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    Saturday, August 28, 2021

    Ace Attorney For the Miego fans (@Jungsae3 on Twitter)

    Ace Attorney For the Miego fans (@Jungsae3 on Twitter)

    For the Miego fans (@Jungsae3 on Twitter)

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 02:31 PM PDT

    Pearly and Uncle Laurice

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 04:27 PM PDT

    I find it absolutely hilarious that Judge Courtney carries a childish version of a law book around. Is it for Sebastian?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 10:40 AM PDT

    Can literally anyone explain what Edgeworth is doing in this photo or am I stupid

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 05:24 AM PDT

    Somebody had to do it; so I did (re-colour)

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 12:26 PM PDT

    Ace Attorney trilogy in a nutshell

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 09:45 PM PDT

    I decided to make these alternate costumes if Phoenix ever joined Smash bros. With Maya included too of course

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 07:47 AM PDT

    A Dragon Never... (aka my friends and I kept meme-ing Dhurke's "a dragon never yields" phrase)

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 11:20 PM PDT

    [FANARTS] Graydon & Van Zieks, victorian portrait style

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 07:12 AM PDT

    Guess what came in the mail today!

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    If a jury system similar to GAA was implemented in the mainline series, how would you feel about a jury composed entirely of Paynes?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 01:14 PM PDT

    Hypothetical Payne cast for the jury:

    Juror 1. Winston Payne

    Juror 2. Gaspen Payne

    Juror 3. Winston's sad daughter, Cyan Payne

    Juror 4. Gaspen's adopted Khura'in son, Kah'zin Payne

    Juror 5. Winston and Gaspen's nice father, Noah Payne

    Juror 6. Wintson and Gaspen's rude mother, Olive D. Payne

    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
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    Barista Klav Commission I made for @smiley_burger on twt!

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    Trucy but with a coffee addiction

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 05:33 AM PDT

    TGAA made me interested in reading Sherlock Holmes

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 06:19 PM PDT

    Actually I am listening to them right now on audio book 😁 Thanks, TGAA!

    submitted by /u/Holographic_Raven
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    So can multiple witness cross-examinations just be a thing for now on?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 03:03 PM PDT

    Not necessarily Hang On! (or Scuse me!) or anything like that, just the fact that we can have multiple people talking and interacting at the stand at the same time. It allows for cool setups where people with different agendas are trying to pull things in their own convenient direction, accusing and attacking each other, and overall makes for a much livelier courtroom. It's also a bit clumsy at this point to move from cross examining the detective to the witness, one by one, when they can both be on the stand corroborating the story.

    Some of my favorite moments in Chronicles had witnesses interacting with each other in ways that would not have been possible before, and I hope this isn't the last of it we get.

    submitted by /u/hiigiveup
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    Case Discussion Thread - Case G2-4 - Twisted Karma and His Last Bow

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 04:26 PM PDT

    Given the nature of this case, I recognize it will be difficult to avoid mentioning anything spoiler-y for G2-5. Please just do your best to remember what specifically happened in G2-4 as you discuss, and use spoiler tags if unsure.

    Post your first-time reactions and any opinions, complaints, and general thoughts here. What do you think of the case surrounding the murder of one of Scotland Yard's best?

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    My favorite works from TGAA 2 Official Art Book. ( TGAA 2 spoilers )

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 03:40 AM PDT

    Just finished The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles and all I can say is

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 09:18 PM PDT

    How have you kept me from this for 4 years??? The story, animation, gameplay and ost are all so good, the highs hit really high and I am seriously reconsidering T&T as my favorite ace attorney game

    If youre looking for a review or a reason to buy the game, this is it

    submitted by /u/blazesh
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    I did Miles :D

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 05:46 AM PDT

    If ace attorney was a 26 episode total drama season (not in the style of ridinculous race)then here would be the contestants.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 01:01 PM PDT

    My Best-to-Worst Prosecutor List (Spoilers for All)

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 04:51 PM PDT

    So I just finished TGAA, and decided to list all my prosecutors with my reasoning in order, rather than a tier list, starting with my least favorite for dramatic effect. This list includes every prosecutor, defined as 'opponent in court', so nobody from AAI. Without further ado!

    11. Zacharias Barnham (AA/PL) - I'll be honest, I remembered literally nothing about this guy, not even his gender, until I looked up his name to make this list. I couldn't be bothered to look up more, and I guess the focus was more on Layton than the prosecutor so his lack of impact makes sense. Sorry, Zacky, I'm sure you were wonderful, but you get last place.

    10. Nahyuta Sahdmadhi (SoJ) - Some of these lower ranks are probably going to be controversial, but I really disliked Nahyuta. He just had no impact as a prosecutor for me, just 'emotionless religious guy who gets upset sometimes' until the end, at which point there wasn't much time for him to fix his image. Maybe if his mask had slipped a bit more during the game, but as it stands I really didn't like him.

    9. Klavier Gavin (AJ) - Klavier is a huge missed opportunity to me, which is sad, as he had a lot of potential. But he's directly involved with 4-3, and is the brother of the big bad himself, but he never really strays from his 'cool guy' persona. He gets points for breaking the mold as a prosecutor a bit, in that he doesn't outright despise Apollo, but again he just didn't leave much of an impression for me.

    8. Payne/Auchi Family (All) - I'm grouping these guys under one banner because they're all 'the tutorial guy'. THey're pretty basic, but you know exactly what you're getting, and you get a nice welcome back to the world of AA when starting a new game. They'll be all cocky, then you'll solve the case and humiliate them in some way, usually involving their hair.

    7. Simon Blackquill (DD) - The gap in my preferences will be a lot closer from hereon, most of the prosecutors are pretty cool. I like Simon as a character, he has the 'jerk with a hidden heart of gold' thing on full display, but for me he takes 7th place. Maybe it's just that his prisoner gimmick strains the suspension of disbelief more than most prosecutors, and it was nice to have him back in SoJ, but he didn't get to do a whole lot there.

    6. Kazuma Asogi (TGAA) - Squeaking onto the list with only two episodes/one case prosecuted, Kazuma himself. Note that I'm probably biased since I've just finished TGAA, so he's still fresh in my mind. I just felt like his fellow prosecutor outshone him in every way, from character development to overall plot involvement, but the game shone an unearned spotlight on Kazuma because he was Ryunosuke's best friend. Thing is, we didn't get to see any of that, so for me the sudden emphasis on him fell a little bit flat compared to his colleague. Depending on my mood, he might be behind Simon.

    5. Franziska von Karma (JFA) - The wonderful Franziska, and one of the more iconic prosecutors, as well as the only female one. I love her because, unlike most of the other prosecutors, she's shameless in being a complete jerk, and her character development is a bit more subtle than most, and on display a bit more in AAI2. Strictly speaking, she doesn't have as much plot surrounding her as many of the others (they hadn't quite figured the formula out in JFA), but she still has the shadow of her father hanging over her. Again, objectively she might score a little lower.

    4. Manfred von Karma (AA) - Despite only appearing in a single case (with an AAI cameo), still one of the most iconic villains in the series and the first time the game shows its teeth to the player. Completely evil, unforgettable, and a joy to face in court.

    3. Barok van Zieks (TGAA) - Man, this guy had me tricked. Even at TGAA 2-2 I had him written off as an off-brand post-character-development Edgworth, but man did 2-3 turn him around. He only got better in 2-4 and 2-5, with one of the more sensitive stories in the series. Again, there's a recently-played bias, but another thing I loved about him was that he's not actually arrogant or nasty - unlike most other prosecutors, once he gets over his racism, he's just a genuinely nice guy. One of my favourite characters in TGAA, and overall in the series.

    2. Godot (T&T) - The first time a prosecutor you've faced all game takes center stage in the final case, starting the formula every later game would promptly steal and retool. Again, a hugely memorable character, who never seems overdone despite his glowing red visor, and neatly ties into Phoenix's history to tie up the original trilogy. Another one of the best villains, prosecutors and characters in any AA game.

    1. Miles Edgeworth (AA) - Surprising approximately no-one, Edgey easily takes first place. I don't think I need to say much about this, he's as integral a character to the series as Phoenix or Maya. Fantastic character development, great plot involvement, and, oh yeah, his own 2-game spinoff series. Seriously, if there's any way for you to play the translation of AAI2, do so, it's one of my favourite games in the series.

    So, that's my list! Do you agree? Disagree? Or did you love Nahyuta and think he should be number one?

    submitted by /u/The_Gear
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    kay faraday & aa12-4

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 07:43 PM PDT

    heads up this includes spoilers for aai2

    idk if i should call this character love or analysis but

    seriously though aai2-4 puts so much into kay as a character and its awesome-

    like it shows someone she couldve been and a whole lot of her underlying anxieties, as well as the fact that she seems to be putting on a smile, not that its not authentic, but she uses a happy go lucky personality to cope w a.) the death of her father, being someone that he wouldve loved to meet and also b.) being a source of joy [and annoyance] or just a general positive energy to the people around her at the cost of repressing & pushing down the anxious and overly polite part of her nature and therefore just-

    kay is a very full character. she still belives in her fathers legacy, and she sees that legacy in miles as well. the need to seek the truth no matter the cost, its more important than herself at times, in a somewhat self-sacrificing manner

    i just have an understanding of kay that is hard to put into words, i suck at character descriptions.

    submitted by /u/ay1x
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    Any version of the trilogy w/o the slow text speed?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 07:31 PM PDT

    Is there any version of the first 3 that doesn't have the slow text, or lets you tap to complete a line like the later games do?

    I've played all the games in the series, now I want to go back to the first trilogy but the painfully slow text speed is killing me — they really made a big improvement to how the text is handled in the 3d games. I know you can hold to skip but it's too fast that way of course.

    I now have iOS, PS, Switch fwiw (rip 3ds)

    submitted by /u/borgol
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    Probably the first and only time you’ll see the PS4 version of the Naruhodo Legends Collection!

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 07:06 AM PDT

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