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    Ace Attorney STOP

    Ace Attorney STOP


    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 08:46 PM PDT

    AA in a nutshell

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 12:58 AM PDT

    Case Discussion Thread - Case I1-3 - The Kidnapped Turnabout

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 07:59 PM PDT

    Hold on, before this thread continues, wouldn't you like to spend a few hours with some recurring Trilogy characters only here to waste time? Like a series of them, all popping up and derailing the thread one at a time without actually advancing the plot at all?

    Post your first-time reactions and any opinions, complaints, and general thoughts here. Why is The Kidnapped Turnabout?

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    AA:T&T- Valerie’s motive for framing Terry...

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 07:26 PM PDT

    So, one thing that always kinda bothered me about T&T case 4 was the logic behind some of Valerie's actions. Not to say that police officers can't be bad or corrupt, but the reason for her and Dahlia to betray Terry was never very clear. Dahlia was very selfish, sure, but why would Valerie go out of her way to get an innocent man blamed for a murder that she knew didn't happen?

    I've seen people argue that it was to ensure Terry didn't leak that the kidnapping was fake (and to a degree I'm sure that's also true). There's also the question about why Valerie would agree to participate with the fake-kidnapping in the first place.

    There are still a lot of unanswered questions too though, about why they would switch from a 3-people operation or a 1/2-person operation (as it's not clear if Dahlia's bridge jump is also a betrayal of Valerie). Realistically, we can assume that Terry's betrayal was planned, and that Iris was going to somehow be involved in the getaway but backed out at the last moment, forcing Dahlia to jump with or without Valerie's inclusion.

    So anyway, I'm replaying case 4-5 right now, and Iris (Dahlia) makes a very interesting statement about her motive for the fake-kidnapping. She says it was never about the money, but rather revenge against her father. She says he was a 'hideous man' who betrayed her mother. But on this basis, why did Valerie gladly participate in the plan? We can assume that she came from money and/or power, based on her step-father's supposed power lust, so she would have no real need for 2 million dollars either. Therefore, perhaps it's most logical to assume Valerie was ALSO in it for revenge. Dahlia focuses a lot on Morgan's treatment when discussing her father, but considering the little info we do have about him as a person, such as also abandoning Iris at Hazakura Temple, it's probably reasonable to imagine he's also not a very nice father. Therefore, maybe Valerie was also happy to assist Dahlia in her plan as a way of getting back at their father for his actions. Perhaps he was cruel or abusive in some way - it would make some sense of the narrative.

    From there, our original question - why throw Terry so hard under the bus? While it does make sense that she wouldn't want the truth of their plan to come out, something that could also (in my mind at least) tie up some of the holes in this logic is that Dahlia and Valerie also wanted to punish Terry. He was a grown man lusting after a teenage girl, and i think it's very reasonable to say Dahlia held no actual affection for him. So maybe the betrayal, the murder charge, the false testimony - maybe all of that was planned by Dahlia and Valerie to get revenge on Terry, too.

    Then perhaps later, Valerie felt guilty because maybe death row is a bit severe of a punishment, and she knew all too well that Dahlia was very much alive. It always seemed a little strange to me that Valerie would help Dahlia out so much when she possibly betrayed her in jumping into Eagle River, but if Terry was always part of the equation, then her actions don't seem quite as strange.

    TL;DR Valerie and Dahlia always planned to betray Terry and frame him for everything because he was a creeper thirsting for a teenage girl, and they wanted him to be punished for that.

    submitted by /u/Papperie
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    You Can't Get Mad Because it's June

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 12:07 AM PDT

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