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    Ace Attorney My Franziska Von Karma fanart

    Ace Attorney My Franziska Von Karma fanart

    My Franziska Von Karma fanart

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    i sketched a few mayas

    Posted: 01 May 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Who did it better, Damon Gant or Phoenix Wright?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    Miles Edgeworth redraw (FINAL EDIT I SWEAR)

    Posted: 01 May 2020 05:34 AM PDT

    And with that, I finally complete Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations as well then have completed the entire trilogy

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    I drew both Edgeworth and Miles, super tedious but very fun to draw :]

    Posted: 01 May 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    “Responses to I love you”

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    (spoilers for all games except DGS 1/2) AA Characters sorted according to their worst/most important crimes

    Posted: 01 May 2020 08:49 PM PDT

    An Edgy design process sheet. He was very fun to color ��

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    Ace Attorney and Antagonist Transformations: a Primer

    Posted: 01 May 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    So, I'm sure we're all aware of a certain common Ace Attorney trope, with case antagonists undergoing a "transformation" as the case's events unfold and the player comes closer to uncovering the truth, quite often indicting the antagonist in the process.

    I thought it'd be fun to take a bit of time and outline this trope's usage throughout the series, as well as highlight how its use differs between the games directed by original series creator Shu Takumi, and his eventual successor as main series director, Takeshi Yamazaki.

    To keep this as even as I can, I'll be using only four of the games Takumi has directed, to match Yamazaki's four. These games include the whole main series to date, as well as the Investigations duology. I will be leaving out the Professor Layton crossover, as well as the DGS games. The former would make the list uneven, and the latter I haven't finished myself. If you want to talk about either, that's fine, but please use spoiler tags as appropriate. Spoilers for the games mainly discussed in this post will be unmarked.

    So, to start, I'll make an important distinction. I'm going to break up the transformations present in the series into two major categories: Type A, and Type B.

    Type A: the Behavioural Transformation. This refers to an antagonist changing their temperament dramatically, most often when they are shown to have been wearing a mask of sorts, disguising their actual personality behind a façade, and dropping that mask when pressed far enough.

    Type B: the Physical Transformation. This refers to a character undergoing a dramatic change in appearance. It often also includes a behavioural change, but the physical difference is the main distinction, as these characters often come across as almost being entirely different people once the transformation occurs.

    Now, let's get started:

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

    Case 1 - Frank Sahwit - No transformation, unless you count the toupée throw in the first part of his breakdown.

    Case 2 - Redd White - No transformation, but April May fits into Type A as a secondary antagonist.

    Case 3 - Dee Vasquez - No transformation. She also has about the most subdued breakdown in series history.

    Case 4 - Yanni Yogi - Type A. There's also Manfred von Karma, but he lacks a transformation entirely.

    Case 5 - Damon Gant - No transformation, but one hell of a breakdown.

    Justice For All

    Case 1 - Richard Wellington - No transformation.

    Case 2 - Mimi Miney - Type A.

    Case 3 - Acro - No transformation.

    Case 4 - Matt Engarde - Type B, introducing the concept proper with his slicked-back hair and nasty facial scar to accompany the reveal of his true personality.

    Trials & Tribulations

    Case 1 - Dahlia Hawthorne - Type A.

    Case 2 - Luke Atmey - No transformation.

    Case 3 - Furio Tigre - No transformation.

    Case 4 - Dahlia Hawthorne - Type A, again.

    Case 5 - Godot/Diego Armando - No real transformation, but there are some elements of Type A in the return of his original persona as Diego Armando. There's also Dahlia Hawthorne again, this time bringing some partial elements of Type B with her.

    Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney

    Case 1 - Kristoph Gavin - Type A, though only a light example.

    Case 2 - Alita Tiala - Type A.

    Case 3 - Daryan Crescend - No transformation.

    Case 4 - Kristoph Gavin - Type A again, though with some elements of Type B thrown in near the end.

    So, that covers Takumi's half of this list. As for Yamazaki:

    Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth

    Case 1 - Jacques Portsman - No transformation.

    Case 2 - Cammy Meele - Type A.

    Case 3 - Lance Amano - No transformation.

    Case 4 - Calisto Yew - Type A.

    Case 5 - Quercus Alba - Type B. There's also Shih-na, who's sort of a weird cross of the two types, with both "Shih-na" and "Calisto Yew" revealed to be false identities carried by the same person.

    Ace Attorney Investigations: Prosecutor's Path

    Case 1 - Horace Knightley - No transformation. There's also Di-Jun Huang, who leans into Type B.

    Case 2 - Patricia Poland - No transformation, though there are shades of Type A.

    Case 3 - Dane Gustavia - No transformation. There's also Katherine Hall, who shows certain minor elements of Type A, though she's also not an outright antagonist.

    Case 4 - Blaise Debeste - No transformation, outside of his breakdown's physical effects.

    Case 5 - Simon Keyes - Type B. Blaise Debeste and Patricia Roland also return for another round, though both keep their original classifications.

    Dual Destinies

    Case 1 - Ted Tonate - Type A.

    Case 2 - Florent L'Belle - No transformation, outside of his breakdown's physical effects.

    Case 3 - Aristotle Means - Type B.

    Case 4 - N/A - No transformation, because there's no real antagonist found who could qualify for this list at all, uniquely.

    Case 5 - Bobby Fulbright/The Phantom - Type B.

    Case DLC - Marlon Rimes - Type B, and arguably the most extreme in the series.

    Spirit of Justice

    Case 1 - Pees'lubn Andistan'dhin - Type B.

    Case 2 - Roger Retinz - Type B. There's also Betty de Famme, who's a more minor example of Type B.

    Case 3 - Tahrust Inmee and Beh'leeb Inmee - No transformation for either.

    Case 4 - Geiru Toneido - Type A, with shades of Type B in her breakdown.

    Case 5 - Ga'ran Sigatar Khura'in - Type B, and the only one to compete with Marlon Rimes. Before her, there's also Paul Atishon, though he lacks a transformation.

    Case DLC - Pierce Nichody - Type B.

    So, all in all, it quickly becomes obvious as this list progresses into Yamazaki's half that his games tend to majorly favour transformations for their antagonists, both minor and major.

    Takumi's have 9 examples across this case list of Type A (though one third of them are just Dahlia, and Kristoph takes up two spots as well), and include Type B in 3 examples, though I argue that two are only partial cases.

    Yamazaki's games have 7 examples of Type A, minor or major, and no fewer than 12 examples of Type B, with the latter dominated by examples from the 3DS games. Now, I think part of that can be attributed to the increased technical capabilities of the 3DS itself, and the games' use of 3D models over 2D sprites, but I don't imagine that's the entire reason.

    Now, please don't mistake this post for a criticism of the latter four games solely for including a lot more in the way of transformations. I don't think it's inherently a bad thing, though there are certainly some examples like Ga'ran that I think lose some of their steam once they transform.

    So, what do you all think? Any favourites in the way of transformations, or characters who don't have a major transformation that you really appreciate for it? Do you think it's good or bad in general for a game to feature them often?

    Discuss and debate.

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    Crunchyroll subs messing with names

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:50 PM PDT

    I'm watching the anime for the first time and damn, the subs in crunchyroll use diffdrent names for everyone during the entire season. Phoenix, Naruhodo, Nick (also, why Phoenix???) - they don't even stay at one version and it had me hella confused. Then sometimes it's Mayoi, then Maya, then Mayoi again (I get that their japanese names are Naruhodo and Mayoi, its just annoying to see the subtitles butcher their names differently in every scene). X.x It also happens with a ton of other characters.

    submitted by /u/Anthariya
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    Character Themes

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:13 AM PDT


    What are your 5 favorite character themes? Mine are,

    Zinc Lablanc-Time is Money

    Victor Kudo-How Sad, the Melody of This War Song

    Raymond Shields-Joking Motive

    Bobby Fulbright-In Justice we Trust

    Furio Tigre-Swingin' Tiger

    submitted by /u/Im_Shaggy
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    Why I like Spirit of Justice's villain

    Posted: 01 May 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    AA6's central theme is revolution against an unfair system, and Case 5 takes that to its logical conclusion by putting you up against the queen of Khura'in. Ga'ran, while not a great character, is imo the perfect culmination of everything wrong with the Khura'inese government. She's a complete fraud and everything about her regime is bullshit.

    Ga'ran took power because the previous queen died. Except that she's still alive.

    Dhurke started the fire that killed Amara. Except that he didn't.

    Ga'ran is the queen because she can channel spirits. Except that she can't.

    Now on hand, you have the Defiant Dragons, lead by Dhurke, who seek to free Khura'in by exposing the truth. On the other hand, you have the monarchy who's running the country through lies and bullshit. That's like, the entire premise of Ace Attorney taken to the extreme. In every case, you sift through everyone's lies and falsities until you finally find the truth.

    Plus her breakdown is satisfying to watch.

    submitted by /u/HornyForHina
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    A Summary of the first games?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    Hi, i just discovered this subreddit and realized that there are too many new Ace Attorney games. I've played the original trilogy and the Apollo Justice game for DS for many times, really loved those games. My parents never bought me a 3DS and i didn't use the Internet too much so I didn't know anything about the new games, only the Miles Edgeworth but it wasn't translated. I remember the first game and some cases from the second and the third, but not very well. I would really like to play the 3DS games as soon as possible so I don't wanna replay the first 4 games, what do I need to know in order to get into the story of Dual Destinies? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Sovnarkom
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    Soj or dd?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    Layton vs. Wright: thoughts and opinions

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    So, hanging around on this sub, it's easy to spot that people here don't really hold the Professor Layton/Ace Attorney crossover in especially high regard on average. I used to browse Tumblr as an Ace Attorney community, a few years ago, and the buzz about the crossover was always considerably better there, from the game's announcement all the way up to its eventual, delayed English release.

    I played it back when the English version came out, and honestly, I liked it a lot.

    I can understand a lot of the reasons I've seen other Ace Attorney fans present for disliking it. The setting and story don't feel like a fit for Ace Attorney most of the time past the prologue, being a whimsical fantasy city with magic and no apparent connections to the outside world. The gameplay leans more heavily on the Layton side of things, Phoenix and Maya are far less essential to the plot than the Professor and Luke are, the trials don't exactly end on a wonderfully happy note, given the nature of Labyrinthia's court, and the ending especially will feel totally out-of-left-field to an Ace Attorney fan lacking in Professor Layton experience.

    On the other hand, I think the game strikes a pretty good balance of both franchises without requiring the player to have an extensive history of playing either, as the gameplay never gets too difficult from either side, the characters are portrayed faithfully and bounce off of one another in fun ways, the lack of story connections to either series makes it easy for someone who's only played one of the two to get into it without feeling lost, the music is fantastic, and the original characters carry the story along pretty well. They're interesting, memorable, flawed, and have the depth to match the cast of Ace Attorney itself.

    There's also the voice acting, which I think stands well above either of the officially-voiced-in-English 3DS Ace Attorney games. Prior to the anime's English dub, this game's Phoenix was my favourite voice pick for him (aside from his pretty pathetic courtroom shouts), Maya might not be perfect, but she isn't anywhere near as shrill and annoying to listen to as the anime's version (no offense, Lindsay, you're wonderful, but tone down the helium), and the use of the voice acting was much better than what's done in Dual Destinies or Spirit of Justice, implementing it in the breakdowns during trials, and major story scenes in gameplay, in addition to the excellent animated cutscenes.

    I'll share my favourite sequence from the game, that being the entire ending portion of The Golden Court. The entire thing is heartbreaking, and exponentially improved by the quality of the voice work.

    The scene shortly afterward is excellent as well, with Phoenix visibly angrier than we have ever seen him in his home series.

    And in an unrelated, fun moment, Edgeworth's brief appearances make him sound so hilariously English. It's wonderful.

    So, what'd you all think?

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    So... Are prosecutors always have to antagonize the defense? *Spoilers*

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    So one of the aspects that I appreciate about the Ace Attorney series is that it's one of the few franchises I can think of where there's a clear distinction between "antagonist" and "villain". Because technically speaking, there are two main foes per turnabout; the murderer and the prosecutor. Sometimes, they're the same character (Manfred Von Karma for example), but for the most part, they're two separate characters.

    The thing is, even though the prosecutor characters are "antagonists", they aren't necessarily villains. They just so happen to be on the villain/murderer's side for the episode.

    Also, what keeps the prosecutors from being full-on villains is that even though they're antagonistic towards Phoenix/Apollo/Athena, they aren't necessarily evil people:

    1) Miles Edgeworth's behavior was the result of Manfred von Karma's terrible influence. We see that he is a good person with strong morals (Miles temporarily quit being a prosecutor when he realized he unknowingly used forged evidence to put a murderer away) and that, with the right influences around him, he can be an honorable attorney.

    2) Franziska von Karma puts up a tough front in order to hide the fact that she's buckling from the pressure of living up to the Von Karma name. She's not a terrible person and we even see her care for Miles and lead the search for Maya in Bridge to the Turnabout. Once again, it's Manfred von Karma's influence that's the problem here.

    3) Godot's hatred of Phoenix stems from the trauma of being poisoned by Dahlia Hawthorne and losing Mia. T&T made it clear that he was a good man who was torn down by events out of his control and, instead of finding a healthy way to cope with his losses, he channeled his trauma into rage and hatred. He's definitely more on the grey side of morality but he's not outright evil, especially when compared to the actual villain of the game, Dahlia.

    4) Someone who is a bigger Klavier Gavin fan than me can probably do a better analysis of the character but, to me, Klavier is the best example of the "antagonist, but not a villain" aspect that I mentioned. He's the least antagonistic of the six main prosecutors and actually makes an effort to help Apollo. The only times where he's against Apollo and Phoenix is when they're in court.

    5) Simon Blackquill is a bit of an ironic character since even though he was set up as a representation of the "dark age of the law", he's actually an honorable man who is on the side of justice from the start. True to his nickname "The Twisted Samurai", he has a twisted sense of humor and likes to mock his foes but he's honorable like a samurai. In fact, his whole character arc revolved around how honorable he is, from taking the blame of Metis Cykes' murder in order to protect Athena from actively helping Athena in court.

    6) Nahyuta Sahdmadhi is an example of a good man being torn apart by forces out of his control. He was on the side of Dhurke's revolution but was forced to bend to Queen Ga'ran when she threatened to ruin the lives of the people he loved. Even then, he's not an evil person as he genuinely cares about punishing wicked people.

    To summarize, no matter how annoying, frustrating, or problematic the prosecutors get, what keeps them from being the "main villain" of the game is that there's a way worse person in the story who actually has evil intentions.

    submitted by /u/CamperorLOL
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    Favorite Defense Attorney? *Spoilers*

    Posted: 01 May 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Barring, Athena. Capcom has decided to you know, Apollo has always been in Phoenix's story. So comparing from these two characters alone, which attorney do you like most from experience, perception, knowledge, and wit? Because they both utilize the "Parry Mason Method" and Apollo is Phoenix's student. But Apollo eventually had his story merged into Phoenix's story. Idolized legendary fan, raised by a legendary defense attorney like Trucy, and Dhurke trying to save Maya. Were all those that put these two characters at similar feats.

    Which Defense Attorney is your favorite and why?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/CamperorLOL
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    You are the entire circus. (sorry, MP4 didn't work)

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:03 AM PDT

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