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    Thursday, June 17, 2021

    Ace Attorney why.

    Ace Attorney why.


    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 08:34 PM PDT

    Since textposts are seemingly ok here, this one is quite funny

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    Just got this awesome keychain

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 03:17 PM PDT

    I AM. SO SORRY FOR MY ART HIATUS EVERYONE. im back with a rushed psg style athena that i drew with a sprained arm. enjoy

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    For my first ever reddit post, the book I ordered earlier this month has arrived

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:12 PM PDT

    Commission for @FuruiFukurou ! Yes to sleepy boy asougi ����

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    40 days left til Chronicles comes out

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 12:26 AM PDT

    Cool thing I noticed about van Zieks

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:52 PM PDT

    The power of LOGIC

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 12:02 PM PDT

    An Analysis of Trucy in DD: The Rise of the Android

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    I just finished my replay of AJ, and I really enjoyed it. It was especially nice to see AJ Trucy. Reading her dialogue always made me smile, and I noticed a lot of cool details I hadn't before. So how am I going to follow that up? By talking about DD Trucy, of course. It's a common opinion that she's written badly, but I haven't seen many people go into detail about it. And since I've taken up the task of analyzing Trucy in all of her appearances, I may as well try. Even though I'd prefer to stay as far away from DD Trucy as possible.

    ...Here we go.

    "Fight, Magic Woman! For everlasting peace!"

    For those who are blissfully unaware of the truth, Trucy in DD is dead. She's replaced by a shell of her former self, a robot whose only programming is to repeat the magic panties joke over and over until the player laughs. Unfortunately, the player never laughs, and so this android replica of Trucy never stops with the magic panties. (This is an example of why programmers have to be careful when coding loops.) If you're lucky enough to witness the robot say something that somehow doesn't involve magic panties, you can bet she's making a different magic-related joke instead. Robbed of her humanity, character depth, and subtext, magic is all she has left. By the way, did you know she's a magician?

    Stare into the depths of the android's soulless, robotic eyes as she performs her magic panties function. Again. And again. And again.

    For more discussion of how drastically Trucy changed from AJ to DD in terms of how she acts, I've written a post here.

    "It matters not. Your character is all paper thin."

    DD itself knows that Trucy is now a robot, and accordingly, it doesn't care about what she's thinking or what she's feeling. She's irrelevant to the plot and gets less than a tenth of the screen time she did in AJ. Really, nothing about her matters, and all of the other characters agree on this point. In an interview with Yamazaki about 6-2, Yamazaki gives a depressingly accurate summary of Trucy's role in DD:

    In Gyakuten Saiban 5 (Ace Attorney 5 - Dual Destinies), we had our hands full with Naruhodō's (Phoenix Wright) return and Odoroki's (Apollo Justice) growth, so we didn't have the room to also focus on Minuki. That's why we could only give her a mascotte figure-esque role, always waiting for the player's return at the office.

    It's true, DD Trucy has a mascot role, always waiting for the player's return at the office, and what used to be Trucy's theme is now the generic Wright Anything Agency theme. In other words, Trucy is demoted to houseplant status. Unfortunately, Charley already fills that role, and having a decade of experience under his belt, he does so better. The result is that Trucy is outclassed in every way. If someone made a mod to replace Trucy's model with Charley's, I'm pretty sure nothing important would change. On the other hand, it might actually improve things, because Phoenix would probably react more strongly to Charley being held hostage than to own daughter, and Charley would be a less one-dimensional character than DD Trucy, too.

    On that note, let's think, just at a surface level, about the relationships Trucy had in AJ. She was Phoenix's daughter, and they loved each other. She was Apollo's closest friend, and she was the only reason Apollo stayed at the agency, since he disliked Phoenix; and within less than 24 hours from meeting her, Apollo cared enough about her to prepare to fight people when he thought she'd been kidnapped and to cry when he saw she was safe. She was a big fan of Klavier and the Gavinners, and a large reason that Klavier was as helpful to Apollo as he was. And she became a close friend of Ema's, having the ability to make Ema light up whenever she was around.

    On to Trucy's relationships with the side cast. For example, she is shown to already be friends with Eldoon, who treats her like a niece, establishing Trucy as a pre-existing and organic part of the world. She befriends Little Plum and Wocky while Apollo is cowering. On the other hand, when she hands the agency's flyer to Alita, Alita sees a young girl dressed up as a magician and a lawyer who looks Trucy's age and expects them to be incompetent. I'll stop there, but the point is that Trucy was connected to the entire cast of the game, and her unique relationships played an integral role in the story. Not all of these relationships are deep, but they're all real, and they're all respectful of her as a character.

    Now let's think about the relationships Trucy has in DD. Do you remember Trucy being Phoenix's daughter? Phoenix doesn't. He acts more like a father to Athena than to his own daughter, being distant from and insensitive to Trucy. What about Trucy's relationship with the new prosecutor, Blackquill? Nonexistent, they never interact. What about with the new detective, Fulbright? Nonexistent, they never interact. What about with the new lawyer, Athena, who works at Trucy's own agency? I can't tell you much besides that they get along. Apollo? This relationship survives more or less intact, though it's significantly weakened by Trucy's Flanderization, and it barely gets any time to shine anyway.

    So that's the main cast, what about the side characters? Trucy is friends with Jinxie and knows Damian, which is cool in theory. It's just a shame she barely gets to interact with the former and not at all with the latter. Then Phoenix claims she and Pearl are like sisters, but the closest the two ever got to talking is a single line where Pearl compliments Trucy on her magic panties trick (surprise!). And then... oh, that's everything in the entire game. Well then.

    I'm not intentionally simplifying these descriptions to make them look bad in comparison to AJ's, I genuinely don't have anything more to say. DD represents the beginning of Trucy being isolated from both the main cast and the side cast, a trend that SoJ continues. She loses the vast majority of the relationships she used to have, and at the same time barely establishes any new ones. Her two relationships that survive from AJ are with Phoenix and Apollo, but the former is almost completely ruined while the latter is weakened and de-emphasized. And then Trucy's new friendship with Jinxie starts out promising, only to end up as an excuse to introduce Nine-Tails Vale, shoving Trucy aside as soon as Athena appears.

    Apparently Professor Means convinced the writers that the ends justified the means, because Trucy is used as a means to an end rather than as an actual human character. She truly is a robot.

    "Add a great big smile, and presto, it's Trucy's sister!"

    That idea of Trucy as a tool rather than a character summarizes Trucy's role throughout the game: she's used when convenient and ignored when not, which, unfortunately, happens to be the vast majority of the time; she's an afterthought. As an example, think about her alleged relationship with Pearl. Phoenix describes it for the first and only time when introducing Pearl in 5-DLC:

    Phoenix: (I've known her since she was little, and she sometimes comes to the office to visit. She's just a little older than Trucy, so she's been like a big sister to her.)

    In my view, Pearl being Trucy's "big sister" doesn't make any sense, and this detail seems to have been included as an afterthought without consideration of how Trucy and Pearl would actually interact. This is Pearl's first appearance post-timeskip, so the writers needed to establish what she's been up to since the trilogy. Thankfully, Trucy's existence offered a convenient solution. In DD, Trucy is 16, and Pearl is 17, so evidently, Pearl must be like Trucy's big sister. This is the exact thought process the writers seem to have gone through, citing the fact that Pearl is "just a little older than Trucy" as the sole reason for why "she's been like a big sister to her." In theory, this does make sense. But as soon as you go beyond the ages and consider the actual characters, I'd argue that it doesn't.

    One of Trucy's most important characteristics is being a "genius," in AJ Phoenix's own words. She usually hides it under the guise of being a childish teenage girl, but she is a genius, likely around the same intelligence as Apollo, a law school graduate seven years older than her. She's a professional in her field, a skilled actor, street-smart, secretive, composed, and independent. She's helped support Phoenix since she was eight, and she serves as Apollo's mentor as he begins his career.

    In contrast, one of Pearl's major characteristics is being an average but sheltered child, as much as she tries to be mature. This isn't a criticism of Pearl; the fact that she's written as such a realistic child makes her incredibly interesting in the trilogy. Like Trucy, she's a prodigy in her field. Unlike Trucy, however, she doesn't have advanced maturity or intelligence to match, and is even inexperienced in many areas because of being sheltered. And that's fine, she's a normal child. Which is why her acting as Trucy's older sister makes no sense.

    On the one hand, we have the precocious and mature Trucy, and on the other hand, we have the average and sheltered Pearl. If anything, as far back as their first meeting as young children, Trucy would be Pearl's older sister. The only way I could possibly imagine Pearl acting as Trucy's older sister is if Pearl tried to take up that role and Trucy humored her for some reason. Even as a Flanderized android, DD Trucy acts more mature than DD Pearl does, who mostly seems to still be nine years old. As a result, Pearl being Trucy's older sister only makes sense if you look exclusively at their ages, assuming Pearl must be a big sister just because Trucy is younger and from there drawing a forced connection. If Phoenix had said "sister" rather than "big sister," this would still be a severe case of telling rather than showing and of handling Trucy as a tool, but at least it wouldn't suggest a lack of care about who Trucy is.

    Why does such a minor detail matter? Because it's indicative of how DD treats Trucy as an afterthought to be used when convenient, a disposable detail instead of a thought-out character. And when she is used, it's never for her own benefit, but for the benefit of another character or plot point. Jinxie being Trucy's friend is convenient, justifying the story moving to a new setting and not even using the opportunity to show anything new about Trucy. Pearl being Trucy's big sister is convenient, a throwaway line that establishes a role for Pearl in the post-trilogy cast, justifies her presence in the case, and explains what she's been up to at the cost of ignoring Trucy's basic characteristics. And Aura taking Trucy hostage... Oh, let's talk about that.

    "But your daughter is in another Space Center!"

    5-5, like 5-2, starts out very promising for Trucy. After all, we have Trucy and Phoenix investigating together! And we do get a pretty nice 50 minutes of father-daughter bonding, as nice as it can be without Phoenix acting like a father and without Trucy acting like human Trucy. It's impressive just how little chemistry the two manage to have with each other despite having lived together for eight years. But anyway, then Trucy runs into the Space Center to check on Apollo (a nice moment), Phoenix leaves her stranded there and goes back to the office (not a nice moment), Pearl replaces Trucy as Phoenix's assistant (an inevitable moment), and Trucy is held hostage by Aura (not a nice moment).

    I'm not sure why Trucy had to be held hostage. Maybe it was to emulate 2-4? If so, it did a bad job at it, since there's no moral dilemma for Phoenix to struggle with that would give the hostage taking a purpose. Maybe it was to raise the tension and give Phoenix personal stakes in the situation? I'd hope Aura's twelve other hostages and the question of Athena's innocence would be more than enough reason for Phoenix and the player to care already. Maybe it was to keep Trucy out of the way? I won't discount that one. And maybe it was a combination of all of these factors. But the point is that Trucy being held hostage seems to be trying to accomplish something, as usual only for the sake of other characters and plot points, but it fails to do so. It adds nothing.

    Trucy being held hostage serves as a fantastic example of how no one cares about her. Phoenix acts appropriately, if underwhelmingly, to the initial news, but then promptly forgets about Trucy until Aura's phone call reminds him of her existence a while later. In the meantime, he's his usual joking self as he investigates with Pearl and Edgeworth, not thinking of Trucy at all. Do you remember when he had a mental breakdown about Maya's kidnapping in 2-4? Well, that doesn't happen here, even when Aura threatens to murder his own daughter on camera. Do you remember Pearl being Trucy's "big sister"? She doesn't. Forget the question of whether her being a big sister to Trucy makes sense, she doesn't act like any sort of sister to her. She expresses concern about the general situation but never mentions Trucy by name, and this is when she's investigating with Trucy's father. Does Athena mention Trucy? No. Apollo at least must mention her, right? No. No one cares about Trucy, and no one reacts as they should. At least Trucy gets five whole lines when she returns safely at the end of the case... two of which are about Eldoon's Noodles.

    And now we come to the most depressing point: being held hostage is Trucy's most important moment in the game. That is to say, her most important moment in the game is when she disappears from the story and everyone forgets her existence, which also happens to be an event that adds nothing. And more than that, her most important moment in the game is the point when she's stripped of all her agency and goes from a non-character to less than a non-character. Trucy keeping her composure to give Phoenix information and then performing magic to keep the hostages' morale up are nice details, but they don't excuse the writers making the choice to put Trucy in this situation in the first place. At least when Maya was kidnapped in 2-4, her own actions were vital to her rescue, and her kidnapping had a deep impact on both the case and herself. She was treated as an actual character. Trucy being held hostage has none of this.

    What makes this situation especially painful is how much agency Trucy had in AJ. From the fact that she was the CEO of the Wright Anything Agency, that she had an equal relationship with Apollo, and from any number of other details I won't mention here, it was clear that Trucy was independent and could look after herself, and her input was vital at several points throughout the game. So why did the writers choose to throw that away for nothing? And what's worse, why did the writers choose to throw it away in this specific manner? Just as Trucy is finally getting screen time and has the opportunity to explore her relationship with her father, she's subjected to the very same damsel in distress trope that she subverted and used to her advantage in 4-2. The choice to put Trucy into a hostage situation was harmful to her character and represented the antithesis of who she used to be, and in the end it was all for nothing anyway.

    Poor Trucy. She didn't know that almost this exact situation would happen to her in the next game, except for real.

    In summary, then, Trucy in DD is a robot. She's become an irrelevant, one-dimensional character who is a magician first and a person second. She barely has any screen time, having been demoted to Charley status. When she does appear, though, it's clear that no one else cares about her, and through the weakening and destruction of all of her relationships, she's become isolated from the cast. She's an inanimate device for the game to use when convenient and ignore when not, and when she is used, it's never for her own benefit, and basic aspects of her character suffer in order to make other elements of the story work.

    It hurts to see Trucy go from the deuteragonist of AJ, with a ton of potential for a sequel to build on, to... this. Whatever this is. I don't know.

    "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"

    I like to avoid being negative about things. If I need to be negative, I try to phrase my thoughts in a softer, indirect way, and if I can't do that, I prefer to just move on. With that said, allow me to make an exception this one time.

    Trucy's treatment in DD is absolutely horrible and irreversibly ruined her character.

    Of course, we don't know what Trucy will be like in any future games, but my optimism is very low that she'll ever be as good again as she was in AJ. After DD destroying her character and then 6-2, in my opinion, misinterpreting and further weakening it, with the rest of SoJ going right back to treating Trucy almost as badly as DD did, I don't have much hope. It's not even a matter of getting new writers (but I do like Yamazaki's team, for the record); Trucy's character is now so Flanderized, fundamentally changed, and isolated, with so many recent opportunities for relevance and development wasted, that I can't imagine anyone salvaging it unless they pretended her DD and SoJ appearances never happened.

    So I've talked about the what and the how, but why did this happen? There are a few obvious answers. Going back to the interview with Yamazaki about 6-2, as Yamazaki himself stated:

    In Gyakuten Saiban 5 (Ace Attorney 5 - Dual Destinies), we had our hands full with Naruhodō's (Phoenix Wright) return and Odoroki's (Apollo Justice) growth, so we didn't have the room to also focus on Minuki.

    The development priorities were on making Phoenix a protagonist again while balancing that with Apollo's continued presence. Unfortunately, as a result, Trucy, who was previously a major character, was certainly not a priority. But perhaps an even bigger issue that Yamazaki doesn't mention here is Athena's inclusion. Not only are there suddenly three protagonists, taking even more focus away from Trucy, but Athena also happens to be an assistant, entirely eclipsing Trucy's role. In fact, Athena is the assistant in four of the game's six cases, with the only exceptions being 5-3, where she's the playable character, and 5-5, where she's the defendant. It's not only a problem for Trucy, it's also a problem for Athena. As the new lawyer, Athena should not be treated as an assistant. She should have more playable cases to establish herself as a protagonist, and that would also open up the assistant role for Trucy. But as it is, it's a lose-lose situation for both of them, with Trucy being ignored and Athena being sidelined.

    Adding to this issue, Trucy's relevance is further diminished by DD's refusal to continue with what AJ set up. DD usually doesn't go out of its way to pretend AJ never happened, but it doesn't do anything to acknowledge its existence beyond a superficial level, either. DD is a type of soft reboot, and Apollo, Trucy, and Klavier are the only survivors. (If you can really count Trucy and Klavier as survivors.) An important example to single out is that Phoenix is no longer Phoenix the father, he's Phoenix trying to emulate trilogy Phoenix, and trilogy Phoenix didn't have a daughter. It only makes sense that DD Phoenix would act like he doesn't have a daughter either, leading to his unfortunate behavior.

    With the AJ cast suddenly vanished, changed, de-emphasized, or some combination of these, Trucy's relationships are gone. And I don't mean that the game implies they're still there, but you don't get to see them on-screen because they aren't relevant; I mean they're gone. They never existed. And so Trucy loses all her meaningful relationships, and DD does almost nothing to add any new ones. The result is an isolated character, as said, and without relationships to play on and explore, Trucy is irrelevant. And Trucy absolutely needed these relationships to be relevant, because DD doesn't follow up on AJ's plot threads, and so the plot no longer involves her. Without relationships, Trucy has nothing connecting her to anything anymore.

    So all of that explains Trucy's lack of screen time, but it doesn't explain why her character itself changed, and for the worse. What factors led to it ending up as it did? This I can't be sure about, but one possibility is DD's sharp tonal shift. AJ takes place in the world of the trilogy, but presents a different perspective on it by introducing a cast comprised mostly of morally gray characters. This is the environment Trucy was written for, and this is the environment Trucy thrives in. DD, however, takes a different approach, deviating from the style the trilogy and AJ used. It creates a world of black and white, good and evil, right and wrong.

    This, by itself, is perfectly fine. It's a creative choice that fits into the themes DD is going for. The problem is that the AJ characters don't belong in such a binary world, which becomes apparent for example in 5-3 when Apollo and Phoenix treat "The ends justify the means" as an unquestionably wrong philosophy despite having followed it themselves in the previous game. Trucy in particular was very morally gray in AJ, and this was essential to her identity. Forced to be a pure teenager in DD and in SoJ who does nothing shady, her character loses a lot of its agency, direction, and potential. And left with nothing, she becomes the magic robot we see today.

    There are other factors to consider, like the challenges of a new writing team trying to interpret and replicate a character that other writers created, but for now, I'll leave it here. I may go into more detail in a second post, since this one is by no means exhaustive, or I may not, if I don't have the motivation to think about DD Trucy again. But what do you think about all of this?

    Here's a bitterness antidote. If you read all of this, you'll need it.

    submitted by /u/AnonymousWaddleDee
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    Ace Attorney VR attraction opening in Aeon Mall Hakusan (Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture) starting July

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 08:49 PM PDT

    Nothing much, just a sketch i made of young Edgeworth

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 02:47 PM PDT

    The new graphics on the PC version is not that good / HD VS pixel

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 07:34 PM PDT

    The new graphics on the PC version is not that good / HD VS pixel

    I have played Ace Attorney on my DS since i was a kid. I loved the art it had, it was so detailed it didn't even feel like a pixel game.

    I can guess there has been million discussions about this and that it has passed already but let me rant in a loving way here.

    New players like the new game because that is the only one they know, old players like the old one (most of them). And most of the sales probably is from the older players.

    All of the old players were looking forward to see how the game would look like and got disappointed for the result they got, even me. I wasn't expecting them to give us the pixel art, i was waiting how it would look like as "drawn". But i didn't expect it to be washed out.

    It's definitely about the money, it's easier and faster but they started to use blurring on the lines. Coloring is smudgy, it would have looked better if they kept the lines for shading shard looking and darker like in the original. New art has taken the anime/manga feeling away.

    Apollo Justice HD is a good example how it could look like in the new version.

    And i put pictures how wrong Miles face looks like, he has completely different face shape and nose when he smirks, making him look awful.

    Would love to start to make a mod for this game and make the graphics little bit better but oh well...

    Sorry for the long text, i hope it's not completely unreadable.



    submitted by /u/JUXXUX
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    Ace attorney tierlist BUT you are Aura Blackquill

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 10:59 AM PDT

    I drew some cute DGS girls!

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 09:39 AM PDT

    Raymond Shields is such a homie, so I drew him

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 09:41 AM PDT

    HD SoJ character codes for Objection lol?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 10:33 PM PDT

    I want to make some memes, but i lacked them codes

    submitted by /u/SoyMilk141
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    here's a quick phoenix sketch i made earlier ��

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 01:06 AM PDT

    reviewing my old files I realized that I had not published my first works of sprites, here they are.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    Serious question

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 01:11 PM PDT

    Be honest here. When you first met Matt Engarde, did you truly believe that he was innocent when no psyche-locks appeared after questioning him? Or were you still suspicious and thought that he would still be revealed as the true culprit?

    I am a bit ashamed to admit that I fell for his ruse and thought that he was most likely innocent.

    submitted by /u/Sword_Art_Natsu
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    People who played the 2019 trilogy port and the other games on mobile, was it still as good to play on mobile as it was to play on modern consoles?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:55 PM PDT

    Case Discussion Thread - Case I2-2 - The Imprisoned Turnabout

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 03:38 PM PDT

    All this time, prison's been a wacky animal playhouse. This is where all those monstrous villains from the original trilogy ended up.

    Post your first-time reactions and any opinions, complaints, and general thoughts here. What do you think of this case?

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    My Weird Kristahlia/Dahlstoph Oc pt.2

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 04:24 PM PDT

    Dual destinies completed !

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 08:23 AM PDT

    In... In jus... In justice we... Trust.

    And maybe I should have indeed play both Ace Attorney investigations before. Maybe. But didn't have time since I wanna play Ace Attorney Chronicles the day it will be released.

    Well... Here is my opinion on Ace Attorney Dual destinies ! First I didn't didn't expect the chara design to change ! It is a surprise and, besides for Klavier and Trucy, it is well-made. I also love how it enable the characters to move a lot ! They seems more lively !

    Another thing I didn't expect is the turnabouts not being in the right order like previous games. It was a surprise but a good idea permitting us to enjoy a good story with the bomb incident and the dark age of the law in the center.

    I liked the story of that game and even felt at some point a desperation similar to the last turnabout of the second game when one of my favorites characters was revealed being a bad guy at the end. Actually I still wanna cry over that twist. And it was hard too when playing the special episode !!!

    About Athena... I liked her ! She's a good character with a sad and touching story I loved discovering when playing Turnabout for tomorrow. Same for Simon Blackquill, that I really wanted to save ! Him and his Hawk too of course.

    About the special episode : Besides my pain seeing again Bobby Fulbright I liked that case and it finishing by "it was only an accident". I think it's the first time it finally not is a murder case ! And the pirate part is enjoyable ! I spend some time watching The swashbuckler spectacular song on YouTube and then in the cutscenes part of the game.

    We can say then that I liked that game and his story. And also the Bobby Fulbright part that had impact me a lot in making him one of my favorites characters before crushing it into pieces with the twist in Turnabout for tomorrow.

    Can we say I love when my feeling are hurt ? Maybe.

    Anyway I'm ready for Spirit of justice !

    submitted by /u/Naoko90
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