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    Saturday, October 17, 2020

    Ace Attorney I’m so sorry

    Ace Attorney I’m so sorry

    I’m so sorry

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    Another very forgotten character that deserves more love

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    Real question

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    If you had a choice, you'd prefer Capcom to make....

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    submitted by /u/HiAttila
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    Disco Stick

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    Is this bit of dialogue ever explained?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 10:16 PM PDT

    i just think they'd get along! (crossover w genshin impact, i can remove if needed!)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    [Fanart][OC] Franziska von Karma redraw ♡

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    Rise from the ashes (anime version)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    Is it true that apollo justice was not very succesful

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 09:33 PM PDT

    Because i find it to be the best in the ace attorney series and i have been told it did not sell as well as thought it would sell

    submitted by /u/Tacozilla_2nd_coming
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    Young Manfred Von Karma

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    LlamaTheG0AT's Tier List Series: Updated Through DD (#3)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 09:00 PM PDT

    Just beat the first game!

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:28 AM PDT

    And it was amazing and I love this series already and the characters but I am fearful. I have the trilogy on PS4 right now and I see all the spinoffs and other games are... not there.

    Is it true the only way to play these games are on mobile and DS?

    submitted by /u/NICKOLIE-
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    Seems that it is confirmed by Capcom that SoJ doesn't work on IOS14

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 06:36 AM PDT

    Seems that it is confirmed by Capcom that SoJ doesn't work on IOS14

    Recently I bought the chapters of dual destinies which did not downloaded because IOS14 broke the game purchases.Here is a reminder that you should not buy any of these two games on the app store.https://www.reddit.com/r/AceAttorney/comments/ivr62b/psa_dual_destinies_and_spirit_of_justice_are/


    It seems that something has changed on the app store because they added a message only on SoJ page which means :

    It is not guaranted that this product will work on IOS14

    Only play and buy content on a compatible device and IOS.

    So it appears that Capcom is now aware of this issue and recommend to not buy it on IOS 14 at least for SoJ, but this message weirdly does not appear at all on the page of Dual Destinies.

    Something that is really strange is that the warning to not buy it on IOS14 does not appear on the website page of the app (2nd screen) , but appear in the app store of my Ipad.


    So i don't know if this is Apple or Capcom that has included this message but it seems they know about the issue for sure and that buying it on IOS14 is not a good idea at all.

    I don't know if they are going to make some changes like fixing the game or whatever but I am glad they know warn (at least in France) so that people does not feel robbed from buying Phoenix Wright, this franchise doesn't need this.

    submitted by /u/Zuma_Torney
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    I’ve just finished first game from the trilogy and drew a fanart, hope you like it!

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    I used an AI to create a variation of the "DL-6 case" theme

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 05:34 AM PDT

    Weekly Law Students Ace Attorney Stream

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    Hello again. Today we are finally starting the second game. We are 3 (sometimes 4!) law students entering our 3rd year of law school from California who are currently actively practicing in the field of Criminal Law as both defense and prosecution. As we play through the game we're gonna comment on some of the things in the game that are different than and the same as the actual practice of criminal law, so feel free to drop by and ask some questions (or lurk) if you're interested in learning something about the system, or if you just want to just come have some fun shitposting in the chat.

    Edit: Here's the link: www.twitch.tv/bornsinner3

    submitted by /u/Dudebro9001
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    Opinion on this??

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    Hey everyone just wondering what's your opinion about Godot?

    submitted by /u/Codythegoat123
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    What's your opinion about Turnabout For Tomorrow's (case 5-5) plot twist?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    I want to see the overall opinion on this matter. Debate in the comments, my fellow attorneys. I want to see chaos

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    submitted by /u/The_Ticking_Clock
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    haha stepladder give me karma

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    A comprehensive review/shitpost of The Great Ace Attorney 1/DGS

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: This post will be a mix between actual review and memeing, so keep that in mind while reading. Also spoilers obviously. Now without further ado..

    I honestly don't know how to start this post, so let's start with why I'm making this. I heard a lot and I mean A LOT of good things about DGS before the fan translation came out. After all the series was back in the hands of the legendary Shu Takumi, the maker of the original trilogy. People that disliked the newer games were praising this game as a return back to form for the series (at least that's what I heard). So when the complete fan translation by Scarlet Study came out, I was extatic. One thing led to another and trough a series of events I'm not legally obligated to disclose I was at the phone with someone from Taiwan at 3 am discussing the purchase of a 30000 yen google play gift card for a japanese play store account.

    Game structure

    This is probably the aspect that most influenced my experience with DGS. The game has five cases like it's predecessor's, but it's structured a bit weirdly. I'll go trough the single cases to explain what I mean.

    The first case serves as the usual tutorial and takes place in Japan. The multiple witness system from PLvsPW makes a comeback and we get introduced to the main character Ryuunosuke Naruhodo (Ryuu from now on, because I'm not googling how to write this every time) as well as Kazuma Asougi, his best friend and the actual attorney. The usual first case stuff happens, Ryuu has been accused of murdering a university professor and has to defend himself with the help of Kazuma. The trial ends with a bit of a cliffhanger regarding the true culprit, but I'm sure that will be resolved later...right? We also get a brief introduction of Susato Mikotoba, this game's Maya character and a legal assistant to Kazuma (perfectly underage as per Ace Attorney tradition)

    The second case... I'll be honest. I hate the second case. Everything about it pisses me off. To give you Kazuma is headed as an exchange student to study British Law. Ryuu is also aboard the ship as a stowaway at the request of Kazuma. But then the unthinkable happens. Kazuma is found dead and Ryuu is immediately suspected as the culprit by everyone on the ship, including Susato, who had been kept in the dark about his presence by Kazuma. Sherlock Holmes is also on this ship, as is detective Hosonaga, a character from the first case. The main problem with this case is... it's investigation only. And not only that, it's pretty boring investigation at that (generally investigation in Ace Attorney doesn't shine, but I found it particularly boring in this game). To top it all off we find out that the murder of our best friend was a pure accident. After discovering the truth Ryuu decides to take up his mantel and become an attorney in Kazuma's stead, which is just as hamfisted as it sounds considering Ryuu wasn't even a law student to begin with, but fine. Susato agrees to help Ryuu as his legal assistant

    The third case is another weird one, but this time in a good way. This is another incomplete case, in the sense that there is no investigation segment. Ryuu and Susato are forced by the Chief Justice of London (fellow by the name of Vortex who will be a killer down the line, I swear to god, it has to happen, he's just too suspicious, he looks like Damon Gant) to defend philantropist Cosney Megundal from a murder accusation. Oh and they have to do it the day they arrive in London. Oh and the prosecutor (Barok van Zieks) is a legend of the Crown Court that hasn't handled a case for 5 years and is known as the Grim Reaper. Oh and Ryuu loses, he won't be allowed to continue his exchange and he'll be sent back to Japan. ARE THE STAKES HIGH ENOUGH FOR YOU YET? Jokes aside, this trial introduces the jury system (basically to win the trial you have to convince the six jurors chosen at random from the citizenship of your client's innocence, the judge is mostly there to act as middleman regulating the procedure) and the closing argument (cross-examining all six jurors to try and revert a guilty verdict). The multiple witness system is also there. Now to the actual case. This case is amazing, full of twists and turns. By the end you're left with a victory, but at what cost? It leaves a pretty bitter aftertaste and the entire case is left unresolved, with Megundal being aquitted due to lack of evidence. But wait there's more: Megundal dies in a fire immediately following the trial. After this the hype has reached stellar levels, what could possibly be the follow-up to such an intense third case?

    Well, why not a filler case, eh? With another accident? The victim isn't even dead, it was just a big misunderstanding? The fourth case is the first complete case of DGS with both investigation and trial and oh boy it's...meh. I don't even have much to say about it, sure the characters that appear in it are fine and the entire case serves as the basis for one of the best jokes in the whole series imo (always press the jurors in the fifth case, you won't regret it), but the case itself is pretty weak and a bit hard to believe if you think about it too hard. Overall not much to say, pretty weak case in the end (but at least you japanese literature enthusiast got to meet an Soseki Natsume, so good for you). The important thing regarding this case is that at the end of it, Ryuu and Susato move into Baker Street to live with Sherlock Holmes and the 10-year-old PHD prodigy daughter of Watson, Iris Watson, and open their legal study there.

    Fast forward two months, it's time for the final case. Let me preface this by saying: this case is amazing... after the first 3 useless investigations segments are over. Let me explain: the fifth case is one of those cases that starts with nothing happening and takes it's time in establishing characters and dynamics before the murder actually happens. And, in retrospect, I'm glad it did so, because that makes the following trial much more interesting. But god it hurts while playing. There are some tense moments here and there, but 4 investigation segments before even getting to the trial part takes it's toll after a while. There is purpose to the infinite investigation however and before the beginning of the trial we are left with a truly grizzly set of circumstances: Susato is leaving to go back to Japan the day of the trial, Holmes has been shot and is unconscious in the hospital, Megundal's items and possessions are appearing here and there without rhyme or reason and the defendant is Gina Lestrade, a pickpocket girl who's friends with Iris and was the key witness in the third case. It was her testimony along with some dubious evidence that got Megundal acquitted. The trial segment is pure art. We get the best group of jurors in the game when it comes to comic relief, multiple front war with van Zieks, Ryuu, Scotland Yard and the witnesses all clashing and constantly changing sides based on the situation. This trial also keeps the usual AA sillyness in cases to a minimum, exploring multiple concepts like perjury, false evidence, trustworthiness and acceptable evidence in a more grounded light than what we normally see from the series. The events of the third case have heavy ramifications on the last case, forcing multiple characters to put themselves in very difficult spots just to keep the trial going. And after everything is said and done we finally know everything...about the events of the third case, The last case leaves A LOT of plot threads hanging and we still have no answer for the events regarding the first case. It definitely feels like Ryuu and co. have stumbled onto something much, much bigger than them and the entire atmosphere reminded me a lot of the beginning of 5-5. The only real downside to this case for me was that we kinda got the answer to Megundal's death handed to us at the end, when everything was said and done. Felt more like a little extra side reward than the big reveal it should've been.


    Oh boy the minigames and gimmicks of this game. They are sooo good, but god they are implemented poorly. Let's quickly talk about them.

    Great Deductions: great deductions are an investigation tool introduced in the second case in which you basically correct Sherlock Holmes' deductions to not be complete rubbish. This minigame is great, but it's soooo long. Remember how in AJ when you missed the twitching finger of the witness during Apollo's "Perceive" and had to do it all over again? Well, this is similarly drawn out. Holmes prances and dances around doing his wrong deductions and then we have to rewatch the whole spectacle again when correcting him. The deductions themselves are quite fun, there's just a lot of... let's say filler that gets pretty annoying after the first time.

    Closing arguments: I love these. Cross-examining the jury is fun as hell, the jurors are generally the main comic relief, so this part is probably one of the lighter ones in tone usually. And while it's fun, that's also the problem. See, closing arguments are technically the most high stakes moment in the trial, every juror has voted against your client, so overturning their judgement is crucial to continuing the trial. That's why the lighter tone is kinda weird here. But the biggest problem is how they make the first part of trials super predictable. Since AA trials are structured in a way that puts the defence at a disadvantage, the first closing argument will inevitably happen during the cross-examination of the first witness and will rob the scene of any tension, since you can kinda see it coming from a mile away. Also they are a bit too easy considering how life-or-death they are supposed to be, but overall, this is something that I definitely hope to see more of in the next game (when we finally get a fan translation in about a decade or so, cause Capcom can't be bothered)

    The most important part of the review

    I mean... come on. This is the reason why you actually clicked on this review. You wanted to see the waifu tierlist didn't you? Well my friend, I must say that in that regard DGS has little to offer, but what little there is, is absolute top tier. Susato, Gina and Nikomina Borshevic all pass with ease. Rola O'Malley she's married you sick fuck. "But...what about Iris?" I hear the definitely not pedophiles of the crowd cry out, "is she top tier?" Well to that I have multiple things to say, but disregarding the obscenities that I would hurl at you for even asking, I can tell you one thing: Iris is a top tier...PIMP. This ten year old little girl is the most terrifying entity ever constructed by human kind and she runs the show whenever she is on screen and especially during the fifth trial. She isn't your waifu, bucko. You are her bitch.

    Well, now that the obbligatory waifu jokes are out of the way, let's go back to the actually serious stuff.

    Negative impressions: This game is a mess. Disregarding the third and fifth case, there's no particularly noteworthy cases and those that are left are not particularly strong. It also takes a lot of time for the game to actually establish some sort of permanent status quo (fourth case is when we finally have a complete case and only at the end of that do we get to open the Law Office), so the game ends and it has barely explored the setting we find ourselves in. There is a lot of "change for change's sake" (the second case being investigation only or the fourth case not being a murder but an absolute accident of which no one was aware of for example) and not all of it sticks the landing. The idea of having just one investigation day and one trial day (similar to Danganronpa) can work, but it's clear that the writers aren't used to it. The animation of the models ranges from pretty good/decent to "dear god, kill it with fire" and that ruined the breakdowns for me in particular, as well as some other animations.

    Positive impressions: The third and fifth case alone carry this game, they are just that good. The approach the game has to international relationships and governments intervening in the justice system is much more nuanced than the main series and I wish AA6 had been this intelligent in handling such an interesting topic instead of going full anime on us. I love the detective's in this game, Holmes, Gregson and Hosonaga are all great in their own unique way. Supporting cast and music are solid as always. The court dynamic with the prosecution and the police actually being two separate entities was a really nice change of pace and leveled the playing field, while introducing a potential new agent of chaos.

    Closing argument (see what I did there? )

    This is a two case game. All cases are important (besides the fourth, that's pure filler), but only two actually execute in a way that makes them stand out and be more than mediocre/disappointing. It's still a game I would definitely reccomend, it beats out AJ, PLvsPW, the first AA, AAI1, JFA and ties with SOJ, for me at least. Not the masterpiece I was promised by the internet, but definitely a solid midtier entry into the series that sets up a lot of stuff for a juicy sequel. Maybe DGS just took the fall for DGS2 and put the ground work for that game to be mindblowing. The elements are definitely there, we'll see (when the good folks at Scarlet Study finish translating it, because Capcom doesn't give a damn)

    submitted by /u/skaersSabody
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    How long does it take to complete Ace Attorney: Investigations?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    I've been playing the Trilogy all week, bought Apollo Justice in preparation for when I finish and plan to buy Investigations, but only if it's long enough to be worth it. I like to be able to spend a full week on a game with 3 hours a day of playtime, so basically 21 hours at least. Is it that long or even longer?

    submitted by /u/BilliamBillson
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    A question about The Great Ace Attorney for android

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    So basicly After a lot of tribolations, I was finally able to get The Great Ace Attorney for android, however the screen seems to be a Little moved to the right, Is that Just my problem?

    submitted by /u/The6dimensionalDream
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    About the investigation games

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    First let me apologize if this question has ever been brought up before in this sub but I couldn't find an final answer.

    My question: Do the Investigations games have any relevance to Dual Destinies or Soul of Justice?

    submitted by /u/Naak64
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    How to play The Great Ace Attorney on mobile?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    Hey there people of r/AceAttorney who are better with computers than I! I'm trying to play DGS right now with the Scarlet Study English patch BUT as I'm sure you all know the game is region locked on the play store and I do not have access to a 3DS. I do want to legitimately obtain the game so therefore I'm left with the more efficient option being Android. Would there happen to be a way people know of to bypass the region locking on the play store? I'm not good with this kind of stuff so very clear, step by step instructions would be appreciated! Thanks for your time and help!

    submitted by /u/metroid544
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