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    Ace Attorney Weirdly specific writing prompts I thought suited AA Characters

    Ace Attorney Weirdly specific writing prompts I thought suited AA Characters

    Weirdly specific writing prompts I thought suited AA Characters

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    Franziska von Karma fanart!!

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 04:30 PM PDT


    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:05 AM PDT

    To Celebrate Steve's Acceptance into Smash Bros. I Decided to Remake a Popular Video.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    This is what we’re robbed of today :( Taken straight from the anime

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 07:41 PM PDT

    I made a ace attorney debate with objection.lol based on my homework down below xD If I translate the korean for u it says: Put the paragraphs in the right order. https://youtu.be/TohJw2voxf0Oh

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    Got a kick out of this. Crossposted from r/Teenagers from u/TheEndlessSea ‘s post.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    Ace Attorney Investigations Stage Play - Turnabout Teleportation (ENG SUB)

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    I finished the trilogy :D

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    Damn, I the last time I played so much of a single series was a while ago.

    I enjoted these games a great deal.

    Anyway, here's my character tier list. Each tier isn't ordered, btw.

    Anyway, Phoenix is much more of a goofball than I imagined he would be before I played the games. Maya is great and Pearl is adorable. What a crew.

    And here's my case tier list. These are ordered, based on how much I like each case. And here are my thoughts on each case:

    1: The game was cool. The standout was for sure the relationship between Phoenix and Edgeworth.

    1-1: Standard tutorial case. Nothing exceptional, but nothing wrong with it either.

    1-2: Man... While I was playing it I was what sort of supervillain could possibly outdo Redd White as the villain. It was super tense, a huge step up from the first trial, when it comes to tension. The ending was super abrupt and random, though. And then Redd White doesn't do anything :(

    1-3: So, this game's logic is sometimes very stupid. Phoenix proved Powers was innocent like halfway through the second day and then he still had to find the real killer? Nonsense. And the murder was actually self defense. Kinda lame.

    1-4: Miles Edgeworth. Manfred von Karma. What absolute fucking legends. Von Karma is fucking Satan with his demonic objections. A true god of persecution the likes of which I don't think will ever be matched. I think this is the best case, honestly. Tied up the stiory of the game, made Edgeworth grow as a character, resolved a case 15 years in the making.

    1-5: Too long! Anyway, it has it's really good moment. I loved Edgeworth and Phoenix working together to bring down Gant. That was fucking beautiful. Ema was weird though. Honestly, she just seemed like a worse Maya at the time.

    2: I think this is my least favorite of the three. Has the least connection between its cases and the final case seemed to be less... meaningful than the other two games.

    2-1: Again, nothing exceptional, something kind of wrong with it. Amnesia is stupid.

    2-2: I personally prefer my trials to not involve spirit magic schenanigans. Kind of convoluted. Introduction of Franziska, too. The worst main prosecutor, tbh.

    2-3: I enjoyed this and I hated Regina less than most people seem to. I did love Edgeworth owning the inferior von Karma in the end.

    2-4: It's at this point I have to mention my immense hate for Oldbag. She ruins everything she touches. The twists and other stuff, like Phoenix and Edgeworth working together mostly compensated for it. The ending was a bit questionable though.

    3: Definitely the best of the three, without a doubt. The overarching plot was the strongest so far and the sound track was also the best.

    3-1: Best first case, of course. Dahlia fucking Hawthorn is actually Satan jr. But I didn't understant the true magnitutde of her devillishness then.

    3-2: I really enjoyed that the case didn't start off as a murder. Was really unique. Also like Atmey and am honestly kind of sad that he was the murderer and won't return (probably)

    3-3: Again, very solid case. Loved it a lot. Cried in the end. Gumshoe mvp.

    3-4: Terry, no ;-; Fuck Dahlia. No this is a fucking supervillain. Not as great as the man himself, but there's no shame in that.

    3-5: Again, don't like magical spirit stuff, BUT... I did enjoy the writing in this. The banter between the characters was pretty sweet. The second day of investigation felt like it was the avengers, with all the big boys coming together to find the truth. Conclusion was pretty good, too. Still not as great as 1-4, I think.

    Anyway, closing thoughts... damn this world hands out death senteces like candy. Who the fuck gets hanged in the 21st century?

    submitted by /u/mking1999
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    Jumping on the tier list trend with my very own bad opinions.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    Now that Steve is in SSBU...

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    Phoenix I think has more of a chance considering that MC Steve was a super long shot. Thought he'd never come, so who's to say Phoenix is a long shot anymore? Personally I'm gonna hold onto hope for him.

    submitted by /u/MrMossO213
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    How much of AA's criminal justice satire gets lost in localization?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:56 PM PDT


    This question spun off of a previous post, but I didn't want to hijack the OP's original comments and questions. I know the Ace Attorney series is supposed to satirize the Japanese criminal justice system, obviously to extreme and absurd ends. However, I only have a basic grasp of the country's courts. What are some aspects of the satire that a Japanese player would immediately understand, and what gets lost in localizing to other countries?

    For example, I'm not sure how fully accurate this is, but I read a while ago that the sudden disappearance of the jurist system in the game wouldn't have been seen as so abrupt by Japanese players vs. players in the U.S. and other countries with established jury systems. Apparently it was inspired by real-life events.

    What other criminal justice commentary or satirization might we be missing out on if we aren't living in Japan or otherwise acquainted with its court system? Super curious to know if there are any English-translated resources out there I can read/watch/listen to on the subject, or if anyone here has any insight to share.


    submitted by /u/Death_Harpy
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    How is Godot pronounced? I always read it as 'Go dot'. Or is it 'God ot' or something else?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 10:43 PM PDT

    Sooo my game got softblocked, and now i 've spent 20 days trying to figure it out before giving up, any ideas?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    Klavier Gavin Fan Story?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    Ok im not too sure if this is where it belongs, but I had an idea of a Klavier Gavin story where he's like the protagonist and the story revolves around him and his band mates (takes place before timeskip), and I was wondering if anyone would like to help out? I'm not the greatest writer so I think I'd probably need like a couple members to help out with the story. Dm me if youre interested :)

    submitted by /u/Buggbot3000
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    Made the ace attorney prosecutors as cheems!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 12:39 AM PDT

    Question about case 5 of the first game.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 12:32 AM PDT

    I didn't look this up cause i don't wanna cheat.

    On day 3 of the trial, i'm looking at the security camera from the evidence room, trying to point out why the attacker might not be bruce goodman.

    I noticed that there is some cloth sticking out in one of the lockers.

    That piece of cloth only appears at the end.

    Therefore, that other locker was also opened and it shows that the attacker could open multiple lockers.

    I clicked both on the locker and on the cloth, but i keep failing.

    Am i not clicking correctly or am i supposed to look somewhere else?

    submitted by /u/jamilslibi
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    Let's Rewrite - Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice (Part 1) [General Spoilers]

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    Turnabout Succession is proving to be a very difficult rewrite, so until I get that figured out, enjoy some SoJ.

    Foreign Turnabout:

    SoJ faces quite a few fundamental design issues that I feel undermine a lot of the same themes put in-game, chief of which is the DC act. We're gonna ditch it entirely and instead just portray Khura'in as a corrupt government with a leader only concerned with opulence but still ultimately someone who manages to maintain her popularity because she has an easy scapegoat in the rebels to turn any complaints onto.

    You don't need to introduce immediate death as a stake to somehow make things more dramatic for Phoenix. The game does so several shades of this throughout as we have things like secret police, blatant propaganda toward their critics, etc. SoJ still runs into a similar issue we discussed in DD where it tries oversimplifying a more nuanced topic by centralizing everything into a single easily identifiable thing or person to conveniently be the killer of the last case.

    The game does deliberately try to condition you into thinking the rebels are evil assholes the moment you start the first case, so it's not as if these elements are nonexistent, but I feel the issue comes back to the DC act being used as a quick way to falsify extra tension by tying immediate death. Plenty of older cases such as the Inherited Turnabout (which incidentally is where one of SoJ's main cases gets most of its structure from) manages to execute a lot of the same ideas that come up with far lower stakes and doesn't shoot itself in the foot as a result.

    Getting rid of the DC act also makes Apollo's backstory a little more believable. He won't have any connection to royalty in this version either, and there are no lawyers (specifically) being killed en masse, so there's not as much contrivance in him not sharing his Khura'in roots to Phoenix. He just happens to be from a different country and has an adoptive brother who lives there, but that's the extent of it.

    Additionally, we'll address most of the rebels not actually getting to do anything for their own country's cause and establish that even within the rebels there's a major split in how they want to go about achieving their revolution. Some of the rebels think it best to simply kill Ga'ran and get her out the way. Others believe that killing her will do more harm than good because it'll make her a martyr, spirit channeling exists so she could still potentially come back at some point, murder won't change public opinion about her, killing even a bad leader will result in civil and economic unrest, and they need a way to give a ruler with new power in the queen's seat and then dismantle the laws affecting their people that are making their living conditions work.

    The ones who want Ga'ran killed respond believing that lives are still at stake in the moment and every second passing is more lives lost due to her corruption. Even if it causes more problems it's better to have those than having her specifically in power and the country will face unrest either way and killing her to force in a new ruler will allow them to dismantle her rules.

    If you're gonna write a corrupt political head, just go all in with it—the DC act doesn't give much nuance to the stories and ends up conflicting with a lot of the execution of 6-3, despite it being the central motive behind Tahrust's suicide.

    Having multiple beliefs within the rebels will help create more of a conflict later in the game as we'll see in the redone version of the civil trial.

    Just state that Ga'ran isn't above using special police to eliminate anyone who crosses her, she makes a bunch of laws that are super corrupt and only benefit her and her family to the country's detriment, but when she's called out on it, she basically uses the rebels as a scapegoat to try and suggest that it's necessary to secure this funding to push back against terrorists. The game already has elements like this, but trying to centralize it to defense attorneys specifically is absolutely silly.

    Rather than Dhurke being the overall leader, Nahyuta leads the faction of rebels who believe the orb is the solution but is still acting as Ga'ran's right hand man as a cover. His entire reason for going to Japanifornia is to use his prosecution of foreign cases as a cover for hunting down the orb. More on that in the next case when he's actually introduced though.

    That also puts a harder check on the rebels because just carelessly attacking Ga'ran will only further feed into her terrorist narrative, which is why they're looking for someone to replace her as the leader and Sahdmadhi has the plan to take her down not by murder but through exposing her on a crime to get her removed from office forcibly, then having the replacement do away with the corrupt laws. He still needs the orb for whoever is the replacement to come in. He'll still need to play it off like he's accusing someone else, but this helps illustrate that he's actually not yielding and that he's been working toward fighting Ga'ran throughout the entire game. Since his character already borrows so much from Justine Courtney, this is what she does to Blaise Debeste anyway with her dramatic indictment.

    The prosecutor of this case is Ahnd'less Payne, Winston's brother from Khura'in we've never been told about who is of noble blood and is chief prosecutor of Khura'in.

    The first trial here will focus around Phoenix learning about the orb, the state of Khura'in and the rampant corruption and rather than "lawyers get killed by this stupid ass law" it's instead that nobody is willing to defend a rebel sympthatizer for fear of propagandists branding them as terrorists too because of Ga'ran's corruption. You don't need the DC act to establish this key point. Ahnd'less will try to exploit the fact that Albhi is a child and point out how "the terrorists are now poisoning our youth, which is why we need to stop this nonsense right away" rather than "lawyers are evil."

    Albhi was being used as a lookout by the rebels to try and scout out the orb, only to discover that it had been stolen. Phoenix gets branded and lumped in with the rebels as a result even though he didn't have any actual connection to them, but it plays well into the propaganda.

    He ends up winning the case but like in the game proper it leads to a great deal of civil unrest within Khura'in. This will cause case 3 to play out a bit differently.

    Magical Turnabout

    This case is already fantastic and doesn't need much changing, so I'll focus more on what we'll be doing with Sahdmadhi throughout the game. Even people who love SoJ will often say Sadmonk is one of the worst parts of it. Honestly, I want to cut the magical turnabout out and replace it with a different case—not because it's bad, but because it's so good it could easily stand as a final case in a story of its own. But for our devices, I'll keep it the same here.

    Because I want this silly joke to happen, we'll have Blackquill as a brief witness in this case if only to have him corroborate Retinz's perfect alibi. I know it'd make more sense to have him show up first in case 4, but I just want a self-indulgent joke scene where Blackquill does his "cutting" animation and then panning over to Retinz doing his "head falling off" trick to do a silly fakeout. Everyone freaks out.

    We'll be adjusting quite a bit with Sahdmadhi's characterization. For one, he won't be a massive asshole in this case. Rather he'll be cheery and you can get plenty of comedy out of him learning cultural norms in a different country and being a dork about it. While he's still just doing his job by trying to prove Trucy's guilt, he still is very respectful to her and everyone in court while doing so. Maybe Athena makes an outburst or mistake and he's completely understanding about it. He's nice to everyone but Apollo, who he treats with complete Aloofness. Even on the stand he calls out Betty for bringing in her personal feelings to the case and insists that she not mistreat Trucy despite still prosecuting her.

    When Ema has to testify against Trucy, Sahdmadhi will express his sympathy and ask her to continue but understands that he's putting her in a very difficult position and commends her for being able to do it.

    This'll make for a contrast when he's over in Khura'in, where we double down on all of his shitty behavior and make him the single most ruthless asshole imaginable doing anything it takes and playing as dirty as he needs to in order to secure a guilty verdict, then he'll go back to being nice in case 4 when he's back in Japanifornia.

    Sahdmadhi's arc will be adjusted in that he's working from the inside as soon as he's in Japan to try and fight back against Ga'ran. In reality, he died before even first arriving in Japanifornia and he's being channeled back and forth by two mediums—one in Khura'in and one in Japanifornia. This allows him to sneak about undetected and he's searching for the Orb under the pretense of obtaining it for Queen Ga'ran, who treats him as her right-hand man. Since he's basically acting as a mole, his role as her field agent lets him get crucial information to use for the revolution he's planning.

    Dhurke and Sahdmadhi share two separate issues where Dhurke is vaguely hinted out throughout the game and then thrown into the role of central relationship with Apollo in the final case when we could have had more time with them earlier. As a result, a lot of the really powerful moments with Dhurke while nice also have the effect of being kind of rushed because he's basically forced to cram everything in a single segment. Because Dhurke is central to the mystery itself, his character is also affected by a lot of his actions (or more specifically things he chooses not to talk about...)

    Sahdmadhi has the opposite problem where he has lots of screentime, but little to do. His inside man status isn't revealed until the end of the last case, so he gets pretty much nothing to work with beyond being an asshole despite being around for four whole cases.

    Ga'ran lied to him about what the orb does so she can cover up why she needs it, but Sahdmadhi manages to figure out a use for it that the dragons can make use of. Sahdmadhi plans on aiding the rebels and using the orb against her but is still playing it like he's serving her and is a mole. She doesn't even know that he's dead, so he uses being a prosecutor as a cover and uses the properties of spirit channeling to not only keep the rebel forces going but also to bypass a lot of the security restrictions he would face being a mole and a foreigner. He would naturally keep this a secret so that the group doesn't fall apart. At the same time, the rebels start to think he genuinely supports Ga'ran and is gradaully getting more suspicious of his allegiance as the game progresses. This'd also be part of why Sahdmadhi gets to be such a good in Japan because he just finally gets a goddamn break.

    Making Sahdmadhi a dead prosecutor and merging his characterization with Dhurke's will also make for excellent foreshadowing when he's traveling back and forth between countries seemingly instantly. The fandom already jokes about his back and forth travel anyway, so have it instead act as a plotpoint to hint at the big twist that he's been dead all along. It'll also create some more scenarios we'll bring up discussing later cases, particularly the rewritten turnabout revolution.

    You can still end with Apollo trying to reconnect with Sahdmadhi, who refuses him initially. The narrative will instead change to have Sahdmadhi distant but toward Apollo because he's trying to search for the orb and doesn't want to involve Apollo in such a dangerous plan, but this only pushes Apollo to try and get closer. Additionally, he feels things are extremely awkward between them and doesn't fully know how to approach them. We'll basically be merging a fair amount of Dhurke's character arc into Sahdmadhi. A dead prosecutor being channeled between two countries is a way cooler gimmick than the last rites prosecutor who can apparently predict how things are going to play out. it also solves two issues of two of the central characters in the game at once.

    Have Ema point out that Sahdmadhi is very respectful and polite to her, but rarely socializes with her outside of the case work and lunch breaks where he loves burgers almost as much as Maya. Imagine all the material you could get out of maybe Ema dumping her Snackoos off on him because she's trying to quit them and now Sahdmadhi is hooked on them. Maybe he gives her some weird snack as an alternative. He can be a total dork experiencing different cultural things for his comedy bits. Have him fascinated by Athena's idea of the mood matrix system or he compliments her jacket. Basically make him as kindhearted and polite as possible so it's all the more dissonant when he's a merciless asshole in Khura'in.

    Oh, right! This was about the Magical Turnabout. I'd either have Betty testify a little differently or end the case where she and Bonny go their separate ways. The case shouldn't ignore the fact that Betty consciously tried to get Trucy convicted as a murderer.

    Roger goes on to steal the show and make the best case again.

    Hoo boy I can't wait to talk about the next case. Maya, you will have your justice at last.

    submitted by /u/BSWolf777
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    Sister Iris Cosplay Improvement!

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    SPOILERS: Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    I've been stuck on the vase for Episode 5 and trying to match it up to the Blue Badger for over two hours. Am I just stupid or did others struggle with this? Lol.

    submitted by /u/Victoria4242
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    I love what AJAA did with Phoenix.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:07 AM PDT

    I'll be honest, I do.

    Phoenix took down Manfred Von Karma, Damon Gant, took on several trials of great importance (e.g. Turnabout Goodbyes, Reunion and Turnabout, Bridge to the Turnabout) and it'd be understandable imo that some people still had lingering respect for him. Yeah the whole making a new trial system, bit weird, not explained but eh

    Now, people complain that he's in the background and doesn't do much and is cold and calculating.... these same people then complain he's in DD and SOJ too much.... which really confuses me.

    I like the idea that Phoenix is angry, pessimistic, and cold towards the legal system. He also planned so many of the events to get Kristoph Gavin arrested for murder (rightly so may I add). I feel like this is actually somewhat in line with his character. Consider Farewell My Turnabout for example: Phoenix knew what was on the line but in order to ensure justice he showed Shelley De Killer Engarde's tape so that De Killer would break the contract.

    As well as this the idea that he's angry and pessimistic is actually a really good choice in terms of differences between AJAA and the original trilogy. He is no longer the bluffing lawyer whos goofy with his teenage sidekick ghost-channeling girl. As he said,

    Tell me... how does it feel? How does it feel to stand here before Phoenix Wright, the Forgin' Attorney himself?

    he's angry at himself. he's angry at Kristoph. i feel like this was actually really cool and it made for a great character arc that then got completely fucked up off screen in DD and SOJ

    submitted by /u/LMWJ6776
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