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    Friday, April 3, 2020

    Ace Attorney A trilogy Miles I made in New Horizons.

    Ace Attorney A trilogy Miles I made in New Horizons.

    A trilogy Miles I made in New Horizons.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    [2-4] I distinctly remember being taken aback when I saw this sprite for the first time. They really picked a perfect time to debut this one.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    A collection of a few of my completed outfits (featuring my character)

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    Was looking through folders on my computer and found this gem I made when I first played Justice for All.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    Demon siblings 1

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    Phoenix cosplay (at home because I can’t leave my apartment.)

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    What problems do people have with Edgeworth in I-4?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:18 PM PDT

    I've been watching a playthrough of the first Edgeworth investigation recently, and it's reminded me of my first experiences with that game. When I played I-4, I was blown away by how different the case was and how different Edgeworth was. A look into his past and past life, what Edgeworth once was.

    However, when I look around, it seems to be a fairly common opinion that I-4 Edgeworth doesn't do justice to old Edgeworth. Ignoring the issues with I1's writing, I personally think I-4 shows Von'Karma Edgeworth well, since I didn't think he was leagues different than current Edgeworth.

    Old Edgeworth was a character who would do anything for his guilty verdict. He believed that the evidence was solid and it would be the key to his guilty verdict. AA1-5 has Edgeworth stating he never forged evidence, and as such, he would have ran trials by the books for the most part. Maybe he would occasionally hide evidence, but he wasn't there to forge evidence.

    In addition, I-4 Edgeworth has no reason to pursue Gumshoe as guilty, since in his mind, the case is incomplete. The evidence against Gumshoe doesn't hold and there's someone else whose guilty. Further, it's not even in court yet! There isn't an attorney (well...) going against him and trying to prove Gumshoe innocent. He's doing the preliminary investigation and finding out who really is the guilty party.

    Edgeworth also has a reason to act kind to and bond with Kay. Since him and Kay have gone through the same ordeals. Edgeworth is cold, but Edgeworth isn't heartless.

    Anyway, the more I rewatch I-4 the more I wonder what people really hate about I-4 Edgeworth. The only problem I have is that the whole 'don't remember Kay' thing is dumb and convenient.

    submitted by /u/Highskill64
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    Spirit of Justice was quite a great disservice for Athena, the following games should be focusing on her.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    In Dual Destinies we see Athena mop the floor with Payne in her first case, saving her beloved friend from being framed as a criminal.

    While the game focuses in part in her trauma, the whole point is that she (kind of) overcame it when faced with the guy that caused all her life troubles in court and won. Her cursed hearing ability became her weapon to move forward and become an amazing lawyer.

    But all this was erased on Spirit of Justice and Athena became a joke.

    The rakugo case was incredibly easy to solve and didn't even needed an investigation, the official investigation (which has fame of being lousy) was more than enough to put the pieces together and get to the truth.

    But Athena was not only clueless the whole time, constantly needing Blackquill to tell her how to connect the evidence and what the events REALLY meant, to the point he did a better job than her having zero lawyer experience. Her whole character progression with her powers was erased too.

    In the DLC case she was basically the butt of the jokes, when Edgeworth told Wright to go read "defense attorney for dummies"...with Athena. She gets little or no respect as an attorney.

    The next Ace Attorney should be Athena-centric (maybe with a Phoenix/Maya DLC case) to do justice to her character.

    submitted by /u/UnavailableUsername_
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    I made Phoenix in WWE 2K20 (and yes put him on community creations for you guys to get)

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    Ranking the cases based on how overrated/underrated I think they are

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    I tried to do DGS' Sherlock Holmes and Barok van Zieks' outfits in ACNH

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    Ace attorney in SFM

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    Hi, Can someone tell me how to use courtroom by 8Yaron8 in SFM?? it's .mdl not a map. i'm beginner and i woud like to make something

    submitted by /u/Progames001
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    I just had a thought (theory?) about Larry

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    In 1-1, Phoenix's attitude is "Larry is one of my best friends! I must save him!" but even by 1-4, he seems somewhat annoyed by him, and by AA3 he's more like "jfc this fuckin guy again." It's also a pretty common complaint from fans that while AA1 Larry is a relatively likable comic relief character--ditzy and girl crazy, but not bad--AA3 Larry devolves into a far less likable character, coming off as stupid, needlessly obstructive, and desperate to the point of creepiness. (I personally still find him likable, but I know that's a minority opinion.)

    But consider: AA1 Phoenix's opinion of Larry is based on all their interactions up to the point of Cindy Stone's murder. And not only is Larry's girlfriend murdered, but he himself is accused of it. And like...the murder weapon is a gift he gave her. What if this event is the traumatic turning point that sends him into a downward spiral of negative behavior patterns and leads to his changed characterization in AA3?

    (Idk man, I've had like four hours of sleep and this is what was in my head when I woke up. Phoenix and Edgeworth get character development, so why not?)


    submitted by /u/excessive__machine
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    Ace Attorney Fanart

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:42 AM PDT

    Ace Attorney Fanart

    Court is now in session! Dear jury, I present you this awesome fanart of Phoenix and Maya made by my GF. I hope there will be no objections to how cool it is c;
    Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/B-e8x1rowPi/


    submitted by /u/Erkadiusz
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    I made a Remix. How do you guys think it sounds?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 06:52 PM PDT

    Forgot to actually put on the subreddit

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    More of the WrightWorth family!

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    Thank you

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    This is a thank you message today is my first year on reddit and it has been a fun and crazy year

    submitted by /u/crazygirl42
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    What are your favourite Characters that arent Main Characters or the Murderers?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    For me, they are Robin Newman, i like his Aggressive Attitude and >! Her Gender Reveal was quite a nice plottwist. !< , and Marvin Grossberg, I like his old man humor (you know his hemorrhoids) and i wish that AA7 or any future game will have a flashback case in which Grossberg and von Karma would face eathother, that would be so cool! Also i have to mention Lotta, i like her aggressions and i think shes overall funny. And Happy People is a good song.

    submitted by /u/epicmemes69420
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    Ace Attorney - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly [AA4, "Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney"]

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All
    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations

    Hello everyone.

    This is Part 4 of a series of posts I'm rescuing from the dead due to quarantine downtime, in which I take each case from an AA game and make a quick bullet-point list of their good, bad and ugly parts. The list will cover all mainline games, the Investigation games, and Dai Gyakuten Saiban 1. PLEASE DO NOT SPOIL DAI GYAKUTEN SAIBAN 2 OR PROFESSOR LAYTON VS ACE ATTORNEY FOR ME.

    Good: What's good about the case

    Bad: Minor annoyances, things I'm confused about, or lackluster stuff that ultimately doesn't affect the case, just leaves a ? over my head

    Ugly: Things that, for worse or much worse, affected my opinion of the case.

    Some items I'll elaborate on, some I won't, but the whole point of this is to give my opinion and hear yours. If you need any clarifications, fire away!

    Turnabout Trump

    The Good

    • One of the best tutorial cases IMO; it has a challenging mystery, an unlikely culprit, and you damn near send the wrong person to jail without realizing it
    • Kristoph, in one case, becoming such a memorable character
    • Follow-up: I've said this already, but I find it amazing how Kristoph manages to make you believe Olga did it even when HE's first being cornered
    • Part of the mystery involved poker, but they made it so you didn't have to be an expert to follow it
    • Good balance between humor and tension
    • I'll get to the bad parts of this below, but a good aspect of Phoenix's counterattack is how big galaxy brain his way of solving the case was

    The Bad

    • Hobo Nick's presentation was weird. I'm going to avoid delving too deep into Hobo Nick because he's a vortex in AA - you can say both good and bad stuff about him and his impact on the franchise, and not be wrong - but I'll just say his presentation was weird
    • Olga Orly should've been a little less gimmicky
    • I don't like how the "fake ace card" situation was handled and how it flies on the face of Phoenix, who is supposed to be just a framed innocent man

    The Ugly

    • Now for the obvious: Apollo does fuck all this entire case. I get that he's a nervous greenhorn and we're not supposed to be genius lawyers from the get-go, but at least 70% of the mystery is solved by Kristoph and Phoenix. Phoenix is the worst offender on this
    • Follow-up: Apollo being strung along the mystery that Phoenix unravels is an issue we're, sadly, going to see throughout the entire game, but it's at its peak here

    Turnabout Corner

    The Good

    • Apollo and Trucy's banter. "Filler" cases are supposed to focus on that, and they shine through it
    • Follow-up: the banter with Ema, her references to Rise from the Ashes and the science minigames are fun
    • Klavier's first, and impactful, appearance
    • The Kitakis are pretty much an overt reference to mobster movie types, but they manage to be unique and endearing
    • The mystery is, overall, pretty cool - especially with a victim like Meraktis, who had his share of blame in how the crime developed itself
    • Wesley Stickler, and how satisfying it is to send that guy to jail

    The Bad

    • Alita changed her tune too quickly in court; this being Ace Attorney, it was pretty obvious that as soon as she "froze over", she was basically confessing to the murder
    • Wocky is... a bit too much
    • You know what else is a bit too much? The whole "Mr. Hat interrupting the trial" and how it's just brushed off afterwards. Like I've said before, suspension of disbelief is all well and good, but...

    The Ugly

    • I love Klavier. I love that he's a prosecutor who truly cares about the truth. That being said - there's at least three times in which he damn near spells out the answers for Apollo
    • While this case isn't bad, it's also not exactly memorable - it's a nice little case and nothing more

    Turnabout Serenade

    The Good

    • Klavier is ruthless here. After Lamiroir's first testimonies endanger your case instead of helping it, the Judge could've closed the book on you then and there; good thing they made Ema testify about the lyrics
    • Guilty Love is awesome, and breaking it down with the cue-machine-whatever was fun
    • There are a few cool twists in the plot - Lamiroir and Machi having reverse "roles", and LeTouse being Interpol, for example

    The Bad

    • Daryan's motive for smuggling the cocoon was never explained. Was he helping the Chief Justice? Was he trying to become the Chief Justice? Was he seeking (more) money? We'll never know
    • Klavier concealed Machi's blindness; I expected quite an earful from the judge, and yet...

    The Ugly

    • None of the new characters are particularly endearing, which makes most of the dialogue uninteresting
    • That... goddamn... video...
    • The mystery unravels in a confusing and convoluted way, and we're forced to follow the game's logic rather than point out the obvious issues early on
    • No, seriously, Trucy and Lamiroir refusing to help save an innocent person from GETTING THE DEATH PENALTY because of "the magician's code"?!
    • This is one of the worst cases in AA for me, and with reason. Even the banter between the characters isn't really memorable

    Turnabout Succession

    The Good

    • Kristoph, again, steals the show with his presence
    • Apollo and Klavier are at a quasi-Phoenix-and-Edgeworth pace in the first trial day. They're not pulling any punches
    • Look, this is going to sound crazy, but: I kinda like Brushel. He makes for good comic relief in such a serious and emotionally charged case
    • Kristoph's view of the law being challenged not only by the Jurist System (god rest its soul), but also by Klavier and the Judge with some pretty cool insights
    • Follow-up: Apollo's monologue after that is one of his best moments, a rare moment of Protagonist Vulnerability in a series where, let's be real, they're always prodigies
    • Troupe Gramarye and their complicated backstory/relationship
    • More delving into Trucy's character, and her beautiful relationship with Phoenix, solidifying her as one of my favorite characters

    The Bad

    • I'll be honest, it was pretty hard to feel for Vera until she appeared as a kid. I have trouble relating to characters whose personality is as deep as a notebook page - no pun intended
    • Rubbing the screen to find the rough sketches was fun at first, but got old really fast
    • I expected the MASON System to be, at the very least, based on Phoenix's true experiences during those seven years. Yet, there's weird shit like using evidence from the future during the past, etc
    • Follow-up: Phoenix... lies about Lamiroir being unrelated to the case to her face and that's not cool

    The Ugly

    • Again, Apollo plays second fiddle for most of the case. The first day is all his, even though he's (AGAIN) playing by Phoenix's rules, but then there's an entire trial for Phoenix and the second day is basically Apollo being a proxy to present what Phoenix had found out so far. Not really a "Succession" if you ask me
    • I've never been a fan of the when and how of Phoenix's disbarment, and Zak's trial doesn't help. The character assassination there is unreal. This is supposed to be a Phoenix who, only a few months prior, took down Godot in one of the most internally challenging and draining cases of his life, received his dear mentor's stamp of approval, and realized what it meant to be a lawyer. Then, suddenly, he's a cocky idiot who taunts the prosecutor needlessly and presents an obvious trap - a random page he received from some girl - that ultimately fucks everything he's built so far? Seriously, what the hell?
    • There's a video of the yellow letter in Kristoph's cell. All Phoenix had to do was give you the damn camera. Instead, him, a person with a "history" of forgery, decides that it's better to just reproduce the letter and give it to you so that Kristoph can call you out on it, and basically destroy your argument. What?
    submitted by /u/CompleteWingback
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    I just finished DGS2 and my soul is crushed.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    The final case is probably the best in the whole series. Do you think there will be another DGS?

    submitted by /u/Made_In_Crimson
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    Just for fun, and to round us out, what's your favourite Athena pairing?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 01:36 PM PDT

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