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    Saturday, October 3, 2020

    Ace Attorney The people have spoken and I shall deliver. Punk (is that it?) Miles and Franziska!!

    Ace Attorney The people have spoken and I shall deliver. Punk (is that it?) Miles and Franziska!!

    The people have spoken and I shall deliver. Punk (is that it?) Miles and Franziska!!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    My Favorite Game

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    inktober post: apollo plays Among Us

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    So... I tried to turn Phoenix into Godot and now it looks pretty wacky

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    I decided to finish the Godot I posted here a few days ago. Hope you like the finished image :)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    My original trilogy character tier list!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:03 PM PDT

    Phoenix kinda spitting straight facts tho (objection.lol)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    Spooky Ace Attorney

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    Say something you dislike about your favorite character

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    This is a sequel to my last post.

    I'll start: Maya looks so weird here. Thank goodness they redrew that.

    All joking aside, I'm not really fond of the way Maya's character is handled in the anime. She feels way too cutesy and honestly a bit too silly. While it's true that the Maya in the games could be very playful, she could also have her more serious moments;>! for example, when she and Phoenix get tased by Von Karma in the Records Room and she openly expresses she hadn't woke up. The anime changes that to only Maya getting tased by some random security guard, which unfortunately removes the heartwarming ending where Phoenix is able to prove to her that she's not useless by presenting the "DL-6 bullet."!<The anime also completely removed the small arc in which she deals with her low self esteem revolving around her channeling abilities.

    I'll admit, the anime did accentuate her horror at the thought of killing someone in 2-2 with the addition of animation and that was really well done, but those moments were few and far between in the anime compared to the games. I understand they had to condense the cases through changing and removing certain things: but not all of those changes were necessarily for the better.

    That aside, I'm curious to see what you all have to say.

    submitted by /u/Hotel-Japanifornia
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    My Weird Pursuit Rankings

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    (No PLvPW)

    From least favorite to favorite

    1. Caught

    2. Questioned

    3. Wanting to Find the Truth

    4. Cornering Together

    5. Cornered

    6. Lying Coldly

    7. The Great Turnabout

    8. Keep Pressing On

    9. Overtaken (Gametal's cover included)

    submitted by /u/Gannonhunt62
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    Finishing The Epilogue and Giving Our Thoughts!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    Now this is funny

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Besides Franziska who would probably win easily with all the straight guys, who do you think is the most attractive prosecutor ? Objectively or not.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    How do you prefer to call characters?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    I prefer names.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/paulvanzieks
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    Let's Rewrite - Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice (Part 2) [General Spoilers]

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    Rite of Turnabout:

    Phoenix meets up with Maya again and they have a few lighthearted moments catching up. In the game proper, you get like five minutes with Maya before she's accused of murder, then she gets shafted even more because she spends most of the game either channeling someone else or being a hostage in offscreenland.

    Aang discovers that Beh'leeb and Tahrust are both rebels. He's been given orders to deal with not just the Inmees, but also Phoenix, who caused a huge unrest in the country due to his actions in the rewritten Foreign Turnabout.

    He plans on killing the Inmees and framing Phoenix for the crime to look like a falling out between rebel factions so he can quiet all three of them at once before Phoenix ends up causing any more chaos in the country.

    Aang breaks into Phoenix's lodging and plants evidence for the rest of his frameup later on. Then he goes planning to kill the Inmees. Same situation happens where Beh'leeb fights Aang off and accidentally kills him in self-defense. Because Aang's murder is going first, we'll adjust how things will play out with regards to the self-defense where the divination seance doesn't see who actually pushes him (she'll hide to evade him and push from behind into the sharp statue), which the police planted a different one to hide his involvement as lady Kee'ra.

    Tahrust catches wind and contacts D'atz and he asks him to prepare an explosive during the court so Beh'leeb can make her escape if things go to trial. They can't know how the divination séance will look, after all.

    Because of this scenario, Phoenix is suspected of murder and arrested but isn't allowed to investigate to attempt to prove his innocence when he plans to represent himself. The police chuckle saying "there isn't anyone around willing to represent you, so hope you can just wing it in court again."

    Phoenix plans on trying to stand in court to stand some chance, but knows he'll probably fail without sufficient evidence. That's when a surprise "lawyer" comes to his rescue.

    Day 1 of the case has you playing as Maya and defending Phoenix in court.

    This'll help give Maya some added agency. Since she'd be more aware of some the cultural details like the prayers in game, you'd have to be careful when writing the investigation segments.

    You might as well have fun with the fact that they're in a different country. We've had lawyers use forged evidence, multiple instances of someone just pretending to be a lawyer with no problem, one of which is generally regarded as one of the best cases in the series by the fandom, so I don't see why not.

    For an added touch, Maya has several of Mia's poses and animations when she's at the bench, so it's still Phoenix and Maya, just with a role reversal and Phoenix is still there helping her out but acting as the bench buddy. I'm gonna keep using "bench buddy" until it becomes the official term.

    Phoenix will ask where she got her defense attorney badge from, and Maya will point out that she always keeps Mia's badge with her because of how much she means to her.

    Maya manages to prove Phoenix innocent of the crime only for the second murder to come up. Phoenix isn't suspected since he has been in prison the entire time, but because Maya had the run of the area, she's suspected and the government tries to paint her as corrupt for trying to cover for Phoenix. You'd have to adjust the times around a bit to accommodate reversing the victims ofc. The Inmees are still under threat of their hideout being exposed and the fact that the police know both they're both rebels, meaning Tahrust can still have a viable motive even after the first guy's death comes up. Maya won't prove who the killer is but proves that at the very least the crime scene was elsewhere and Phoenix couldn't have done it.

    In this scenario, Tahrust does not frame Maya with his suicide. Rather, the secret police came in and tampered with evidence surrounding Tahrust's death to out the fact that he's a rebel and to set Maya/Phoenix up and plan on painting Maya and Phoenix as rebel sympathizers, making for actual stakes beyond just a shocked crowd when the Inmees are outed. Tahrust suspects that they will try to tamper with the crime scene, which is why he kills himself in such a way that uses the divination séance to not only protect his wife of suspicion, but to also expose the frameup done by the secret police.

    It's not like they can see the divination séance early to know how it'll look which is why they don't investigate Lady Kee'ra's murders. If they do, they'd need a prosecutor who oversees it to just cover it up. Tahrust kills himself before the police get a chance to kill him and exposes their corruption by way of the divination séance. Doing so will also contextualize Aang's death and protect his wife as well as Phoenix and Maya, but they'll go through the case thinking one or both Inmees is responsible for everything. Not wanting his family to live under the constant threat of violence from the police is a reasonable motive.

    He still needs the help of Phoenix and Maya to expose them, so any suspicion of Maya is a result of the police using his death to their advantage. They can only tamper with the evidence after the fact but not the divination séance. They can't keep the death as someone like Abbott Inmee under wraps.

    Finally, he prepares a secret note for Maya since she was staying with the family and during the investigation, Phoenix manages to locate it. The letter only makes sense to Maya as it's based on a conversation they had while she was staying with the Inmees, and Tahrust asks for her help by channeling him so he can complete the rest of his plan to try and help them. Obviously in this version, Maya does share her channeling abilities, but only with the Inmees.

    Phoenix takes over as the lawyer for day 2 it becomes a battle of Phoenix and Maya against Tahrust and Beh'leeb, though obviously once the truth of the case comes forward they all have a bit of a change of heart and they see what Tahrust was planning on doing.

    During the case, Sahdmadhi's mask of "ruthless asshole" drops for a moment when he sees that Tahrust wasn't even willing to let death stand in his way, which is more or less what Sahdmadhi is doing in this rewrite as well. He recomposes himself and gets back into ruthless mode as the case finishes up.

    Tahrtust in the case proper literally makes a big laugh mid-trial when it's found out there's still evidence against Maya while the game really tries to give us a sad moment with him and his wife. The story beats are there but get undermined by the other elements in the game. His apology feels more like a call for the player to just forget the last hour of the game because they really want to hang on that very sad scene, and it is sad, don't get me wrong, but only if you choose to just ignore like half this case's context.

    The way the killer acts during the trial and what they push to do helps in how the player views them. Tahrust may have a legitimate reason in wanting to protect his wife, but adding the threat of the police hunting them down eliminates alternatives to his suicide and also makes him more sympathetic if he's not the one who resulted in Maya's suspicion.

    In the regular iteration of the case, they just kind of downplay the fact that he indirectly tried to murder Maya by way of the DC act with a "sorry" at the end. The fact that Beh'leeb is pregnant also adds in a different layer because the game points out that he could have just asked Phoenix or ran off, but now he's left his wife a single mother/revolutionary worker and that's more than a little busy to do on your own.

    The case this time will instead focus on the dilemma that Beh'leeb is facing rather than trying to make just Tahrust the center of focus. She's in a very difficult situation because of her husband's actions. Should she choose to stay silent, then she is complicit in an innocent person's sentencing and has blood on her hands by knowingly stay silent while they take the fall. Should she speak up, then she jeopardizes her own life, her child's her role in the revolution and her husband's sacrifice would be for nothing. The game never really focuses on the position Tahrust put his wife in without as much as filling her in on anything. They justify it with "she would surely come to my aid" but he's still throwing a lot on her.

    The defense is having a hard time establishing exactly why Abbott Inmee would commit suicide which is when Beh'leeb steps in to contextualize his actions. She catches on to what he's planning on doing when Phoenix and Maya expose the police corruption with the divination séance. Hell, maybe he makes some detail in his séance that only makes sense to his wife so she'll know to do something during the trial to plan in her escape. Since they're rebels, I think it'd be reasonable to think they'd have a plan in case they ever got found out and Tahrust gives her some kind of cue to do something during the trial that'll later aid in her escape.

    In this scenario, the Inmees are being closely watched by the secret police and they don't have the undiscovered hideout to rely on since they'd lead the police right to it and jeopardize the rebel movement. The case shows that a well-respected and innocent family was being attacked by the government which in turn shows a bit of the propaganda as unfounded if even these kind, respected people were hurt so badly. It also helps make Tahrust a lot more sympathetic if rather than having the goal of letting Maya die in place of his wife, he uses the divination séance to expose the corruption of the police.

    In trying to silence the rebels and Phoenix, they end up having it backfire horribly and killing him at this point would only cause even more unrest.

    To be clear, there is actual propaganda and secret police in the game proper and all the general story beats are kind of there, but more focus is placed on centralizing everything to the DC act rather than letting the political corruption be just that on its own without an obviously easy centralized thing to tie into an all-encompassing evil.

    Have a moment at the end of the trial where Beh'leeb has the magatama of parting and when asked if it's allowable, Sahdmadhi refuses to touch it when someone tries to hand it to him. This is meant to later foreshadow the fact that he's been dead since the start of the game since he can't get close to one and blow his cover. Phoenix thought for sure he'd say no, but he allows it to keep his plan going.

    Both the Inmees apologize and Beh'leeb makes sure Phoenix and Maya are kept safe as well while she makes her escape.

    Turnabout Storyteller:

    Since this is a self-contained breather, we'll keep things largely the same. Any bigger case idea I'd propose would be better served in a larger case and not sandwiched in an entirely different plot. Sahdmadhi of course won't be a giant dickbag in this case and instead will be polite again to illustrate to the player that his ruthlessness isn't so much about who he's facing off against, but more that he was acting that way only in Khura'in. They should play with the fact that he's a foreigner here the way they do with Phoenix in Khura'in.

    The case will begin with Athena getting off the phone with Phoenix, who just pointed out "yeah, Maya and I kind of got accused for murder, what a day. This way Athena will be caught off guard by the ruthless prosecutor Phoenix talked about since he's been nothing but respectful.

    Athena will seem shocked and ask "hey, weren't you in Khura'in" just a while ago?

    "Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth asked me to come back for this case."

    Athena will drop the subject, though she's still a bit confused. The case largely plays out as normal from there. Blackquill takes the stand and asks the same question about if Sahdmadhi has the cultural knowledge to handle this case, and Sahdmadhi will offer to act based on his research. Athena's even more confused by how the hell he managed to do all that research, investigate, and even just travel to make it to such a small trial in time. This of course will be additional foreshadowing that Sahdmadhi has been dead the whole time and is being channeled back and forth between Japan and Khura'in.

    During the trial itself, I feel this is the best place to highlight how frustrating it is they didn't have more fun with Sahdmadhi, because you can get so many "foreigner messes up social graces" bits of comedy out of him, especially with actual performers in a very specific cultural setting. If you want to go all out with the "researches everything" bits you could have some bits to show Sahdmadhi went out of his way to look up the basics of analytical psychology to prepare for the possibility of Athena using her mood Matrix mid-trial and even explicitly asks that she do it to end up helping his own case or something.

    I'd also just build the case around something other than dying messages because other than 5-1, everyone treating it like this is fine is silly.

    At the end of the case, Athena goes and tries to speak to Sahdmadhi and tries to invite him to the Wright Anything agency for spending some time there, hoping to get him to see Apollo since she knows they know each other.

    Sahdmadhi politely declines (you can even get some good comedy out of him genuinely trying to decline but messing up some cultural thing he doesn't properly understand and make him look like a goofball) and says he has to conduct some extra work on the side to hint at his continued search of the orb. Blackquill trolled the judge by claiming his witness was a ghost for no reason other than to joke around in 5-4. I miss moments like that.

    I'd just make Bucky like…memorable. Uendo is pretty much carrying this trial but making Bucky a drunk and largely apart from the mystery in a trial only portion makes it pretty tough to care about him. Also make the judge like…not fixated on Geiru's "balloons" maybe? Keep the "I'ma cut ya witch" line, as that is golden.

    submitted by /u/BSWolf777
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    Turnabout Consoles - PS5 vs Xbox Series X/S - Part 2/2

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    hey guys, I'm a rookie at making content but I've made a video about Among Us together with elements of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Hope you all enjoy it and feel free to tell me what I can work on because its also for a project of mine, Thank you all.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    Phoenix Wright: POPCORN ATTORNEY [Dubbed]

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:25 PM PDT

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