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    Wednesday, August 18, 2021

    Ace Attorney Let's do this!

    Ace Attorney Let's do this!

    Let's do this!

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 09:43 AM PDT

    Just hear me out....

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    Apollo Justice Reference...? (is not a spoiler)

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 06:05 AM PDT

    My tier list on the DGS characters and cases now that I’ve finally beaten chronicles.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 02:34 PM PDT

    This drawing took all day

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 05:27 PM PDT

    A very, very, spoiler-heavy top 10 cases.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 06:03 PM PDT

    fHey, so I have been lurking here and I thought I would share my top 10 favorite cases from Ace Attorney.

    Keep in mind I'm putting Chronicles spoilers, so please do not read further. Specially since I'm talking about the very last case of GAA2.

    Also, please consider these as my opinions and experiences with the cases.

    10. Reunion and Turnabout

    Sue me. I absolutely love Reunion and Turnabout and discover about the Kurain culture, not to mention the introduction of Franziska (which is one of my favorite characters) and Pearl (which is for sure one of the high points of the second game). Also, a lot of characters that will come back to quite literally haunt us in future games.

    The mistery in itself reminds me a lot of Sherlock Holmes narratives, where you take a supernatural event and investigate it to make it possible, like The Hound of Baskervilles, and it is all the more impressive that the trial that could be the most supernatural of all and make the solution to it completely concrete.

    The characters are also incredible. Ini/Mimi Miney are just so well explained and Mimi's plan with Morgan just made sense and for me it felt earned when I started discovering what was happening, and I love the fact that Mimi just goes and confronts you before the last trial, with the "and what are you going to do about it?" attitude.

    The character, the mistery, the tragedy behind it, it's just the most underrated case.

    9. Turnabout Trump

    I'm gonna be controversial here and put Trump as the only Apollo Justice case. The last case in that game was just confusing in their presentation, but the ending is super good and the case in itself was well written, so... Honorable mention, I guess.?

    Trump, though, is extremely hype. It just throws you for a loop within 20 minutes and it just gets better and better. Kristoph is just a beautiful douchebag that makes me want me to punch him and kiss him at the same time.

    The mistery is simple but complex, so it feels rewarding to discover without being confusing. Phoenix is one of the biggest curveballs the franchise has thrown us his attitude leaves us asking what happened and uncomfortable by seeing the character we've grown to love in that state.

    Too bad Apollo couldn't participate in the trial, though.

    8. Turnabout Revolution

    Yeah, the more the franchise grows, the bigger the curveballs. I think they packed everything we asked for a long time and made what could be one of the bigger stakes we had yet. Also, this should be called "Turnabout Apollo" because it was his time to shine and oooh boy, did she shine.

    The first thing that pops into my mind is the civil trial against Phoenix (that was so close to being perfect) with Paul Atishon, the most punchable character as his client. Everything up until they revealed that they used Maya as a damsel in distress again (it was like, three times in one game) was perfect. Seeing him in the other side, doing what we've been doing so far is amazing and so much fun.

    Then we talk about Dhurke, the most purely lovable character they've written in years and stole the show with Apollo. He was just so amazingly written, showing how much he cared for his sons, the way he asked for Maya's help on his deathbed made the reveal that he was never alive during all the case absolutely crushing.

    The villain was not great though, but everything around it was so good and the ending was so satisfying that I can forgive that.

    7. Turnabout Goodbyes

    I would be voted down to HELL if I didn't put the first big conclusion here. It is only #7 because I played it so much it kind of just stopped being so surprising, but everything about this case is amazing. Von Karma is the original BIG villain, this also the first time we had multiple curveballs thrown at us (Edgeworth being the defendant, Von Karma being the culprit, everything about DL-6), not to mention the comedy brought by Polly and Larry.

    Facing Von Karma was just such a stressful experience, feeling like we are always on the edge of losing, grasping to find flaws in the perfect testimony, perfect witnesses and perfect evidence, making every victory feel earned. From the first big contradiction in Lotta Hart's pictures, to using the metal detector to find the bullet, it was just amazing from start to finish.

    Lotta Hart is a bit of a weak link, though. Got very annoyed at her character in this case (she gets better afterwards).

    6. The Cosmic Turnabout + Turnabout for Tomorrow

    Thing is, I'm not exactly cheating because Cosmic Turnabout is a prologue for Turnabout for Tomorrow. I only have one more exception for this, and you'll see why.

    Thing is, I feel like everything in this trial is so dark and painful, I could not look away from the screen for a second. From the second I saw Apollo's relation to the case, I was like "YES! Give me more Apollo" and it just got better and better. Finding out more about Athena (which yes, I was like "Yes! Give me more Athena!) and her story, which I was BEGGING for at the end of Turnabout Academy was so good as well and satisfying.

    Not to mention, when I was midway through The Cosmic Turnabout and I was thinking it was losing a bit of steam, BAM! Plot twist, curveball, here's more stuff to investigate, but now Athena is the defendant, Blackquill is literally dying the next day and nothing is happy anymore.

    And I did not even start talking about The Phantom. The biggest threatening shadow I had ever seen at that point. He did not show up until the very climax, but his presence was everywhere, and that was beautiful.

    I could spend pages talking about Athena, Apollo, Blackquill and Fulbright in this case, but I just think this is amazing on itself.

    5. The Inherited Turnabout

    I mean, do I even need to? You spend half of the case playing as GREGORY Edgeworth, and he is a JOY of a character. Full of empathy, compassion for people, Raymond is a perfect chemistry with him and the way he interacts with his reserved but still genuine attitude is so great to see. Capcom does know how to write good characters without them being over the top and Gregory was their masterpiece in this regard.

    I think in this case, the characters speak louder than the mistery (that is amazing, nevertheless) and the fact that they used stabilished stories and showed us not only something that we wanted to see, but something that connected with Miles and Ray, showing us relationships, character development and also a great, great villain that served as links for the big climax of the game.

    And everything done to develop those characters worked in favor of this case. You didn't just want to acquit Jeffrey Masters (which I did), you wanted to see how Gregory interacted with Von Karma, one of the best characters in the game, and Detective Badd, one of the best characters from the first Investigations game. You also wanted to reunite Jeffrey and Katherine, seeing their loyalty to each other and how the stories connected by the plans of Ray and Katherine (One of which was much more elaborated and took much longer to put it in action).

    Also, Larry Butz and Sebastian were there.

    4. The Grand Turnabout

    Yeah, let's talk about his doozy of a case - in which it might have the biggest curveball of them all - that was set up from the start of the game. First, the guy you outed as the body double of the president of Zheng Fa is killed in a movie set we though he had no issue being in and at the same time, key evidence from Blaise's Trial (also, the Forgotten Turnabout is an honorable mention, almost made it to the top 10) disappears and we all know who did it. This alone makes you get immediately invested and wanted to interact and see how this plays out, who did it who is pulling the strings of everything.

    Then, Shi-Long Lang appears and he is awesome as always, but now he is even MORE awesome, because he lost everything and is pissed off about it. Seeing the reunion of a lot of characters (even Penny Nickels) from the last games and cases and people are relevant because everyone is solving the same case, trying to find what the hell is happening and why are people dying. At some point, Justine's son Jon Marsh AND Sebastian are kidnapped and it develops Sebastian and Courney a bunch (Sebastian deserves his own game) and the stakes just get higher and higher!

    And after a bunch of investigating and finding out how these people that died during the game are connected (Sirhen Dogen appears and he is badass and left prison just for a walk and dump plot, but don't worry, he will be back like the good boy he is), you discover that everyone, everything is connected by one person:

    Simon Keyes, the villain that blindsided everyone and is SUCH A DICK, I LOVE HIM. I was not ready to see everything go like that. Taking him out is so hard, because he did not kill anyone directly. He just poked the right fires, pretending to be people that would cause fear and rage. He provoked Knightley's death, that got Patricia Roland's arrested, got you to defend him, provoked Jill Crane's death, that caused Blaise's fall and he did not even write the word "kill". He is such a good character and at first he is just an slightly annoying timid animal tamer.

    Oh yeah, Lotta Hart is in this one.

    3. Bridge to the Turnabout

    Okay, do not kill me yet. Bridge to the Turnabout is absolutely one of my favorites and deserves all the praise, BUT, there are two cases that I personally like more or hit me harder than this. This case though had some of my favorite moments and is one of the few truly sad cases that actually made me feel feeling. You know how scary is to feel those?

    But you cannot say Bridge to the Turnabout without talking about the Miss Devil herself: Dahlia Hawthorne. Oh my God, how the vengeful spirit shined in this case. Working alongside her monster of a mother to take down Maya Fey (which makes this the second murder orchestrated by Morgan Fey but not directly executed by her), using Iris and Pearl to manipulate all the important moments for their plan to work. Her moments in court, with such a beautiful hubris, saying to your face that since she has nothing else to lose, there is nothing you can do to hit her, her amazing breakdown when Mia finally defeats her for good, hurting the same hubris she used to protect herself her whole life. It is a masterpiece of a villain.

    The thing is, the path to defeating Dahlia has so much about it: Maya's disappearence, the reveal of Misty Fey being the victim, Iris' relation to Dahlia and the way she was part of her plots and the abusive nature of their family, being able to play as Edgeworth for part of the case, Larry being clearly on meth and seeing bitches fly, Franziska having some of her best moments in the series. It is just such an amazing journey that you go from arriving in Hazakura and running through the finish line with the most bittersweet ending of the series, it is just amazing.

    Finally, let's talk Godot, everyone's favorite prosecutor. I have a complicated relationship with his character as it comes off sometimes as "trying too hard to be cool and collected" and honestly my favorite moments with his characters come from when he breaks this facade, in which it works beautifully for this case, since he takes center stage, shares his story and allows Phoenix to show how he is honoring Mia's death, by carrying her legacy. It is truly beautiful to see him fully realized, showing the bitterness (pun intended) of his story and the way he lost everything and cannot forgive himself for it.

    2. Farewell, my Turnabout

    Oh yeah, my favorite case until very recently now just misses the top spot. The first time Capcom actually made everyone shake of anxiety, fear and tension with the scariest trial they ever made. Not even 20 minutes into the case you already are sweating bullets because you are being blackmailed, and blackmailed you will be until the very end of the trial. Maya has been kidnapped and the ransom is a full acquital for Matt Engarde, acused of killing Juan Corrida in the Gatewater Hotel.

    You go through so much to find an actual way of getting away of this situation, while Shelly de Killer's shadow follows you around, ready to punish you in the slight chance you can betray you. Pulling Adrian Andrews's story out of her and her relationship with Inpax is gutwrenching, but for the longest time the only lead on even surviving against the Edgeworth 2.0, who is ruthless to the point of maybe going too far against Adrian. At the same time, the Police is looking for Maya and even Mia helps a lot by literally looking through Maya's eyes to find where she is, which gives many opportunities to develop Gumshoe, who is as amazing as ever.

    But I think one underrated character in this case is Franziska herself, who after being shot goes out of her way to help you. She is an overlooked MVP by literally handing you the evidence you need to pull the miracle you desperatly need when Engarde is revealed is the real villain and your mind is absolutely cooked with the dillema of saving Maya or revealing the truth. She did not even whip you that much during the case!

    Farewell, my Turnabout ended up being a way of having a narrative where not all the answers where in the courtroom, showing the secondary characters in situations of them saving you. Pearl is with you trying her best every step of the way, Gumshoe literally got a concussion helping you, Edgeworth helped you find the truth of the case and taught you what finding the bitter truth is, without mentioning the way he used the police to find Maya without getting her killed, not to mention Franziska that saved you in the very last second. A true masterpiece.

    1. Twisted Karma and His Last Bow + The Resolve of Ryunosuke Naruhodou

    Oh you wanted a twist, eh?

    How about more or less 5 curveballs in the same case? Ones of the size of finding out Matt Engarde is guilty, no shot.

    First of all, Gregson is the victim. WHAT THE HELL? You defend Barok Von Zieks, who is accused of shooting the pride and joy of Scotland Yard, and while we're at it, being the Reaper of the Old Baley, all in the same case, at the same time you're also uncovering the truth of the Professor AND connecting the three big deaths in the series: Dr. Watson, Gregson and Jezaille (AKA Anne Sasha).

    The journey you go through this case (which is a 2-parter, basically) is a feeling that makes everything in The Great Ace Attorney connect and be a coherent story. You go through it with the impression that is the last chapter in the book and all the revelations are about to happen. Not to mention all the character are at their pick, specially Sherlock Holmes and Hart Vortex, but Asougi, Susato, Mikotoba, Iris, Gina, everyone is in their A Game and it could not be more fun.

    Then one by one the twists start to hit you in the face: John W. Watson is not Iris' dad, Mikotoba is actually Sherlock's assistant, Gregson is the head of the Reaper, Sherlock has been holding back this entire time, Hart Vortex made the Reaper, Anne Sasha was one of the assassin's in the Reaper, the other being Asougi, the Professor was Van Ziek's older brother, Genshin Asougi was killed was the fall guy of the Professor's killings, the guy with the weird lip is actually kind of cute... Everything is just so amazing I cannot even.

    I feel like when I give this case the number 1, I actually am giving the whole The Great Ace Attorney duology the number 1, since everything feels so connected together in those games, but the ending is so good and everything about this case is so involving and addicting, it cannot be anywhere else.

    submitted by /u/FanaticCake
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    An Interesting Detail about 1-2.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 09:16 PM PDT

    Dunno how to open this one, but since I'm doing these more or less daily, might as well say I found something interesting.

    So, as everyone probably remembers, Maya does not initially call Phoenix by "Nick". Over the course of 1-2, she gradually goes from calling him "Mr Lawyer" to "Mr Wright", then "Phoenix" and finally "Nick" in the closing scene of the case, demonstrating their developing bond. All very interesting and heartwarming...in the ENG.

    You see, the thing is that the evolving names is strictly a dubism. In the Japanese, Maya throughout the case consistently uses 弁護士さん, which literally translates as "Mr Lawyer", until the final scene. Seems like an innocuous change...until I checked the end of the case.

    It's a great name! Mia said that's what your friend Larry calls you.


    ...Ah, Onee-san told me your name. "Naruhodo-kun", it's a great name.

    Yes, in case you didn't pick it up, lemme spell it out.

    In the JP version, until Mia's note at the end, Maya didn't know Phoenix's name.

    A quick explanation on the subject of "Naruhodo-kun", it's not a typical "nickname" in the western sense. It's functionally identical to the standard "Surname-kun" combination which is used to refer to refer to most males in a not especially formal context (it's what Mia uses for him, for example), but written without the double-vowel, which stylizes it in a sense more or less akin to a nickname. In that sense, "Nick" is actually a very close adaptation; kudos to the localization for coming up with it.

    submitted by /u/RainSpectreX
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    Ryunosuke doodle by me

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    Finished my first Ace Attorney game, and loved it! Apparently tierlists are a thing here?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 08:08 AM PDT

    This has probably been posted before but THE NAMES IN SOJ

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 03:36 PM PDT

    Like I only JUST realised halfway through the first episode:

    Ahlbi Ur'gaid = I'll be your guide Paht Rohl = Patrol Pees'lubn Andistan'dhin = Peace, love and understanding

    submitted by /u/Fearlessness666
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    I think if Phoenix gets into smash, his move set should include the entire WAA and their abilities

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 01:34 PM PDT

    I keep thinking about how, if Phoenix were to get into smash, how they could differentiate from his appearance in Marvel Vs Capcom, and I think the best way to do that would be to basically replace Maya and Missile with his kids for his specials His neutral could be his pointing and yelling (powering it up could add Apollo and/or Athena) I feel like a good side special would be Pheonix presenting his Magatama, resulting in psych-locks appearing and doing a little damage, hitting the button again could then break them, doing more damage. His up special is giving me trouble but I kinda think Athena should basically yeet him? And his down special could be a counter using Apollo's perception. Idk, tell me your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/_Imadeanaccount4this
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    Janet Hsu - When East Meets West (TGAAC devblog, spoilers for both games)

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 11:15 PM PDT

    Which Ace Attorney character (11 possible results but very detailed) should you date (first question references the role quiz or at least what role you'd have)?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 08:15 PM PDT

    TGAA1 Case 3. What just happened?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 05:36 PM PDT

    So I just want to know, for the piece of my mind. Will there be a continuation of Case 3? I feel like there has to be. It's okay, i dont mind getting spoiled. But that's just my concern. Will it be on TGAA1 4 or 5? Or will it be on TGAA2? Just really curious.

    submitted by /u/jammyia
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    How many references to the modern day games are there in Great Ace Attorney?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 10:08 PM PDT

    I've been playing Apollo Justice, thinking, yeah I should play this before GAA... to be honest, though, what I really want is to play GAA. I might still finish Apollo Justice since I've started it, but I'm curious is there much in GAA in the way of easter eggs or anything? I doubt it's anything TOO major considering these two games take place in the 19th century.

    submitted by /u/blossom-
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    I think case 4 in Great Ace Attorney 1 is physically impossible.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 04:07 PM PDT

    Major spoilers for case 4 in Great Ace Attorney 1.

    We know that John and Joan live on the third story. According to Google a three story building is 33-40 feet tall, I'm going to assume the building is 40 feet tall, or roughly 12.2 meters. Next I'm going to assume the knife is 6 oz, since google says that's the average weight of a knife. 6 oz=.17 kg. Lastly, in order to pierce the skin the knife needs to land with at least 10 N of force (Source: https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-20290990.html#:~:text=%E2%80%9CMy%20research%20showed%20that%20the,2%20kilos%20in%20your%20hand.)) Since the knife hit the window and then fell, the knife can basically be treated as a free fall object.

    Now let's calculate the impulse that occured when it fell. The formula for impulse is m*v, so we need to find the velocity of the knife right when it hit the victim. Since this is a free fall problem, we can use kinematic formula v2 = (v0)2 + 2a(y), or v=sqrt(2ay), v=sqrt(2*9.8*12.2), v=15.5 m/s. We can calculate the impulse now, impulse=m*v=0.17 kg*15.5 m/s=2.6 N.

    Assuming I remember Physics from High school correctly, the victim would have been completely fine. 2.6 N is not anywhere near the 10 N required to penetrate her skin.

    Please let me know if I'm wrong. It's been a while since I've done Physics.

    submitted by /u/dahtahh
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    Farewell my turnabout (the new version) has a lot of typos (a lot more than any of the other cases?)

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 09:40 PM PDT

    It probably seems weird that I was taking screenshots of all these typos but I take a lot of screenshots anyway of quotes I like and I kept noticing these. Maybe it's like this in every case and I just haven't noticed it before? And were these typos in the DS version too?

    Also I know about The miracle never happen which is why I find it funny that they corrected that but now there's a different happen/happened typo in the same case.











    submitted by /u/zteabcrka
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    Final Thoughts on The Great Ace Attorney (Spoiler warning obviously)

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 12:17 PM PDT

    So I finished the final episode of TGAA2 last night, and got all of the accolades/achievements. So what are my thoughts on The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles?

    I FREAKING LOVED IT! Like seriously, both games were awesome, especially Resolve. I enjoyed Ryunosuke's story arc along with plenty other characters and moments. This is without a doubt my favorite Ace Attorney game, and so far my GOTY for 2021 ^^. Below are my thoughts on each game and what I think of them:

    Adventures: I really liked this game. I enjoyed it a lot, and each case was pretty fun. Heck, even the 4th episode I actually enjoyed despite the dislike it often gets from fans. Ryunosuke was a great protagonist, Susato was a brilliant assistant, Sholmes was just amazing lol, Iris was absolutely adorable, and Van Zieks was a excellent rival for Ryu. If there's one thing I disliked a bit, it's mainly that the beginning of the game was kinda slow and a bit too long (specifically talking about the first case). But overall, this game was awesome and I had a lot of fun with it ^^.

    Resolve: Omg where do I even begin with this one? In my opinion, this is one of the best sequels in not just Ace Attorney, but video games in general. Every single case was amazing (yes even the 2nd case I enjoyed lol), and every character had an amazing conclusion to their own story. I really liked Gregson's character arc being increased and told more in this game, especially after his death in Episode 4. Loved the fact of a judge (Seishiro Jigoku) being not just a main character apart of the story, but an ANTAGONIST out of all things. Stronghart was a great main villain with great goals but did horrible actions to achieve it. Van Zieks character was of course expanded more but imo, it could've been better and improved (if u played the game, you'll understand what I mean), but I still liked it. And of course, like Bridge to the Turnabout (for Phoenix) and Turnabout Revolution (for Apollo), The Resolve of Ryunosuke Naruhodo was a spectacular final case for him finding his resolve to find the truth. Him revealing the truth of the Professor Killings and exposing the corruption present in the justice system is what really did it in for me 😁.

    Okay so overall, I really liked both games with the gameplay, story, characters, and music (holy crap the music was so good). If you haven't bought this game yet, I highly recommend playing both games. U won't regret a thing ^^.

    submitted by /u/DrWario2006
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    If Winston was the culprit of a murder trial, what would be the best motive for him to have without making the crime an accident or self defense?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 05:26 PM PDT

    If Larry was the culprit of a murder trial, what would be the best motive for him to have without making the crime an accident or self defense?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 11:31 AM PDT

    Does anyone find GAA logic to be very vague or scripted

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 08:11 PM PDT

    Im playing through GAA and it honestly feels like im playing the final trial of Dual Destinies again where i find myself presenting evidence like 3 statements ahead of when the game actually wants me to even though it seems logical.

    Like for example after convincing the jurors in the third episode the entire pursue mechanic just seems busted to me because for whatever reason after listening to every single press 5 times and looking at everyone every single statement only after i did it one more time did the actual pursue behaviour change appear. I honestly find some of the logic flawed in GAA as much as im enjoying it. Like the dude saying its a BLOOD CURDLING SIGHT even though theres barely any blood like isnt that contradictory.

    I know AA tends to have some evidence which just goes around a big loop and eventually reaches the evidence you originally suspected it to actually be but it just wants to drag and not let you present even though its completely logical like the whole moon rock bs in Dual destinies. I remember presenting athenas ear ring every damn time they say BUT THERES NO MORE MOON ROCK. Only to have to go through the convuluted logic and then have athena remember her ear ring is a moon rock like 3 statements later. But GAA just makes me feel like that all the time that despite it being contradictory i cant present it because Naruhodo just cant explain it until i present something the game wants me to present

    submitted by /u/Etherealzx
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    What do you think are the worst instances of the prosecution blatantly leading the witness in the series?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 05:37 PM PDT

    I finished DGS2 a bit ago and one thing that kinda bothered me is the way Van Zieks resolved the whole Tea Mark contradiction that meant Shamspeare couldn't have made the frozen coin from Soseki's tea. For someone like Van Zieks who cares about the truth he pretty much fed Shamspeare an on-the-spot excuse (Shamspeare just forgetting that he actually made the coin from the tea in the pot) and didn't provide any evidence to substantiate that excuse either.

    I vaguely remember other prosecutors pulling stuff like this so what do you guys think are the worst examples of it where it should've been really obvious to the judge the prosecutor was just giving the witness an out.

    submitted by /u/xolon6
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