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    Thursday, May 6, 2021

    Ace Attorney Think, Wright! Have you even checked the autopsy report?

    Ace Attorney Think, Wright! Have you even checked the autopsy report?

    Think, Wright! Have you even checked the autopsy report?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    The von Karma's Shared Mannerisms

    Posted: 06 May 2021 05:42 PM PDT

    Franziska von Karma [not mine] [credit to ir-dr on Tumblr]

    Posted: 06 May 2021 02:47 PM PDT

    My Edgeworth print signed by his VA (Chris Wehkamp) came in ❤️

    Posted: 06 May 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    Mods are awake, upvote tiny spinning Gumshoe

    Posted: 06 May 2021 11:20 PM PDT

    miitopia mii making is really fun ngl also btw the code is 4J905L9 if u want them! ^_^

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:07 PM PDT

    Found some manga cleaning out my old room

    Posted: 06 May 2021 05:44 PM PDT

    What if Ryunosuke met Lady Dimitrescu at the court? this crossover made in homage on the release of Resident Evil 8 in 7th of May and the Localized version of The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles in 27th of July

    Posted: 06 May 2021 07:43 AM PDT

    Unfinished drawing of godot.

    Posted: 06 May 2021 12:14 PM PDT

    Personal Ace Attorney character ranking (from the games I've played)

    Posted: 06 May 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    Blaise Debeste

    Posted: 06 May 2021 01:05 PM PDT

    How would you feel about an AA movie franchise with original stories/original takes on the game stories? How likely is it to be good and/or successful?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 09:09 PM PDT

    Some Thoughts on Iris and AA3's Ending (TRANSLATION)

    Posted: 06 May 2021 09:48 AM PDT

    This is a translation of a 2019 blogpost that was shared with me by a friend regarding the end of the trilogy. Because I found the points raised within interesting and ones I agreed with, I decided to have a shot translating this. All text here is from the original post and writer.

    Link to the original here.



    Finished playing the 3DS version of Ace Attorney Trilogy.

    The HD release of the trilogy on Switch/PS4 had just come out, so I decided to play the digital version after I had previously purchased it on sale, and it's still a great game to revisit time and time again.

    Gameplay, scenario, text, characters, direction, sound, graphics, all those things come together in a miraculous combination. The charm of the games hasn't eroded even 15 years after they came out, and I imagine that will stay true when I play them 15 years from now.

    Right now, the anime version of AA3 is adapting the final case of the game, "Bridge to Turnabout", and I would like to draw focus to that story for this article.

    The Series Which Couldn't End

    I might hate the sort of people who value "nostalgia", and think it's ugly to say that a series ended at a certain game, but even I admit that, of the Ace Attorney games, the original trilogy are of the highest quality.

    Apollo Justice, Dual Destines and Spirit of Justice are not bad works. They are perfectly serviceable mystery ADVs which can be easily enjoyed...but none of them measure up to the masterwork that is the trilogy. Especially AA4. (Translators Note: Remember, most general Japanese fans hate Apollo Justice)

    However, what I want to talk about is not the artistic quality of Apollo Justice as an fictional work, but rather the fact that the story which concluded in the third part of the trilogy instead choose to "continue" in a fourth.

    Phoenix Wright, a rookie lawyer who we saw first stand in the courtroom at the beginning of the first game, had grown into a full-fledged attorney through the death of his mentor, resolving the past of his childhood friend, trials which confirmed his beliefs as a lawyer, and confronting the past which caused him deep wounds in the concluding case of the trilogy. Of course, this journey coincides with the growth of the player themselves, who have taken it upon themselves to traverse the previously unknown genre of "courtroom games".

    Obviously, the third game is designed as the conclusion, and in fact the series has been successfully completed. Because, if you look at the third game as the conclusion and final story of Ace Attorney, there is a character who symbolizes that. That character being a key figure in the final case, Iris of Hazakura Temple.


    The Reason Iris Was Able To Exist

    Iris is a character who could only appear in the final case of the third game, in other words the concluding story. This is because she is a character who most likely would fundamentally alter that of Phoenix Wright.

    At the start of AA3, Phoenix is, from the perspective of Mia (the players) point of view, a hopelessly lovestruck idiot of a young man who is heads over heels in love with his girlfriend. Even as Dahlia's true nature is revealed during the trial, Phoenix continues to blindly believe in her, arguing "Dollie would never do something like that" and "Dollie is an imposter", while Mia speaks the players thoughts and tells him to stop acting delusional.

    Be it if the guilty or innocent verdict is served, Phoenix refuses to believe he was used. By this point, all the players perception of him is would be "A pathetic young man who was manipulated, used and thrown away by an evil woman, and who is too delusional to realize it".

    However, when the truth behind Iris, that she while impersonating Dahlia was in fact the one who Phoenix dated, is revealed, suddenly it becomes clear that he was able to distinguish the two of them from the beginning, and with that turnabout everything changes. It's a brilliant twist, and one which acts as a perfect happy ending to celebrate the conclusion.

    In the past two games, Phoenix had virtually no romantic affairs, and indeed his personal life outside of his work was never depicted at all. This is because Phoenix is in truth essentially the player's avatar, merely a window into the figure known as "the new lawyer". [Translators Note: This makes more sense in the Japanese, because Phoenix's personality is basically a dub creation. Takumi has been open that he just wrote whatever he thought for him in the JP version.]

    The first two Ace Attorney games are essentially the story of "a new lawyer (who the player controls) who becomes a full-fledged lawyer". Although Phoenix has a level of individuality attached to him, he is basically a generic "newbie lawyer" who acts as the players means for entering and interacting with the stories world.

    However, what is depicted in the third game is "The Story of Phoenix Wright". Phoenix is no longer a vassal, but a character who is rendered as an individual within the world. The player controls both Mia and Edgeworth at differing points, but this is not merely fanservice, but in fact a means of framing Phoenix from the perspective of others. This scenario is possible because of the trust between player and creator, the player now a part of the "world" of Ace Attorney through playing the three games.

    In a sense, it could be said that AA3 is the story of how the player and Phoenix becomes separate entities. Iris' existence represents this theme of the game, that Phoenix is not a player avatar, but an individual within the games world. The story is a graduation initiation for the player to understand Phoenix has a life of his own, and the possibility of love.

    After the ending, Iris is imprisoned (for tampering with a body and other such acts), but it is implied she will be freed once she serves her sentence. If that happens, what will happen regarding her relationship with Phoenix? What happens after is something for the imagination and not to be described nor depicted in the future. This is because Ace Attorney's story concludes with the third game.

    What is certain is that, no matter Iris' fate, there would be a major change in the character of Phoenix. More precisely, the relationship between he and Maya, one which could be exquisitely referred to as "More than friends, less than lovers", would surely undergo a major change. Whether he gains a girlfriend or loses her, Phoenix has become a character who cannot return to the role of player avatar.

    That is why Iris (the possibility of Phoenix having a romantic relationship) couldn't exist until the final game. Conversely, if we turn around our thinking, the only time Iris could exist is in the final story, that is, when the possibility can remain forever just that, a possibility.


    The Day Iris Is Allowed To Go Free

    However, from AA4 onwards, the relationship between Phoenix and Iris goes completely unmentioned. It's as if it never happened.

    This is natural. Iris' presence is critical in that it makes Phoenix a "different character", so from a commercial perspective that wishes the franchise to simply continue for the purposes of little more than money, her existence is a hindrance. As a company, Phoenix Wright must remain Phoenix Wright forever.


    In AA3's final chapter, Phoenix gradually leaves the player. In the final scene of the courtroom, this is completed when he drinks the coffee Godot entrusted to him. In that scene, Phoenix is no longer the player's avatar as he stands at the defense bench. He has accepted Iris' confession as a human being, and drinks Godot's coffee. Player choice or intervention is something with no place here.

    So where then, in the world of Ace Attorney, is the player?

    When Phoenix leaves the player, the player too leaves Phoenix.

    The credits show that.

    Since the first game, the credits of each Ace Attorney game is the characters talking about what they've been up to since the events of the game. The question arises however, who are they talking to? Changing off the context, it's neither Phoenix nor Maya.

    This is probably the strangest comparison I've ever made.

    However, when you complete AA3, you will know they are talking to you, the player. The player, who fought in the courtroom alongside Phoenix, Maya and Pearl. The credits of the third game thus feel to be a tribute to those who reached their way to the end of the series. (Translators Note: In case people wonder, Iris' credits scene is mistranslated, in the Japanese she is talking to the player about Phoenix visiting her.)

    To pretend as those Iris never existed would be to contradict the happy ending of the trilogy, that the avatar of the player "Phoenix" became the human being "Phoenix Wright", and the player has transcended the avatar to become part of the story "Ace Attorney". (Translators Note: This part is a little tricky in English, but in the original the writer uses "Naruhodou-kun", which is what the trilogy generally calls Phoenix, verses his full name to contrast the "player avatar VS actual character" point)

    Again, if you look at the games from 4 onwards on their own, they're aren't bad games. However, a story must always come to an end. And as long as the story of Phoenix Wright never concludes, then the lock on Iris of Hazakura Temple's prison cell will never open.



    submitted by /u/RainSpectreX
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    Ace Attorney 7 Predictions

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:15 PM PDT

    Note: these are baseless conjecture, we know 0 info about the game, everything is just my personal guess and has no evidence to it, nor should it be taken seriously.

    since the announcement is AA7 is probably very close I am guessing (according to the leaks at least), I wanted to share some of my predictions regarding it, let me know yours too. let's see how many I get right.

    • it will be called a Phoenix Wright game, but will focus more on Athena as playable character.
    • Apollo will have minimum screen time as a playable character, he will be playable for one case at most and return in a non-playable role in the final case
    • Detective Gumshoe will return early on in the game, probably as Chief of Police. also Franziska Von Karma will return in the final case as an international legendary prosecutor.
    • as a result of the previous point, I think the game's main plotline involves a very politically important international event, hence the involvements of the Chief of Police and Interpol. I can see one of the cases directly tying into the Police Department too.
    • The new rival prosecutor is a female, she is also an international prosecutor from Europe and has ties to Athena, and if Franziska does return, then she is probably Franziska's student too.
    • Ema Skye will return as detective for some cases, but she will be more of an ally to WAA and a new detective character will be the "official" detective who is also in the Interpol.
    • Full list of returning characters: Phoenix Wright, Athena Cykes, Apollo Justice, Maya Fey, Miles Edgeworth, Dick Gumshoe, Franziska Von Karma, Trucy Wright, Ema Skye, Nahyuta Sahdmadhi, Rayfa Padma Khura'in (last two for Apollo's case)
    • probably no returning side characters sadly due to the no-spoiler rule
    • Apollo Justice will be defendant of final case, and maybe Ema Skye is the defendant in one of the mid-game cases
    • since Apollo is alone in Khura'in, I can see a new character being introduced as his sidekick, though I am not sure if it will be a recurring character in later games (like Maya or Trucy) or not
    • the Thalassa Gramarye plotline will still not be resolved (sadly)

    that's all I got, let me know your thoughts and if you got some predictions of your own!

    submitted by /u/nouratef
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    What do you think they’re dancing to?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 11:48 PM PDT

    Mo mamba intensifies

    Posted: 06 May 2021 11:46 PM PDT

    DDLC thing...

    Posted: 06 May 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    Would anyone like to help me mod AJ for mobile?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    As we all probably know, the mobile port of Apollo Justice has terrible audio quality. I was able to figure out how to extract and import audio into the game, which gave me the idea of modding it to replace all of the awful audio with higher quality versions. Unfortunately, there are about 272 audio files that need to be replaced. I wouldn't be able to do this on my own, but I could if I had at least one other person. Would anyone be willing to help? You don't need any modding experience, you just need to help locate higher quality versions and replace some files.

    submitted by /u/TheWM_
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    2 questions about the DL-6 Incident

    Posted: 06 May 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    I've just completed the 4th case of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, and 2 questions have left me puzzled. Firstly, >! how could Manfred von Karma open the elevator door by himself, when even Gregory Edgeworth and Yanni Yogi couldn't? If it was that easy to open the door, how come no one in the span of 5 hours could open it? !< Secondly, don't they have metal detectors that you must walk through whenever you enter a courtroom? Wouldn't the >! bullet inside von Karma's shoulder !< be discovered that way?

    submitted by /u/szatyorMESTER
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    Small objection.lol I made about what happened in a discord i'm in

    Posted: 06 May 2021 02:26 PM PDT

    Could anyone summarize Kristoph and Klaviers backstory?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 11:17 AM PDT

    I'm writing a fanfic and I haven't played the games in a while, I also can't seem to find a good summary of their backstory online: Could anyone here give me a summary of it in the comments?

    submitted by /u/Sunsh1neandRa1n
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