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    Saturday, June 19, 2021

    Ace Attorney One of the funniest moments in AA1...

    Ace Attorney One of the funniest moments in AA1...

    One of the funniest moments in AA1...

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:46 PM PDT

    Logic Chess > All Other Lawyer Powers

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 06:37 AM PDT

    ace attorney: into the assistant-verse!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 09:08 PM PDT

    Herlock Sholmes

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:30 PM PDT

    The Dimmsdale Turnabout

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    Kay is the social media intern for the Prosecutor's Office | art by @tkd_pp

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 06:38 AM PDT

    Widget's censorship services

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 11:42 PM PDT

    Meet Apollo! He’s new to our family, and his show name is Apollo Justice. I think there are too many connections for it to be a coincidence!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    Fun fact: Nick likes watching the Steel Samurai.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 11:56 AM PDT

    "I'll turn this lie... into the truth!" [3-3 spoilers]

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    40 Cases, 40 Days - Day 2: Turnabout Sisters

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:39 PM PDT

    Welcome back! Time for Day 2's case, Turnabout Sisters. The first case written and the proper start of PW:AA's arc plot, this case is one of the series' most iconic, introducing the Kurain Channeling Technique which would go on to define the original trilogy, the DL-6 incident that defines this game's "finale", as well as the trilogy's three most important non-Phoenix characters: Maya, Gumshoe, and Edgeworth. It may have gotten the ball rolling, but as the series' oldest proper case, has it stood the test of time? Let's dig in and see.

    The case starts off shocking enough: Ace Attorney decides to prove it has balls and murders your mentor right off the heels of your first victory. But apparently not enough balls to let the player solve the mystery of her death on their own, as once again the intro chooses to reveal the killer's face (likely a holdover from when this was the intro case and The First Turnabout didn't exist). I'll be honest, I really don't care for this little trope. It's fine enough in The First Turnabout, I guess, since for many players it was literally their first case ever, but to keep the spoiler for the second case, too? Especially when Mia already has that cryptic "Red… White… Blue… " pointing out her killer's identity as her last words? It feels like a mistake. But I guess it's just first installment weirdness at work.

    Speaking of first installment weirdness, some of the iconic characters introduced in this case feel a little off, likely a symptom of Takumi and the writers and localizers still trying to get a hang of things (notably, this game has a different person in charge of localization; the rest of the games, aside from Apollo Justice, had Janet Hsu in charge). You can see it even on the first day: Phoenix seems slightly snarkier than usual, Maya's not quite her usual self (though that's probably more because her sister's fucking dead), and Gumshoe feels more like a jerk than the goofball we know and love. Even some of the characters exclusive to this case feel a bit strange compared to ones later in the series. April May is a bit of a one-note character, with the relatively simple gimmick of "being hot". I like her, she's fun enough to cross-examine, but you look at her design and character and she's just very tame when you compare her to witnesses later in the series or even just in the same game, like the effeminate french chef obsessed with body oil, or the ugly bastard director who speaks in leetspeak. And while The Bellboy Who Swore An Affidavit is honestly great, he's also part of a more-or-less dead archetype of Ace Attorney character, the "extremely minor role that still gets proper spritework and dialogue because we felt like it".

    When looking back at this case, there are three things about it that stand out to me as being the best and most memorable. The first is Phoenix's meeting and eventual bonding with Maya. When you talk to people who ship these two (Pearl), you'd think it's some fairytale "love at first sight" story, but the reality of the situation is far more compelling in my opinion. Maya and Phoenix don't trust each other at first. Phoenix's first instinct on the night of Mia's death is that Maya was somehow responsible, though he shakes that off fairly quickly. And Maya's first instinct when arrested for her sister's murder isn't to trust Phoenix with her defense, but to tell him to talk to Marvin Grossberg and convince him to defend her instead. It's only after exhausting that option that Maya agrees to let him help, and only by the end of the case that they start to really care for each other. Now, I don't usually recommend the Ace Attorney anime (it's mostly just a cliffsnotes version of the games), but I unironically enjoyed their take on Turnabout Sisters, and this is partly why. The way they chose to do the scene with Phoenix taking on Maya's defense is just damn powerful, with Phoenix soaking wet and showing Maya a whole phone book's worth of lawyers he'd been in contact with to try and get Maya a proper defense, and both asking each other the big question at the same time.

    The second big strength is Edgeworth's first appearance. Looking back on it, this is one of the few moments in series history where we get to see Edgeworth act truly menacing and stoop to genuine unethical shenanigans. The phrase "updated autopsy report" is a meme for a reason: it's an intensely memorable moment of Edgeworth at his most underhanded. And lastly, the final big strength: you just can't talk about Turnabout Sisters without talking about Redd White. I didn't always care for this guy, but as of late, after my most recent playthrough and seeing him in the anime, he's grown on me. He looks utterly ridiculous, he's more Extra than a pack of gum, he hams it up in every scene he's in (especially in the anime dub, yet another reason to check out their version of Turnabout Sisters), and yet, hearing about what he's done to other people, and seeing what he does to Phoenix within 2 minutes of meeting him, there's a real-but-subtle menace to him that I missed on my first few playthroughs, as I was always too hung up on how goofy he looks.

    But, in my opinion, it's right after the meeting with Redd White that the case starts to slowly head downhill. While it's bold to have Phoenix defend himself for murder, the rest of the second trial day has a lot of really annoying plot moments that just drag the enjoyment down by a lot. The testimony from White, for example, just feels like a retread of April May's testimony from the previous day, covering a lot of the same basic beats. That by itself wouldn't be too bad, and it even picks up a little bit with Maya channeling Mia for the first time, but then it starts to nosedive. The "lol did you look at the backside of the bloody Maya note" moment is completely unbelievable and frustrating, and I honestly think it's one of the biggest plot holes in the series. I refuse to believe that at no point did Phoenix or Maya ever think to look at the backside of that piece of paper and realize it was a receipt. Nor do I believe that flipping a piece of paper is a revelation worthy of bringing Mia back from the damn grave. And then to cap that off, we have the list scene. A deus ex machina if there ever was one, Mia takes all the thunder out of Phoenix's defense and defeats the entire purpose of the trial's arguments up until that point, defeating Redd White, her killer, by… reading some people's names out loud. Not only is it hard for me to believe that simply revealing who White blackmailed would force him to confess to a capital crime with potentially capital punishment, it's utterly unsatisfying to defeat the series' first "real" villain not with evidence proving their guilt, but with a coerced confession. To some extent this feels intentional, like the writers are driving home the point that Phoenix is still a greenhorn that needs his mentor's help to nail the bad guy, but in this case I think they drove it home a little bit too hard, and made the whole trial feel a little pointless in the process. But hey, at least they didn't do anything like that in the game's finale! Now that would be really stupid. In my opinion, the takedown of Redd White is a disappointing capstone to a disappointing final day in court, and it could've been done a lot better.

    Overall, while Turnabout Sisters is memorable and does a few things insanely well, there's an overall feeling of stiff weirdness about it that I can't really shake, and the final day really drags the whole experience down at the worst possible moment. In my opinion, the ending is the most important part of any Ace Attorney case. No matter how good things seem in the beginning, if you don't stick the landing, you'll wind up falling flat on your face. It doesn't always need to be a happy ending, nor does it always need to explain every single possible loose end, but it does need to feel satisfying, and in my opinion the ending of Turnabout Sisters is not that.

    Overall Score - 2 / 5

    submitted by /u/Abencoa
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    Ace Attorney: All Objection! Themes 2021 (all games released or to be released within this year, including The Chronicles)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:39 PM PDT

    Case Discussion Thread - Case I2-4 - The Forgotten Turnabout

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 05:04 PM PDT

    We finally figured out how to make Kay relevant to this game. Smack her over the head to make her stop being Kay for a day.

    Post your first-time reactions and any opinions, complaints, and general thoughts here. What do you think of the buildup case to I2's finale?

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    All Maya forehead reveals from the anime. First four from Recipe for Turnabout and Last one is from Northward, Turnabout Express. Hope I got them all.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 04:51 AM PDT

    Here’s an “edit” I made for my school profile picture for the last days of school: Summerworth

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    dual destinies concept art pearl hairstyles ��

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 02:32 PM PDT

    Edgeworth in T&T but I tried adding the AAI soundtrack to it lol

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 04:25 PM PDT

    My friend said that Ace Attorney is boring

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 02:06 AM PDT

    we need to castrate him

    submitted by /u/Nosavo
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    A Maya Fan Art Question

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:53 AM PDT

    This question comes from a place of curiosity and slight confusion, but why is Maya frequently drawn with a darker skin tone?

    submitted by /u/BMDNERD
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    Since I just shared here that I finished the trilogy, and someone asked me what my favourite case was: Here’s my personal tier list!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 12:22 AM PDT

    I really wish these two met as teenagers ��

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 06:27 PM PDT

    Boob-window klavier because I'm doing the shirt-cut meme with ace attoeney characters (gigi.diba on instagram)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    Just finished Spirit, felt like one of these were overdue. Note, I haven’t played any of the spin-offs, the DLC case of SOJ, and it’s been crazy long since playing AJ so I feel it would be unfairly ranked. Thoughts?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 11:27 AM PDT

    Why a lotta of all the characters? WHY ?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 06:50 AM PDT


    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:20 AM PDT

    I've covered Athena's theme on my YouTube Channel, listen to it and tell me what you think! :)


    submitted by /u/ihyryhm
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