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    Sunday, September 13, 2020

    Ace Attorney Weekly Poll [7]: What is your favourite case?

    Ace Attorney Weekly Poll [7]: What is your favourite case?

    Weekly Poll [7]: What is your favourite case?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 02:28 PM PDT


    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    Anxiety, summed up to one image

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    They told me I could become anything, so I became Godot

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 07:28 AM PDT


    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    Here's a lil colored sketch

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    Among Us but it's an Ace Attorney Debate

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    Friendly reminder that this post is gold

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    Aura Blackquill: A Character Breakdown

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    So, for the past several weeks, I've been posting discussion threads in which I give my thoughts on every character present in each of the series' main games. With university kicking my free time in the ass, my progress through replaying Spirit of Justice has slowed down. As such, I think I'll just share a deeper look at one of my favourite Ace Attorney characters with you all this week instead.

    This character is, as you'll obviously spot from the title, the robotics engineer Aura Blackquill.

    So, if you read my Dual Destinies post from about a week ago, you'll recall that I don't have an exceptionally high opinion of that game's cast, on average. I think a lot of the recurring main characters took some serious hits in the quality of their characterization, and only a fairly small handful of the entirely new characters make my good books. There is a small upside to this, though, in that the characters I do find myself liking tend to stick out much more noticeably, and Aura is no exception.


    So, let's cover the basics on Ms. Blackquill right out of the gate. As the older sister of the game's main prosecutor, the Twisted Samurai himself, Simon Blackquill, Aura wastes no time in outlining her disdain for the legal system and those who operate within it to Phoenix and Athena, the very first time they encounter her in The Cosmic Turnabout. Interestingly, Aura doesn't seem to recognize Athena straight away, despite the history they have that will become quite relevant shortly after this first meeting.

    Aura is the Space Centre's leading researcher in robotics, designing and building the many robots seen about the facility. Before we even catch her name, she makes her overall demeanour very clear by performing some rather violent maintenance on Clonco, one of the more notable robots.

    As a witness in the Clay Terran murder case, Aura is only willing to go as far as providing her testimony to police, having no interest whatsoever in standing in court at any point. She very openly explains her disdain for lawyers and the legal system in general, making no attempt to mask her disrespectful attitude toward Phoenix during their conversation, and when pressed, she further describes her open dislike for people whose actions and decisions are governed by their emotions, practically laughing off Athena's first attempt to debate this viewpoint. A sharp-eyed player will note, however, that this first conversation is actually not Aura's first appearance in the case. Not too long before we first meet her, Phoenix and Athena visit the Space Museum, examining a certain photo during that visit. It's there that this moment occurs.

    With what we learn later on, Athena's reaction to the photo is understandable. Not only is she seeing her mother in a photo taken at nearly the same time as the incident that saw her murdered, but right next to Metis Cykes is a certain other woman Athena would recognize instantly. Let's focus on the latter in particular. There is Aura herself, a bright smile on her face, enthusiastically posing for the team photo with one of the very robots she and Metis created together. Does that look to you like the face of someone with nothing but contempt for humanity and the emotions we are so often governed by?

    But back to Aura's first proper scene. She openly mocks the highly-emotional Athena, and goes on to explain her own thoughts on the value of the justice system.

    Aura: "Even if somebody important to me was killed... I would never wish to see their killer brought to trial. Because I'd much rather kill them myself."

    Having turned her attention to Athena at this point in the conversation, Aura finally notices something that catches her notice. Seeming to recognize Widget hanging from Athena's neck, she makes a derisive remark that clearly indicates she knows Athena, likely only taking this long to identify her based on how very different the young adult standing before her now is, compared to the quiet, sheltered child she remembers. From there, Aura is absent for the rest of The Cosmic Turnabout, save for a few mentions during the next day's trial session.


    By the next time we see Aura, quite a lot has happened. Sol Starbuck has been acquitted in Clay Terran's murder, but now suspicion has fallen on Athena, instead. Apollo has taken temporary leave from the Wright Anything Agency, intending to pursue the case on his own. Meanwhile, Phoenix has headed out to the Space Centre once more, bringing Trucy along, taking up his investigation for a second time. Visiting the facility's robotics lab, the father-daughter team spots Apollo, who is speaking privately with Aura.

    Interestingly, Aura is acting noticeably flirty toward Apollo in this scene, never treating him with the contempt she showed toward Phoenix and Athena the previous day. She's overheard trying to coax him into taking a break from his investigation, her dialogue suggesting that she might like a more personal conversation of some kind instead. When she realizes that two uninvited guests have entered the lab, she almost instantly shifts back to the cold, bitter tone she used in that conversation, though she continues to address Apollo in her more friendly manner. This is where we see our first signs that Apollo actually does seem to suspect Athena in Clay's murder. He doesn't speak against her directly, but when Aura prods him to do so, clearly having no problem with accusing Athena herself, he also doesn't make any attempt to contradict her. Notably, though, he clams up almost entirely for the remainder of this stretch of conversation.

    When the topic turns to Dr. Metis Cykes, Athena's late mother, we finally start to see what looks like some vulnerability in Aura's personality, if only just for a moment before she stops herself.

    Apollo: I get the feeling Dr. Cykes loved her robots almost as much as she loved her daughter... and almost as much as she loved you.

    Aura: ... Ha ha ha ha ha! What are you talking about? Don't make me laugh! But you lost someone, too, didn't you, Apollo? Your friend Clay... I guess you and I are pretty much in the same boat. -sigh-

    Aura changes the subject, and we move on to discussing her brother. Aura introduced Simon to Metis originally, knowing that her little brother wanted someone to teach him how to use psychology in the courtroom. She describes how Simon took to studying under Metis with incredible discipline, becoming extremely loyal to her in no time at all, and how the young prosecutor even managed to make friends with the eleven year-old Athena. Finally, however, she loses her patience and forces the Wrights out of her lab, letting Apollo stay and continue their conversation in privacy.

    It's not that long before we see her again. A short time after finishing her discussion with Apollo, Aura heads for the detention centre, where she runs into Phoenix again. She doesn't say a word to him directly, but what Phoenix overhears before Aura's departure hints at something she's planning, which will come into focus very soon.

    Talking with her imprisoned brother, Aura appears very frustrated, her dialogue alluding to a very important fact we will learn in full later in this scene. Simon is set to be executed in just a day's time. Seven years after he confessed to the murder of Metis Cykes, his mentor, his execution date has arrived.


    Following this detention centre scene, things descend into chaos. Detective Fulbright explains in a panic that the robots back in the Space Centre have gone out of control, taking the facility's visitors hostage. To make things worse, Trucy was still there the last we saw of her, meaning that she will all but certainly be among those now being held captive.

    Following some theatrics, Aura reveals her plan, though most people present wouldn't know the identity of the hostage-taker relaying her demands through one of the robots. Aura wants Athena removed from police custody and handed over to her. She even tells Fulbright that she will begin killing her hostages if her demands aren't met. It's not immediately clear why, but we'll come to understand later on.

    Aura believes completely that Athena was the one who killed Metis Cykes, her own mother, seven years prior. Additionally, she believes that Athena must have also killed Clay, and as she described in one of the quotes I mentioned earlier, she intends to make Athena answer for those crimes personally.

    Phoenix negotiates with her, offering to instead have Simon Blackquill's murder case retried, with the possibility of clearing his name on the table. Aura considers this, and agrees, if only because she wants to see the "truth" she believes uncovered, and Athena named as that case's culprit. Allowing Phoenix to investigate once more, and even managing to name Chief Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth himself as the prosecutor for the retrial, Aura keeps herself hidden from view for most of what remains in the game, guarding her hostages from a safe location.

    The conversation Phoenix and Edgeworth have (Pearl is there, too) about the incident gives some insight into Aura's motives. It appears from their deductions that Aura's initial plan was to take Athena captive and outright torture her until she confessed to her mother's murder.

    Eventually, the retrial begins. Just as Aura wanted, the cross-examinations to follow lead to a point at which Edgeworth directly accuses Athena herself of killing her own mother. Despite her own claims on the matter having already been called into question, Aura is thrilled, and this is where we finally start to see the full picture of why she hates Athena so much. Seven years ago, Aura's colleague Metis Cykes was murdered. Her brother Simon falsely confessed to the murder of his mentor, knowing that the eleven year-old Athena would be named as the most likely suspect if he didn't step in. There's another, very critical dialogue exchange to include here, however:

    Simon: Metis was deeply passionate about her work, and she chose you as her partner. Isn't that--

    Aura: Shut up, Simon! You know exactly how I felt about her! Her respect as a co-worker wasn't all that I wanted!

    And there's the final piece. It was alluded to already, back in Apollo's conversation with her, but Aura was in love with Metis. In just that one horrible attack, Aura lost the woman she loved, watched her younger brother be falsely convicted of Metis' murder, and sentenced to death, and saw Athena, the sheltered girl who was the only other person in the room at the time of the murder, disappear from the proceedings entirely for years. Everything Aura had was taken from her, and Athena, the only person she could imagine having been responsible for it, walked away free.

    For seven long years, she was left alone, trapped in her own mind, stewing on the grief she felt at Metis' murder, the creeping dread of her brother's execution date, and the sheer, boiling hatred she felt toward Athena. Is it any surprise at all, then, that Aura became so bitter, cold, and resentful toward the legal system that let Metis' "killer" walk away, with Simon falsely convicted in her place?


    Let's turn back several pages, to Aura's introductory scene. There, she outlined her disdain for the way people are ruled by their emotions, making decisions based on feelings rather than the calculated, logical decisions of robots and computers. Yet, when you compare her to her brother, it becomes immediately clear that Aura can't back up this claim at all. Both of the Blackquill siblings were severely hurt by Metis' murder.

    Simon put it upon himself to protect his mentor's daughter from taking the blame for her murder, owing to both his unflinching loyalty to Dr. Cykes, and his knowledge that Athena was not responsible for the crime. Knowing that this would all but certainly result in his own eventual execution, Simon did all he could to create the image of a monstrous killer for himself, intending the world to see him that way so no one would question the facts of the case again.

    Aura hid herself away, too broken by all that had happened to even attempt to seek out help of any kind, and her combined hatred of Athena and desperation to save her little brother eventually drove her to take such extreme actions as a domestic terror plot just to get the closure she so desperately wanted. She was so completely fixated on believing in Athena's guilt that she would have gone as far as to torture Metis' daughter (possibly to death) so long as it meant that she would get the confession she wanted.

    Simon cared deeply about Metis, and his actions in response to her death were out of his professional loyalty to her. Aura loved Metis as well, but her response, and seven years of actions to follow, were entirely rooted in her own emotions.

    When Athena's name is finally cleared (at least on the charge of her mother's murder), Aura is left broken once again.

    Aura: ... The little princess who was truly beloved by Metis, and who repaid that love with death -- All these years, hating Athena was the only thing that's kept me going... But what do I do now? Can anybody tell me? How am I supposed to go on?!

    She's spent the last seven years staving off complete collapse and despair solely by remaining fixated on her hatred of Athena and the legal system that let her "get away with" Metis' murder. It was all that she had left. But now? Now, she's been listening to the trial's proceedings, and has finally been confronted with the inescapable reality that she was wrong from the very beginning. Athena didn't kill her mother. She was entirely innocent -- just a sheltered, traumatized little girl who would have been wrongfully blamed for the murder were it not for Simon's false confession.

    But what happens next?


    Apollo, Athena's friend and co-worker, takes to the witness stand. Athena's name may have been cleared in the UR-1 Incident, but that doesn't answer the questions that have been tearing him apart for the last several days. Who killed his best friend, Clay Terran? If Athena's behaviour gives him every reason to suspect her of the murder, is it because she really is guilty? If not, what is the reason?

    Aura: Apollo... Hee hee. Sure, you know I'm all for the truth! Now, let's see you expose the princess's guilt! Judge, I give my permission. Continue with the trial!

    Look at what Aura is doing. She's spent the last seven years alone with her belief that Athena was the sole cause of all of her suffering. This trial has forced her to see that she was wrong from the very beginning, and that Athena was never at fault for Metis' murder, but now something has shocked her again. Apollo still isn't sure of his co-worker's innocence, and suddenly Aura sees something to cling to -- something that she wouldn't hesitate to take, with the way this entire stage of her life has now been shaken apart. She sees some desperate, vain hope that maybe, just maybe, she wasn't wrong. Maybe she hasn't spent the last seven years in a misguided spiral of hatred fixated on someone who didn't deserve it.

    She's not acting rational. Her willingness to believe Apollo's suspicions doesn't make any logical sense for her. Even if Apollo was right, and Athena did kill Clay, that wouldn't change Aura's situation at all, but that brings us back to my point from just before this: Aura is acting purely out of emotion. The very thing that she says she hates is exactly what is driving her forward all over again. The terror and desperation that Athena's acquittal has brought upon her has made her vulnerable enough that she would be willing to cling to even something as unrelated as Clay's murder purely out of a frantic hope that Apollo might give her some way of justifying the life she's lived for the last seven years.

    But, of course, even this last wisp of hope is pulled from her grasp, in the end.


    Finally, when Apollo's cross-examination has ended, Aura has nothing left. Without a fight, or even a word, she surrenders to police, letting her hostages go and turning herself in.

    We meet her again in the courthouse lobby, where Edgeworth has allowed her to speak with Phoenix and Simon. In her typical manner, Aura doesn't apologize. With enough time to think on all of this, she has found some level of peace with herself, but that doesn't mean that she's tearfully remorseful. The way she sees it, there never would've been a chance for the Space Centre murders to be solved without her intervention. If it hadn't been for her actions, Simon would've been executed, and Athena would've been convicted in the Clay Terran murder case.

    But her cold demeanour doesn't hold. Finally given the chance to have a real conversation with her little brother for the first time in seven years, neither of them hiding anything from one another, Aura finally gives in to her emotions, hearing Simon thank her for her part in saving him, and ensuring a chance to finally see Metis' killer exposed.

    And finally, Aura's part in the story comes to an end. She takes her brother's place in prison, making no attempt to hide from her criminal actions to save his life, but now that she's finally been freed of the suffering that the UR-1 Incident caused her, she is finally at peace.

    I've given Dual Destinies a lot of criticism for the way Phoenix is characterized. Check out my cast review post from a week ago, if you'd like to see a bit of it. There's something here that I appreciate immensely about his final interactions with Aura, however.

    Phoenix: (What Ms. Blackquill did was inexcusable... but it's clear she did it out of love for her brother...)

    He doesn't forgive her. Phoenix admits that Aura's motivations were understandable, and perhaps he can even relate on some level. We know just how far he's shown himself willing to go to protect the people he loves before. But despite this, he considers Aura's actions to be something he can't forgive. She took his daughter and twelve other people hostage, using their lives as a bargaining chip, and would all but certainly have murdered Athena if presented with the chance during that hostage situation. He can sympathize with her motives, but he won't say he forgives her.

    Still, in the ending, Simon visits the Wright Anything Agency to request Athena's help in defending Aura. There's no denying the severity of Aura's actions, but I like to believe that the team would be perfectly willing to fight for a lessened sentence for her, not wanting her years of suffering to end with her in prison in her brother's place.

    There's no doubt that Aura's actions were reprehensible, and she has to answer for them, but I would never consider her irredeemable. I would love to see her reappear in a future game.

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    Elevator Trouble :( (Small Spoiler for anyone who hasn't played Case 4 of PW: AA)

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    Magatama inconsistencies

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    I'm currently playing Dual Destinies and this is something I've been wondering for a while. Was it ever once explained why the magatama doesn't activate during a trial? I've heard many theories, such as the witnesses being too far away, too many people being present or Phoenix not bringing it to trials. Have any of these theories actually been confirmed? (Please mark any possible major spoilers for DD or SoJ)

    submitted by /u/7ChampsOnly
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    Which case is the Best/Hardest Murder Mystery ?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    So which case do you think is the most compelling murder to unravel ? Specifically the murder and how it was done, the tricks and such. Not the culprit or story but the murder technique in itself ? And also, which murder was the hardest for you to unravel ?

    I love 3-2's bait and switch and 3-5's really compelling too. Hardest for me would probably be 1-5 tho.

    Also, new to this sub and y'all are nice and chill which is great <3

    submitted by /u/Delstrezi
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    she’s so prettyyy

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 12:16 AM PDT

    Who would win? The Enemy who Surpasses the Law or the Man who Masterminds the Game?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:11 PM PDT

    Simon Keyes successfully took revenge on Knightley, Patricia, Blaise and Huang's body double and got away from Shelly de Killer for some time. Even though he brought down all people that directly caused him pain and suffering, Simon eventually found out that Blaise, Patricia and body double were actually a part of Cohdopian smuggling ring and were taking direct orders for their actions from the ringleader, Quercus Alba. Simon decided to take down Alba by himself at any cost. Fortunately for Simon, members of Berry Big Circus were invited to Cohdopian embassy to participate in the event from Turnabout Ablaze.

    So, basically Turnabout Ablaze scenario but with different variations:

    Round 1: The Edgeworth Gang (from both AAI1 and I2) that includes all allies to Edgeworth for more than one case is absent. Lang and Shih-na are presented. Alba and Shih-na don't know about Simon's existence but Simon (same as Lang) doesn't know about Shih-na working for Alba. Shelly is also presented and is looking for Simon. Shelly can't recognize him right away because of his clown makeup. However, Simon can recognize Shelly in spite of his disguise. Simon and Shelly can move around freely the embassy through different means. Can Simon corner Quercus Alba under these circumstances? If Simon manages to corner Alba somewhere, will he win the one-on-one fight?

    Round 2: Same as Round 1 but Simon failed to kill Alba on his first try. Both Alba and Simon got injured. Alba, Shih-na and Lang become aware of Simon. Shelly now easily can recognize Simon. If Simon once again manages to corner Alba but doesn't kill him, he will die.

    Round 3: Again same as Round 1 but the Edgeworth Gang is on Simon's tail. The Edgeworth Gang is looking for Yatagarasu, the ringleader and the mastermind. They don't know about Shih-na's and Simon's true intentions. The Edgeworth Gang doesn't know about Shelly's presence. Shelly can't attack Simon when he is around the Edgeworth Gang. If Simon tries to kill Alba but doesn't succeed, it will be over for him. Can Simon somehow manipulate the Edgeworth Gang in this situation to catch Alba?

    Round 4: Same as Round 3 but Simon and Shih-na got caught and Shelly fled the scene. The Edgeworth Gang decided to team up with Simon for that case to catch Quercus Alba. Can they do it working together?

    Bonus Round: Manny Coachen and Mask☆DeMasque II were killed. Simon was outsmarted and got both murders pinned on him. Quercus Alba, Shih-na and Simon were brought before the court. Shelly is absent. Can Phoenix (acting as Simon's defense lawyer) and Edgeworth catch Alba and Shih-na and figure out the mastermind's identity to bring Simon to justice?

    Note: Larry, Oldbag, Samurai Dogs and Dogen are absent in all rounds.

    submitted by /u/carnegeonr
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    Something that irked me after finishing 6-5 (Turnabout Revolution)

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    There was that one plot thread with Rayfa that went nowhere and I am not mad about it, just disappointed. I am talking about how Inga showed signs of actually caring for Rayfa, what with how he kept her birthday as his safe's password, and actually kept her birthday letters for him in there. Even if she wasn't related to him by blood, it was a theme in this game in this game how this is not always relevant. Rayfa even reasoned with herself that he probably wanted the founder's orb for her, albeit you can put it to the rationalization of a child, and also knowing what we know about her and Ga'ran, protecting Rayfa might have been his reason for a coup, and the Ace Attorney series is no stranger to crooked means for good intentions.

    Don't get me wrong. I absolutely adored SoJ, and it might be my favorite in the series (haven't played spinoffs yet), with this case being my favorite with how it played out. However, I feel like Inga's motives for the coup and his relationship with Rayfa needed some more elaboration. Maybe he did have good intentions but took a wrong turn somewhere and had the unwelcoming attitude, but as it is now he only appears as a bait-and-switch mastermind who was just too greedy for his own good.

    submitted by /u/mostard_seed
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    Police chief Damon John

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    Police chief Damon John

    I have no clue whether or not this is a shit post.

    Made by a friend after I mentioned that I thought Damon looks like a buff Elton John.


    submitted by /u/SpaceStick-1
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    Finished up my Case Tier List! (AA1-6, AAI1-2, PLvPW)

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    What, in your opinion, is the best plot twist in the entire franchise?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    READ: Please note that I've not played the Layton crossover or the DGS games, so I'd ask that you please spoiler tag those if you talk about them.

    My personal favorite twist in any of the games is the reveal of the Mastermind of Investigations 2, Simon Keyes.

    Never in a million years would I have seen that one coming, and yet, in hindsight, everything falls into place when you think about his involvement in the story, which is exactly what a good plot twist needs - it makes you see past events in a whole new way.

    My runner-up to that is Spirit of Justice's massive twist that Dhurke was dead for the duration of the game - another one that I never would have seen coming, since I was fixed on finding out who the twist villain was going to be (it was the Queen, of course, which really wasn't a twist at all).

    Jesus, this twist shocked me to my core so bad when I realized that the game was pushing me in that direction. Apollo's terrible reaction to it afterwards really didn't help, either. It's probably one of the most depressing things to ever come out of an Ace Attorney game, and it's a series highlight for me because of how crazy it is.


    submitted by /u/JorgTheCurious
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    Who is your favorite villain in the entire series and why ?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    (UPDATED) Ace Attorney Cases From Worst To Best (Ranked By Community!)

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 02:59 AM PDT

    I did a survey a few weeks ago asking people to rank the ace attorney cases on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the worst and 10 being the best. I made another survey about the cases after that to include more cases, here are the results!

    Name Average Rating Rank
    The Lost Turnabout 3.492 40
    Turnabout Big Top 3.634 39
    The Monstrous Turnabout 4.333 38
    The Kidnapped Turnabout 4.437 37
    Turnabout Visitor 4.909 36
    Turnabout Countdown 4.996 35
    Turnabout Time Traveler 5.392 34
    Turnabout Serenade 5.431 33
    Recipe For Turnabout 5.491 32
    The First Turnabout 5.538 31
    Turnabout Storyteller 5.689 30
    Turnabout Airlines 5.718 29
    Turnabout Samurai 5.753 28
    Turnabout Corner 5.863 27
    The Foreign Turnabout 5.875 26
    The Imprisoned Turnabout 6.107 25
    Turnabout Sisters 6.138 24
    Turnabout Academy 6.354 23
    Turnabout Ablaze 6.406 22
    Turnabout Target 6.535 21
    The Stolen Turnabout 6.564 20
    Reunion, and Turnabout 6.593 19
    The Cosmic Turnabout 6.656 18
    The Rite Of Turnabout 6.896 17
    Turnabout Reminiscence 7.062 16
    Turnabout Memories 7.129 15
    Turnabout Succession 7.5 14
    Turnabout Trump 7.522 13
    Turnabout Reclaimed 7.72 12
    Turnabout Beginnings 7.819 11
    Turnabout Revolution 7.931 10
    Turnabout for Tomorrow 7.937 9
    The Forgotten Turnabout 7.962 8
    Rise From The Ashes 7.984 7
    The Grand Turnabout 8.037 6
    The Inherited Turnabout 8.185 5
    The Magical Turnabout 8.482 4
    Turnabout Goodbyes 9.015 3
    Farewell, My Turnabout 9.174 2
    Bridge To The Turnabout 9.36 1

    I also gave the respondents an option to rank the games out of 5.

    8. Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth; 2.87 out of 5

    7: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All; 2.97 out of 5

    6: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies; 3.41 out of 5

    5: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney; 3.51 out of 5

    4: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney; 3.6 out of 5

    3: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice; 3.96 out of 5

    2: Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth 2; 4.17 out of 5

    1: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials And Tribulations; 4.68 out of 5

    Next I'll be compiling some tier lists of the characters. What case placements were you surprised about? I myself was personally surprised about Turnabout Sisters and The Rite Of Turnabout being so high.

    submitted by /u/match17
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    I Can Play investigations before finishing T&T?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    I have the original trilogy downloaded on my Wii, but my Wii is in my mother's house and I can only go there on the weekend's, but in this weekend, my brother came, so I have to stay in my father's house. But I have my cellphone and want to ask:I can play Ace Attorney Investigations and don't get any spoilers from T&T or AJ?

    submitted by /u/Ashura_Mage
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    (help) DGS 2, case 2

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    I'm stuck at Trial 1 and I can't find a good walkthrough. Anybody played the game?

    submitted by /u/Vartolomej_Schwartz
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