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    Monday, June 14, 2021

    Ace Attorney I was organizing some books that I have, and saw Ace Attorney mentioned a few times in Guinness World Records 2010 Gamer's Edition

    Ace Attorney I was organizing some books that I have, and saw Ace Attorney mentioned a few times in Guinness World Records 2010 Gamer's Edition

    I was organizing some books that I have, and saw Ace Attorney mentioned a few times in Guinness World Records 2010 Gamer's Edition

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 12:25 PM PDT

    I never knew how much i needed Panda Simon till now

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 11:08 PM PDT

    Theory about Phoenix's childhood

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 07:30 PM PDT

    Phoenix is fairly well adjusted, so I don't think that he has any major trauma in regards to family members like many other main/major characters in the franchise. That said, there are aspects to how Phoenix acts in college that suggest his life wasn't exactly perfect either.

    Phoenix tends to be very obsessive, essentially. If we just look at Dahlia and no other character, he has this concept of love and romance that's over the top, self-sacrificing, and actually pretty unhealthy all considered. If we factor in other characters then he has obsessive tendencies even towards people who are estranged.

    While it could be that Dahlia herself conditioned her targets to act like that, it seems like that's a lot of effort for people she doesn't even like or care about. Rather, I think like any predator, she specifically singled out people who were vulnerable to certain behaviors and thought patterns - people who would fall hard and refuse to question her too deeply. And we still have the evidence that it wasn't just Dahlia.

    So if it wasn't Dahlia's influence that made him act that way, he also had to learn that from somewhere. I have trouble imagining that a mature relationship that survived raising a child would continue to be that over the top for so long a time. It also looks like behavior that comes straight from pop culture about how friendships and relationships should be, which is very exaggerated.

    That suggests Phoenix didn't really have a good model of a healthy relationship in his life when he was growing up, and maybe watched too many badly written movies and tv shows. This further suggests he had a parent who did like those kinda of shows - and perhaps that parent liked those shows to fill a hole in their life. A single parent, in other words.

    Secondly, Phoenix is simply far too good at taking care of dramatic girl children. It makes me think that this parent was themselves not a very mature person, and that as Phoenix grew up the normal parent roles might have been reversed.

    This doesn't make this parent a bad person, but does imply that life for Phoenix might have been more complicated than it would initially seem. Certainly, it's no where near as bad as, say, being raised by a Von Karma, and like I said, he's still pretty well adjusted, so whatever his family life was like it was probably still pretty caring and supportive. Yet the signs are also there it wasn't ideal.

    submitted by /u/Bytemite
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    I hate Blaise Debeste with a Passion

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 08:17 PM PDT

    Drawing of that goofy expression of Apollo’s

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    Who do you think they will kill off for Apollo's next trauma/backstory?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 09:43 PM PDT

    Observations about Trucy in AJ vs. DD and SoJ

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 03:56 PM PDT

    While replaying AJ, I noticed a lot of interesting things. I'll save most of it for other potential posts, but for now, I wanted to list some observations about Trucy in AJ that are striking to me compared to how she ended up in DD and SoJ. After getting used to Trucy's portrayal in the 3DS games, I was a little surprised to remember just how different Trucy used to be, in many cases demonstrating how she was Flanderized after AJ.

    I read every piece of dialogue in the game I could find, but please let me know if I've made any mistakes so I can fix them. If I have made a mistake, though, it's likely I only missed one or two examples of an instance, so it shouldn't drastically affect my points. With that out of the way:


    The "help me with dangerous magic" joke isn't used a single time in AJ. Likewise, the first time Trucy calls Apollo her assistant is in DD, with the joke being ramped up to max level in SoJ. This can be seen in Trucy's introduction in DD:

    Apollo: She sometimes makes me help with her magic tricks.

    And her introduction in SoJ:

    Trucy: A lot of people get this wrong, but... Apollo's actual job is being my magic assistant!

    In theory, this is some nice progression, with Trucy getting closer with Apollo and growing as a magician, performing more complicated tricks. In reality, though, the joke is used as a quick way for the 3DS games to justify Apollo or Athena being out of the picture at a given point, demoting Trucy to a (weak) plot device. Its worst use by far is in 6-DLC, where not only is it used to justify Trucy and Athena being non-characters so that they don't interrupt the trilogy nostalgia, but it almost makes Trucy look like a psychopath.

    On that note, Trucy forcing others to help with dangerous magic tricks portrays her as an insensitive jerk, when that really wasn't the case in AJ. It was the opposite. While she teased and subtly manipulated Apollo, she made a point of being polite and encouraging, and she cared about his physical and mental wellbeing; and she convinced him to help with her (non-dangerous) magic with her enthusiasm, not by threatening him and chasing him around.

    Finally, a noticeable amount of Trucy's humor in the 3DS games derives from her forcing unwilling lawyers to be her assistant in dangerous tricks, but AJ shows that Trucy's humor can function perfectly well—and I'd say better—without that. In fact, it shows that Trucy's humor doesn't need to be related to magic at all, though magic jokes are also funny if done right. Otherwise, her personality by itself is more than enough, but that personality has been lost as the "magician" part of her character has overtaken the "human" part.


    After 4-2, since they stop being relevant, the magic panties are referenced only once in 4-3 (by Trucy) and only twice in 4-4 (by Apollo and Brushel). These are all very brief mentions, and additionally, the magic panties themselves never reappear after 4-2. The magic panties are "one of [Trucy's] best tricks," but they aren't her single most important trick and a major part of her interactions, as they are in DD and most of SoJ. In fact, in AJ, her Mr. Hat trick is more important for her, and it's something she's had at least since she was eight. After AJ, Mr. Hat (as used by Trucy in conversation) only appears in SoJ's credits. I understand that the magic panties were probably easier to model than Mr. Hat, and that Capcom probably wanted to show off their magic panties animation in DD and SoJ (it's very nice), but that shouldn't come at the expense of hurting a character.

    Similarly, the joke of Trucy making evidence presented to her disappear via magic panties is fairly common in the 3DS games. In AJ, however, Trucy making evidence disappear seems to be rare (Valant is the one who does it frequently). Though I can't confirm the number, I only remember one or two instances in 4-2. The interesting point here is that AJ Trucy does the disappearing evidence joke without using her magic panties, unlike in the 3DS games.

    All of this shows 3DS Trucy's unnecessary reliance on the magic panties joke when that wasn't originally the case. It isn't much of an exaggeration to say that instead of having meaningful interactions, Trucy now repeats the same joke over and over that isn't even funny, and this never needed to happen.

    For more discussion of why the magic panties joke originally worked and how it devolved after AJ (if you want to read that), see "The minor details" section of my post analyzing Trucy in 6-2.


    Starting in DD and going into SoJ, Trucy almost always uses "Polly" instead of "Apollo." This gave me the impression that Trucy frequently uses "Polly" in AJ as well. In actuality, Trucy in AJ uses "Apollo" significantly more often than "Polly." This was too difficult to count, so I don't have a number, but I think Trucy says "Polly" most often in 4-2, less often in 4-3, and then not at all in 4-4.

    "Polly" was a nickname invented in localization rather than in the Japanese script, so this may not have as much to do with the script as my previous points did. However, I don't think Trucy's transition to frequently using "Polly" in DD is natural. Remember that Trucy came up with the name to emotionally manipulate Apollo into working at the agency:

    Phoenix: In any case, if Apollo here can't help you... you'll have to transfer to a new school. Again.

    Trucy: No! I can't! I only just made friends... How could you do this to me... to us!? Polly!

    Apollo: Huh? What? Now it's my fault?

    I used to think it transformed from a manipulative nickname in AJ into an endearing one that Apollo had accepted in DD and SoJ, and that is very possible. But given that Trucy uses it most in 4-2, where she acts the least genuine, and then uses it less over the course of the game, as she becomes a little more open, I think it has more to do with her getting closer with Apollo. As an example, in her final line in the game, she acts genuine and affectionate towards Apollo, and doesn't use "Polly," but "Apollo":

    Trucy: I'm glad you're staying with the agency, Apollo! It's like... like I've found my long-lost, big, little brother!

    As a result, I personally think her almost exclusively using "Polly" in the 3DS games is a sudden and unnatural progression. I'd guess this was done to distinguish Trucy from Athena, as Apollo's tendency to shout distinguishes him from Phoenix and Phoenix's frequent bluffing distinguishes him from Apollo. But whether or not you agree about this progression being unnatural, the interesting fact remains that Trucy uses "Apollo" much more than "Polly" in AJ, and that the nickname no longer provides the insight into her character that it used to.


    There are some other things I noticed about Trucy in AJ compared to DD and SoJ, but I'll leave it here. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/AnonymousWaddleDee
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    holy shat this some good stuff

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 11:47 PM PDT

    Thoughts on Ema’s thinking animation from SOJ?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 07:35 PM PDT

    Miles and Franziska - Usual Conversations

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 01:40 AM PDT

    Best case, in your opinion?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 07:45 PM PDT

    For me, it has to be Farewell, My Turnabout. AA2 may have been mediocre up until that point, but FMT more than makes up for it. Great mystery, interesting characters, genuine suspense, and an interesting moral choice to make at the end all put the case above all others for me. Plus, the plot twist was great and unexpected, which is always an added bonus. Final cases are always great, but this one felt extra special to me.

    What are your favorite cases?

    submitted by /u/manofsteele1776
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    Case Discussion Thread - Case I1-5 - Turnabout Ablaze

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 09:37 PM PDT

    Lazy Alba jokes. Case is much, much shorter than it feels.

    Post your first-time reactions and any opinions, complaints, and general thoughts here. What do you think of the finale to Investigations 1?

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    Turnabout Gold Medal (ENG SUB)

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 12:10 AM PDT

    Where to purchase AAI: Miles Edgeworth cartridge

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 07:23 PM PDT

    As the title says, is there any trustworthy way to acquire a physical cartridge of this game?

    submitted by /u/killergoku27
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    Red Text in other Languages?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 02:10 PM PDT

    Hello people,

    As you know, whenever text is marked red, it's usually something important to the case.

    When I gifted my friend the trilogy on steam, he played it in German and I noticed the lack of red marked text. Is it normal, that the red text is missing in other languages? Does anybody know something about this?

    submitted by /u/Lyefyre
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    Finished Dual Destinies, figured it was time for another tier list. Taka should have been included.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    Axe Attorney and countries

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 06:48 PM PDT

    Ok...so America, Germany, Japan, France and UK are in the map in Ace attorney. The other counties that had their name changed (Khurain, Zeng Fha? and those others that I can't spell xD)

    If there's a country you would rename for the series...which one would it be and which name would you give it?

    submitted by /u/Sad-Lingonberry-2610
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    Why did Kristoph have Psyche-Locks and what was the secret?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 09:30 AM PDT

    Kristoph Gavin was shown to have Black Psyche Locks, of which is later explained to be a secret someone is subconsciously repressing.

    A Black Pysche Lock cannot be broken by force, as it can cause psychological damage. This explains what happened to Kristoph when Apollo Justice defeated him.

    If this is the case, than what secret is Kristoph repressing, how is it just In his sub-conscious, and why is he doing so?

    submitted by /u/Redninja2007
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    Does anyone know how to play Phoenix Wright Contempt of the Court? I've downloaded the game but I don't see a launcher.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 01:54 PM PDT

    sonic boom but with objection.lol

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 04:47 AM PDT

    Idk if textposts count as memes, but i found this text and this is too hecking accurate for so many aa ships

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 02:39 AM PDT


    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 08:49 AM PDT

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