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    Thursday, May 6, 2021

    Ace Attorney celebrating edgeworth not being a killer, doodles, and process 🕺 (ig is @grandmother_duck)

    Ace Attorney celebrating edgeworth not being a killer, doodles, and process �� (ig is @grandmother_duck)

    celebrating edgeworth not being a killer, doodles, and process �� (ig is @grandmother_duck)

    Posted: 05 May 2021 09:31 AM PDT

    thought id post some AA cosplays ive done (maya, trucy, and ema!)

    Posted: 05 May 2021 09:45 PM PDT

    Side-by-Side comparison of the trilogy Phoenix pin vs. DD Phoenix pin

    Posted: 05 May 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    (OC) Drew the best spirit medium Maya Fey ��

    Posted: 05 May 2021 01:27 PM PDT

    Not sure if this is allowed here, but on Saturday night Edgeworth’s English VA will be playing Ace Attorney on twitch and reading all Edgeworth’s lines in his voice. 9 PM CST.

    Posted: 05 May 2021 08:11 PM PDT

    Don't do it Gumshoe!

    Posted: 05 May 2021 11:08 PM PDT

    Drew up some art for a custom case in my AU, Turnabout Gala

    Posted: 05 May 2021 07:01 PM PDT

    here's an old DSI Flipnote i made a lonnggg time ago i happened to find lol, i have like 4 different Ace Attorney animations apparently. id completely forgotten id made them

    Posted: 05 May 2021 09:29 PM PDT

    ♫ My cover of Maya's Theme (Turnabout Sisters)

    Posted: 05 May 2021 08:41 PM PDT

    Athena and Phoenix first meeting for AA7?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    I just realized something. Athena has mentioned that she first met Phoenix in europe after he helped her out of difficult situation (knowing this series, the implication is that it was most certantly an accuse of murder). Yet not only she did not give any more details on the matter but we have never seen anything pertaining it; this is everything we know about that meeting, alongside the fact that Phoenix not only encouraged Athena in pursuing both her law and psychology ambitions, but also invited her to join his agency when she finally obtains her badge.

    Could it be that they will at some point shown said meeting in future titles, maibe as soon as AA7?

    This could be interesting since at this point, her stay in europe its the only period of Athena's life we know almost nothing about, peculiar since currently we pretty much know the entire backstories of both Phoenix and Apollo.

    submitted by /u/Tanawy
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    I was making a fan fictional attorney and i faced a problem, In which way he slams the desk without repeating the desk slams of other ace attorney character?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 09:43 PM PDT

    So when I was drawing Godot, I had to focus on his mask shape and I deleted the red visor things. I created something so cursed that I don't know how to feel about it

    Posted: 05 May 2021 01:57 AM PDT

    Wright Wednesday-Bridge to the Turnabout Part 2

    Posted: 05 May 2021 04:54 PM PDT

    "The Defense vs. The Prosecution" took me a while to make

    Posted: 05 May 2021 03:23 AM PDT

    Which of the primary Dual Destinies victims do you feel most sorry for and didn't deserve to die?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 04:48 PM PDT

    Holy cow! So you know how the last one was terrible people with maybe one innocent or not as terrible, well this line up's got the opposite. We've got practically innocent primary victims of circumstance here (which one even being a complete accident) so good luck choosing.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Zlpv7672
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    tips, comments, or advice about the main trilogy

    Posted: 05 May 2021 02:46 PM PDT

    I've been seeing a lot of my online friends get into ace attorney, and i want to play the original trilogy for myself (will be getting it on switch at the end of the month). does anyone have any wisdom they would like to impart upon me before i start? (im okay with mild spoilers like characters and game mechanics, please stay away from anything that could impact the way i play the game such as major deaths, big plot twists, etc)

    submitted by /u/laundryyyyy
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    Games like Phoenix Wright series?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 01:25 PM PDT

    I am a fan of the first 3 games and don't have any of the other games any PC recommendations for other law series? Also is the " Great Ace Attorney Chronicles" worth playing?

    submitted by /u/Kingdeadmeme
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    My AA7 ideas (part one)

    Posted: 05 May 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    So thanks to recent rumors/leaks, Ace Attorney 7 is likely slated to release this year or next. I think it might be fun to throw out some of my ideas for the next entry if I were in charge of the story. I will be posting this in multiple parts, so be sure to check out the other posts.

    This post will contain spoilers for every mainline Ace Attorney game, ranging from minor to extreme, so do not read unless you have played every mainline game, or don't care about spoilers.

    Disclaimer: I am not claiming that I think any of these ideas will or even might happen. This isn't speculation; it's just my dream idea for AA7. I also will only be providing overviews for each case, and not a full rundown of events, or descriptions of new characters. Character identities will only be mentioned if they are returning characters.

    Overview: The title of the game would be Athena Cykes: Ace Attorney. I realize that Capcom is hesitant to leave Phoenix's name out of mainline titles after AA4, so an alternative would be Phoenix Wright & Athena Cykes: Ace Attorney.

    As the title suggests, this game would focus on Athena as the main character. She was more of a plot point than a character in AA5, and was mostly absent from AA6, and I think a lot of fans would agree that she deserves another chance in the spotlight.

    Case 1: The Solo Turnabout) The case opens up with Athena in the defendant lobby in front of her client, Maggey Byrde. Maggey has been accused of murder, yet again, and this time Athena must bail her out. Athena recalls that Phoenix allocated this case to her, since it's a pretty low-profile case. Phoenix already knows the defendant, and knows that she wouldn't ever murder, and after reading the case over, and hearing that Wisnton Payne is the prosecutor, decides that Athena is ready to take it on as her first solo case.

    Athena steps into the courtroom to the defense's desk, but notices that there's nobody standing behind the prosecutor's desk. The Judge remarks on this, and asks to know why the prosecution is absent. The bailiff informs the Judge that Winston Payne was fired earlier that day for chronic tardiness, and they were not informed until recently. The Judge states that if there is nobody to prosecute against Maggey Byrde, then she logically must walk free. Athena gets excited at the idea that she gets such an easy job to do, but it's quickly cut short.

    Before the Judge declares a verdict, Klavier Gavin steps up to the prosecutor's desk. He told the Judge that he happened to stop by the courtroom today by circumstance because he was picking up an item he left the other day. He happened to overhear that Payne was fired and that there was nobody to cover his case, so Klavier stepped in, read over the file in a few minutes and decided to take it at the last minute.

    Athena is worried about defending against Klavier, as he's significantly more formidable than Payne. He IS the man who disbarred Phoenix Wright, after all. Throughout the case though, Klavier doesn't seem to be really trying as hard as usual. He gives Athena lots of hints, and the witnesses leave some pretty clear contradictions that Klavier doesn't seem to try to cover. The case concludes quickly; obvious witness is obvious, and Maggey Byrde is declared not guilty.

    After the trial, Klavier meets Athena in the lobby, and she asks him why he was taking it easy on her. He tells her that after reading over the case, he realized it was so obvious that Maggey wasn't the killer, and he heard that Athena was the defense, so he covered the trial basically as just a formality, and to help Athena get some proper practice defending on her own.

    Klavier then asks Athena where Phoenix and Apollo were, and why they aren't with her today. Athena tells him that Apollo is now living in Khura'in, and fills him in on what happened in the previous game. As for Phoenix, the Wright Anything Agency has received a massive flood of defense requests after news broke out about how Phoenix and Apollo helped overthrow the legal system of Khura'in, and with Apollo working abroad, Phoenix has been having to work a lot more than usual. He recently decided that Athena was ready to start taking cases for herself. Klavier tells Athena that he thinks she's grown as an Attorney over the past few years, and that he thinks Phoenix made the right call.

    The case ends with Athena's internal monologue about how this was the moment when her story truly began.

    submitted by /u/XephyXeph
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    mightve done something really stupid, how do you unlock rfta

    Posted: 05 May 2021 06:12 PM PDT

    hi so i got to the end of the fourth case first game 1 in the HD trilogy and since I've played it like a billion times, I swapped out right after the killer got got, before the end credits. then I saved over it at the start of the second game.

    and then I realized rise from the ashes wasn't unlocked. and id just saved over my game ended file.

    So uh. do I need to replay turnabout goodbyes now? is there any other way to unlock rfta besides completing the end credits?

    submitted by /u/FlikNever
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    This guy is peak of Ace Attorney characters design (art by: @solarwreathe)

    Posted: 05 May 2021 05:14 AM PDT

    AA7 IDEA

    Posted: 05 May 2021 11:50 AM PDT

    Okay so two ideas hit me. So Gumshoe right? Police Chief. Think about it it'd be so cool! Like he shows up and he's all like "That's Chief Gumshoe to you now pal!" And Nick is all freaked out and Edgeworth just grins and says something like "Indeed the good detective accepted the position on my suggestion and is a capable leader, even Franziska was quite shocked in fact"

    And now my other idea

    Have Sebastian come back and have Edgeworths old job as High Prosecutor but he's way more mature and has this great mentor relationship with Edgeworth

    Also bring back Detective Badd. He can easily come back because despite being the Yatagarasu the Statue of Limitations on thievery in AA is 7 years and the gap between Reminiscence and Ablaze is just that, so all he gets arrested for is shooting Lang (no damage done really) and breaking into Edgeworths office and he could realistically get a light sentence for all that

    submitted by /u/Renso19
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    Okay hear me out: Trucy might make sense to be the next main series protagonist

    Posted: 05 May 2021 06:35 AM PDT

    Okay so I'm not sure how people will feel about this idea, but it really does make sense to me.

    So the main reason they might do this is because they have kept putting Phoenix Wright's name on the box for name recognition's sake. Let's be honest, dual destinies is an Apollo/Athena game and spirit of justice is an Apollo game. Despite this, they both had Phoenix's name on the cover. Having "Trucy Wright" on the cover would probably still have this name recognition. I have more evidence than just that, though.

    First, assuming there is another time skip, trucy will have been with Phoenix for over half of her life. Sure, he might not have been a lawyer for some of that time, but it still would have had some kind of influence on her. In fact, her half brother Apollo become a lawyer from the same kind of fatherly influence- Dhurke.

    The story could be about how trucy retired from magic to pursue a law degree, but now has to make a name for herself outside of her father's shadow.

    This would be a fresh start for the series. Apollo's story is done in my opinion, and there are many people who dislike Athena, so making a game starring her might not be a great idea. Making trucy the protagonist would be the best of both worlds, giving us the "Wright" name but also giving us a new protagonist that can tell new stories.

    The only downside I see is that this is pretty similar to what they did with the Layton games, but I feel like more people would have liked LMJ if it was structured more like a regular Layton game.

    Edit: forgot to mention, they could very easily bring back psyche locks a d perceive this way

    TL;DR: Making trucy the protagonist would keep name recognition, and there is precedent for it to happen too, when looking at Apollo.

    submitted by /u/BrickmasterBen
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