• Breaking News

    Monday, October 12, 2020

    Ace Attorney [My Art, WIP] I hope it's okay if I share a sneak peek of my next AA fanart here (I can remove if needed)! You guys are so encouraging, it's really putting wind back into my art sails! Thank you all <3

    Ace Attorney [My Art, WIP] I hope it's okay if I share a sneak peek of my next AA fanart here (I can remove if needed)! You guys are so encouraging, it's really putting wind back into my art sails! Thank you all <3

    [My Art, WIP] I hope it's okay if I share a sneak peek of my next AA fanart here (I can remove if needed)! You guys are so encouraging, it's really putting wind back into my art sails! Thank you all <3

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    Tap Dancing

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    Happy 19th Anniversary, Phoenix Wright! I've made a Pursuit Trilogy Remix! The end sounds kinda meh, but I still put a lot of effort into this. I Hope you like it!

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    I just finished AJ and I’m noticing an ongoing thing with the series

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    Lots of spoilers, don't read ahead if you haven't finished the games I said in the first paragraph

    The final villain's plan. The only games I've played so far have been AA1-3, AJ, and AAI2 (weird order I know don't mention it) and there's something I've noticed about the final villains plan. When I started out playing ace attorney, I though a big part of the game would be tracking down big multi-layered conspiracies that have deep roots, where one person dying seems like everyday business but the power of Wrights deductions uproot the whole plot and take down the conspiracy

    Instead, every single final villian plot is a split second in the moment act of revenge that had far too drastic consequences, which left scars on the killer as well as their associates. Instead of uprooting a conspiracy, you're uprooting a concealed true nature of the crime hidden by the arch-criminal in their desperate attempts to live without fear of their actions behind their backs

    It was novel with von Karma. It was great with Engarde. It worked extremely well wit Godot. It worked well, in a different way, but still worked really well with Keyes. But by the time I got to Gavin it's starting to get old

    I just played through the whole mason system investigation thing. I knew around halfway through that Gavin was behind all this, but what I was interested in was his motive. Is he doing this to protect his brother? Is he benifiting off of the false evidence somehow?

    No, it's just another case of "my pride was angered by this other guy, so I'm taking it out on him, and now that hangs over my head so I killed someone to get rid of it but it backfired"

    Can we get an AA villian with a motive other then revenge? Maybe that's why I liked 1-2 so much, because they're like the only cases in the trilogy where the victim isn't killed in a fit of rage, but an actual plan

    TLDR: If every final AA villian is "My pride is angered, so I did something bad, but it only made things worse" it's starting to get boring. I just want an aa villain who has some kind of grand scheme, some kind of goal they're aiming for besides revenge

    submitted by /u/DrFishPhd
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    Did you know that n this Day October 12, 2005, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney was released for the Nintendo DS in North America. However, exactly 4 years prior to the day this game released on this Nintendo Game Boy Advance on October 12, 2001 in Japan.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    Happens to the best of us. (Spoiler for edgeworth investigations 1 case 5)

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 07:28 PM PDT

    Happy 19th anniversary for AA franchise!

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 01:52 AM PDT

    My most favourite case in the whole series.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    It's definitely Turnabout Goodbyes (which actually makes AA 1 my favourite game in the series). I've played the whole Trilogy,and about to beat AA:I series — and there were no cases AS GOOD,or BETTER,than Turnabout Goodbyes. Yeah,it has it's flaws. Mainly,Yanni Yogi's fast surrender. Like,c'mon,he didn't even have a proper battle. Polly's cross-examination is neat,but not very special. Ok,here's to the good side. Turnabout Goodbyes is the case,that actually introduces three things in the series. First — there can be two murderers,and actually two case's solving. Second – it's the first case,where Larry saves the day. Not only that,but he actually turns the whole case around by his testimony. The third one I will tell later. And I also love,how emotional this case too. Class Trial's reminiscence,Miles's development as the prosecutor and as the character,and a ton of interesting plot-twists. 

    But the true magnum opus of this case is definitely....Manfred von Karma. He's the only prosecutor in the series,who actually terrifies and frightens me. It's the only prosecutor I had this feeling with. I like his arrogant personality (and no,his arrogance is actually good for his character,unlike his daughter) and his king-like ego. And his involvement in DL-6 was actually surprising. And it's the first case to introduce "killer has a wound" dilemma.

    Well,Rise From the Ashes;Farewell,My Turnabout and Bridge to The Turnabout fans,but I'll take Turnabout Goodbyes.

    submitted by /u/paulvanzieks
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    Just wanted to post this

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    Part 2, but this time they've managed to pull Edgeworth into the photo, and yes, I used the Kay photo from AAI2 as a reference.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    Something I made at school, it's still a WIP :D (It's Ace Attorney X Among us)

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    [OC] Man this is the only good drawing I made this october

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    Let's Rewrite - Ace Attorney Investigations (Part 3) [General Spoilers]

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    Turnabout Reminiscence:

    This case will stay largely the same with regards to the mystery, culprit, etc. It still has the same issue of not giving the killer as good a confrontation as they could have because you piece together so much of the mystery before confronting them. It's a shame because there are some genuinely clever ways the culprit misdirects everyone in this case.

    Just give some weak piece of evidence that points to Calisto and then since this is corrupt Edgeworth, he plans on manipulating witness testimony or whatever else necessary if he must in order to get his perfect win. In this case, he's on the nose and it doesn't come to that, but you can make it clear in his dialogue that he's not against manipulation in the slightest.

    In general, Edgeworth's characterization in this case is really weird, since it feels like their interpretation of Edgeworth, who was abused by his mentor for years into being a corrupt asshole and still gripping with unresolved trauma…is pretty much how he is in the present, just using the word "perfect" a lot more.

    "It's time to put the patented Von karma perfect technique to the test" (not the exact line, but close) is one of the dumbest lines I've ever read in an Ace Attorney game and this is a series with some laughable out of context (and in context) lines.

    I'll give this case credit for making pretty much the only reasonable scenario where Gumshoe would lie and hide information since he's only trying to protect Kay. I also like that he has the tact to keep people quiet about the fact that Kay's dad died and that people shouldn't just casually talk about it in front of her.

    Beyond that, we'll just have more dialogue changes like Calisto not saying "I grow tired of this, so let's finish this with this last cross examination" like we've had some long battle. We barely started cross examining, and half of this is just you saying "you don't have any proof" because the game had us solve everything before confronting you.

    Finally, obviously focus more on Deid Mann because he's the greatest Ace Attorney character. I will say that he actually looks good, but a lot of the sprites look really weird in this game. Deid Mann is a snack though. I'm not joking here, I mean it.

    Tuanbout Ablaze:

    We'll get the payoff to the setup at last. The Yatagarasu sent a threat to expose something at the large embassy. They get there and the fire still happens, but this time around police will identify the two victims as Manny Coachen and Calisto Yew. Shih Na alerted a small time criminal of some treasure in the area to lure them here, then she tampers with the body to make the dead woman look more like her. As a result, Shih Na identifies the victim as Calisto Yew, that way if anyone tries to make a connection to her she can make it seem like she's dead. If that gets figured out, then she can pin the crime on Kay. After all, the Yatagarasu did send a threat to the embassy and as far as the police know, the victim is Calisto Yew, meaning Kay would have all the motive in the world to kill the man who killed her father. It also creates the impression that Alba is only the remaining smuggling ring member with the motive of securing its resources for himself.

    Kay, seeing that Edgeworth is beginning to get cornered in the struggle to take down Alba illegally enters a crime scene to obtain evidence for him. Edgeworth is at least able to piece it together, but goes through a dilemma if he can use it and ultimately decides to show Kay the truth that there's another way to use the evidence than the direct method. He then points out a different contradiction than intended from what the evidence proves, that way he doesn't officially "use" it.

    This time around though, we'll switch the order of the killers being found out. Alba will be the one to kill Manny Coachen and he'll be found out first and pretty quickly at that. The fact that Alba is super obvious and transparent won't bring the case down in quality since him being found early is central to the mystery. Shih Na will take on the role of the final boss instead—she's the one the player has been interacting more with anyway.

    In this scenario, Shih Na works together with Alba, but framed him for her crime and makes the whole thing look like it was done by a single person by making her murder look like it was done remotely.

    Additionally, pulling off the crime this way makes it look like the smuggling ring will end with Alba since he, Coachen, and Calisto Yew make the remaining smuggling ring members. That's when Shih Na would make off with everything to herself.

    A gunman shoots Alba before he has a chance to confirm if he had someone else working with the second murder or not.

    From there, the case can play out largely the same, but no Larry or Oldbag of course. This will also let the final boss still be long, but not drawn out. A lot of the case is piecing together the evidence from the previous cases to connect that Shih Na has been putting people on the scent to catch the smuggling ring members and she's been using that to earn Lang's trust and rise up the ranks in the police. Meanwhile, she passes information over to others and uses the Yatagarasu to avoid leaving evidence behind for the police to pick up.

    Shih Na brings up a counterargument saying "Mr. Edgeworth, I didn't put anyone on the scent like you seem to think. All you proved is that I helped catch a criminal. What kind of police agent would I be if I couldn't do that much? Hicks found the smuggling ring member just as we'd hope. I found the forger in our midst. Is it a crime to bring criminals to justice?"

    The final portion of the case has her growing desperate and has to suggest that there were two culprits, but Kay worked with Alba because she needed his power and resources to get a chance to murder Calisto Yew to avenge her father.

    Shih Na is done in ultimately by leaving behind a failsafe in case Alba ratted her out. Had she trusted in him, she wouldn't have left it and would have gotten away with her crime. Kay even calls her out on it—"you backstab everyone you come into contact with because you don't trust anyone but yourself. But now that's been your undoing. Your mistrust has come back to haunt you, Calisto Yew!" Kay delivers the final blow with Edgeworth and the two of them learn a great deal about of trust, which causes Edgeworth to re evaluate how he carries himself as a prosecutor.

    Agent Lang placed his trust in Edgeworth when he deliberately accuses Franziska knowing it's not her in order to get into Alba's office. Kay had to place her trust in Edgeworth when he was able to find a new way to use evidence that seemingly only told one story. Shih Na couldn't do that and her constant backstabbing was her undoing.

    Once you finally catch her, she comes forward admitting to the crime and explaining that she planned on betraying Alba from the start. "That Ambassador…how can he be such an idiot? I already betrayed the Yatagarasu, Agent Lang, and the other smuggling ring members. What made you think I wouldn't turn on you too?"

    Then a fun ending and we go right into AAI2.

    I still find it hilarious that Oldbag has her own closeup portrait for doing investigation segments. There's something that really makes me laugh about doing battle against Oldbag.

    Edgeworth then decides to buy a playstation and try out the Sly collection. He can't approve of Sly's thieving ways, even if he is stopping several criminals and working with the police, but he does like his relationship with his father. Kay tells him to then shut up and just enjoy the game because it's fun and she likes being a thief in-game.

    Just a reminder that in the case proper a smuggling ring leader and an untouchable ambassador is brought to justice by Oldbag stealing hot dogs.

    submitted by /u/BSWolf777
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    Today is Ace Attorney's 19th Anniversary!

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    Coloured sketch (wrightworth) when edgeworth came back in ace attorney 2

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 01:06 AM PDT

    [JFA Spoilers] I don't understand this small part of 2-4.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    So, at the end of the trial, when you've finally gotten Maya freed, you have the choice to give Engarde a guilty or not guilty verdict, saying that it doesn't matter because Engarde is screwed either way.

    But is that really true? If Engarde was found not guilty, then wouldn't Adrian Andrews be convicted in his place? That was the whole dilemma with the other guilty/not guilty choice right before Franziska came in, since if you choice not guilty, Maya would be freed, but Adrian would be arrested. And though Maya isn't an issue anymore, Adrian is still a thing, so what gives? Is this just an oversight?

    (Of course, Engarde confesses either way and gets a guilty verdict, so it doesn't REALLY matter, but it's still strange that this is offered as a choice in the first place.)

    submitted by /u/Gaming_Reloaded
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    About Ini's cross in Reunion and Turnabout

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    A point Pheonix made was that Mimi's car is British so the steering wheel would be on the right side. It could have been a car from a British brand made for sale in the US, rendering Pheonix's original point false. Even if it wasn't true, why didn't Ini make this claim? There would have been no way to disprove it.

    submitted by /u/AE86FTS
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    My thoughts about Trilogy's iOS port's graphics.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    They look...honestly,disgusting. It feels like devs were rushing this port. Everything looks lazely-done and not appealing. When I saw that port — I was happy that I have an Android phone and a ton of DS emulators for it.

    submitted by /u/paulvanzieks
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    [SPOILER] Why is Big Top so... confusing?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 05:32 AM PDT

    I've been playing through the Trilogy and just got to Big Top, and it has been the only case so far where I had to use a guide. The solutions make little to no sense and are really impossible to get without a guide, atleast to me. Is this case widely considered bad or am I just bad at solving cases?

    submitted by /u/BilliamBillson
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    Case Discussion & Opinions -- VS-2: The Fire Witch

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    Welcome to Labyrinthia, where we literally toss people into a giant fire and where the concept of lodgeick rules above all else.

    Barnham! Barnham!

    Barnham! Flamberg BARNHAM!

    submitted by /u/--UNKN0WN--
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