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    Sunday, August 29, 2021

    Ace Attorney Alright hear me out. Hobo Maya

    Ace Attorney Alright hear me out. Hobo Maya

    Alright hear me out. Hobo Maya

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    Mia and Phoenix art by Jourd4n

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 02:05 PM PDT

    Maya wearing Nick’s sweater

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 09:01 PM PDT

    Does anyone knows where can i find more official arts like these ones?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 07:23 AM PDT

    Phoenix Wright art by Worvies

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 02:00 PM PDT

    Ema skye at the gavinners concert

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 12:36 PM PDT

    Another member of the japanifornia asylum

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 07:47 PM PDT

    He is now the clown AND the entire circus

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 01:27 PM PDT

    Thinking bout Phoenix art degree

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 03:00 PM PDT

    It's me, Mr. Edgeworth! Gumshoe from Black Mesa.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 09:04 AM PDT

    This was the game, right?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 02:57 PM PDT

    Chibi Naruhodo! [OC]

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 06:55 AM PDT

    Can someone tell me the source of this image?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    Edgeworth drawing by me

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 11:39 PM PDT

    a very messy Susato doodle

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 09:29 AM PDT

    Looking Back on Reunion, and Turnabout

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 10:37 PM PDT

    For the first time ever in the series, we're traveling back in time, because they just couldn't wait until T&T to do a flashback case. From what I've seen, this is a case ranked anywhere between meh and great, but is more commonly on the positive side of this range in quality. Time to turn back the clocks and look back on Reunion, and Turnabout.

    History With This Case

    I can't quite remember how I originally felt playing this case, but overtime I've grown a strong appreciation for it. This appreciation came mostly from discussions regarding the case, but it still remained.

    This case will be judged by its characters, trial segments, and investigation segments. Character criticism will revolve around the character's personality, role in the story, and their actions throughout the case. Trial segment criticism will revolve around the enjoyability of the cross examinations, and quality of the story being told during that segment. Investigation segment criticism will revolve around the enjoyability of the general investigations, and quality of the story being told during that segment.

    Court in now in session for the trial of Reunion, and Turnabout.


    Phoenix Wright

    Phoenix is fantastic here. He gets to interact with more characters than he did in the last case, and because he doesn't have amnesia, he can showcase his personality more. He feels heavily motivated to defend Maya, and his mentioning of Miles is cool, albeit sometimes unnecessary.

    Turner Grey

    He dead. But he wasn't always dead, yet his living moments barely left an impact on me, so... he dead.

    Maya Fey

    Maya is perfect here. Much like 1-2, she has a great sense of tragedy, but where 1-2 had it come from the loss of her sister, here it comes from the fear that her crime was out of her control due to her allegedly channeling someone. Her cheery moments are incredibly uplifting, her interactions with Pearl and final scene with Maya are fantastic, and even though she's not actively present in a majority of the case, I don't mind because the moments with her are perfect.

    Pearl Fey

    Pearl is great. She has an innocent charm to her, her thinking Phoenix and Maya are together is always funny, and there are subtle hints of her having a more tragic past, from getting physically punished when doing something wrong to not knowing what life is like outside the village. She is commonly absent from the case, mostly due to channeling Mia, and while I understand why it didn't happen in the narrative I wish I could've seen some kind of reaction to either Morgan's arrest or her attempt to get Maya arrested.

    Morgan Fey

    Morgan is a fantastic character. Everytime she's on screen, there's this sense of "calming uneasiness", and it always feels like she's hiding something while also being really intimidating. My only issue with her would be, while her final scene is really tense, I feel she could've appeared in the last segment of the case more, either trying to stop Mimi from testifying or reacting to getting convicted.

    Mimi Miney

    Mimi is perfect. I love her personality when she's pretending to be Ini, it's a level of airheadedness that never feels annoyingly unaware of what's happening. Her backstory and motive are fantastic, and her teaming up with Morgan creates a really interesting plan to frame Maya. Seeing her chaotic freakouts during her testimony only her breakdown to be a calm, tearful explanation of why she did what she did is really powerful. She might just be tied for my favorite culprit so far.

    Lotta Hart

    Lotta's great here. I feel her last appearance was limited by the fact that she was basically working against Phoenix and Maya most of the time, due to her suspicions of Gourdy and testifying against Miles. But here, she's helping Phoenix with his investigation giving more time to show her friendly charm.

    Dick Gumshoe

    Gumshoe is a good character. It's great to see him be more competent compared to his appearances in the first game, but because of his lesser screentime, the lack of Miles, and the weaker attempts to punish him for his mistakes, I feel he loses the pitiful charm he had in the past game, and that missing charm wasn't replaced with anything on par with it.

    Franziska von Karma

    Franziska's okay. I didn't find her to be intimidating, funny, or charming like Miles or Manfred were, but I don't really have any problems with her. Even her whip, which I despised before this replay, just felt, at the very worst, like a distraction, though that does make me feel like if her whip was gone, more time could be devoted to her personality and help her leave a greater impression on me.

    Captain Whiskers

    Like my thoughts on the Judge in 1-2, his personality is an improvement from his last appearance, but that's all it really is. He can get some laughs and charm, but not a lot. He's good here.

    Mia Fey

    Mia's great here. Seeing her help Phoenix from inside the detention center is really cool, and I don't think her helping Phoenix ruins his development in 1-4 and 1-5 since it adds to the reunion aspect of the case, she has a close connection to this case due to being related to most of the characters, and chronologically, Phoenix completes 2-1 after this without her help meaning he's still competent enough to win a case without her. My biggest issue with her would be I don't feel like her dialogue works when it comes to expressing sorrow or stress when talking about things like Maya's trial or Morgan being an accomplice to the murder.

    Director Hotti

    This is probably the biggest shock I've experienced so far when revisiting these games: Hotti is an okay character. His pervertedness isn't really annoying or creepy, it's just a personality trait that exists. He was helpful in the case, and he made me chuckle once. A part of me feels wrong for not having a problem with his inclusion in this case, but I don't have a problem with him. He's fine.


    This is a great cast of characters. There isn't a bad character here, or even a meh character like in 2-1. Every returning character is an improvement from their last appearance, the worst characters are just okay, and the best characters are phenomenal.

    Part 1: Investigation


    This is a great investigation. Outside of the first half feeling pretty basic since there hasn't been a murder yet meaning a lot of it feels just like an interactive cutscene, the rest is fantastic. Like 1-2, this case trusts you to understand how to investigate, and it's fun. Kurain Village is a pretty interesting place to search, albeit some areas are significantly less interesting than others. I like the magatama and psyche lock gimmick, and while I do think a more lengthy segment would've made it more fun, this case makes up for it by making me investigate more for the winning evidence showcasing how you won't be able to beat these segments immediately.


    A fantastic opening chapter to this case. The opening cinematic is incredible, getting to know the culrpit before they die is a really cool and well executed concept, meeting the new characters at Kurain Village is great, how the crime occurs is great, and the story keeps the these moments going. My one issue is that because of Maya's inclusion in 2-1, our reunion felt a bit underwhelming.


    A really great opening segment. It introduces the investigation system and story incredibly with any lesser moments being few and far between.

    Part 2-1: Trial

    Cross Examinations

    These are good cross examinations. While it has some strong logic deduction, it didn't feel that fun or engaging to go through.


    This is a good chapter of the story. The mention of Miles was intriguing, but no really major events occur here, and the revelations made just get the job done.


    A good trial segment, but much like 2-1's first trial segment, this split down the middle left this segment feeling unimpacful, with nothing major warranting the split outside of a new person to cross examine.

    Part 2-2: Trial

    Cross Examinations

    These are great cross examinations. While most of the beginning was just pressing until something happens, what does happens is a great level of challenging, fun, and engaging.


    A great chapter of the story. Pearl channeling Mia is fantastic, and the revelations about someone else being at the scene of the crime are more impactful than the last segment's.


    This is a great trial segment, but while I like it more than the first, it does still feel a bit empty without its first half, and much like 2-1's two part trial segment, it's harder to recognize the entire trial as greater than the sum of its parts than it is to recognize it by its parts.

    Part 3: Investigation


    This is a perfect investigation. Everything new from the last investigation segment feels expanded upon in some way. One psyche lock trial with one piece of evidence becomes three psyche lock trials with multiple pieces of evidence. The new locations have been expanded further out to a hospital. More evidence and more time to interact with characters. I have no problems here.


    This is a perfect chapter of the story. Learning about Ini and Mimi, breaking Mia's psyche locks, drawing suspicion to Morgan and Ini, it's all fantastic and constantly engaging.


    This is a perfect investigation segment. It builds upon what the first investigation set up in its gameplay, and what the investigation and trial set up in their stories, delivering an amazing experience that never disappoints, or even comes close.

    Part 4-1: Trial

    Cross Examinations

    These are perfect cross examinations. The challenge, fun, and engagement are great, and although the segment begins with a press-only testimony, here it feels like the worse half of the segment and more like the buildup to the main event.


    A perfect chapter of the story. This trial segment has the best revelations of the case so far with piecing together how and why the crime was committed, and the aspects like Pearl channeling Mia so she doesn't know about what's gonna happen with Morgan give this segment an emotional boost.


    This is a perfect trial segment. It has the best cross examinations so far, the story is on par with the last segment, and even though this segment is only half of a trial, aspects like the amount of contradictions made and having more than one person to cross examine help this segment stand on its own without feeling empty as a result of the split.

    Part 4-2: Trial

    Cross Examinations

    These are fantastic cross examinations. Every compliment I have for the last segment's carries over here, with the one exception being that I felt the contradictions made weren't as engaging as the last segment's since the last one's had a better buildup to the barrage of contradictions.


    A perfect final chapter to this story. The revelations regarding the contradiction in the testimony, and Mimi's tragic past with the malpractice incident and killing her sister, hit hard. The lobby scene with Maya and Mia is incredibly uplifting, and Morgan's final words leave a lingering tension. I have no issues with how they ended this story.


    This is a borderline perfect ending segment with almost every strength of the last trial segment going for it, and while my only issue with this segment comes from the split trial, compared to my issues with previous splits, this one I feel more comfortable with existing.

    How I Would Improve

    If I were to try and improve this case while retaining most of its original identity, I would make two changes.

    1. I would get rid of Franziska's whip. I know this would affect the game later on, but I'm judging this case as if the future cases don't exist yet, and right now, while it's not a bad aspect of her character, I do feel like it's a distraction from the rest of her character. It's the first thing that comes to mind when I think of her, but that doesn't mean I like it.

    I feel her whip damages her potential to be intimidating like Miles and Manfred, because they only used their personalities and history to win over/control the courtroom, and the aspects they controlled felt important. But Franziska needs to use a weapon that, a lot of the time, doesn't feel like a means to control the court and more like a means to fix any nitpicks she currently has. She's a perfectionist, so her being nitpicky makes sense and could be interesting, but I feel it would work far better if she used her personality like Miles and Manfred, and I feel that would actually make her more intimidating because they focused on controlling large aspects of the trial while she tries to focus on controlling small aspects that would build up to larger aspects overtime.

    1. I would make the first two trial segments one segment. I think the last trial being two segments works in its favor since their beginnings and endings feel strong enough to carry themselves on their own, but each half of the first trial feels incomplete without the other.

    I know the halves are right next to each other, but if the game's gonna treat them like separate parts, I will too. And as it stands, the first part's ending feels anticlimactic and the second part's beginning feels underdeveloped. It's a situation I keep on referring to where a trial that could've been greater than the sum of its parts now just feels like the sum of its parts.

    Final Verdict

    This is a really great case. Almost everything feels like an improvement from both the previous case and the last game's second case, and the new aspects it introduces are phenomenally implemented. 2-1 may have been a poor beginning, but this is an incredibly major step in the right direction.

    8.5/10, it's going between 1-4 and 1-5.

    Case Rankings

    1-4 (9.25/10)

    2-2 (8.5/10)

    1-5 (8.25/10)

    1-3 (8.25/10)

    1-2 (8/10)

    1-1 (7/10)

    2-1 (6.25/10)

    Previous (2-1)

    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
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    What is your favorite burn from the series?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 09:25 AM PDT

    I just started playing Farewell, My Turnabout and Edgeworth called Oldbag the "wicked witch of the witness stand" which immediately sent me.

    But there are quite a few amazing burns from the series, so which are your favorite?

    submitted by /u/FanaticCake
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    Really silly thought inspired by a PowerWash Simulator let's play

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 10:39 PM PDT

    The Von Karmas and Edgeworths will have one thing in common and that's enjoying PowerWash Simulator. Rated 0/10 based on how excited they are to play.

    Manfred Von Karma would probably say something along the lines of "This is so stupid, don't waste my time" but can't keep his eyes away from gameplay footage in front of him and take over because you 'Give it here, fool. You missed a spot' 3/10

    Franziska, like her father, would also think it's really dumb until she plays it herself. Ever the perfectionist, she can spend literal hours cleaning structures and finds it really entertaining. You can hear her muffled commentary from another room the more excited she gets. "Fools! Not a speck of grime escapes the eyes of a Von Karma!" This woman is a gamer girl now 100/10

    Gregory Edgeworth is likely the most common reaction to the game. Being a dad™ he'll comment how accurate it is and how he wants a Power Wash for his car. He finds it oddly relaxing but doesn't play it often. 50/100

    Miles Edgeworth is the type to play it when he's stressed out and is a huge stickler for not missing a speck of grime. Unlike Franziska on the other hand, he doesn't lose literal sleep over missing a single speck. He calls it a 'Theraputic activity' instead of a video game like a normal person. 70/100

    Bonus, because I'm currently playing DGS1+2-

    Ryunusuke is blown away by the technological advancements humanity has made in the future. Not only is there a tiny moving picture in front of him that he can control, it's displaying moving images of...dirty places??? Which he is using a jet stream of water to clean???? This is NOTHING like stereoscopes! He's absolutely baffled and far more interested in the technology Power Wash Simulator is being played on than the actual game itself. ?????/10

    submitted by /u/Scribblywitch_994
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    Case Discussion Thread - Case G2-5 - The Resolve of Ryunosuke Naruhodo

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 01:53 PM PDT

    Here it is, the final thread for TGAAC's case discussions. No need to spoiler-tag anything TGAA-related in here, and feel free to discuss overarching plot elements and case connections all you like.

    Post your first-time reactions and any opinions, complaints, and general thoughts here. What do you have to say about the final episode in this duology, and any final thoughts on The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles as a whole?

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    The Legendary Turnabout (minor spoilers for Spirit of Justice)

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    [SPOILER] Putting spoiler tag/flag DOESN'T mean you can include spoiler filled titles.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 10:22 AM PDT

    This is an extremely simple concept to understand and I can't believe there are people who're still doing this.

    You may defend this by saying "Oh the description isn't obvious or its vague enough to be not be understood by those who've not reached that far into the game". That is indeed a fair argument provided that the title doesn't outwardly state a character's actions, motive, or any plot related event that is significant. However, that doesn't seem to be the case.

    Please don't post titles like: "Why did X did Y"? "I didn't like that X happened" "How did X dis Y"

    Spoiler tagging your post along with these titles do not do anything to prevent spoilers, so please be more considerate whoever you are who's either intentionally or unintentionally doing it. .

    Note: I'm aware its a very small minority of people who're doing this but it is still very inconsiderate. I'm not claiming that everyone who's done this is doing it on purpose, but some of the post titles I've seen really makes me question otherwise.

    submitted by /u/adsonn
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    Apollo but now he really looks like Kristoph's disciple

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 09:05 AM PDT

    i forgot how cute rise from ashes is

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 07:23 PM PDT

    i was playing the ace attorney trilogy and like damn the end of rise from ashes is so precious ;-;

    submitted by /u/certified_izsimp
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    My updated case tier list after finishing TGAAC. Details in comments!

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 09:15 PM PDT

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