• Breaking News

    Sunday, September 26, 2021

    Ace Attorney "That's it! I'm reporting you to HQ!"

    Ace Attorney "That's it! I'm reporting you to HQ!"

    "That's it! I'm reporting you to HQ!"

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 08:45 PM PDT

    I want more fanarts like this.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 08:50 PM PDT

    Promotional Ace Attorney art for Capcom Cafe including multiple characters from the series.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 07:27 AM PDT

    If DGS was like Apollo Justice

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 04:14 PM PDT

    I drew Spirit of Justice Maya :)

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 06:11 PM PDT

    Played some jackbox party pack 7 today.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 10:27 PM PDT

    Designated driver by cubedmango

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 03:32 PM PDT

    Phoenix and Maya set to appear in Spider-Man: No Way Home

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 12:08 PM PDT

    Behold! NahyEma!

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 11:18 PM PDT

    If miles edgeworth had a Twitter account do you think he would respond to this?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 06:08 AM PDT

    On a date(ticcyx)

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    Ace Attorney anime characters VA (Japan) and their roles in other anime/media

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 09:11 AM PDT

    The racism in TGAA…

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 05:28 PM PDT

    I have just start playing right now due to school and stuff but right now I'm starting to pick up a trend where British people being constantly racists to the Japanese people, and well I find that interesting to say the least. Please no spoilers since I only just started but man the racism in TGAA is unreal.

    submitted by /u/Codythegoat123
    [link] [comments]

    Just made an horrendous edit

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 10:22 AM PDT

    Looking Back on Turnabout Ablaze + Final Thoughts on Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 10:05 PM PDT

    Five games down, five to go. From what I've seen, this case's popularity is down the middle, with an equal amount of people that love and hate it. Let's witness the birth of a thousand unfunny tree jokes I still end up laughing at by looking back on Turnabout Ablaze.

    History With This Case

    As far as I can remember, I thought this was a good case, weaker than most final cases, but still a satisfying conclusion to the game.

    This case will be judged by its characters and case segments. Character criticism will revolve around the character's personality, role in the story, and their actions throughout the case. Case segment criticism will revolve around the enjoyability of any investigations or rebuttals and quality of the story being told during that segment.

    Court is now in session for the trial of Turnabout Ablaze.


    Miles Edgeworth

    Miles is perfect. Outside of his usual personality, giving the case a Steel Samurai theme, alongside tying Larry and Wendy into the theme, allows for several comedic opportunities with him, making this his funniest appearance in a case. He gets some good reflections on the first and second KG-8 incidents, as well as a solid dilemma regarding morality in the legal world. Overall, I have no issues.

    Kay Faraday

    Kay's perfect as well. While her love for the Steel Samurai isn't comparable to Maya or Miles, it's a nice bit of development to make her more than just the central story aspects of her character. Having her become the suspect of the crime while in pursuit of the Yatagarasu is cool, and it's nice to see her reach some level of reconciliation with Shih-na despite her killing her father and framing her for Manny's murder.


    Shih-na's fantastic. While I feel her personality is weaker than Calisto's in the last case, everything else about her is incredible. The connections utilizing her between the KG-8 incidents, the Yatagarasu, and the smuggling ring are incredible, her final interactions with Lang and Kay are great, and the way's she's revealed to be Calisto through laughing is perfect.

    Dick Gumshoe

    Gumshoe's fantastic. He still has his likeable personality, and while he did feel like he was just filling a character spot at times, he gets some great scenes like the aftermath of his and Kay's investigation and him helping save the day near the end.

    Colias Paleano

    Colias is good. While I didn't find him to be stellar, he did have some charming moments involving his coupons and patriotism.

    Franziska von Karma

    Franziska's really bad. She's not as bad as in I-2 since she has a greater purpose here due to her being suspected, and she did the impossible and had a total of one funny moment involving her whip. But that whip is still an issue, and I feel the case missed out on some great character development when she was suspected of murder considering her views on prosecutors and the fact she carries a weapon with her at all times.

    Manny Coachen

    He dead.

    Shi-Long Lang

    Lang's perfect. Like in I-3, he manages to balance being a determined leader and a considerate everyman, with those traits made more prominent during events like him defending Shih-na and temporarily suspecting Franziska. Seeing him on Miles's side is cool, as it allows for some greaf scenes like him removing Quercus's status as ambassador and, once again, suspecting Franziska in order to get investigative rights.

    Quercus Alba

    Quercus is good. Much like Cammy in I-2, both his good and evil personalities didn't leave an impact on me, and the enjoyment of his character came from how he utilized his traits in the crime, with his being his extraterritorial rights. Though he is a better god than Richard Wellington.

    Larry Butz

    Larry's perfect. Thanks to him being both a suspect of murder and a Steel Samurai actor, he's the most fun character to interact with, and the ways he plays a part in the story by accidentally being a suspect and unknowingly moving Manny's body are great. This is my favorite appearance of his out of any case.

    Tyrell Badd

    Tyrell's great. Like Shih-na, while his personality was better in the last case, and like Gumshoe, while he sometimes felt like he was there to fill a character spot, he gets some incredible moments like him trying to save Kay from Shih-na and him being the one that entered Miles's office in I-1.

    Wendy Oldbag

    Wendy's fantastic. Much like I-3, she's one of the funnier characters in the cast, and while her inclusion and impact on the story felt weaker than Larry's, it's better than her inclusion in I-3 as she gets better interactions with characters like Miles, and has more to do outside of being a witness.

    Ka-Shi Nou

    He dead.


    Best boy.


    This is a great cast of characters. Like the last case, every character outside of one is at the very least good, but the bigger cast means more opportunities to include characters that are greater than this base standard, and this case accomplishes this several times.


    Investigation + Rebuttals

    This is perfect gameplay. Like many segments before it, the variety in things to do and the time spent doing those things keep the experience continuously fun and engaging, never feeling boring or annoying.


    This is a perfect opening chapter. Once again, the opening cinematic is cool. Learning about these new nations and having the Steel Samurai be involved with them is great. Getting to defend Kay after she tried to pursue a fake Yatagarasu is really cool, and the revelations about the events of the murder still feel impactful.


    This is a perfect opening segment. Like the segments before it, the structure of the game allows for story events and gameplay scenarios that would be a lot tougher to utilize in a traditional AA game without compromises being made.

    Middle, Part 1

    Investigation + Rebuttals

    This is fantastic gameplay. Outside of the gameplay system still being fun, I like how the crime scene is almost parallel to the previous, so it's almost like using the same mindset as before but adapting to the slight changes of the new location. This almost made this more fun than the last segment, but I have an issue that probably isn't that big of a deal but I'm gonna complain anyway.

    There are two shots that zoom in to further examine them and deduce certain aspects: a shot of the knives, and a shot of the statue. On the statue's shot, you use a photo of the statue to deduce that it was changed, which is fine.

    But the shot of the knives also has the statue. You can examine it, and it's the only interactable object on the right side of the screen. But depsite that, you can't make the same deduction with the photo despite the contradiction being just as obvious.

    I feel they should've either removed the second shot of the statue and allowed us to make two deductions on the shot of the knives, or adjusted the shot to focus on the spear and not the knives so that the statue is out of the shot.

    This is a situation where the game's investigation system has a negative impact on the experience, because the previous games' investigation system doesn't let you zoom in on the environment unless there are minor details you would miss like small table in 4-4, so the shots of the knives and statue would likely both just be a part of the location's predetermined viewing angle where the protagonist would decide themselves that there's an issue with something.

    But outside of this issue, I'm still having fun.


    This is a perfect chapter of the story. The second murder involving a location similar to the last murder feels like a different take on the last case's double murder involving two defendant lobbies. The revelations made about the murder are still great, and while I didn't have any major issues with I-3's cameo utilization, this segment does a better job utilizing the unique aspects of Larry and Wendy in the events of the case.


    A borderline perfect segment. While the gameplay is a step down from before due to the issue with the statue, everything else about the case feels on par or better than what came before.

    Middle, Part 2


    This is perfect gameplay. Unlike the last segment, I didn't have any issues when investigating, and the double investigation and the utilization of Little Thief and Logic make this the most fun I've had in this case, and in the entire game so far.


    A fantastic chapter of the story. While the character events didn't feel as strong as events like Kay's suspicion or Larry and Wendy's appearances, the revelations made here feel far more plentiful and impactful than previous segment, and it's far easier to accept the complexities of Little Thief than in I-3 because unlike that case, this case benefits from previous events confirming stuff like this is possible, similar to how spirit channeling is easier to accept as possible in 1-3 due to the events of 1-2.


    A borderline perfect segment. While the story events overall feel weaker than in the last segments, it's still fantastic stuff, and I feel the gameplay here has topped everything else the game had to offer before.

    Middle, Part 3


    This is perfect gameplay. This is the first time a segment composed entirely of rebuttals has felt as fun and engaging as a trial in a traditional AA game, thanks to the amount of contradictions to find and the ways the contradictions are discovered. Previous AAI segments with only rebuttals were usually held back by their length or how unnecessary the rebuttals felt, but this segment overcomes those issues making for gameplay just as strong as a pure-investigation segment.


    This is a perfect chapter of the story. The revelations about the Yatagarasu's escape, Shih-na's reveal as Calisto, the Yatagarasu being three people and not one, Tyrell being revealed as the visitor in I-1; all of these events are incredible and feel like they could be the ending to their own case.


    This is a perfect segment. Everything here feels like it's giving its all, making for an experience that delivers on all fronts.

    End, Part 1


    This is fantastic gameplay. While I feel it's a bit less engaging than the last segment due to the gaps in the gameplay feeling a bit more prominent, like when we move from the theater to Quercus's office, the periods of gameplay we do get still manage to be incredibly fun and engaging.


    This is a perfect chapter of the story. The revelations about the smuggling of the statues and how they tie into the murder are fantastic, with Franziska being a temporary suspect and Quercus being accused while using his extraterritorial rights to avoid being convicted being a great lead into the final segments.


    A borderline perfect segment. While it is a step down from the last segment given how much that accomplished and felt like its own finale, what this segment has to offer is still incredible.

    End, Part 2

    Investigation + Rebuttals

    This is fantastic gameplay. Like the last segment, while the gaps in the periods of gameplay still feel prominent, in this case it's due to the segment's reliance on surprise appearances to pad out the story, the periods made available here are still incredibly fun an engaging.


    This is an okay chapter of the story. While the revelations still feel impactful, I feel this segment relied too heavily on random characters saving the day. There are four separate instances where Quercus tries to stop the interrogation, but then a random character (Kay, then Lang, then Gumshoe, then Larry and Wendy) gives Miles a window of opportunity, making the segment feel insanely repetitive. Plus, the ending felt really anticlimactic with it just being a lead into more testimony, and I feel like these events are just to pad out the story to compensate for's Quercus's lack of a major presence in the first half of the case.


    This is a really good segment. While it is the weakest segment so far due to the new issues with the story, I'm at least still having a lot of fun playing the game, and overall, I'm still invested in the story despite its issues with pacing and repetition.

    End, Part 3


    This is okay gameplay. This is where I feel the gaps are the most prominent, and even when there is gameplay, it wasn't as consistently engaging as the gameplay in previous segments.


    This is a great final chapter. While I do feel it overstayed its welcome a bit, the revelations made are still cool, the ending between the main characters was nice, and it doesn't suffer from the repetition issue of the last segment.


    This is a good final segment. While the gameplay did take a major hit, and the story was still weaker than most segments before it, I still think there's enough here to justify its existence, even if I feel it's the weakest segment.

    How I Would Improve

    If I were to try and improve this case while retaining most of its original identity, I would make two changes.

    1. I would give Franziska more character development. Ever since 3-5, she's been my least favorite aspect of every case she's been in, all because the subtle changes throughout her appearances are ruined by the obvious issues regarding her personality and whip. This case had a great moment for development when she was accused of the murder, as not only did she have a chance to reflect on her views on prosecutors and her reliance on a weapon to control people as Gumshoe pointed out, but this fact could've justified her violent tendencies throughout the case as they would've been a showcase of her at her worst, with the suspicion scene changing her and showcasing her at her best, just like what I had hoped from 3-5 after what 2-4 had set up.

    2. I would shorten the ending. While the first two thirds of the case are borderline perfect, and I didn't find the last third to be bad, it still brought down the overall quality and prevented this case from being a toptier experience. Its structure relies too much on repetition and surprise events, and I feel either shortening the interactions to combine the final two segments, or rewriting the case to remove some final deductions would've helped to salvage the lesser aspects by a moderate amount.

    Final Verdict

    This is a really great case. Similar to I-3, the major issues I had with this case didn't leave much of an impact on my experience, as they mostly appeared in the ending and didn't ruin the case for me. And because of that, this case's incredible aspects, like the mostly fantastic story, the ways it follows up on the what the previous cases were setting up, and what was often some of the most fun I've had playing a game, are a lot easier to appreciate. I can't say it's a fantastic case like at least one case in the previous case tends to be, but depsite my past experience with the case, the common opinion of it, and the expectations placed by I-1, I feel I can confidently say this is the best case in the game, and I wasn't expecting that. Outside of 4-1- this is probably the biggest surprise I've had playing a case, but I'll gladly accept it.

    8.75/10, it's going between 2-4 and 3-1.

    Case Rankings

    4-1 (9.5/10)

    3-4 (9.25/10)

    1-4 (9.25/10)

    3-5 (9/10)

    2-4 (9/10)

    I-5 (8.75/10)

    3-1 (8.75/10)

    I-1 (8.75/10)

    3-2 (8.5/10)

    2-2 (8.5/10)

    1-5 (8.25/10)

    I-4 (8.25/10)

    1-3 (8.25/10)

    4-2 (8/10)

    1-2 (8/10)

    I-2 (7.5/10)

    2-3 (7.5/10)

    I-3 (7.5/10)

    4-3 (7.5/10)

    1-1 (7/10)

    4-4 (7/10)

    3-3 (6.5/10)

    2-1 (6.25/10)

    Final Thoughts on Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations

    If I had to think of a complaint I had with the entire game, I feel the connective tissue between the cases was pretty weak. While the smuggling ring and Yatagarasu plotlines had great payoffs, I feel they could've been better as a whole if they had a better setup and stronger implementation.

    The smuggling ring story feels like it was added just so all the cases could be connected in some way, meaning it feels more like a background story separate from the murders despite it being tied to multiple characters related to the murders. Because Miles's goal is just to find the truth behind the murder while Interpol agents like Franziska and Lang handle the smuggling ring, it feels like Miles is just happening to find answers related to the smuggling ring rather than pursuing the truth behind it much like he's pursuing the truth behind the murders.

    As for the Yatagarasu, while it had a great setup in I-1, it ultimately doesn't matter in the majority of I-2 and I-3, meaning despite Miles pursuing the truth behind the Yatagarasu unlike the smuggling ring, because it's absent in the middle of the game, it ends up being just as much of a background plotline as the smuggling ring, but now with less of an overall presence.

    Along with these plotlines, characters important to these events like Kay and Lang appear halfway into the game, so despite them being great characters with great stories, time that could've been spent developing them is lost, and while Kay gets some more development in I-4, Lang only gets a cameo.

    I feel these issues probably could've been fixed if I-1 appeared in the game where it does in the timeline, after the characters remembering I-4 and before the events of I-5, but then it would feel underwhelming since despite it being my second favorite case in the game, having such a short case in the middle of cases almost four times as long would make it feel less important. In traditional AA games, a short tutorial-like case in the middle of the game works better since it doesn't feel like a shorter case; it feels like a case with no investigations, but this game blurs the line between investigating and cross examining meaning suddenly removing one or having less of both is a lot harder to accept. Plus, I-4 is somewhat of a setup to I-5, so unless you treat I-1 like it's an unimportant case, it's gonna feel like a distraction from the main story due to developing plotlines that had time to be developed earlier.

    But despite these issues with the cases' connective tissue, I still think this is a great game. While this game does have some story and character issues that plague the entire experience, whereas other games only had issues that hurt individual cases, a lot of the aspects of this game are some of my favorites the series has to offer.

    I prefer the AAI gameplay system over the traditional AA system due to the variety and opportunities it offers me as a player, and I wish more games would use it. While I can't say I prefer the investigation-only story structure over the investigation-trial structure, I feel it has equal value due to the possibilities it presents for character development and story potential.

    This game could've been better, and it's not my favorite in the series, but for what I got, I am more than satisfied. I had a ton of fun playing it, and I loved seeing how new and old characters developed over time and getting to witness the story played out again. Depsite this not being my favorite AA game, it comes close, and for all it introduced, I appreciate this game more than any other in the series.

    8.25/10. Onto Prosecutor's Path.

    Game Rankings

    T&T (8.5/10)

    AAI (8.25/10)

    PW (8.25/10)

    AJ (8/10)

    JFA (7.75/10)

    Previous (I-4)

    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
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    How would you all feel about Phoenix Wright in smash?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    I'm biased but i think he's got a shot and would work well.

    submitted by /u/Weakness-Aggressive
    [link] [comments]

    Heartrending/Heartwarming moments in AA?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 03:11 PM PDT

    cri evry tim: Apollo's life up until the present,>! Dhurke's death in 6-5, whenever Gina cries, Edgeworth tearing into Adrian in 2-4, and Athena's childhood in 5-5, !<whenever Ema is threatened by Nahyuta (cue her puppy-dog eyes) and Gumshoe's salary cuts.

    wholesome asf: Phoenix, Maya, and Pearl's group hug at the end of 2-4, Maya's goodbye in 1-4, Ema and Lana hugging in 1-5, Apollo being happy, Sebastian And Rayfa's character development, Apollo believing in Athena again in 5-5, Athena crying for Blackquill's freedom in the end of 5-5, Larry and Vera's sketchbook drawings (3-5 and 4-4) and most importantly, GUMSHOE FINALLY GETTING A F@@KING RAISE AT THE END OF AAI2.

    submitted by /u/Illustrious-Emu-7900
    [link] [comments]

    What's a title

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 07:32 AM PDT

    Rise From The Ashes Poster

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 09:09 PM PDT

    I have recently gotten the original trilogy on Nintendo 3DS, and have loved it so much that I have completed the thing. As such, I have the posters that show on the episode select screen for every episode except Rise From The Ashes. I have played it multiple times, yet it isn't showing. Is there something I need to do>

    submitted by /u/Alchesstron
    [link] [comments]

    Phoenix Wright Moveset Concept: Cosmetics

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 01:37 AM PDT

    Phoenix Wright Moveset Concept I made

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 01:23 AM PDT

    to AA fans who've read a lot of Sherlock Holmes material, what do you think of the way TGAAC adapted them into it's Canon?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 08:31 AM PDT

    i started reading the short Sherlock holmes stories thanks to Chronicles' many, MANY references to them. in everything from case names to Dances of Deduction to casual flavor dialogue

    it got me wondering, what was the experience of Sherlock fans when going through the game for the first time? so i thought i'd come here and ask!

    submitted by /u/SinaMegapolis
    [link] [comments]

    How would you improve the "[insert system]" from "Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney"?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 02:42 PM PDT

    In case you need a reminder of what it is/how it works: https://aceattorney.fandom.com/wiki/Jurist_System

    I know for starters, I'd change the name "Jurists" to "Jurors", given the latter is the proper word for who is in it (read "Terminology confusion" at the bottom of the article to understand if you don't already).

    submitted by /u/MrBohobe
    [link] [comments]

    Weekly Poll [61]: Who is your favourite culprit from The Great Ace Attorney: Resolve?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2021 02:20 PM PDT

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