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    Monday, August 30, 2021

    Ace Attorney Maya Fey art by yedhod114

    Ace Attorney Maya Fey art by yedhod114

    Maya Fey art by yedhod114

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 05:24 PM PDT

    NaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNa Bat-Wright

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 01:27 PM PDT

    (OC) I drew Franziska!

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 07:39 PM PDT

    [OC] Inspector Gregson's entry celebration gift for his new apprentice

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 03:46 PM PDT

    Maya and Phoenix art by rariatoo

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 04:21 PM PDT

    Here's batsy's sidekick, Robin Justice

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 06:44 PM PDT

    Chibi Herlock Sholmes with his snack

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 04:58 AM PDT

    just to remind you that the studio assistant is scolded because of us while we get the picture of the steel samurai

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 03:55 PM PDT

    An EVEN MORE Detailed Ranking of Every Ace Attorney Character by Crimes Committed

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 05:39 PM PDT

    Inspired by a remark from a friend, I drew a GAA-era ancestor to Spark Brushel! His name is a pun on 'bookworm' and a tenuous one on 'cavity', and I like to think he retains his descendant's habit of making notes on his sleeve.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    Simon during that one scene in 6-4

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 09:14 PM PDT

    the 8th installment

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    Klavier drinking coffee

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    Who do you think has the best character design in ace attorney ?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 05:03 PM PDT

    Just wondering, also I assume that this doesn't need to be spoiler tagged because it's just character appearances but I can change it if needed

    I think all the assistants and prosecutors have good designs, but for less important characters, Ron DeLite, Roly, and Eggert

    submitted by /u/South_Plankton_8110
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    Looking Back on Turnabout Big Top

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 07:58 PM PDT

    I think I should be feeling different about replaying this case than I feel right now, but I don't. While I've heard a lot of people say this is the least popular case in the series, I honestly have a hard believing that from what I've seen. This isn't about the actual quality of the case or how it's exclusively one demographic that hates this case. Looking back at Big Top discussions and tier lists, I've seen just as many people praise/accept this case as I have people that hate this case, and I have no idea where this infamacy claim came from. Maybe that answer will become clear after looking back on Turnabout Big Top.

    History With This Case

    But just because the infamacy isn't as present as I believed it was doesn't mean it didn't have an impact on me. Considering I was less critical on my first playthrough, I began to hate my memories of this case more and more due to this infamacy claim, and due to bias, leading to me nitpicking a lot of problems and reimagining how the case played out for the worst. Whether or not my memories will be justified or disproven, I'll still be disappointed by myself in some way.

    This case will be judged by its characters, trial segments, and investigation segments. Character criticism will revolve around the character's personality, role in the story, and their actions throughout the case. Trial segment criticism will revolve around the enjoyability of the cross examinations, and quality of the story being told during that segment. Investigation segment criticism will revolve around the enjoyability of the general investigations, and quality of the story being told during that segment.

    Court in now in session for the trial of Turnabout Big Top.


    Phoenix Wright

    Phoenix is fantastic here. He's basically the same as he was in 2-2, but while the motivation to defend his client feels weaker, his hatred of Miles feels stronger due to how much more they go into Miles's death.

    Maya Fey

    Maya's great here. Not being the defendant takes away the tragic charm of my favorite of her appearances, and her love for the Berry Big Circus feels pretty weak since she it didn't have any foreshadowing like the Steel Samurai did with the phone strap in 1-2, but she's still fun and works great off of Phoenix and Moe, and her trying to continue the trial when Phoenix loses hopes feels like she's trying to help Phoenix like Mia would, which works since the last case showed their first onscreen interaction, and she's shown to be helpful in 2-1 which takes place between 2-2 and 2-3.

    Pearl Fey

    Wait, she was in this case?

    Max Galactica

    Max is a meh character. He's not really interesting as himself or his onstage persona, his obsession with Regina feels weirder than Hotti, and he never seems to be affected by Russell's death despite him remaining part of the circus by the end of the case.

    Ben & Trilo

    This is my least favorite character in the case. The puppet versus puppeteer thing is just annoying and his obsession with Regina is creepier than Max since he's a grown man almost twice her age hiding behind a cartoony puppet. The only thing he has going for him is, aside from Regina, him not being affected by Russell's death makes the most sense since he feels the most like an employee just working his job out of all the new characters.

    Regina Berry

    Regina is a meh character. While I understand why she acts the way she does and it ties into a great story, I don't like her personality. She feels like a worse version of Pearl with how oblivious she is to the world outside of home and how everyone thinks she's cute, but at least Pearl didn't have two grown men trying to marry her.


    Moe's a good character. While not all of his interactions work for me, there is a charm to his bad jokes and him trying to make light of a bad situation, and it's nice that he actually shows signs of being affected by Russell's death.

    Russell Berry

    He dead.

    Dick Gumshoe

    Gumshoe's great. Like 2-2, he doesn't have his pitiful charm from being punished for messing up, but unlike that case, this one I feel subsitutes that pretty well by having him showcase more of his competent detective work and having more time to interact with the characters.


    Hehe. Funny monke.

    Franziska von Karma

    Franziska's okay. While they do make her more intimating by showing how easily she can twist Phoenix's argument into her favor, and they flesh her out by tying her motive for beating Phoenix to Miles, this is where I feel the whip is becoming a problem as it's becoming more annoying and harder to accept as an extention of her character, especially since now it feels like it's being used more comedically due to it being used more times as a reaction to minor inconveniences and in greater strings of lashings, yet it's never funny, "Pain equals bad" being the exception.

    Santa Claus

    The Judge's quality in this game is lining up suspiciously with the first game's, as from case one to three, he's gone from an okay character getting the job done, to a good character getting a bit more charming, to a great character getting a further fleshed out personality by being funnier and showing signs of being annoyed by witnesses. I don't know why this is happening, but I'll take it.


    Acro is a fantastic character. I do think he could've been made better with a slight bit more screentime and by doing more to address why he didn't just have a conversation with Regina about Bat, but ignoring those details, he's incredible. His motive and backstory about his brother being put it a come are incredibly tragic, his personality is subtly endearing, his paralysis is a great reason for why no one outside of Moe suspects him, and his calm, subdued breakdown greatly showcases his inner tragedy.


    He coma.

    Miles Edgeworth

    Wait, he was in this case?


    This is a good cast of characters, but that's a slightly generous good rating. While the returning cast is either better than or close to the quality of their last appearances and the culprit is fantastic, the lows of this cast heavily hurt the overall package, due to their quantity and quality.

    Part 1: Investigation


    This is a good investigation. The way the case utilizes evidence/profile selecting and handles Max's psyche lock trial is fantastic, but I'm not really that interested in examining the Berry Big Circus since, unlike Global Studios where each location felt useful to investigate and there was a good mystery set up with locations that don't need to be investigated, here it feels like they want to introduce as many locations as they can without considering how useful one location is compared to another.


    This is a good opening chapter. I don't feel that motivated to defend Max and I don't really want to learn more about his and Trilo's rivalry, but it still progresses the story in a good way, we get a bit more talk about Miles, and the opening cinematic was pretty cool.


    This is a good opening segment. Outside of a weak setting and lackluster plotpoint introduction, it's all solid to great stuff.

    Part 2-1: Trial

    Cross Examinations

    These are good cross examinations. While they aren't as challenging or fun as I would've hoped, small things like having two witnesses to cross examine help this segment work on its own despite once again being a split trial.


    This is a good chapter of the story. There aren't any major events that occur, and I feel Phoenix's contradiction of "Trilo didn't say hello to Max because they had a fight" felt more like a nitpick that could've been easily covered up by saying Trilo wanted to come across as polite, but it still does a good job moving the plot forward, and there was a sense of buildup over the course of the segment that makes this segment feel less anticlimactic than most of first halves of trial segments that came before it.


    This is a good trial segment. Outside of my previously mentioned criticisms, this segment mostly succeeded at what it needed to do, and unlike most split trials, I don't think the split hurt the quality of this segment in any way.

    Part 2-2: Trial

    Cross Examinations

    These are meh cross examinations. They were slightly more challenging than the last segment's, but I felt getting punished for pressing a statement during the first testimony was a poor decision. I could excuse it for the last testimony since the answer was evidence, but the first doesn't work since, without prior knowledge, every statement has the potential to offer useful information, so getting punished for looking for information doesn't work, which took away part of the fun.


    This is a good chapter of the story. Like the last segment, all I felt it did was move the plot forward with nothing major happening outside of the flying culprit which I considered to be just an interesting revelation.


    This trial segment was okay. None of my issues with this segment I felt were due to the split trial, but just partially flawed gameplay and a lack of engagement or interest.

    Part 3: Investigation


    This is a fantastic investigation. While I still feel the environments are underwhelming since most of them just feel like lobbies for conversations, the rest of the aspects of the case like the psyche lock trials and evidence utilization are perfect.


    This is a perfect chapter of the story. Learning more about the murder, finding new details that point to something darker going on, and going into Acro's backstory with his brother is all fantastic.


    This is a borderline perfect investigation segment. Besides the lackluster utilization of locations, I have no issues with this segment.

    Part 4-1: Trial

    Cross Examinations

    These are perfect cross examinations. The variety of evidence used, the challenging yet fair search for information, and the fun and engaging contradiction solving make these my favorite cross examinations in the case so far.


    This is a perfect chapter of the story. There aren't any big character moments, but the segment makes up for it with the creativity of the murder and the revelations about it, and though I previously felt the situation with the bust and cloak felt too coincidental, I actually really like it now since it's creative, it's the only way this case could play out, and I feel there are times I need to stretch my expectations in order to appreciate the good things a case has to offer.


    This is a perfect trial. The story and gameplay are highly engaging, evolving from where each of the aspects last left off.

    Part 4-2: Trial

    Cross Examination

    This is a perfect cross examination. Outside of being shorter than the last segment's, everything great about those cross examinations remain true here.


    This is a perfect final chapter of the case. The revelations stay consistently high, Acro's motive and breakdown are highly tragic, and Miles being a part of Phoenix's victory is a cool aspect of the case and payoff to Phoenix hating him for disappearing.


    This is a perfect way to end the case. The quality of the gameplay and story carry over from the last segment, and much like the recent trials, the split trial aspect is becoming less of a problem than it initially was.

    How I Would Improve

    If I were to try and improve this case while retaining most of its original identity, I would make two changes.

    1. I would get rid of the marriage subplot with Max and Trilo. Having two grown men lust over a teenage girl who acts even more childish and oblivious to the real world than Cody and Pearl is just creepy, and I think a simple solution to keep them fighting would be an argument over their pay, since Max went to Russell to get a raise, and Trilo feels the most like a guy working at the circus just because he needs a job due to his lack of interest in Russell's death. You could even tie it into Max's motive if Russell tried to give Max and Trilo an equal raise but Max wanted all the extra money.

    2. I would get rid of the punishment for pressing Moe's first testimony in Part 2-2. I think the second situation it happens is fine since the answer there is presenting evidence and Moe's annoyance of the Judge at that point makes more sense for him to penalize you for prolonging the solution. But the first time doesn't work since these games have always encouraged you to press every statement you can; in fact, a lot of trials in the series so far have required you to press every statement to continue with the case. So suddenly making pressing a statement a punishment yet requiring a correct press to beat the cross examination doesn't encourage critical thinking. It encourages trial and error, which isn't fun in a game based around challenging logical deductions.

    Final Verdict

    This is a really good case. While I think I have the most issues with this case out of all the cases I've played so far, the best aspects of this case are still fantastic and mostly plentiful, so while I don't think this case is great, I can't bring myself to call it awful or just decent. I think it's a worthwhile part of the game and I'm glad I gave it a second chance.

    7.5/10, it's going between 1-2 and 1-1.

    Case Rankings

    1-4 (9.25/10)

    2-2 (8.5/10)

    1-5 (8.25/10)

    1-3 (8.25/10)

    1-2 (8/10)

    2-3 (7.5/10)

    1-1 (7/10)

    2-1 (6.25/10)

    Previous (2-2)

    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
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    What would you rather be and under whose tutelage (comment)?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 07:45 PM PDT

    Thoughts on Tobias Gregson after finishing TGAA2?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 07:31 PM PDT

    Tbh I find him to be a pretty bad dude and if anything spineless all things considered, and it's kinda funny how Ryu presents him as this "innocent victim" at the end when calling out Stronghart, like, no. Him being killed obviously wasn't cool, but you can't exactly say his actions leading up to it didn't cause it and that he was some poor unknowing victim who was caught up in it all. Was wondering what everyone else thought of him after finishing the game, whether he's you think he's good or bad or in between. Also, isn't he the first time major character to be a victim in an AA game? Sure, Mia was killed but that was so early that she hadn't really become established and Kazuma didn't actually die so idk if you can call him a victim.

    submitted by /u/Wenckstain
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    Funniest outburst I've seen so far

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 08:36 AM PDT

    What's with the weird aversion to alcohol references?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 12:43 PM PDT

    AA newcomer here but I've been blitzing through the games and I'm thoroughly obsessed! Played AA1-3, TGAA1&2, and currently working through AA4 and Investigations 1. But I'm baffled by how much the English translations go out of their way to avoid any references to alcoholic drinks--especially the "grape juice" bottles that feature so prominently in the first AA4 case and the Investigations airplane case. Even Barok van Zieks never explicitly states that it's wine in his "hallowed chalice." If it were for game rating reasons, I'd understand, but I would think the prevalence of violence and blood shown in the game would preclude an "all ages" rating. Is this aversion only in the English translation? Is this some weird Nintendo stipulation?

    submitted by /u/Bohemienne84
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    So I finished AAI2….

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 01:25 PM PDT

    ….. and it's one of the best games in the series and a huge step up from Investigations 1. If there's was any complaints I had about it, it would be that the pacing isn't the greatest (especially the slog that is Case 2), and that Simon while a great Villain, isn't as imposing or good as Alba from AAI1. But I love how they had a Jester villain in 2. All the Cases are bangers and are extremely memorable. Honestly my favourite case was 4 since it really develops Edgeworth and Kay very well plus Courtney's 180 is fantastic. Blaise while an obvious culprit, is probably one of if not, the most despicable people in AA alongside Manfred Vin Karma and Kristoph Gavin. MAN is Blaise a horrible person. Case 3 is also fantastic with us getting to see into Gregory Edgeworth's mind and it's heartbreaking to hear that he wanted Miles to have a normal childhood instead of just looking at legal books all day.

    Logic Chess is a fantastic mechanic that is really fun and really builds character for whoever is involved. My favourite moment being Sebastian's Logic Chess. Comparing Edgeworth from AA1 to AAI2 is like night and day with his character arc fully complete. I really love how the themes of this game deal with the characters living in their father's shadow getting to see how that impacted Edgeworth, Simon, Sebastian, and to a lesser extent with Kay and Franziska. The returning characters are pretty great too with Lotta being the standout for me. Ray Shields is a great character who's silly but is capable when he wants to be. Sebastian is my favourite character since not only is he adorable, but has a great character arc at the end. Overall AAI2 is fantastic and is my second favourite game in the series.

    submitted by /u/Treeman1456
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    Presenting my Chronicles Stylish and Ranking Spectacular!

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 03:03 AM PDT

    This is one of my low-key favorite moments in SoJ

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 02:10 PM PDT

    Say hello, J.J.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 11:43 PM PDT

    Some fan art of one of my favorite char designs.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 01:26 AM PDT

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