    (newbie) I was watching the Turnabout Goodbyes case and this is the single best thing I've ever seen.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 03:36 AM PDT

    Gina Lestrade appreciation post

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 06:35 PM PDT

    I wouldn't quite call Gina underrated, but she understandably doesn't receive the attention that the more plot important characters do. However, since she's my 4th favorite character in the duology ahead of the more plot important characters people gush about (like Sholmes and Van Zieks) I wanted to take a moment to just gush about Gina. She's so good!

    Firstly, let's talk character design. Gina's design in Adventures is great, and had me think Oliver Twist the moment I saw her. It's one of those designs that succeed because you learn almost all the essential elements of the character's personality just by looking at the design: she's young, but with a cold stare and stance that implies cynicism, a kid who never got the chance to be a kid. Her oversized clothes really emphasize how young she is, which is a core element of her character as well. I've described Gina as "sincere and morally innocent" before, because, well, she is: it's pretty much obvious in G1-3 that Gina isn't a bad person by any means, but rather the victim of an uncaring society. She's a poor orphan who relies on pickpocketing because she really doesn't have any other options, especially being uneducated, and she's abandoned, derided, or exploited by basically every adult in her life. At the same time, though, she firmly believes in her value and her right to survive, as well as that of other neglected and exploited kids like her, which is why she steals and is willing to commit perjury to protect the other orphans of the East End. The way she's treated in G-3 clues us in to a central element of TGAA's setting: class issues, with class being a huge part of why Gina is judged as harshly as she is by the members of the court.

    However, the story spares no time showing that Gina doesn't deserve this type of judgement at all. When people choose to trust her and treat her right - like Iris does - she happily reciprocates, even risking her own neck to make sure Iris isn't being lied to by the most important adult in her life, Sholmes. This juxtaposition of the outward image that invites the distrust of the court and her true self makes her a brilliant AA defendant in G-5. One of my favorite AA tropes is, admittedly, when you have a defendant who has all odds stacked against them, with only the player believing in them, and in a setting like this, the fact that the odds are stacked against Gina because of her class and occupation (which is a result of her class, ultimately) works beautifully in this setting. You've been shown that Gina's fundamentally just a traumatized child who's been fucked over by the world one two many times, and so the investment in defending her against everyone as the only person in the court who gets her is very real. It's a great way to mark Ryunosuke's full transition into a lawyer, which Adventures slowly built up through every case.

    While her role isn't as pivotal in Resolve, she's still great here, obviously because of her general charm and humor, but also because - like Adrian Andrews in 3-2 - it's great to see her doing better for herself after all the crap she went through in Adventures. It helps affirm that Gina, if given the opportunity, wants to take on a job that helps people, and thanks to Sholmes she gets that opportunity. It also makes things all the more heartbreaking when Gregson dies: Gina not only loses one of the few adults she's come to trust, but at the trial, she discovers horrible secrets about Gregson, and is perhaps the last person to believe in his innocence. She literally begs Ryunosuke to find a way to dispel all the accusations about Gregson, which is where Ryunosuke eventually says "thanks, Gina. You've helped me find my resolve" and begins unraveling Kazuma's case, although not ultimately completely dispelling the truth about Gregson (more just revealing Gregson himself was being manipulated).

    In any case, there's something very sad about that, where Gina overcomes her very justified cynicism and starts to trust people, only to lose one of those people and realize they may have been wrong in trusting them. Overall, I just find her so sympathetic, and a really great character to have in a story that is, for the most part, about revealing dark sides to admired characters (Kazuma, Gregson, McGilded, Sholmes, Brett to a lesser extent, the entire British justice system), or in other words, having your faith in someone or something be shaken or outright broken. Gina is someone who ultimately struggles to put her faith in anything because that faith has been thrown back in her face too many times, and her arc is about her slowly coming to build that faith in the world (which is kind of Ryunosuke's arc in Adventures after the events of G-3), as the result of people putting their faith in her, which the narrative is very clear that she deserves.

    Too many words, long story short: I love Gina to bits, and am literally ecstatic whenever she's on screen. She's funny, she's charming, she's sympathetic, and she deserves all the appreciation she can get.

    Yay Gina!

    submitted by /u/uru_silko
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    [OC] 2019 truly was A Year in the Ace Attorney timeline

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 04:08 AM PDT

    How do you think the plot of a Trials and Tribulations movie would go

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 09:42 PM PDT

    [Chronicles] Just finished GAA2. I owe a certain character a sincere apology. Spoilers!

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 09:40 PM PDT

    Yujin Mikotoba - I am very sorry.

    Since case 3, when details started to drop about the Professor and all the mysteries of ten years ago, I started to become convinced that Yujin Mikotoba was the true culprit behind everything that was going on. "Ohohoh, this guy seems nice and helpful, but he's constantly in the right place at the right time to have had a hand in these strange coverups from ten years ago. Oh, he's being extremely friendly and helpful. Well I'm not buying it, buster! I'm on to you, you son of a bitch!!!"

    I mean, he was in Britain during the Professor killings - he had access to the autopsy of Klint in order to plant evidence - he started acting extremely suspiciously after hearing about the Baskervills collar - lying to Susato to get her to leave Britan seemed suspicious as hell.

    Even into the last case I was still expecting Stronghart to be a red herring, and Yujin to turn out to be the mastermind behind everything.

    Well...turns out he's actually just an extremely good dude whose only mysteries were for totally wholesome reasons. Oooooops.

    Anyway, my being hilariously dead wrong aside, I still greatly enjoyed the game and the final case.

    submitted by /u/Tenauri
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    Capcom Cafe @ Aeon Releases Ace Attorney Menu Preview

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 08:54 PM PDT

    The best prosecutor semi-finals!

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 06:03 PM PDT

    The top 2 will move on to the finals

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Cosmicrobus
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    Should I continue playing past the trilogy?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 02:14 PM PDT

    When I first played the trilogy back when it was remastered, I heard many opinions from people that the games past the trilogy dip in quality. Recently I'm starting to hear good things about the great ace attorney chronicles. So my question is, if there are bad games past the trilogy, can someone point them out so I can skip them?

    Edit: Thank you for all the help!

    submitted by /u/KrusKator
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    New Ace Attorney Tsum Tsums (very cute)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 08:28 PM PDT

    [OC] Just finished tgaa chronicles, ITS SO GOOD AAA��

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 05:06 AM PDT

    Just out of curiosity: have you played AAI2? If not, then why?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 04:38 PM PDT

    Just want to see how much the fan translation reached the community as a whole.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Visible-Damage1464
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    Which acronym do you use for The Great Ace Attorney?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 08:53 PM PDT

    I did a case tier list for the first time and I feel like I don't know myself anymore

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 07:49 PM PDT

    Mia Fey Cosplay 綾里千尋コスプレ Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney 逆転裁判蘇る逆転 Cosplay Makeup/Outfit Transformation

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 01:53 AM PDT

    As you may know, Justice For All takes place in a 2002 vision of 2017, where people use technology way older than the ones actual 2017. If JFA actually took place in real-life 2017 what would change and how would it affect the story?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 03:26 AM PDT

    Ironic titles (spoilers for AJ, DD and SOJ)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 03:44 PM PDT

    I really feel like Dual Destinies would have been a much more appropriate title for SoJ instead of the actual Dual Destinies due to duality being very present in the game.

    • Phoenix in Khura'in and Apollo in "USA"
    • Turnabout Revolution being split into 2 cases
    • Apollo and Athena investigating one part while Phoenix and Edgeworth investigate another
    • Apollo having Dhurke and Phoenix as mentors

    On the other hand, the Cornered OST for SOJ (Cornering Together) seems a lot more appropriate for Dual Destinies than for Spirit of Justice.

    • Phoenix and Edgeworth's planning to end the Dark Age of the Law by arresting (Kristoph and the Phantom), solving the UR-1 incident (thanks to Athena and Blackquill) and the murder of Terran (thanks to Apollo)
    • Phoenix, Apollo, and Athena working together to beat the Phantom, it even ended with all 3 of them cornering the Phantom together lol.

    Let me know if you have any arguments against the names being more appropriate if we switched or if you can think of other titles that would ironically match a different game more.

    submitted by /u/Nddit
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    Favorite version of Turnabout Sisters?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 02:38 PM PDT

    TGAA mods?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 08:51 PM PDT

    For those playing Chronicles on PC, have you found any cool mods for the game you'd recommend?

    submitted by /u/uru_silko
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    If the AA series does die out at some point, do you think AAI2 would be localized first?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    I guess my previous tierlist was too risque, so now it's characters ranked by how willing I am to give them a hug

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 05:50 AM PDT

    Tier list by finishing DGS 1...

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 02:10 AM PDT

    My views on GAA1+GAA2

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    Obligatory warning that this whole post is spoilers for the Great ace attorney chronicles.


    I actually found this game really hard to get into. I felt as though there was a lot of un-needed dialogue. However with that being said, by case 3 my mind had completely changed.

    It was like JFA-4where I was kept on the edge of my seat. Except this time I really didn't know if he was guilty or innocent. I was left very confused by the whole thing. I will admit I found it hard to get into again after that case and I was left actually pretty underwhelmed with the last case also. However, after playing the second game I appreciate the first game a lot more, GAA1 walked so GAA2 could run.

    Again, the first two cases I found hard to get into properly. But by the third case I could not put it down. I was hooked. Completely. The victim in the 4th case I definitely did not see coming. And pretty much everything in the 5th case I didn't see coming either. (Except I knew Stronghart was involved somehow from the start, he was a slimy bastard). This is the only game that has literally had me yelling at my tv screen. I did not see the Professor being Klint. Nor did I see Iris being his daughter.

    Aside from the main story, the characters were amazing. I found them more likeable than the original trilogy. I especially liked Herlock Sholmes as a character. I am big fan of the tv show (where he is portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch) and the original Holmes stories. I found the character of Sholmes to be extremely entertaining and quite true to character.

    The music in the game was amazing and to be honest I loved the game. Definitely my favourite in the series.

    submitted by /u/Emmy_C484
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    [The Great Ace Attorney 2 Spoilers] About the cloaked man

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 03:24 PM PDT

    So I got really sad because I was watching youtube and one of the music videos for this game spoiled the identity of this man, (I am in Chapter 3 part 1) I was wondering if this was the game's biggest twist. Cuz I really have not been wanting to play this game anymore when I feel like theres no more mystery to solve

    submitted by /u/yonoirishi
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