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    Saturday, August 29, 2020

    Ace Attorney Recently finished this case and this is all I could imagine (OC)

    Ace Attorney Recently finished this case and this is all I could imagine (OC)

    Recently finished this case and this is all I could imagine (OC)

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    I drew Lana Skye!

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    aa4 has me feeling things

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    Athena & Ema Beach Volleyball Match

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    I just finished Turnabout Serenade and I seem to have forgotten some things.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    I just can't seem to remember LeTousse's last words. Who was the witness, again? Could someone explain it to me 3 or 4 times? I'd appreciate it greatly. Also, was the murder happening according to the lyrics of the song? I'm unsure, so I think we should all go through the lyrics one more time. Another thing is Gavin's guitar catching on fire. I simply can't remember during what part of the performance that happened. Does anyone happen to have a video tape of the performance? I think I'd like to watch it 7 more times.

    submitted by /u/7ChampsOnly
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    (Oc) A re-paint in coffee ~ instagram @kolorainbow

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    This is the defendant. Who would be the prosecutor and who would be the defense?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    Returned from the depths of hell...

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    Research class led me to this

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:49 PM PDT

    I just had a bit of fun with my brother (why did I do this)

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    Trucy and Pearl spotted almost interacting

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    I'm into the second half of a Turnabout Reclaimed replay, and I've just discovered something incredible that I'd totally forgotten.

    When you return to the Wright Anything Agency after the second investigation day's first aquarium trip, the scene begins with Trucy performing a magic trick in front of Pearl and Apollo.

    Pearl and Trucy almost speak with one another. Look at how close the "sisters" are to actually being allowed to interact in some way.

    They also show up onscreen together at the same time in the case's ending, but they don't exchange a word there, so we're ignoring it.

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    Favorite PV:AA moment

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    Sebastian :D.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Ace Attorney reference in Lucky Star

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    Ace Attorney reference in Lucky Star

    I dunno if anyone's pointed this out on the subreddit before but I thought it was pretty cool


    submitted by /u/Gameboy9917
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    Weekly Law Student Ace Attorney Stream!

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    Hello again. Today we are continuing Case 5 of the first game. We are 3 (sometimes 4!) law students entering our 3rd year of law school from California who are currently actively practicing in the field of Criminal Law as both defense and prosecution. As we play through the game we're gonna comment on some of the things in the game that are different than and the same as the actual practice of criminal law, so feel free to drop by and ask some questions (or lurk) if you're interested in learning something about the system, or if you just want to just come have some fun shitposting in the chat.


    submitted by /u/Dudebro9001
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    Does anyone know what happened to the case art in the series?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    This is something I just noticed recently, but why did the case art get such a downgrade between the first game and the rest of the series? The Turnabout Sisters and Turnabout Goodbyes case arts are so good and I can only imagine what the rest of the series could have looked like with that level of quality :/

    submitted by /u/tompiet1
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    What rare characters should return in the next game

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    Give a reason if necessary. My pick would be Sebastian debest it would be cool to see him return.

    submitted by /u/steel-onyx
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    Ace Attorney 7 should have character sprites interacting with each other instead of just talking to the player.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 12:43 AM PDT

    Which trial in DD do you think is the worst?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    Personally I think the second trial (the Yokai thingy one) is the worst due to the fact I see it as obnoxious, uninteresting, lacking logic, and kind of repetitive and overall annoying. However, this is my opinion and I would rather have others opinions too.

    submitted by /u/AwesomeSpence4
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    At Soup

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    Why Jean Greyerl is the best character to exist in anything ever

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    As probably the only person in the world who has played VS, I have taken it upon myself to create a probably amazing writeup that properly appreciates the best character in any game ever, Matt Engarde Jean Greyerl.

    This is my first character writeup ever please don't kill me

    Also quick note, this will contain spoilers for the entirety of VS. If you want to skip me summarizing, just scroll down to the trial. Uh so yeah let's start


    I was planning to replay the couple of chapters with Greyerl in it, but apparently there is no way to select different chapters and me being a dum dum idiot didn't save in different savefiles. I guess I'll just use the wiki and Youtube

    Greyerl is first introduced towards the end of Chapter 3*. His first reaction upon seeing Phoenix and Maya is that they were looking for medicine. Having worked under Belduke for sometime, this was mostly the case for years. Then they all talk blah blah blah and Greyerl lets them inside the house to investigate Belduke's death.

    Now the first thing you may notice when entering Greyerl's room is that the wall in the back seems to be hastily painted green, this could just be for aesthetic purposes though and when I first played through I paid it no mind. Then Phoenix goes and investigates for a little bit yadda yadda. Greyerl then explains the one thing he can to the two ace bakers. He recounts the events of the bell tower appearing with a ~fancy~ cutscene included. He then explains Belduke's reaction to the tower's sudden appearance and how he was afraid. Now people who have finished playing the game all know that this was what started all of the events in the Golden Court (aka one of the best trials ever) and even the whole game. If it weren't for that, Belduke would still be alive and Darklaw wouldn't have betrayed the Storyteller. The world of Labyrinthia would stay in a faux peace for just a little while longer. Atua bless the bell tower for creating this game I guess

    After hearing about the bell tower, the duo begin to investigate Belduke's study with Greyerl accompanying them. But before that, they speak a little bit about how one of the walls in the room is painted green. Greyerl explains that there was a small fire and that the wall was left a bit singed because of it. Now can we just talk about how clever Greyerl is? He (or should I just start using she now idk) was clearly stuck without any green walls around him so his first thought is to just,, set a fire?? I would've probably just painted the wall claiming that green was my new favorite color but Greyerl went ahead and took the most dramatic route. Good for him.

    Also, another thing that should be mentioned. Since Belduke was the one who created Labyrinthia, he would have all the knowledge about the different spells witches can use. He was probably aware about what Greyerl was up to after he saw that the wall was painted green, but he never mentioned anything to him. I wonder if the writers even thought about the fact that he would've known? Eh, who knows

    Little snippet from Layton and Luke's speaking with the Storyteller:

    The victim of a golden curse lies in the dwelling of a user of false alchemy.

    This could be referring to either Layton or Greyerl. The latter has suffered immensely because of the "golden curse" and even attempted to end her own life at one point. I think it's safe to say that Greyerl is as much of a victim as anyone else. Everything else written by the Storyteller mostly fits with Layton and Maya, but I think it's cool that you can interpret the first line to fit with Greyerl.

    *Can we just talk about how obviously female he is? I had even mistaken him for a girl when I first saw him. We love good red herrings.

    More investigations time

    The baker duo continue to investigate while Greyerl is chilling when they start to investigate behind the painting in Belduke's study.* Now at this point, the player has probably made a connection between the two green walls. Now if you're really smart, you might have even known that there is a very handy spell that allows you to go between two green walls. Pretty neat right?

    When in the middle of investigating, Greyerl points out Maya's magatama and compliments it. Maya then compliments Greyerl's in return and mentions the pretty color. Now this is when you have to pay attention!11!!!11! RIP people who skip text. The butler then tells Maya about the origin of his amethyst and how Belduke gave it to him. I think it's very sweet that he gave it to him after he saved his life.

    Phoenix then investigates the cellar under the room. In there, there's something that really sticks out, and that's the golden goat. Greyerl then returns to this room, knowing that Phoenix wouldn't find anything of importance. Y'know at this point, this is probably just more of a summary than a writeup. Oh well, it's hard not to summarize things idk.

    To be honest, there's not much to say about Greyerl pre-trial. All he really does is assist Phoenix and Maya as to not seem suspicious, and explain things that might make him a suspect. (Also fun fact!!! There's a doll in the cellar and that might've belonged to Darklaw!!!! The more you know)

    Oh and then Professor Layton turns into gold or smth idk who cares (I kinda do actually)

    *Um,, how tf they reached the painting without stepping on the drugs???? Did they just climb over the desk or something????? I'm so confused

    Hey look it's a trial

    That was a lie, there's some stuff to say before the trial starts.

    Before the trial begins, Greyerl goes to Phoenix to express her condolences towards Maya being accused. They then pointed out how pale he looked, to which he responds that he hasn't gotten much sleep. I'm choosing to believe Greyerl when he says that he stayed up trying to find a way to help Layton (also Margaret). He must've also been stressing out about the fact that he could possibly be caught and accused of turning Layton to gold.

    K so I'm bored now let's talk about when he testifies!!!

    Greyerl testifying was probably one of my favorite cross examination segments in the game. The way that she presented herself so confidently really made it enjoyable, as it wasn't as if she was going to make an obvious slip up. In fact, the only reason why everyone found out she was a girl was because of the fact that apparently you can't wear different colored gemstones. If it weren't for those meddling lawyers!!

    Also can we talk about how much better this reveal was than the game that came out later *cough cough* Duel Destinies. (I will say that I do like Robin Newman though and that's straight F-A-C-T-S)

    Now it was at this point when she was revealed as a girl that I promptly texted my friend about how I was 100% right that she was a girl and that I was 99% sure she was the one that murdered Belduke. She then responded that she was proud of me for being so smart (mhmm yes I am) but to keep an open mind because there could be another plot twist. Oh how right she was.

    Also I find it funny how Greyerl is going on and on about logic and facts whenever according to Layton that doesn't even exist in their world. Edgeworth is quaking

    So on goes Phoenix, using his incredible skills as a lawyer (no bluffing nuh uh) to try and catch Greyerl slip up. Greyerl doesn't ever actually slip up though if I recall correctly, and it's only because of the fact that Phoenix knew about the letter that he was able to connect the dots.

    Things happen idk I'm too lazy to find the playthrough on YT atm. Oh yeah, Greyerl reading the letter was a very important part I can't believe I almost forgot about that. I guess I'll review it tomorrow.

    K it's tomorrow now imma put a quote to make me look cool

    "Yes. I confess. The abhorrent witch who used the spell Godoor to swap the contents of that letter… and who took the life of Master Belduke. It was none other than I."

    I've already written backstory stuff under this so um yeah just read that first or something. One of the things I have not mentioned yet though is the fact that Greyerl was still staying at the alchemist's house because of her waiting for the day that logic and reasoning would overcome the witches' existence. Greyerl seems to be the only character that lives in Labyrinthia that focuses on the why and how of things instead of just blindly accepting everything fed to them.

    Greyerl confesses to the fact that she is a witch and admits to killing Belduke, but claims that she played no part in turning Layton to gold. She only got rid of her sceptre as that was her only chance to do so. And then confusion happens to all the characters until the festive palm tree himself says that the bottle that Greyerl put the soporific in was never opened. More stuff happens yadda yadda and bam! It was actually a suicide all along. I'll have you know I was very shook and was probably like :000000 the whole time.

    Greyerl reading her master's suicide note is one of the most emotional moments in any Ace Attorney game, only behind 6-5 for me. Her reading the letter and seeing that Belduke never wished her harm really hits hard as she realizes the awful thing she attempted to do. Belduke asking the Storyteller to write her a happy story after he is gone is practically asking a god directly in the eyes of the people of Labyrinthia. Greyerl gets to know that he cared enough about her that he was thinking about her wellbeing in his last moments, and it's really touching.


    There's really not much to say about Greyerl in A Taste of Despair. She helps out Phoenix, Luke, and Espella while she is in the dungeon and does this little yelley distracty thing to get the guards attention which is a little funny to think about. I wonder what she said to the guards after they came running to her?

    Oh she also says thank you and stuff and that is nice we love characters appreciating the courtroom skill that Phoenix has

    Themes or smth

    A lot of this trial's themes revolve around the harm that witches bring to the world of Labyrinthia. It is also about guilt and dealing with pain. The similarities between Belduke and Greyerl are written wonderfully in my opinion. On one hand, you have Greyerl who attempted to end her own life because of the immense guilt she felt from killing her closest friend and shame of being a witch and not wanting to hurt her family. And then you have Belduke who found the same escape in suicide after feeling overwhelmed with guilt, knowing that he has caused many people to suffer because of the town of Labryinthia.

    Unlike Belduke though, Greyerl ends up living on, despite her being a witch. After reading Belduke's final words to The Storyteller, she realizes that he only wanted the best for her. It's truly quite a heartbreaking moment when you see Greyerl, thinking that the person who saved her life had betrayed her, finding out that it was all a grave misunderstanding. I think that the moments when she reads his note is done beautifully and emotionally, and the voice acting worked perfectly as well.

    Before Belduke died though, he mentioned in his letter how he was hopeful for his apprentice, and wanted her to be happy despite who she was. He had never given up on her, and believed that she could live without him being there for her. There may have been several witches out there that were struggling, but he at least wanted to help her.

    Tragic anime backstory

    Greyerl's childhood was a hard one but also happy. Her family, being poor, could no longer afford the roof they lived under, and were going to have to sell it. Greyerl, wanting to help as much as she could, decided to use her magic that not even her family knew about so that they could continue living the life they had. But when she was going to use the spell Goldor on a leaf, her closest friend, who was a goat, stepped in front of her and ended up being turned to gold instead.

    Well that's quite the big oof if I've ever seen one. Poor Margaret deserved better. I, being an incredibly emotional person who can connect with a character in an instant, felt quite damn sad when Greyerl started talking about her past. I really enjoyed this part of the chapter because it feels like something that's never been done before in Ace Attorney. Of course, there's usually backstories for characters to better understand their motives, but it was really nice to hear about a character's whole past without them being a major character. I think it's really great to have the minor characters have a bunch of focus, even if they'll never return. It's honestly one of my favorite things about Ace Attorney, and it's fun having such a group of diverse people in each game.

    Back onto the topic, Greyerl's backstory really hits the player because of how there was nothing she could do about it. She couldn't control the fact that her family had no money, and her only way of helping was using witchcraft, something that would immediately get her killed if she was caught. She still goes on with her plan, knowing full well the risk. It really hurts seeing such a young child who was trying her best fail so miserably and hurting one of the few people (or animals?) she cared about. While of course there are many other reasonable ways to react before deciding to drown yourself, you can really see the pain that she must've been in. It was the only way she knew her family wouldn't get into trouble because of her. Witches in Labyrinthia were only trying to live peacefully, like Kira said. Yet all the villagers' knee jerk reaction upon knowing that someone is one is to execute them, and that's just god damn cruel.

    Belduke sees Greyerl in the river and saves her, and then her parents and him come to the conclusion to let her live with him as his apprentice. He then tells her that she has to act as if she was a boy from then on, as to deter any suspicion of her being a witch. I think this really gives a nice side to Belduke as you never actually get to meet him in the game (with him being dead and all). Perhaps this was Belduke's way of helping at least one person because apparently you can't just stop this whole Labyrinthia Project (I mean come on??? How is this healthy for people??????) He really did seem to care about her though, and even asked the Storyteller to make sure she would be well after he died. I think it's really cool how intertwined Greyerl and Belduke's stories are. You really can't talk about one without mentioning the other.

    A little note I think idk where to put this

    After finishing the game, it becomes a lot more heartbreaking when you think about Greyerl's and Belduke's relationship. Belduke was aware of what the truth of Labyrinthia was, after all. The fact that he took responsibility for Greyerl for so long is probably because of the guilt he had knowing that he was part of the reason she suffered so much. Watching the belltower appear might have been his breaking point, but seeing Greyerl just trying her best to live on while being a witch must have been hanging on him. (This would've been so much easier if they just stopped with the whole witch shenanigans but w/e)

    Qualities of a good character


    Greyerl is one of the few characters in AA that is quite thoroughly serious. I think this works very well in The Golden Court which is also quite a serious case. Greyerl fits the mood very well, and I think that the writers did a great job at establishing the feelings that they wanted the case to emit. Now I'm going to talk about a wild drunkard named Emeer Pauchenbaug.* I think that the fact that he even exists works very well for the juxtaposition of this case and Greyerl. He's great comic relief before we get to the end of this very sad chapter, and it really punches in the emotions as the player goes from laughing to feeling the pain that Greyerl had experienced.

    While there are, in fact, other people in this case besides Greyerl and Emeer, I just don't think they are as good. Primstone IIRC just stands there half the time being tall and Birdly SUCKS and Bardly is 100% better. Oh, he does have a parrot though I guess so that does make him suck a little less. Now that I think about it, this case was quite the rollercoaster of emotions, going from depressed Luke (which there was a lot more they could've done with imo) to cross examining a parrot (that totally has never been done before).

    *Everyone is talking about Bucky Whet and how in 6-4 there's all sorts of drinking or smth (bird bought alcohol lol) when Emeer is the real OG. Props to him

    -Relation to the case

    Now come on, Greyerl is the one who stands out the most in this case with her being a witch and all. I love the way that she planned everything out and believed in what she did, when really everything was backwards. The plot twist in this case was superb. As someone who fully thought that Greyerl was the witch from the moment I saw her, I truly did not see it coming. I only became a bit suspicious when Phoenix was acting super confident because that just does not happen naturally.

    Anyways, one of my favorite things about characters is whenever they are tied to the plot and have a purpose. And Greyerl's role in this case is to act as a red herring and once again show the pain that being a witch causes following Kira's case. They could've been lazy with Greyerl and just have her be "hurr durr I am evil mwahahaha" but no, they instead created a girl that kept being pushed and pushed before she finally reached her breaking point and attempted to kill Belduke in the spur of the moment. Seeing this sort of character who isn't evil but just under so much stress is just so damn interesting and it makes for great emotional storytelling because of how relatable it really is. (Of course, I'm probably never going to kill someone, but I too feel stress)

    -Change throughout the game

    I have now looked at a wikihow article so that way my words may make more sense. And this other article I'm reading is talking about different character types such as flat and round and blah blah so yeah whatever.

    Jean Greyerl is what you would apparently call a dynamic character. No, this is not dynamic stretches which some of you may do at school, but this probably means that she grows throughout the game, and we love character growth.*

    Now let's look at Greyerl before the events of The Golden Court. She was a girl who lived a good life despite being poor. I wouldn't say she had any character flaws in particular, considering you never got to see her younger self. She was very worried about the fact that she was a witch, though, and never told her parents until after she accidentally turned Margaret into gold.

    Greyerl is basically just Kira, except she had someone out for her that knew her secret but was trustworthy. That is, until she thought that he was writing a letter to the Storyteller explaining how she was a witch. She panics and blah blah this is things I've already said.

    Basically, she is a witch who is afraid for herself and how she may hurt people she cares about.

    Now let's look at Greyerl after the plot twist.

    She realizes her mistakes, and decides to better herself. She's come to terms with the fact she is a witch, and even helps Phoenix to return the favor of her not getting executed. Now there isn't what I would call a ton of character growth for Greyerl, and that's mostly due to the fact that you never really see her again later on in the game. I wouldn't say she is the same person as before though. She seems to be more relaxed and confident with herself. She also doesn't have to hide who she truly is. She may have been in a cell, but she was free. (wow that was a good line reikon good job)

    *You know after reading this, she probably isn't really a dynamic character, but she is a round one and I wouldn't call her flat


    I have now learned how to write a conclusion thanks to a nice person in the Q&A here

    Now you know that Greyerl is a good character and should reach at least the top 5 in r/AARankdown instead of stupid Phoenix Wrig—


    You thought this was the end of the writeup but it was me, Athena!!

    So those of you who own VS probably know about the extra chapters in the Extras section. (I mean, why are you reading this if you haven't already played the game???) Well in one of the chapters, there's a really love character named, you guessed it, Jean Greyerl!!

    It's really great to see her a year after the events of the game and how she's doing. She's now trying to become a doctor which makes a lot of sense considering how logical she is and doctors probably use their brains. Her teacher is also now Ms. Primstone which probably sucks because she said she doesn't like puzzles and who tf says that in a Professor Layton game???

    One of the first things I noticed though was the fact that Greyerl was not wearing her amethyst gemstone. Now this is probably because of the fact that the creators of the game didn't bother making another model thing or however it works but I'm going to believe that it was purposeful so that way I can write more about a character I love.

    The real reason why Greyerl doesn't wear the amethyst anymore is because she still isn't fully over Belduke's death and can't bring herself to wear it anymore.

    Wait you expected me to write more? Nah I'm tired and need to go to sleep. Maybe some other time.

    Why nobody else

    Why write about another character when you can write about Greyerl lol. Best character ever yup and I guess you could say she's Miles better than Edgeworth.

    K I'm done now so you can leave and thanks to coming to my Ted Talk. If you want to hear more of my correct opinions make sure you subscribe and leave a like. See y'all tomorrow when I write about how Deid Mann is the best Ace Attorney character who isn't Greyerl.

    submitted by /u/Reikon_Okubiona
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    Translated transcript of first meeting of AA4 dev team: how they had create a new main character within a week

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 02:08 AM PDT

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