Ace Attorney Just under four years later, I have completed Dual Destinies. Onto Spirit of Justice, see you in 2025! |
- Just under four years later, I have completed Dual Destinies. Onto Spirit of Justice, see you in 2025!
- was replaying aai and made the horrifying realization that tyrell badd looks too much like the gigachad
- Here's another piece of fanart ��
- Best Boi (Spoilers for AAI1)
- After two years of wanting this I finally got something permanent to show my absolute love for these games ��. (If it looks wonky I promise for my own viewing that it's straight!)
- Some neat or obvious facts I found on Fandom
- Tales of The Chronicles
- Design r/AceAttorney's new banner and icon!
- What game did you find Larry the MOST annoying?
- 40 Cases, 40 Days - Day 17: Turnabout Serenade
- "The Great Dev Blogs" vol. 1
- Oh look. Its Dr. Hotti!
- What do you think of Klavier?
- Reviewing the ds games. AA1
- What even is Turnabout Trump?
- Facts & logic
Posted: 03 Jul 2021 07:45 AM PDT
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Posted: 03 Jul 2021 01:36 AM PDT
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Here's another piece of fanart �� Posted: 03 Jul 2021 10:57 AM PDT
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Posted: 03 Jul 2021 09:20 AM PDT | ||
Posted: 03 Jul 2021 04:42 AM PDT | ||
Some neat or obvious facts I found on Fandom Posted: 03 Jul 2021 10:02 AM PDT | ||
Posted: 03 Jul 2021 08:02 AM PDT | ||
Design r/AceAttorney's new banner and icon! Posted: 03 Jul 2021 10:06 AM PDT Hey, everybody - with The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles just a few weeks away, this subreddit is overdue for a visual update. For about the next two weeks, I'll be accepting submissions for a new banner to replace the existing one up on top of the page, as well as a new icon for the sub. For reference, this is the current banner (resolution 2048 x 230), and this is the current icon (256 x 256). Please try to match the resolution of these images as closely as you can with any submissions. My personal recommendation is to use the upcoming Chronicles collection as an inspiration for your banner submissions, but like is true of our current banner, feel free to also take inspiration from other games in the series. Notable things to avoid or consider: All official art for the series is fair game as far as materials to include in a banner or icon submission. Story spoilers should be avoided. No use of fanart unless it's either your own original content or you have the express permission of the original artist to include it. Nothing risqué or NSFW, obviously. All submissions should either be posted publicly in this thread or sent to me by DM. Shortly after the two-week submission period, a public vote will be held to decide a winner for each and the new banner and icon will be applied. With that, fire up Photoshop or any other preferred program and have at it! [link] [comments] | ||
What game did you find Larry the MOST annoying? Posted: 03 Jul 2021 08:42 AM PDT | ||
40 Cases, 40 Days - Day 17: Turnabout Serenade Posted: 03 Jul 2021 04:42 AM PDT I want you to imagine, for a moment, that you're a writer working on Apollo Justice. And you've got this great idea for a case: a murder taking place during a live rock concert. It's perfect. The setting is unique and memorable, it ties into our prosecutor's hobby so we can give him some more development, the killer uses the cover of the loud music and the cheering crowd to commit the act, the live performance aspect gives the potentially suspicious band members a seemingly airtight alibi, and the big hook? The murder follows the lyrics to one of the band's songs that debuted that night at the concert. Boom. Instant classic case, easy 4.5/5 from some jackass Redditor reviewing the case like a dozen years after the fact, pack up your laptop and call it a day. You're so amped you go tell the other team members. They love the idea, but one pipes up wanting to share their similar idea that they loved just as much: a murder taking place during a live magic trick, to tie into the Gramarye subplot they already have planned out for the finale. All of a sudden this starts a massive brainstorming session, in a creative frenzy it seems everyone's got these crazy ideas out of nowhere: a case about an international smuggling gone wrong, a case where Apollo's mother returns but has amnesia and doesn't recognize him, a case where a singer hides her blindness by using a fake-blind pianist, a case that has the player analyze video footage like in the second day of 1-5, and many more. You can't decide on just one idea, so you take it to your boss, and he likes all of them too! In fact, he can't decide on which ones he likes best either, so he tells you that we're going to try to incorporate all of them. Oh, and because they're running out of development time, the third filler slot got cut, so you'll have to fit all of them into one case. Now, imagine trying to organically incorporate all of that into one story, juggling all the different plot lines and completely tonally-different setpieces and characters, and then out of nowhere, you and the whole team trip and fall and spill your spaghetti all over. Spaghetti is just flowing out of your pockets, it's lukewarm, the sauce's texture is just gross, you're so embarrassed, your boss and your highschool crushes are all laughing at you, so you go home crying and the next day all you and the team are able to turn in on the day of the deadline is your very first rough draft, still coated in a layer of dried spaghetti from yesterday. The boss takes one look at it, says "Good enough!" and ships it. That's Turnabout Serenade.
There is just too much shit going on in this case, and because none of it is given ample time to simmer, none of it is any good. I can barely talk about this case's plot because at every corner it turns out there's some other stupid thing this case was driving at. If this had been an 8+ hour long finale like Rise from the Ashes or Bridge, maybe it could have been good, though potentially a bit of a letdown as far as finales go. Alternatively, if you could take just one, maybe two of these ideas, isolate them, give them room to grow and blossom into unique stories, that would have also worked. Hell, if you picked the right ideas and had the right writers on the job, I could even see myself giving a case like that a 5/5! But this is not what we got. Instead, we got Serenade, the first actually-cursed third case.
When replaying this case late last year, for the first time in like 8 years, I was optimistic. "The setting is so cool! Surely it's not as bad as I remembered it. A 2/5 case, maybe even a 1.5, but not a 1!" Foolishness. It is exactly as bad as I remember and as people say it is. In fact, it's worse than I remembered. Somehow the writing troubles that must've plagued this case in the original Japanese were contagious, because it affected things that I can tell were localization specific, too. Fifteen minutes into the case and we've already got Apollo, who apparently drank dumb bitch juice this morning, failing to understand the victim, Romein LeTouse (really fucking random choice of pun name, by the way), when he tells him the "the witness is siren". When, literally minutes earlier, they introduced Lamiroir to him as The Siren of the Ballad. Listen, I can tell this is probably a situation where it's some kind of Japanese play on words that doesn't work in English. But still, I mean, come on. The victim is not even dead yet and Apollo has already forgotten what words mean. Or he deadass thinks LeTouse is saying the witness was a police siren. Later on in the case, we get a similar localization blunder, where the name of the incurable disease the Chief Justice's son has is called "Incuritis". In-cur-fucking-itis. Die. Listen, I know the series is known for its pun names, but once again, come on.
Lamiroir is a dumb character that tries so hard to be interesting, but she just isn't. Amnesia as a plot device is stupid. Bringing Apollo and Trucy's mom back in such a bizarre, back-asswards way is stupid. The whole plotline where she has to hide her blindness because of her publicist's ad campaign is stupid (but surprisingly not too unbelievable because, y'know, the talent industry). Daryan Crescend is a similarly dumb villain that is not used to his full potential. Supposedly, according to Takumi, this case was written under the assumption that Daryan had been actively meddling with the investigation thanks to his position as a detective, and in a bit of a "whoopsie" moment, they forgot to actually include any implication of this anywhere in the actual text, so we're just supposed to guess that ourselves. I guess that would help explain the police's absolutely nonsensical case against Machi Tobaye. Seriously, the game goes out of its way, multiple times to explain that a .45 caliber weapon would cause serious injury to an inexperienced firearm user, and would basically be impossible for a little kid to use (I used to think this was nonsense, but it turns out the kickback on a .45 caliber is enough to cause injury, just probably not the injury levels they suggest in-game). Not to mention how a little kid couldn't have hauled the dead body of a man twice his size onto the main concert stage. But then they arrest the little kid anyway because oh no the spaghetti it's everywhere oh geez. They almost, almost had something going with Machi himself as a character, though. A scared little 14 year old kid, in prison in another country where he can't even speak his attorney's language, it must've been terrifying for him. Or, it would've been, if not for the fact that later in the case it's revealed that he can fucking speak English! The only outlier among the new characters is Valant, who I guess is fine. I definitely don't hate him. And his theme music (or rather, the theme of the Gramarye Troupe that always plays in scenes with him) is an absolute banger.
The established characters are the only good ones here, and frankly, some of them don't even manage that. We've already established Apollo's earlier consumption of dumb bitch juice, after all. I mean, this was supposed to be a big case for Klavier's character development, where he gets to show off his music expertise, the story of the Gavinners, and how it ties into his life and character overall. Instead, Klavier goes from calm, cool, collected prosecutor who's fresh as a spring breeze to a goddamned rock 'n roll Karen, chewing out one of his bandmates in front of everyone for making a minor mistake in a live show. I get it, Klav, you're having a shitty day and need to get it out of your system, but did you really need to uncomfortably rope Polly and Trucy into it? Even murderers like Daryan don't deserve to get shit on by a Karen for a simple mistake.
What the fuck even happened here? I was half-kidding with the first paragraph, but it's frankly the best explanation I could think of for how this case was allowed to turn out like this. And it's not just that the case's writing is stupid and feels unfinished, it plays poorly too. The court segments feel like they just drag and drag, and you have to keep watching and re-watching that crappy 3D animated video over and over to find contradictions. But either way, it doesn't matter. No matter how you choose to explain it, whether it was just an overly-ambitious director, a writing team with too many incongruous ideas, a massive time crunch, or some kind of combination of the three, the fact of the matter is that Turnabout Serenade is bad. In my opinion, it's not just the worst case in Apollo Justice, it's the worst case in the series.
Overall Score - 1 / 5 [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 03 Jul 2021 04:52 AM PDT Don't think I've seen this shared here before, but the TGAAC website has a developer blog going on. You can find the first (and so far only) instalment here. A lot of exciting tidbits about the various menus and options! (Should be spoiler-free for both games; if you disagree, let me know.) [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 03 Jul 2021 01:38 AM PDT
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Posted: 03 Jul 2021 03:06 AM PDT I like his design and musicians in general, but I'm indifferent to his playboy personality. I mostly like how chill he is. Also, how competent of a prosecutor is Klavier? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 03 Jul 2021 07:08 AM PDT I know i posted this like 10-20 minutes after the 1-4 review but whatever.( This review wont count 1-5 btw) The trial theme is a classic. The pursuit theme is a bippity boppity BOP. The objection! Theme radiates " you fricked up " energy, i just love it. The ost is very good overall The sprites are nothing too amasing, but considering this was originally on the gba these are vey impressive. The plot is very good, but it is topped by all but one game ( investigations 1) The characters get more development later, but they are good so far. I give this game a rating of 7/10 because of 1-3 and the end of 1-2 [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 03 Jul 2021 06:57 AM PDT So i've just started playing Apollo Justice for the first time because its the last game i haven't played (besides the Great Ace Attorney 1 & 2 which i'm waiting on the remaster to play) and i've seen my fair share of bad cases in the seriies but wow for a first case this was really cryptic in all the wrong ways. I first just wanna say that i really like the concept of this turnabout and it was much more gripping than your average first case. having to defend the player character fo the first 3 games and the culprit ending up being your mentor figure was a neat shakeup that lead to some really cool dueling of minds as both the defense & defendant were aware of legal procedsings. Plus after the role reverse happens and now Gavin is on the Stand and phoenix the mentor, hearing Objection 2001 was so hype. my main issues are: A) From a story perspective, it makes no sense why for the majority of the trial you are attacking the defendant's credibility when unlike say (JFA spoilers) Matt Engarde from JFA we aren't trying to get our defendant the guilty verdict. It takes far too long for anyone to question why the Gavin seems to b going so hard on his client. also it's just plain silly that failing to point out contradictions in the defendant's testimony too many times results in... the defendant getting the guilty verdict. "Oops i didn't discredit phoenix's theory that he didn't do it, guess that means he's guilty" /s. B) During one of the earlier cross examinations with Olga, you have to prove Shadi Smith didn't have a locket on when the police found him. Dexpire the locket not being present in the overall crime scene photo, you HAVE to present the photo of just Smith's head or else you get penalised even though both photos can convey the same information. C) At one point Phoenix asks you who wouldn't have known the colour of the cards on the table and you have to present someone's profile, with the right answer being Kristoph. The only way you're supposed to find this out is a throwaway line he says at the very beginning of the trial that you are given no record of. sure the choice itself doesn't matter as the trial progresses the same even if you pick the wrong person, but it still felt stupid, especially considering that this being on a portable system after you've been encouraged to save & quit meaning you probably won't remember exact dialogue form the start of the trial.m D) Similar to B, at one point you have to prove Phoenix didn't put a card inside the bottle, yet if you present the bottle before pointing out that Phoenix wouldn't have been able to see Shadi Smith's head it doesn't work. presenting the bottle was the first thing i did and so after the hat contradiction didn't seem to do anything i was at a loss as to what to present. Yes the Hat thing is important later, but I think they could've more organically made it so you had to point out hat contradiction first by splitting the testimony up or something. I've heard the general consensus of Apollo Justice is that it's not as great as most games in the series, but i never knew why exactly, i just hope this case doesn't set the standard for future ones. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 03 Jul 2021 11:38 AM PDT
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