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    Monday, October 12, 2020

    Ace Attorney Ace attorney doodle

    Ace Attorney Ace attorney doodle

    Ace attorney doodle

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    Conference call

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 05:22 AM PDT

    Coffee Time (Trials and Tribulations Spoiler)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:13 PM PDT

    Prosecutor tier list but it's organized by their preferred trial strategy

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    [My Art] TEAM DEFENSE RULES! Finally finished this fanart of my fave duo. Their banter is hilarious; my pal Lauren and I have had a riot voicing them for our play-thru!

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 03:42 AM PDT

    Happy Birthday to THE Ace Attorney!

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    AA doodles (now with second page!)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:01 PM PDT

    Tier list, but the cases are ranked only by how good Udgey is

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    How do you Feel about The Stolen Turnabout

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    * Franziska Von Karma hast entered ze chat *

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    Happy (Unofficial) Birthday to this mess of a lawyer! [OC]

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Why is my pastor dressed like Miles Edgeworth?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    Today (October 11th) is Phoenix Wright's birthday!

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    Per this Tumblr user's research effort, we can conclude that today, October 11th, is Phoenix Wright's birthday! Appropriate, given the 2001 release date of the original Gyakuten Saiban. Nick's 28 today.

    (Also it's my 25th birthday today, so that's fun.)

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    Best non-Edgeworth main prosecutor

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    Look folks we all know that if Edgeworth were included he'd win in a landslide.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/metroid544
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    This meme will be useless next month

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    Manfred Edgeworth, Miles Von Karma

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    Let's Rewrite - Ace Attorney Investigations (Part 2) [General Spoilers]

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    Turnabout Airlines:

    We'll start by adding a new character—the pilot, Miss Ava Ayder. She'll be the killer instead of Cammy, who will be a red herring now. Ditch the portion where Edgeworth is suspected, and we'll have a more complicated segment where Zinc is suspected initially and the airline is pressured to cover things up because they can't afford to deal with the problem.

    The narrative will show how this airline suffers because they're so short on pilots. Due to them being in such short supply and being necessary for the airline functioning, they can pretty much bend any rules they want or bypass any purchasing limitations. Ayder uses this to safely ensure she can smuggle whatever the ring needs wherever, and should she be caught, she can pin the crime on the attendants.

    The employees are all largely overworked and short staffed too, which would make Cammy's entire gimmick of being sleepy and out of it all the time a lot more cohesive and appropriate to the case. She's exhausted but still needs her job. In this situation, the pilot uses the flight itself to pull off the crime and moves the plane in such a way as to shift the body and finish the murder plot, but can play it off as just turbulence with little way to prove it was deliberate.

    As a result, however, Meele discovers the body and sees they intended to frame her. Cammy doesn't figure out that the pilot is the killer and instead thinks that Rhoda is the one behind the crime and thinks Rhoda is trying to frame her for the murder, then the real killer cleans up the rest of the case.

    The pilot can use "I was flying the plane, you idiot" as an ironclad alibi. The twist is that they murdered the victim remotely, using the flight path itself to commit the crime and establishing a fake alibi for themselves.

    The staffing limitations and workplace tensions will also make for a bit more drama or maybe some workplace politics. I still can't believe the actual case made a reminiscence moment and theme for Rhoda not being able to sell her shitty suitcases.

    This case will also introduce Agent Lang and Shih Na, who are flying on the plane on route to attend a briefing on the smuggling ring with Edgeworth and the police in preparation for the upcoming embassy, as the Yatagarasu recently threatened to expose someone related. You can get some time with all of Lang's men for some funny comedic bits with the other passengers wondering why everyone looks like the men in black.

    Shih-Na is the one who put the victim, Hicks on the trail to begin with and Edgeworth finds information about suspicion in Hicks pocket.

    Edgeworth won't discover that Shih-na is behind it until turnabout ablaze though. She'll also forge a piece of evidence and have one of the detectives on the scent to identify the real culprit. The killer will deny having made that bit of evidence and with some other portions in the case, you'll still ultimately catch the killer but realize that Lang's men brought in and used forged evidence.

    Because Lang is the one leading the team, he must be held responsible for it, so Franziska reluctantly has to strip Lang of his investigative rights, meaning one of his detectives threw Lang under the bus. She wasn't planning on having the evidence exposed as a forgery, but because she's an opportunist and not a detailed planner she'll just use that to her advantage anyway. She'll vow to hunt down the one behind it to clear Lang's name to earn more of his trust.

    A large part of our goal with Shih Na planting evidence or feeding information to people to put them on the scent is to take full advantage of these cases not being in a traditional courtroom. This kind of twist wouldn't be practical to pull off in a courtroom setting.

    Lang himself is fun as a character and I rather like that he reevaluates himself and his beliefs after every case rather than having him be an idiot all the time. Despite his disdain for prosecutors and him bringing up two very valid reasons to not trust Edgeworth at the end of the kidnapped turnabout, it only took one case with Edgeworth for him to come around despite his feelings about Prosecutors to not only work together with him but hinge an entire gamble on trusting in Edgeworth to come through for him. Plus he's got the wolf theme going, so I mean, I kinda have to stan him…

    There's one police guy with Lang in a brown jacket who we'll give actual sprites and have him be a core character. He is a bit more apprehensive toward Lang but ultimately trusts him, and he'll be made into the red herring to look like the corrupt detective. Meanwhile, despite planting the evidence, Shih Na fights to defend Lang from suspicion. He tells her to stop defending him, and even his men all refuse to believe someone forged evidence to deceive Lang.

    As a result of this case though, she's given a promotion and further investigative authority, but she still keeps her cover by vowing to pursue the real culprit to clear his name. She just needed to have the killer taken down, so she capitalizes off the new scenario that screwed Lang over by helping him out. Shih na's plan didn't go perfectly, as the evidence was exposed as a forgery but she can still work with it.

    But taking Lang down means that Shih Na and brown suit detective guy act as his replacement until the matter is resolved. Edgeworth believes Lang is a lot of things but knows he's no forger from seeing his behavior. It'll create a situation next case where Lang works with Edgeworth for the case until his innocence can be proven.

    The purpose for this will show up in the next case, as Shih na will "expose" brown suit guy and throws one of Lang's agents under the bus to earn Lang's trust and be chosen as the elite investigator given the same authority as him due to earning his trust. She then uses this to have more control over what she can manipulate in the final case. It doesn't directly advance her goal of picking off more smuggling ring members, but it still gives her extra resources to work with down the line.

    Kay the expresses that he still ultimately got the killer and takes the belief that there's really nothing bad about it. You could get some actual Robin hood esque characterization by maybe having her butt heads and point out that sometimes it may be necessary to reach the truth. This'll make her something of a little parallel with Shih na, who has been planting evidence to suit her own agenda to steal information to hide the truth, while Kay wants to unveil the truth.

    Beyond that, the pilot is also one of the people behind the Orochi smugglers, making for Orochi member 2 out of 8.

    The Kidnapped Turnabout:

    We can still open the same way with Edgeworth being clonked in the head by the kidnappers after they make off with the money, and they'll be gone from the haunted house with a dead guy there now. However, we'll be going all in with the haunted house theme rather than the badger costumes.

    On the outside, Kay expresses how she's worried sick about Edgeworth since he hasn't come out. Gumshoe stops her telling her things are too dangerous and they need a careful plan if they're going to make it in. Kay thinks up an idea and we fade to black.

    Edgeworth regains consciousness and is rescued by the steel samurai, who carries him out fireman style. He mistakenly thinks its Kay, but he learns that she was patrolling the haunted house to make sure he makes it out safely.

    Cue Edgeworth dying inside upon realizing he was rescued by his hero and that it's Oldbag in the costume.

    I feel making Oldbag into a really badass grandma and a bit sillier but still kind of sweet and tough would help her go a long way. This time around, she'll be a completely reliable witness and suggest that the kidnappers made off but she has no idea where they went. Oldbag will hit it off really well with Kay and Kay will thank her for helping her in the rescue operation to save Edgeworth. You could get some dialogue like this:

    Kay: Wow, Mrs. Oldbag! Those were some amazing moves with our little rescue operation.

    Oldbag: Well you know what they say, dearie. Love conquers all.

    Kay: Would you ever consider becoming a great thief?

    Edgeworth: As I recall, Mrs. Oldbag has already stolen once before…

    Kay: You never told me you're the great thief, Mrs. Oldbag! I'd love to get a few tips from a pro!

    This mystery will be two-fold in that you have to solve who committed the crime, but a good part of the investigation segment will come down to how you can even track down the kidnappers. Lance just sort of awkwardly shows up to trace everything back in the case proper and just the title of this goddamn case makes it easy to guess what's gonna happen.

    AAI should really take full advantage of the fact that it's not confined to a courtroom. This will also give a good reason to have Ema Skye come in since she can use her forensics equipment to track down some seemingly useless detail and act as their lead when combined with the information they got from kay, Oldbag, and the kid.

    Write a mystery making full use of all the weirdly designed buildings you can have at a theme park to explain the question of how the kidnappers managed to escape despite the police having the place surrounded. This is the kind of setting that pretty much every mystery writer should try at some point but it's wasted on a really boring disguise mystery with the badger costumes. I forgot how painfully padded this case is.

    Also we'll have a child witness. I can't believe we have a case set in a theme park that managed to bring back Meekins, Ema Skye, and Oldbag, but we can't have children at a theme park. The child will help you dig up the one unreliable clue you have to try and hunt down the kidnappers.

    This'll give Edgeworth and Lang some good moments. You could have some comedic segments where the kid is a steel samurai fanboy and says Edgeworth doesn't know much about the show, and you can get some excellent material out of Edgeworth struggling to stay professional but also feel the need to correct this kid. But oh no, he's also trying to keep his fanboyism a bit under wraps since he's a bit embarrassed by it but he can't just leave that kid to think he doesn't know what he's talking about. The steel samurai would never have done that as shown in season 3 you little snot nosed brat!

    Kay will recreate a crime scene here. In the case proper, she recreates the haunted house to bypass Armano buying the place to not allow anyone to investigate which was just…weird and kind of dumb placement. Here, they know the scene is unreliable but it'll be close enough for trying to piece together how the kidnappers managed to escape. Thanks to the recreation and the kid's testimony, they try to find more information on the kidnappers. They do get to interact with Lauren, who wants to find out what she can and tails them.

    We'll change the circumstances so that Deacon genuinely is a member of the smuggling ring, but only joins for the sake of getting enough resources for his daughter so she can have a better life and escape. Since he was forced into joining and being the fall guy for the group, he's found out easily. It looks initially like he abandoned his daughter, who has been snooping around and investigating to find the truth of her father.

    Lauren suffers so much due to her characterization of being love obsessed with Lance without seeing how painfully transparent it is that he's only using her and trying to frame her. That idea isn't inherently bad, but it's largely done to have a mystery where she's largely involved with things and kind of serves an awkward role in the case as a result. Having her snooping around to find details about her missing father only to learn he may have never cared about her would put her in a depression, only to discover that Oliver had been watching over her all this time and did all of this for her sake. You can get a tragedy out of the fact that she wanted her father and not money.

    I think AAI2 was aware of this and used a lot of this design philosophy when designing the inherited turnabout, since you get a lot of those parallels with Katherine Hall and Jeff masters.

    Once they finally locate the kidnappers, the showdown can center around the circumstances of the locked room. Rather than just being in debt, Lance will conspire to turn against his father and exploit even him too for his own gain. The central drama of the case should come down to "what kind of father was Oliver Deacon" and Lauren will go back and forth with it. Have the case come down between the two of them and she gets the thrill and pleasure of taking down her abusive dick of a boyfriend rather than that lame garbage we got in the actual game.

    Lance's goal here isn't the ransom money itself, but he wants to expose his own father's corruption to get him out the picture. To do so, he frames Lauren for the crime with the motive that she murdered her abusive father to save her boyfriend, and Lance places evidence showing that Ernest was behind Oliver being threatened into joining the smuggling ring to cover his own back. Doing so will make a convincing reason for Oliver to supposedly kidnap Lance, it'll expose his father's corruption, and it'll reasonably make Lauren suspicious without her being obsessed with Lance. If Edgeworth tries to argue he faked the kidnapping, he'll push back by pointing out Lance is the only reason the money got properly returned. He's covering for the fact that he'd get far more money and resources by eliminating a smuggling ring member as well as inheriting his father's assets.

    Finally, Shih Na will "expose" her partner detective for earlier forgery and report it to Lang after seeing the defining evidence used against Lance and restore Lang's reputation, taking down brownie suit in the process. With this recent kidnapping crisis averted and his name cleared, Lang can work again after teaming up with Edgeworth to hunt down and apprehend the kidnappers. "Guess you're not half bad out in the wild when you need to be, Mr. Prosecutor."

    Lang thanks Shih-Na from the bottom of his heart and asks her to take on as lead investigator alongside him for the final case, turnabout Ablaze. A lot of these earlier cases will rely on the angle that Shih na looks for opportunities to gently lead you to the other smuggling ring members and secure more promotions for herself in the police which allows her to have more resources to work with in her final crime and she's been playing you the entire game.

    Ernest, Lance, and Oliver are discovered to be three more smuggling ring beneficiaries, bringing us to five of the 8 smuggling ring members down. All that's left? Manny Coachen, Alba, and Shih Na herself. Of course, Turnabout ablaze will play out very differently to make full use of this setup.

    I need to point out there's literally a segment where you deduce 3 cups and chairs to conclude there must have been three kidnappers in the game proper. Also it's even more hilarious that Lance specifically says Oliver Deacon "straddled" him in the struggle between the two. Just thought I'd leave you with that in case you forgot.

    submitted by /u/BSWolf777
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    MRW A stranger says I look cute today

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:39 PM PDT

    I Drew Phoenix Wright! (If you’ve seen this, I’m on my second account bc I’m not using my old one anymore)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    What are you doing step-sister?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 05:49 AM PDT

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney was released for the Game Boy Advance in Japan 19 years ago

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    The great Pineapple on Pizza debate

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 04:20 PM PDT

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