Ace Attorney Apparently today is Ace Attorney's anniversary, apparently there is a confusion between whether it's the 11th or 12th but it doesn't matter! Keep celebrating! �������� |
- Apparently today is Ace Attorney's anniversary, apparently there is a confusion between whether it's the 11th or 12th but it doesn't matter! Keep celebrating! ��������
- I made Edgeworth out of perler beads
- ace attorney 1 [OC]
- a classic
- Did this happen to anyone else? Half of the screen is taken by this purple rectangle, I can't even check the court record.
- Will there ever be a new Phoenix Wright game? (Discussion)
- Thought this belonged here
- Chords of Steel actually work.
- First time playing through TT and i gotta say this feels weird
- If Winston Payne had his own spin-off game, what would his character specific ability be?
- I need some inspiration
- Blue looks sus
- The Funny man of 5-2
- Let's Rewrite - AA: Investigations 2 (Part 1) [General Spoilers]
- /r/TF2 has come out in incredible numbers and voted Heavy to the top of this Smash Bros. ballot site. Are there enough fans of our favorite defense attorney here to get him to the top?
- What does the flashing blue border around choices mean in DGS/TGAA?
- What is your favourite detective?
- Ultimate Phantom (DR2 and Ace Attorney Dual Destinies Spoilers)
- Franziska von Karma
- Who didn't cameo'd in AAI investigations?
Posted: 13 Oct 2020 02:04 PM PDT
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I made Edgeworth out of perler beads Posted: 13 Oct 2020 04:19 PM PDT
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Posted: 13 Oct 2020 02:22 AM PDT
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Posted: 13 Oct 2020 04:48 PM PDT
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Posted: 13 Oct 2020 07:01 PM PDT
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Will there ever be a new Phoenix Wright game? (Discussion) Posted: 13 Oct 2020 07:54 PM PDT I played the first trilogy seven years ago. A few months back I got back into it, and I've been so obsessed I'm finishing the 4th game as I'm writing this now. Of course, I looked up if there were going to be more Ace Attorney games in the future, as I'm quickly running out of material, and to be honest? Things look grim Yes, there was a main game 4 years ago. Yes, we had a spinoff 3 years ago. But not only it's been a while since we've had anything new, but also one of the writers recently left Capcom, and the other one has said since 2014 that for him? Phoenix Wright's story is over. Maybe I'm being a bit negative, and maybe since I just joined the fandom I'm lacking a lot of information, so I'm doing this post in case anyone might shed some light, or inform me about stuff I might not know yet about. PS: Who owns the rights to the games?? Capcom or the directors of the game? Cuz that implies a whole new set of questions [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 13 Oct 2020 02:20 AM PDT
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Chords of Steel actually work. Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:13 AM PDT Tried it when I was feeling really anxious and I felt a lot better! Cheers Apollo lmfao [link] [comments] | ||
First time playing through TT and i gotta say this feels weird Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:31 AM PDT | ||
If Winston Payne had his own spin-off game, what would his character specific ability be? Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:13 PM PDT | ||
Posted: 13 Oct 2020 05:23 PM PDT So, I'm currently taking a class in game design and development, as I aspire to be a game designer one day. We're starting out by making a 2D game (of any kind) in unity, and the teacher had us start by downloading and importing some sprite sheets. Just to be funny, I downloaded Gumshoe's sprites from AAI. Then the teacher said that we had to use the sprites we downloaded in our final project this semester. That brings me here. I need some of you lovely people to give me some ideas for a fan game about our detective boi. Any kind of ideas will do, I just need something to go off of. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 13 Oct 2020 02:15 PM PDT I've just now realized that The Cosmic Turnabout is literally an Among Us scenario. The location is a space station, there was a sabotage, then a kill, the body was found and reported, and then a meeting (the trial) occured... You even have different colored participants in the meeting: Apollo: red, Phoenix: blue, Athena: yellow, Blackquill: black (and white*)... [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 13 Oct 2020 01:41 AM PDT
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Let's Rewrite - AA: Investigations 2 (Part 1) [General Spoilers] Posted: 13 Oct 2020 02:40 PM PDT AAI2 is tricky to talk about because I've largely been focusing on general storybeats and narrative decisions. AAI2 already delivers amazingly in those respects. It also has easily some of the most intriguing and complex mysteries in the series and that level of creativity is a large part of what inspired me to write mystery stories myself. The third case, the inherited turnabout, is my personal favorite case in the entire series. Most of the issues AAI2 has comes back to the delivery of those ideas like the pacing, dialogue, and even choice in sprite use rather than the general story beats. That said, there are still a few characterization things we can try to tackle. Using the inherited turnabout as an example, there are a lot of segments where you just get a ton of dialogue thrown your way and wanting to piece together last minute logic bubbles when we could have just had multiple choice prompts or anything else. I like the idea of knowing how to manipulate conversations to draw out information with logic chess. It'd be a cool idea for say Athena or Simon Blackquill. but it also has the effect of feeling like a way to just have characters give off a large amount of exposition in a short period of time, which feels even sillier in scenarios where you speak against people who could easily just…not talk to you and incriminate themselves. It doesn't happen too often fortunately, but they make numerous slips of the tongue only to go back to having iron testimony when you go back to the general "present evidence" and it's kinda weird in how it swerves. To quote a great yugioh meme, JUST END YOUR TURN, DANE. Turnabout Target:This case is solid for an introduction to the game. Really most of the issues are gameplay and pacing related, like having a part where the player has to say they don't have the evidence where they'd likely know that it's in the monitor. At one point, you're prompted to point out a red dot on the president's head as something that doesn't make sense in the photo because "that doesn't belong there." No duh. We'll change De Killer's jacket. Edgeworth may have never physically seen the guy, but he's wearing a jacket with his insignia on it, so Edgeworth should have recognized it. Not really a big deal, but might as well bring it up. I'll use this time to say that I really don't like just how far the investigations games go with "Edgeworth is a dick to Gumshoe" for comedy bits and wish they'd kind of tone it down. I believe it's this case where there's a bit of optional dialogue that says Edgeworth's car got stuck in the mud, so Gumshoe goes to push it out. Then Edgeworth leaves him there in the mud and drives off. There's also the massive wealth gap between the two that makes me thinking "why does Gumshoe put up with this shit?" sometimes. Edgeworth also gets some really nice dialogue with Gumshoe like one point in case 4 where he laments a bit saying he may never get to work with Gumshoe after this case anymore, but those little bits where you see what kind of shit Gummy puts up with all the time gets a bit annoying. Imprisoned Turnabout:I'd adjust Jay Elbird's characterization and background a bit where he's not actually guilty of anything and was falsely convicted by Edgeworth during his corrupt time as a prosecutor. There's a point where Dogen outright says not all the prisoners were guilty, so make one of them someone Edgeworth has to look in the eye. My first time playing, I thought for sure that's where they were going when Dogen brought it up, but it never really plays out. It'd give Ray some extra reason to doubt Edgeworth and it's a big wasted opportunity to not capitalize off a prison setting by having an innocent prisoner. This would give Kay a good chance to see Edgeworth in a different light but still ultimately decide to encourage him because he vows to do better. Ray doesn't have to immediately come around this way since the mistrust is still there. It won't be until Edgeworth has to defend Larry (just like Phoenix) and later Kate and works with him on such a personal and sensitive case that Ray slowly comes around and sees how much he's also projecting onto Edgeworth. One of my favorite points in the entire game comes from this case, and it's when Justine manages to completely shatter Edgeworth's argument because she was able to learn more about Simon than he could despite Edgeworth being his (assistant) defense attorney. He barely knew enough about his client and got bit hard for it and it's at that point that Edgy sees that a lot of it came from his own behavior, and that's an eye-opening, humanizing moment. Completely self-indulgent but have a graphic where Rocky the bear is spotting Elbird while he bench presses or carrying his weights. Even just a little graphic of Rocky curling dumbbells would be adorable. It doesn't need to be relevant to the mystery, but Rocky is one of the most underrated animal characters in the series and the design of the bear just clipping to Elbird and hugging him is just so adorable. I can't emphasize how much I love this sweet little bear and the fact that Rocky loving Elbird so much that he blew his cover is so adorably cute of this bear. He deserves a better character to be clipped onto. Blackquill could have a cute bear and a bird.
We'll also take this innocent prisoner idea a step further by having Simon use Edgeworth's former corruption as emotional manipulation against him more directly and personally in the final confrontation during case 5. Sebastian, Ray, and Justine all suffer from a similar issue where they have very clear paths throughout the story but don't need to be around for four cases to deliver on any of them. As a result, they have a clearly defined role and arc in the story, but kind of awkwardly stick around during cases where they're not necessary and bloat already large cases. Ray is at least pleasant to be around for the most part, so it's not the biggest deal that he doesn't get much to do after case 3. In Justine and Sebastian's case, it can really wear on the player's patience if you find them to be abrasive (which is extremely likely given their personalities are supposed to be grating) to have to sit through their shit for so long. Sebastian is just kind of a spoiled dick in this case, and even characters like Rayfa, who largely pulls her character arc from Sebastian have established the same point in less time. The difference is that with Rayfa she only shows up in Khura'in cases, so you at least got a break from her antics since Khura'in cases are spread apart by the Magical turnabout and turnabout storyteller. Granted, Sahdmadhi exists in those unfortunately, but I digress. She also immediately re-evaluates her behavior in each case and that helps make her a lot easier to tolerate as well. With Sebastian, we go through two very long cases of him being a spoiled shit to everyone before we get to case 4 and even most of the optional dialogue with him makes him more annoying where he refuses to do even small things like moving a few steps to the side without being an asshole. There's seriously optional dialogue where he's so much of a dick that he can't be bothered to move two steps to the side unless someone is praising him. I understand that Sebastian is largely being abused by his father and doesn't know any better, but he doesn't need several full cases of being a shit to get that across. We'll change it so that Sebastian doesn't show up as much until case 4. Justine will still find ways to respectfully turn him away so he's not being humiliated still. She'll also encourage him to try hard and do his best, but not reinforce or indulge his "I'm a genius" attitude nor will she tolerate him being a dick to others. This pretty much kills two birds with one stone as we can hint at Justine's motherly side far sooner and also get the same point of Sebastian across. The other point is that you'll notice Sebastian pretty much always argues the really obvious early case material so that they don't have Justine look like a complete idiot when it's time to get into the meat of the mystery. Ray only has two cases where he gets anything fully meaningful to work with, this case and the inherited turnabout. Maybe you can count him working with Von Karma in the grand turnabout too. The Grand turnabout is a massive mess of pacing and part of that is having almost 3 cases worth of content mashed into a single case. Ray's mistrust and taking passive agressive shots at Edgeworth makes for much more interesting and personal drama than Sebastian and Justine, so while it can be a bit much, I feel the most focus should be on Ray. With Justine, her constant threats and condescension get old fast, and they're not even the part that makes her compelling. I'll focus more on it later, but Justine's most interesting thing is how good the game is at making her suspicious and playing with enough Ace Attorney tropes where you could reasonably have any outcome with her. You can make a character suspicious without making them abrasive, so I'd just tone Justine down a bit with fewer threats and instead making her this neutral calm woman who slips over into mommy mode sometimes. If she is going to raise threats, Edgeworth has a long enough history of corruption where there's valid reason to look into reporting him, especially with Ray now grilling him and him having to grip with seeing someone he falsely imprisoned. Sebastian makes for a perfect opportunity for Justine to show off more of her motherly side where she can be stern but kind and do what she can to try and encourage him since she knows he's being abused by his father. Lang could also be stubborn, but he also immediately re evaluates his opinion of Edgeworth despite having valid reasons to mistrust him the moment he sees what kind of man Edgy is. He also gets a bunch of hammy, hilarious moments. Justine isn't really given much good material to work with until case 5. The fact that her son can stand up to the combined threat of Edgeworth and Agent Lang (y'know--the guys who have taken down international criminals together) but immediately folds and freaks out when he got caught lying to his mom is hilarious and gives an extra touch to her. I feel Justine really needs some better material to work with. Cases can be carried a lot by the main characters you'll be interacting with, and the rival character's personality drives a huge portion of that. Even the worst of cases can be brought up quite a bit if the rival's personality can carry it enough. I've called Prosecutor Sahdmadhi a bargain bin Justine more than a few times, and it's true, but even Justine had a number of issues with her character that I mostly attribute to the pacing. We have to hang on several loooong cases before we see her true colors. They kind of try to have Justine show concern and kindness to Sebastian, but they pick really bad ways for Justine to try and support Sebastian, most egregiously she enables a lot of his behavior by reinforcing his "I'm a total genius who doesn't need to listen to anyone" attitude. Case 2 then can have a central idea of Edgeworth coming to have to face someone he harmed in his own period of trauma, taking on a role as a defense attorney helping Simon, and meeting up with Ray again. Because you get this sort of material to work with, you could maybe have Kay trying her best to genuinely help Edgeworth since Gumshoe kind of places Edgeworth on a pedestal to a degree, while Kay can give him the genuine smack in the face that he owns up to his previous behavior every day by pursuing the truth. Just have Justine bring up Edgeworth's history of corruption, because there's plenty of valid evidence supporting why Edgeworth would need to be reported as a prosecutor. While we're at it, give Kay and Edgeworth something more to work with rather than:
It seriously wears very quickly and we still have three more cases to go. I also find this case interesting because without the context of case 5, Patricia can come off as quite sympathetic. I don't think the writers intended that at all given how little they capitalize on it. She openly offers to help you multiple times and asks you do whatever you can to help Simon out, which you later see is because she needed Dogen specifically to take the fall. There's actually a pretty subtle clue where Roland offers you pretty much complete search freedom and offers her help and advice multiple times...until you want to check the courtyard where the trick of her alibi and the hidden murder weapon come into play. Even then she openly states that what she did was unforgivable. I think it's pretty fascinating that within the context of this case Patricia can come off as one of the more sympathetic characters, though obviously still a paranoid murderer only to reveal more and more layers to the situation in a later case that show her to be a monstrous person. I found her to be the most interesting of the "big three" between her, Blaise, and the fake president at the end of the game because of this primarily. 4 Now we get to the next part where I try my best not to gush about my favorite case and my favorite character. It's Katherine that pretty much makes the inherited turnabout for me. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 13 Oct 2020 03:06 PM PDT | ||
Posted: 13 Oct 2020 02:41 PM PDT ok here is a theory for ace attorney 7 if you saw, SoJ tried to come out on ace attorneys 15 bday, considering that next year is the 20 bday we can only assume that ace attorney 7 will come out then [link] [comments] | ||
What does the flashing blue border around choices mean in DGS/TGAA? Posted: 13 Oct 2020 10:32 PM PDT When you're presented with a choice, sometimes one of the choices has a flashing blue border. What does that mean? At first I thought it meant that the choice was the right one to make but I can now see that it's not always the case. Does the blue border mean anything? [link] [comments] | ||
What is your favourite detective? Posted: 13 Oct 2020 06:59 AM PDT Who is your favourite detective? (How you feel about them) [link] [comments] | ||
Ultimate Phantom (DR2 and Ace Attorney Dual Destinies Spoilers) Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:31 AM PDT | ||
Posted: 13 Oct 2020 05:18 PM PDT Why is she called sir?? I haven't seen anything hinting to them being trans in the game but people keep calling her sir. Is it because of her demanding attitude or is there another reason? I'm only on Justice for All so if there is a spoiler dont tell me it, but I was curious if there was a reason [link] [comments] | ||
Who didn't cameo'd in AAI investigations? Posted: 13 Oct 2020 04:49 AM PDT I really forget there was no psyche locks in first game. That was bruh moment for me lol. [link] [comments] |
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