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    Monday, September 27, 2021

    Ace Attorney 'How Good would Ace Attorney characters be at Among Us' tier list

    Ace Attorney 'How Good would Ace Attorney characters be at Among Us' tier list

    'How Good would Ace Attorney characters be at Among Us' tier list

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 03:02 PM PDT

    kazuma and ryunosuke hanging out after classes together

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 07:01 AM PDT

    Flower Crown Trucy by MBluesekai on Twitter

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 10:31 PM PDT

    [OC] I've been working on some new designs for my Redbubble/ potentially tabling at a convention someday, and first up is Edgey-boy! Enjoy.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 12:38 PM PDT

    Poor Mystic Maya

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 11:01 PM PDT

    Knowledge Exchange Trial (Re-Upload)

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 09:08 PM PDT

    twucy (extra textto make the title 10 characters)

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 09:45 PM PDT

    Finishes GAA 2 and...

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 06:34 PM PDT

    ... Can't help it, I ship Susato and Ryuunosuke. Love how they both support and help each other, while not taking themselves or the other too seriously.

    Would be cool to see them as something more than friends if we ever get a sequel.

    submitted by /u/asbebers
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    Shipping Mode Activated

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 07:51 PM PDT

    What's your favorite example of a case/game referencing or paying homage to a previous case/game?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 03:25 PM PDT

    Showtime [@ばんちゃ]

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    Duel of the Detectives! Who could beat the other in a one on one fight?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 11:19 PM PDT

    No weapons or sniffer dogs allowed. Just a good ol battle with fisticuffs

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Scribblywitch_994
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    (Spoilers for I2-5) The Lang family plotline is confusing me here

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 03:55 PM PDT

    Ok, so I just finished the Grand Turnabout. A GREAT case with an unexpected culprit, and although I already knew it was Simon, it was really impressive to see how much he pulled the strings just to get revenge on Knightley (who supposedly was the reason Keyes' father died, despite Simon being wrong here) and on the "Anti-Yatagarasu", who sent henchmen for Simon for the sake of silencing him for witnessing the SS-5 incident, which effectively made Keyes' life a living hell, since he was under the constant threat of being killed by Blaise's cronies. Well, that's just what I understood from the case, feel free to correct me haha. Anyway, I'm digressing a lot here.

    My main question is about the reason of the House of Lang's downfall. Firstly, let's take a look at this conversation, which was taken from the Kidnapped Turnabout aka I-3:

    Edgeworth: Agent Shih-na... Why does Agent Lang hate all prosecutors so?

    Shih-na: ............ Lang is the head of the long-honored House of Lang in Zheng Fa. The heads of all police-related divisions in that country were of Lang blood...

    Edgeworth: "Were"? What do you mean by that? Aren't they still?

    Shih-na: They were revered, but that was long ago. They don't hold that sort of sway anymore. ...And it was all because of the courts.

    Edgeworth: How can that be...?

    Shih-na: A prosecutor once withheld and tampered with the evidence one of the Lang detectives found. That evidence's purity was tarnished, and cost the Lang family its honor and trust.

    Ok, after beating I2-4, I thought this prosecutor would be Blaise, so Debeste himself should have been the reason for the downfall of the Lang family. Therefore, Langs' downfall = result of someone manipulating evidence. However, it seemed like I2-5 went for a different direction about this issue:

    Lang: He had to have known that Huang was dead. But what if he had revealed that back then?

    Edgeworth: Reveal the death of the president, the backbone of Zheng Fa? It would have caused chaos...

    Lang: ...and that's why my old man took the secret to his grave. He even took the blame for the kidnapping, knowing that would be the fall of the House of Lang!

    Now I2-5 seems to suggest the Langs's downfall = Dai-Long Lang taking the blame for the "kidnapping" (since he was in charge of the security). Isn't this contradicting what Investigations 1 established? I thought that maybe the reason for the downfall was because Blaise altered the results of the blood test, since the blood that was in front of the orphanage was from Huang, and not Cameron. Yet, this forgery wouldn't be known, since Miles would only reveal the truth of SS-5 after I-3, thus Shih-na wouldn't know about the forgery, ofc. This means that:

    - Investigations 1 equates the Langs' downfall as evidence being tampered and the forgery being found out, much like Succession;

    - On the other hand, Investigations 2 considers the downfall as Dai-Long Lang taking the blame for the "kidnapping" and, by extension, SS-5 as a whole.

    With that in mind... did AAI2 retcon AAI? Is this a plothole? Or did I just HEAVILY misunderstand something?

    As always, any answer is welcome, and thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Lost_Rough
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    What do you think would be the synopsis of a Justice For All movie?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 07:05 AM PDT

    As promised, here's the definitive philosophers' poll!

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 12:16 PM PDT

    Aside from Auchi, the rest of options were proposed by people in the comments in the last poll.

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    submitted by /u/divusiulius1
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    Kubz scouts is coming back to Ace Attorney!!!

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    If you know this already I'll make this quick but YouTuber Kubz scouts is confirmed to come back to Ace Attorney after not uploading a video for basically over a year now and well this is very exciting to say the least!!!

    submitted by /u/Codythegoat123
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    Do you think a future entry will ever go back to only having four cases?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 08:42 PM PDT

    Thoughts on Turnabout Big Top

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I don't have a reason for writing this. I am playing the games for the first time. As background, I absolutely LOVED game 1, "Turnabout Goodbyes" was simply fantastic and I thoroughly enjoyed every case. Currently I am in the middle of case 4 in "Justice for All".

    I had heard over and over again that "Justice for All" was not as good as game 1, and specifically that "Turnabout Big Top" was one of the weakest cases in the whole series. I went in with an open mind and now that I've finished the case, I'd like to express my thoughts on it.

    The words that come back to me over and over with "Turnabout Big Top" are "missed potential". Believe it or not, I was actually really enjoying the first half of the case. I know the characters are considered annoying by a lot of people but I actually thought they were hilarious, I like pretty much all of them. Trilo and Ben especially I thought were a riot, and the reveal that Max Galactica was actually a country bumpkin worked really well and got a big laugh from me. The early parts of the case weren't as emotionally involving as top tier cases like "Turnabout Goodbyes" or even the quite good second case of "Justice for All", but I thought it easily made up for it with its strong sense of humor. As one of the mid-game filler cases like "Turnabout Samurai" I thought it was doing its job quite well.

    People who have played the case can probably see where I'm going with this. Problems start to emerge once you get to Moe's testimony. I have no idea what possessed them to add a penalty for pressing. It adds nothing and is an exercise in frustration. Even so, this is a smaller issue compared to the larger one - the logic starts to fall apart.

    Apparently it is considered a big issue that Moe didn't see Max's white roses on his costume, but this is absurd. It was SNOWING out, he was several feet away, and it was night - sure there were lights on, but it still couldn't have been all that bright in the middle of a snowstorm. How is he supposed to see the roses? This is where that "missed potential" aspect starts to creep in. This is an incredibly easy problem to fix. Just make the roses red! Or yellow! Voila. Then he should have seen them.

    Even weirder is the error in Moe's testimony. I actually guessed the right piece of evidence for the wrong reason, because Moe calls Max's coat "black". This is clearly wrong, it's obviously purple...but NOBODY mentions this. There were shades of Miss Miney's testimony from the previous case, where she claims she didn't notice the blood because it blended into the purple cloak Maya was wearing, yet nobody mentioned that Maya was obviously wearing a white shirt underneath, clearly visible, also soaked in blood.

    So far these aren't gamebreaking, but the case absolutely and completely falls apart in the second half...and for no good reason!

    I'm just going to list the issues and why I think they could have been easily fixed:

    1. The magic flying cloak. What. Was. That. What was Phoenix even talking about? The statue would have hit the ringmaster from above. How did it get UNDER the cloak? What happened to the sleeves? If he was wearing a cloak shouldn't it have been either tied around his neck or in his arms?

    The game tries to justify this with legitimately the most ridiculous cutscene I have ever seen. They literally make the cloak take a random left turn in midair so that it can catch onto the statue. It makes no sense and nobody challenges this.

    Why not have Acro put a cloak on the bust when he drops it? This would have made much more sense. He could have been trying to frame Max because he was the most recognizable person in the circus and not very well liked by the other performers. You could even connect this with Moe getting the color of the cloak wrong. Granted you would need to make other changes in the testimonies of characters, but not a ton!

    2) How on earth are you supposed to believe that the life-size bust of Max could possibly have fit under the wheelchair? First, how are you even supposed to know Acro was wearing a blanket? Second, how are we supposed to know Acro was unusually large? Nobody commented once on how large he was. Yes, he had a strong upper body and clearly was powerfully built, but that doesn't make you LARGE.

    This could have easily been solved with Maya or Phoenix mentioning how huge Acro's wheelchair is, or even with Money the monkey jumping out from under the chair, thus illustrating that it was large enough to fit something potentially life-sized. But there is NO set-up. This moment of the game is pure trial and error.

    I'll also mention, and I won't put it as a point because I admit I might have simply forgotten the explanation, but why would the ringmaster have gone out dressed as Max anyway? Seems...weird. And like it would have nothing to do with meeting Acro over the lion incident from six months ago. Just a strange choice to justify everything else. However it's possible they mentioned an explanation and I forgot, so I'll hold my tongue on that one for now.

    In summary, the major problems are:

    1. The penalty for pressing was dumb, get rid of that
    2. The roses should have been red or yellow
    3. Acro should have used the bust of Max to intentionally frame him instead of having it magically jump from the Ringmaster to the bust
    4. We needed SOME sort of set-up for the wheelchair to potentially hold the bust

    And, potentially, the ringmaster needs a good reason for wearing Max's clothes, though again - I may just be forgetting.

    And honestly? That's really all. The jokes in this one are great, the characters IMO are fun and funny even if they seem to get a lot of hate. I was following the mystery pretty well until Moe called the cloak black. I enjoyed Edgeworth's dramatic reveal at the end. TBH I even think the twist where Acro intended to kill Regina was pretty clever.

    Just make a few small changes, and this would be remembered more like Turnabout Samurai, a mid-tier filler case that more than does its job. It's really a shame.

    submitted by /u/Senku2
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    If you could combine aspects of two non-finale cases to make one new case, what cases would you combine and why?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 05:12 PM PDT

    For me, I would combine 4-3 and 6-2, as they both involve murders taking place during an AJ character's live performance that has some connection to the Gramarye family.

    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
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    Ace Attorney's parody/criticism of the weaknesses of the legal system isn't/shouldn't just be exclusive to Japan

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 12:52 PM PDT

    We all know the usual story for the inspiration behind Ace Attorney and the fanbase thinking that "the cops must be incompetent!", that it's mostly a parody of the draconian criminal justice system that Japan has going with it, but I think that the criticisms and commentary that Ace Attorney offers could be applied as well to western nations such as the US.

    I'm not going to make this long (and I can), but to sum it up, there are many cases out there, such as in the US, where people who were convicted of crimes turned out to be totally innocent, and a severe case of this would be the case of Cameron Todd Willingham, an innocent man executed by the state of Texas who's conviction and death was based on faulty evidence and jailhouse informants.

    There's also the fact that in the US and other western countries, it is strongly advised that even if you are completely innocent if the police want to talk to you about an incident, it is strongly advised that you don't speak to them without a lawyer present, because if they can find a way to tie you to the crime or a crime, they very likely will. Cops are trying to get a confession, and if you say anything implicating yourself for a crime that does happen even if it's that you have no alibi during a murder or robbery, innocent people have been charged for things they didn't do by saying something cops deem a confession. And you definitely need a lawyer if you've been to a crime scene because your DNA and fingerprints are most likely there now, and cops can only go off what they see there, and your word if you're the only witness. Detectives are urged by their sergeant, other Detectives, & the DA to get confessions. Even if the person is completely innocent. Even if the Detectives know the person is innocent, they are urged to get that confession. It's like a badge of honor to Detectives to get an innocent person to give a confession.

    So yes, now you know that the corruption you see in Ace Attorney isn't exclusive to just Japan or less developed countries, there are problems in the western world as well, which plays to the reason why Phoenix became and why Edgeworth originally wanted to become defense attorneys; to defend people wrongfully put up as criminals by law enforcement and to act as the checks and balances.

    submitted by /u/sorcerer666
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    What kind of magic tricks do you think Trucy could pull off if Maya helped her using her spirit channeling powers?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 10:25 AM PDT

    What is on ryunosuke’s hand?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 06:13 AM PDT

    If this is spoilers please don't tell me cause I haven't finished the game, but ever since I first saw it I thought it looked like some type of brace.

    submitted by /u/BeeSlippers1
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