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    Saturday, November 21, 2020

    Ace Attorney The DGS Twitter leaks have now been removed due to copyright claims

    Ace Attorney The DGS Twitter leaks have now been removed due to copyright claims

    The DGS Twitter leaks have now been removed due to copyright claims

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 06:43 PM PST

    This dude on Couples Court looks just like Larry Butz.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 08:39 AM PST

    Courtesy of u/IrisApologist, I give you: more character development: Iris Hawthorne: Ace Attorney

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 08:03 PM PST

    Been a while since I last posted here. Have one (emo? Just dark tbh) Ema Skye.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 05:37 AM PST

    i drew dahlia

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 11:58 PM PST

    I added more characters in the universe where Edgeworth became a Defence Attorney and Phoenix became a Prosecutor, if people like this idea i might just make a short turnabout. Character's info in the comments.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 02:07 PM PST

    My sister reguesses every character in the first ace attorney game

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 02:56 PM PST

    The Great Detective of the Foggy Town: Herlock Sholmes!

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 07:09 AM PST

    God,this franchise is sucking on idea of "masterminds" since AA:I 1,doesn't it?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 11:41 PM PST

    Edge worth’s parents are both lawyers (credit in the comments

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 07:35 AM PST

    The brilliance of Edgeworth's character

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 07:22 PM PST

    I was recently rewatching some original trilogy let's plays(from the kubscutz you guys need to check him out if you haven't already he's hysterical) and I got a renewed appreciation of the way they structured Edgeworth's character in the first game.

    I realized that each side of his reflects one part of his trauma. Now let's think back to what we know. Edgeworth thinks that he may have killed his father. His guilt is what defines him in this game

    He also knows that Yoggi was accused and that Robert Hammond managed to convince the court that he did it but wasn't legally sane when he did getting him a not guilty.

    From then on, he has two paths to choose. He either believes that Yoggi killed him or accepts that he did. Of course, he can't fully do the latter so he does the former. He convinces himself that Yoggi killed his father. That the police did nothing wrong in their investigation and he just avoided punishment due to his lawyer's tricks.

    So now Edgeworth, adopts a new set of beliefs. The police always caches the right guy and defense attorneys are scum that do tricks to alter the facts and avert attention from the truth. He has to believe that or else he might be forced to admit that he likely killed his father. If the police were wrong in another case they may have been wrong in his

    So he goes on to be a ruthless prosecutor vowing to make sure that every criminal like Yoggi will be found guilty. It doesn't weigh on his conciousness because he forces himself to believe that the police always catches the right guy. He just helps prevent the defence from playing tricks. So he uses any means necessary to do it and doesn't look back

    Then Phoenix wright comes along. A man he knows and he can't easily see as scum. And he fights with passion fully and selflessly trusting his clients. A man like his father. The first doubts start to form. The Redd White case tells him that the police can't always be impartial and people with power play with Justice. And then the big impact happens when he realizes Vasquez was framing Powers. He realizes that the police can be wrong. And he starts feeling guilty about the things he did and unsure of his innocence. That's why he lashes out to Phoenix. That's the "unecessary feelings" much to the narumitsu fans' despair.

    Then the case that unearths his past happens and it shatters his two other past preconceptions. He experiences first hand that prosecutors can be corrupt and self serving and that defence attorneys can truly be selfless and fighters of justice. He also learns the true circumstances of his father's murder and his guilt is replaced with a new kind of guilt. He realizes he betrayed everything his dad taught him for nothing.

    Rise from the ashes is the final straw. Damon Gant's views and words hit him harder because he sees a mirror of himself in Gant. They are not different. Jaded with an unfair justice system and crossing the line to serve justice how they see fit. He realizes that this monster is what he would have been had he not met Phoenix. And Gant makes sure to hammer that point multiple times. In the end he leaves it all behind to find himself

    A year later he returns a changed man, now determined to fight for the truth and catch criminals. Still though, his anger hasn't quenched. He is unfairly cruel to Andrian and flat out tells her that he doesn't care if he destroys her as long as he gets to the truth. He is obviously still trying to make amends for the guilty he let go and the innocents he put in jail

    That's why his arc closes in T&T. Where he is forced to get in Phoenix's shoes so he realizes for the first time, not only how Phoenix feels but how defendants feel helpless on the stand facing menacing prosecutors.

    After that he emerges as a fully developed prosecutor ready to honorable fight for the truth

    submitted by /u/TvManiac5
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    The smuggling ring. My least favorite criminal organization... (fanart)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 11:29 AM PST

    Why I love Nahyuta Sahdmadhi

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 02:17 AM PST

    The reason for this post is not to tell all of you you are wrong to dislike him, but given how few people even consider him a good character, I wanted to write down my thoughts on Nahyuta. I am open to debates, and if not that, I hope at least you guys find something new to appreciate about him.

    For me and pretty sure for the writers, Nahyuta is someone whose defining characteristic was his resignation to his fate. He felt he had no way out from where he was stuck, and that being hopeful for anything was only a path towards disappointment.

    He treated everyone with respect because just like most of us, he was always a decent person. But he lashed out at the defense attorneys because those people were reminders of "hope" to him. He got angry when he saw that people can still lead optimistic lives, because when he had tried to do so before, he was trapped in a life where all he was capable of was being a servant to others. Maybe he was so angry because he really did want Apollo and co to let it go and move on. He thought his pessimistic view of the world was the only right view, and wanted to show them the way.

    In case 5, some people say his transformation was too sudden, however I disagree. After serving the crown for so long, he really did start to believe that the royal guard were good people who were just extreme with their ways. He started to trust in Garan that she would keep Rayfa happy.

    When you find out the entire foundation of your trust, for which you accepted the awful fate life dealt to you, was a lie, would you slowly transition away to be "good" again or be filled with uncontrollable rage? He even straight up told the queen of his kingdom to stfu in Khura'inese.

    My perception of Nahyuta is that he was always a good person who wanted the best for others. When he got his life messed up, no one was there for him. As a result, he grew up not trusting anyone or anything, always expecting nothing from life, learning to let the river of fate guide him rather than take initiative and try to fix his life. There was still a bit of hope alive in him, but it was hidden away, like a black psychelock(not exactly but similar). When Apollo, Phoenix and Athena showed him that hope still has a place in this world, it was like trying to forcefully break his psychelock that is hiding the fact that he believes everything can be okay. That is why he got so defensive about his viewpoint, berating the attorneys for showing the "foolishness" of believing that things can go their way.

    When Dhurke and Apollo came to Khura'in, his hope must have already begun to start rising again, that everyone is back, everything will be okay. He even let Dhurke keep his badge. And when Apollo exposed Garan for being the tyrant she is, despite the odds being so stacked against him, Nahyuta finally woke up. He was even ready to lay down his life because he knew that in Khura'in, his death is not the end, it is merely a new beginning for the whole kingdom.

    Is Nahyuta the best prosecutor? No. He is one of my least favourites. But that is speaking less to the fact that his character is weak and more to the fact that the rest of the characters are so strong. So yes, Nahyuta is great and I would not change a thing about him

    submitted by /u/rbetterthanme
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    Custom cart off of Ebay! Works like a charm :)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 02:16 PM PST

    Where's the love for Ronnie?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 07:24 PM PST

    I mean, he has a pretty sweet wife.

    Also he is a "master" thief and I think he is a likeable and funny character. He also has some of the strangest and just most bullshitty Guilty evasion ever! Anyone have some love for Ronnie?

    submitted by /u/Mr_Tenda
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    Investigations 2 is getting robbed

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 10:52 PM PST

    With the DGS localization seeming more and more likely it makes me sad that AAI2 isn't getting a localization as well

    It's, in my opinion, the best game in the series and it stars one of the most popular characters in the series so i really don't get why it wasn't localized yet and i really wish that some day everyone will get to play it without needing a fan translation

    submitted by /u/mechspaghetty
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    Looks like another creation of Larry Butz

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 09:22 AM PST

    How should I play Investigations 1?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 07:06 PM PST

    Just finished the HD Remastered Trilogy a few days ago and want to get started on Investigations. I've heard good things about the mobile release, and about the DS original. I unfortunately don't have a DS, so should I play it through an emulator or on Android?

    (I will probably buy it for mobile even if I decide to emulate it, so don't worry about me supporting the series. I'm just looking for the best way to play it.)

    submitted by /u/SageMoon523
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    So i just finished Miles Edgeworth investigations 2 and...

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 03:48 PM PST

    HOLY SHIT, I definetly did not see that coming, I loved it

    submitted by /u/Masne98
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    Angel Starr should be reinstated

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 02:19 PM PST

    This has bothered me so much. Angel Starr was fired for no reason and doggedly pursued the investigation of the SL-9 incident even after this. She was a skilled interrogator. She said being a detective was her dream job. She should have been reinstated.

    submitted by /u/peduncles
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    Getting the Wright look

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:57 AM PST

    Just discovered that Ace Attorney Investigations has a cheat that bypasses the text scroll and shows the full dialogue box at once

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:38 AM PST

    As far as I'm aware it's only able to be accessed on flash carts and emulators and whatnot, but after I got used to this feature in the HD Trilogy it's really annoying to wait for the slow scroll, so being able to read the dialogue at my own pace makes the game SO much better

    submitted by /u/Chum724
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    After over a year of no fully new main-series content, Team Turnabout comes back with the first episode of its third case - "An Educated Turnabout - Part 1"

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 08:44 AM PST

    Recipe To Turnabout

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 06:45 PM PST

    This is part 3 of 6 of my short T&T review

    Eh. It was fine. I've got no words to say. It was fine. But Gumshoe and Maggey were really cute in this one! I guess Tigre was funny. Ehhhhh.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Tenda
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    Yup, another tier list here. Only the games that i have played so far

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 08:20 AM PST

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