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    Ace Attorney Ace Attorney Rankdown - Round 16 Poll

    Ace Attorney Ace Attorney Rankdown - Round 16 Poll

    Ace Attorney Rankdown - Round 16 Poll

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    I drew Phoenix, I only started playing a week or so ago but I finished the first game a few days ago and I’m in love

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    I drew a Maya for practice and stuuuuff

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    Who knew Reddit had an award that was basically an Ace Attorney reference.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    The cute moments in Ace Attorney always make my day.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    Wholesome Apollo (Spoiler for SoJ episode 2)

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    I Doodle Ace Attorney Characters Week 26: Sister Iris

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations (Character Headshots)

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    I finished the Ace Attorney Trilogy for the first time and now my life doesn’t have a purpose anymore

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 08:36 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/UntouchableTurtle
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    I drew miles edgeworth!

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 11:37 PM PDT

    Don't talk to me or my son ever again

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    No, I'm not obsessed I swear-

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 03:48 AM PDT

    This took too long to make but I'm happy with it

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Wow, I come back and see this mess with that space center.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    Please tell me that Simon Blackquill is not an open-and-shut case of guilty. He had to pick up Phoenix Wright's slack after the incident from last year and now THIS happens? We already have cases like John Chupp's corruption among even worse incidents that Phoenix Wright had been mixed up with. Ye Gods, and at this point, I'm not even sure that Kristoph Gavin and Miles Edgeworth will hold the fort. At this point, well I've already lost hope that the government would be ANY help with issues like the God awful mess called my parents' house, but this is a new low when they can't even properly handle their authority on homicide of all things.

    Also, I have to know what that kid witness was thinking. I've seen some idiots in my time, but what was with her claims that she could "sense" Blackquill to not have killed anybody? It's just.....actually, I don't even know why, but I get the feeling that I shouldn't call her a special kind of idiot, the feeling that she would have some unique gift that could break this entire fog apart. Then again, I'm getting the odd feeling that some specter is out there having caused this chaos, hiding behind some multi-layered facade, laughing while the hope for exorcising them would be too far away for years to come.

    I just don't know what's going on anymore.

    submitted by /u/MasterKnightDH
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    [FANART] So a few days ago I posted fanart I made of Franziska and Maya and since some people liked that, I'm back again with more art of the two that I recently finished <3

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 12:13 AM PDT

    hechima wrote an excellent fanfiction about case 1-4 called "The View from the Gallery".

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    So, this is closest godot i can get in saints row 4 editor

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    Some people were doing this so, here's mine.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    Is there any easy way to watch an the anime?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    I kinda wanna watch the anime, but the only ways I see I can watch it are through these subscription services that I don't want to buy. Is there a free or one time purchase ways of getting the anime?

    submitted by /u/StressedInYT
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    Why do people like Clay Terran?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    Like am I supposed to care about him? He doesn't do anything.

    submitted by /u/AceDemoMuse76-2
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    Why do you get into Ace Attorney???

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    Hey everyone I'm just wondering how did you guys get into ace attorney fandom in the first place...

    submitted by /u/Codythegoat123
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    Let's Rewrite - AA: Investigations 2 (Part 2) [General Spoilers]

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    The Inherited Turnabout:

    I got plenty to say here since this is my favorite case in the series. It's honestly not the references to Gregory Edgeworth, connections to the later cases/the mastermind, or even the first game who make this case for me. It's instead Kate and Jeff's relationship as daughter and father and seeing how much one is doing for the other even when they aren't necessarily sensible or healthy choices. The very (foolish) idea that Jeff just starts by using a drug recipe book for a contest prize presumably because he doesn't want to deal with family politics with the business isn't ignored by the case, nor is Kate's unhealthy habit of prioritizing her father over herself.

    Sebastian won't show up in this trial much and Justine won't have as much of a prominent role. Instead, Franziska Von Karma will join everyone knowing this case concerns her father. Ray will object to it the moment he hears a Von Karma is taking on the case, but he'll be caught off guard when he sees that Franziska hits it off with Katherine Hall very quickly. Justine will rush off in worry to make sure her son is safe from the poison gas. Once things calm down, Justine states that Von Karma was authority over the case and then goes off to stay with her son….and maybe sleuth around to find more information to build her evidence up for the next case.

    Sebastian will try and fail miserably at trying to put the case together arguing that Larry or Delicia committed the crime despite the obvious contradictions. Franziska will argue that Dane Gustavia committed suicide and that Kate is innocent or that there was no murderer and this was an accident due to Gustavia not understanding what he was doing and tampering with the art pieces. She'll fight her very best to defend Kate despite the evidence pointing her way and she'll be crushed when she sees how far Kate was willing to go for her papa.

    This gives a good opportunity for Franziska to call Kate out on something Jeff Masters called her out on too—she only lives for someone else and even if her love for her father is genuine, it's not a healthy way to live her life, something Frannie knows all too well. Kate isn't just driven by wanting to save Masters, but also is driven by trying to make up for her personal guilt by inadvertently aiding the culprit. Kate had her life torn apart from the case losing not just her father but her home, job and stability as well. She worked for almost 20 years and even after achieving fame and fortune worked for all of it to reclaim everything she lost. When you cross examine her, there are so many moments where she talks about all the things she loves doing with her father and how she'd love to go back to it. It makes a beautiful contrast with Dane Gustavia, who also achieved fame and fortune after this same case but tore everyone around him down to achieve it. After these rewrites, I might do a Cheers/Jeers series and stan Kate more then.

    It's honestly ridiculous how much material you can get by having Frannie in this case and what a big wasted opportunity It was to not include her. It's even weirder because she shows up next case and does very little besides argue against you despite there being plenty of viable candidates. You can even end the case by saying Frannie will personally see to it that Kate is given a fair trial like Jeff deserved and that Franziska will make the circumstances of the case very clear and do whatever it takes to correct Manfred's mistakes.

    This'll also indirectly help Justine's character quite a bit by subjecting the player to fewer threats and less annoying shit from Sebastian. I know the fact that she's John's adoptive mother isn't brought up until later, but there's already way too much shit packed in the grand turnabout for its own good to the point where it feels like 2 or 3 different cases mashed together, so maybe having a moment of Justine just being a mommy with her son here and now would be cool. Just having the reveal with John would be fine here and make the last case a little less overfilled. Having that swerve of her going back from mommy Justine to taking no shit from witnesses would be fantastic.

    You get plenty of material of Ray being shocked that a Von Karma is now fighting to protect Kate and that the children of the prosecutor and defense attorney from 18 years ago are now clashing over the IS-7 incident. This'll also make their working together in Patricia Roland's trial more meaningful too since they never comment much on Ray working with a second Von Karma.

    Speaking of Ray, we'll add in a brief segment where Ray will mention that Manfred Von Karma was the prosecutor of the IS-7 incident case and Larry will remember him and go "oh hey, Edgy, he's that scary guy who was the prosecutor of that case, right? Nick really came through for you, dude!" Referring to Turnabout Goodbyes.

    It'll make for a nice moment to make a callback to Phoenix and have Edgeworth give a moment to express his gratitude to him for how much he's turned his life around. Then Ray can say how he'd love to meet him. Between being the man to manage to take down Von Karma (if barely) and also turn Edgeworth's life around, "this sounds like a guy Uncle Ray simply has to meet."

    Next, I feel this case kind of needs more generic people like a larger list of contest participants for Katherine to suspect. I realize it's already a long and complex trial as is and even in the previous case it's implied that there are obviously more prisoners we don't see onscreen, but a lot of Kate's portion of the crime centers around the fact that she doesn't know who the real killer is and set a trap that only the real killer will fall for. She even goes out of her way to make sure no innocent people are poisoned, even at the cost of creating more evidence leading back to her.

    Because there were only a small number of onscreen participants, one of whom was the victim, it makes it a little trickier to really see the full extent of how clever her crime is when literally only one reasonable suspect is shown. She has a lot of goals to accomplish in luring out the real killer and only the real killer (who she doesn't even know), protecting the evidence, and going out of her way to prevent innocent people from being harmed.

    Since she was openly working with Delicia and on some speaking terms with her for almost two decades after the incident, it's hard to think she suspected her of the murder as well. Yes, her crime casts suspicion on Delicia, but it's also cleared up very early in the present-day case due to the stolen item slip. Even when Kate has the chance to pin the crime on Delicia or even Larry, Kate instead pushes for the possibility of suicide despite it making much more sense to suggest murder. She also largely gets suspected due to evidence made from her protecting people other than the killer from being poisoned.

    I mentioned earlier that several AAI2 characters have an issue where they have a clear arc and role throughout the story, but don't need four cases to deliver that. In Justine's case, it also causes problems because her role as an inside woman trying to take on Blaise from within the PIC and ultimately being a good if very flawed person gets undermined when she also has to take on the role of rival throughout almost every case. There are so many moments where she threatens you or hinders your investigation that it conflicts with the characterization at the end.

    For example, we see she does try to give Sebastian a bit of encouragement when she can and directly calls out Blaise on how he treats Sebastian, but a lot of her words in earlier cases aren't really helping Sebastian and if anything are only reinforcing a lot of the abuse Sebastian is being subjected to by playing right into calling him super intelligent. There's a moment in case 3 where Edgeworth says Sebastian has no right to call himself a prosecutor if all he cares about is winning and Justine interjects with this:

    Justine: Sebastian. A person of your caliber has no need to listen to such things.

    I can't say if this is in the original script or if it's due to the fan translation. This scene would be a lot more effective if Edgeworth had instead been a completely insensitive dick and just called Sebastian an idiot or something and Justine instead calls him out on his rudeness rather than reinforcing Sebastian's shitty behavior. She can still have him go check on the victim and take his place, but it'd be a much nicer way for her to spare his feelings while still pretty much using him.

    I like that she acknowledges his hard work even if he doesn't always succeed in case 4, and she could have really used more moments like that where she's genuinely supportive of other people for no other reason than just to show a bit of kindness. The problem is that there's hardly any demonstration of this in the game proper and is largely undermined by her other behavior earlier. There's a huge disconnect with Justine in cases 2-3 versus her in cases 4 and 5.

    I've seen people criticize her for being ridiculously biased despite being a judge, but I don't fully agree with that on its own. In this context, she's similar to Edgeworth in that she may have a certain profession, but in the investigations she's officially carrying out another duty. Edgy is a prosecutor but he's officially a defense attorney's assistant or interpol agent assistant in these cases. Justine may be a judge, but in these cases, she's a PIC agent as well as an assistant to a prosecutor, so her job isn't to be neutral in these situations. She's supposed to be helping the prosecutor build a case against a specific suspect. And since he was pretty much set up to fail, she's taking over a large part of that to spare Sebastian's feelings.

    We'll get to that later though. Justine is the main rival of the game, so she can still show up here, but she'll have a smaller role come case 3.

    I'd make the case that the larger issue to Justine's behavior comes down to the case's pacing. I2-2 and 3 are both very long cases, so the player is exposed to agonizingly long segments of both being threatened by Justine as well as Sebastian being an ass.

    To me the most egregious example is how she words her lines to you during this case when it looks like you're not able to take down Dane Gustavia. She shows pretty much no actual concern about the fact that there's seemingly no proper way to serve out justice despite it being clear that Gustavia did it, but the statute of limitations has lapsed.

    They want to have that inside woman twist later, but also need her to be the rival now. As a result, the game flip flops a lot on when they want Justine to be super neutral and when she gets to be more opinionated. A good example is how she's able to be perfectly restrained despite seeing what a horribly shitty father Gustavia is.

    If there was ever a time to show Justine lose her cool and have mommy Justine come out, this would be it. Even a conflicted, sad, or angry expression would have gone a long way here.

    She does very calmly neutral expression of "we're not here to evaluate him as a father" but is able to more or less say "looks like you couldn't prove it, Edgeworth" and show a lot more contempt to him when he's just shy of delivering justice. I don't know if this is in the original script or perhaps a result of the fan translation, but it's moments like this that really hurt Justine's character. Having her just be really angry and disgusted by this reveal and how he treated his son then having to snap back and accept that they still have no legal right to arrest him yet would have been perfect.

    Justine in this rewrite will step in once it's clear Gustavia was the past incident killer, but she's not interested in protecting him and only ensuring that all parties involved have some form of legal representation. She'll still be as visibly disgusted as everyone else. A lot of the choices in sprites here kind of downplay the dialogue like when she says she has her own share of issues with Gustavia's testimony or says how we're not here to evaluate him as a father. Having a more conflicted or disdainful expression would have helped sell that she's not happy that she has to say that, but instead she's either indifferent or looking smug in these.

    Justine's character arc works fine when you list out the core beats, but is hampered by the pacing because we don't need multiple very long cases of "I'm going to take your badge, Prosecutor Edgeworth" to get that point across. Justine becomes a lot more tolerable when she gets John to interact with. A lot of her appeal before that is not knowing what her own personal agenda is, not her being rude and condescending to you. Even Lang didn't trust Edgeworth initially both due to having ties to Armano and Von Karma. That's a perfectly valid concern, and even then Lang comes around and changes his behavior after a single case.

    The game doesn't need to have her constantly threaten Edgeworth to do that and instead put her in really suspicious situations.

    Case 4 is really the best at showcasing this (even despite the forged evidence thing) where the game directly parallels the end of the first case. You have your evidence confiscated and then later returned to you by one of the potential suspects, meaning there was a window of opportunity for it to be tampered with and Justine is the one holding it. They even add in a portion with there being the crash of a gavel related to the mystery to really nail how much they want you to suspect Justine might be behind it. Earlier, they show you a blank keycard entry with Justine being revealed as the entry later when she writes it off as "eh, it's nothing."

    It doesn't play out and she's not the killer. She even turned on Blaise and saved you when you were seemingly cornered—but it only piles more suspicion on Justine and it's one of the best "trust or distrust" moments for any rival character. She could have taken down Blaise because he was a corrupt bastard and she values exposing the truth, or she could have done it as a power grab and to eliminate a threat in her way.

    Justine should have had more emphasis placed on situations like this rather than making her a secret inside woman who also happened to just be extremely condescending and repetitive for half the game prior.

    Finally, it'll still be the same where Ray begins to come around and apologize to/forgive Edgeworth for seeing how he was projecting on him. Because he was apprehensive to Edgeworth longer in case 2 in this rewrite, it'll make his apology have more significance.

    I'm trying really hard not to gush about Kate more than I already have. She's one of my all time favorite AA characters for a number of reasons.

    Saved the most important change for last. This case needs to end with Kate hugging her dad. Even Ray would be fine, but Kate and Jeff should have hugged at the end. Several other cases have done that, why don't we get it here? I do love the bittersweet ending where they're still separated with Kate in prison this time, I wanted to see that hug so badly, to the point where I was shouting and swearing when we didn't get it. Seriously. I was a mess.


    DAMN IT!

    HUG HER!

    submitted by /u/BSWolf777
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    Top Sweets in Video Games (Mentions Ace Attorney)

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    What happens if you refuse to defend Edgeworth?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 03:22 PM PDT

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