• Breaking News

    Friday, March 27, 2020

    Ace Attorney Hey pal, wasn't expectin' to see you on a deserted island of all places

    Ace Attorney Hey pal, wasn't expectin' to see you on a deserted island of all places

    Hey pal, wasn't expectin' to see you on a deserted island of all places

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 08:31 PM PDT

    Animal Crossing: Ace Attorney Designs Part 2

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    Made a miles edgeworth gif template. Link in comments.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Best Edgeworth (inadvertent) cosplay ever.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:45 AM PDT

    haha *present* badge am I right guys

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    Tried to make Ryuunosuke’s outfit in Animal Crossing

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:30 AM PDT

    Quarantine Downtime!

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    drawing ace attorney characters until i give up: juniper woods

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:24 PM PDT

    Now introducing: The long-awaited rival to Miles Spaghedgeworth, Pepperonix Wright!

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    I just finished playing Justice For All

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    Yo why does everyone hate this game? I thought that it's as good as the first game, maybe a little weaker, though not by much. The first case wasn't very good, but it's only like an hour long so it's not a big deal. The second case was pretty good overall. Circus murder was dumb, but it wasn't insufferable. And the fourth case is my favorite case so far. Admittedly, the ost was weaker, and there were some sections where I knew the answer but I didn't know what to put into the game, and that was frustrating. But that happened in rise from the ashes too, and plus I played on emulator and save states make this problem more tolerable. I've only played the first 2 games, but I really don't see why this game gets no love. I'd give PW: AA an 8.8/10 and JFA an 8.6/10.

    submitted by /u/Occidere8
    [link] [comments]

    Alright, so last night I finished Spirit of Justice and I need to gush for a moment.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    Gonna mark this with a spoiler because I have A LOT to gush about.

    Everything about this game is magical, from the pun names to the story to the breakdowns and everything. This is the perfect Ace Attorney game and it feels like a satisfying conclusion while at the same time giving so much to continue on with the series. I loved singing testimony with Pees'lubn Andistan'dhin, I loved Phoenix vs. Apollo, I loved "Bloon!" and the continuing relationship between Simon and Athena (he is such a big brother and it's fantastic), and Ema and her Snackoos made me so happy.

    I was absolutely heartbroken and literally cried when Apollo found that his dad was dead, and I'm talking about Dhurke instead of Jove. I felt SO ECSTATIC bringing down Garahn. This was such a perfect game. This instantly became my favorite Ace Attorney game.

    submitted by /u/GuyBeardmane
    [link] [comments]

    Apollo!! **Instagram Sketch Giveaway** Details in Comments

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    So I'm not a huge fan of the AA anime adaptation. That said, I thought they nailed Godot's introduction.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    Can we just appreciate how great of a name Shah'do is for a puppy?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    dgs2 propaganda - maria confusinglastname

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    Ace Attorney Conflict of Interest - Review/Dumb Ramblings

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    Hello, I beat a fan game named Conflict of Interest today.

    If you haven't heard of it, it basically takes place in an alternate universe to DD.

    Here's the download to it

    This post will contain spoilers for every case (except for the bad ending of COI-5), so please do not read if you haven't played the game.

    Now, on to the review:

    Case 1 - A Turnabout is Worth a Thousand Words

    This case is interesting for a few reasons, for one it was actually made after Case 2 and 3.

    From what I hear, case 2 was originally going to just be a standalone case with Edgeworth as the prosecutor (at least that's what TvTropes claims), however the creator of the game (Ropfa) decided it'd work better in a full game.

    After finishing case 2 and 3, he felt he needed to add a tutorial case, however due to this a minor problem surfaced.

    This is the only case in the game that's basically just filler, it explains that Phoenix got his badge back, how Maya returned and the victim did work for the Rivales however most of what's in the case doesn't affect anything later on.

    I guess in some ways, this could be considered a positive if only the first case is filler, rather than say the third (which is actually really important to the plot) however for a more-connected game like this I prefer all the cases to be connected (like in Investigations or the DGS games.)

    Now, on to actually talking about the case, it's pretty good but nothing spectacular.

    I loved having Trucy as the main assistant for most of the case, a Phoenix/Trucy pair in court was really neat and the part where Maya also joined the party also was really fun.

    I also really liked Lotta here, she went through a mini arc about how important it is to testify well in court (which I guess is an improvement from what she does in AAI2.)

    The culprit though is pretty mediocre, the gallery cheering whenever they saw her was pretty annoying although I found her singing gimmick okay.

    I loved the part where Maya apologized for not being there when Phoenix lost his badge too.

    So yeah, overall solid case, I did make a more indepth review of it here though, so read it if you're interested.

    Case 2 - The Rogue Turnabout

    This is about when I realized this game was something special, this case reminded me of The Stolen Turnabout a lot as it's mostly just a lighthearted case however one that is also integral to the plot.

    Unlike case 1 which's only new character was mediocre, I actually like every character here.

    Wayne Parker is such a likable guy, in spite of him working for the mafia.

    I loved his whole story about wanting to atone for all of his past mistakes and how he constantly tried to leave the Rivales, but Micheal constantly stopped him.

    The subversion where it's shown that he never killed Charles Locke was great too, but simply was watching as it happened.

    It did make me realize something though, Parker was there when Luciano killed Locke, no wonder he wanted to redeem himself so much.

    The culprit of the case was really obvious, however I loved Virgil Black/Sir Gallante in spite of this.

    As Virgil, his slow-speaking pattern was honestly quite annoying if I'm being honest however as Sir Gallante, oh wow.

    Cross examinating a literal knight was AWESOME and I loved his moral code (the way Phoenix used it to win against him was very Furio Tigre-esque and it worked amazingly.)

    One of the best characters from the game, easily.

    The regular witnesses were also pretty good, I liked Sarah Keyes/Locke quite a bit because of her backstory and ditzy nature.

    It was amazing to see Cody Hackins return and I liked him a lot more here than in 1-3, he was kinda boring and annoying there.

    Here he's really funny and helpful...which makes case 3 all the more tragic.

    Now for the major characters, Mark Watters is probably my favourite character from this game I just love his personality so much.

    He also serves a great red herring for Sir Gallante.

    It's hard to talk about Williamson without talking about what he does throughout the whole game, however I absolutely love him, amazing character.

    Overall this is when I realized this fan game was truly something special, however the case afterwards was when I realized how fantastic it really is.

    Case 3 - Turnabout on the Web

    This is my favourite case of the game and it would probably be in my top 10 cases of the series, you know your case is good when the VICTIM has more depth than most canon characters.

    I love Walter Wade Webb/Bad Player so much, the red herring with this guy is that Togamera constantly calls him a member of the Rivales family and THE WORST OF ALL MEN (HIS DEATH WILL NOT BE MOURNED!)

    However in reality he's an amazing person, that was willing to die in Cody's place.

    We'll....get to Cody in this case a bit later on, I want to talk about non tear jerky things first.

    Like the defendant, Edman Books/Mask3d_n00b.

    Being a fan of Phoenix, he was just completely hillarious and stuff.

    Amazing how well Lynne's theme fits for him, however I think he was a bit...too happy in the case considering his best friend died.

    Woman/PureMadness is a really funny witness who..didn't witness anything at all.

    Dreisan was introduced quite well however he seemed like an obvious killer as soon as I first saw him, a bit weird to have the main villain of the game be a butt monkey though.

    Nathen Togamera's a really fun culprit, the only culprit that's really that surprising in this game actually (I was spoiled on Pearl), I love HOW MUCH OF A LARGE HAM HE IS!


    Now, that's all well and good but it's time to talk about...the most heartbreaking part of this game and quite possibly Ace Attorney history.

    Cody Hackins' death, oh man....this makes SOJ Dhurke's death look like a joke in comparison.

    This game had the balls to do something, no main series game (aside from arguably T&T) did, have a major character from a past game killed off..

    Y'see this is also why the DGS duology is better than the main series games, but I'm getting off topic.

    So yeah, I love this case so much, utter masterpiece.

    Case 4 - Turnabout Consequences

    I'm not really too into Kurain cases for some reason, I like them but not as much as most (an exception to this though is 2-2 which I adore.)

    This one is probably one of the better ones though, weirdly despite being a Kurain case most returning characters don't do too much.

    Despite being the defendant, Iris is pretty unimportant in the grand scheme of the case and you barely even talk to her.

    Same for Bikini, back in Trials and Tribulations she was actually kind of a major character but here...you just talk to her a few times, get some information and than that's it.

    However I will say that having a case where the victim is MAYA was something I was not expecting at all and the culprit would be very unexpected...had I not spoiled myself.

    Yeah I spoiled that Pearl was the culprit because I was stupid enough to go to TvTropes, yeah...the spoiler function there isn't that good when I can clearly see that the trope is ''Anti Villain.''

    But still, the final battle against Pearl was phenomenal, complete with awesome music.

    I did the good ending where you accuse Pearl, so I don't know what happens if I don't do that.

    What did I think of the new characters? Well Gladys Porter is hillarious, second best character of the game.

    While Jimmy did technically appear in case 3, he didn't really do anything there so I consider this to be his debut and he's basically Klavier done right because he's not annoying.

    Meredith Fey's a pretty good red herring and I love Donatello, really funny guy.

    One thing I really liked was the test of character Williamson did on Phoenix, which was amazing.

    Case 5 - Turnabout Into the Unknown (Good Ending.)

    So first, I think I'll talk about the MN-6 segment and than talk more in depth about the present.


    I loved playing as a prosecutor in court, very Investigations esque (more so I1-4), the argument feature was previously used in case 3/4 (can't remember which) however it works better as a prosecutor I think.

    Kristoph vs Williamson is a battle I never knew I ever wanted to see, but I utterly LOVED it, so awesome!

    Kristoph is completely in character here and as one of my favourite characters in the whole series he did not disappoint.

    Salim Kushari was the main witness here and he reminded me a lot of Jeffery Master, he's really sympathetic and likable although I was a bit disappointed he never appeared in the present day outside of the credits.

    With Master, we still what being in prison for a crime he didn't commit was like...for Kushari we only kinda hear about it.

    Still though, very good and funny character, not many are able to ketchup with him.

    I was already spoiled that you need to actually lose the trial, so the penalty part wasn't hard at all for me however I did not really like it, there could've been a more clever way to lose the case.

    I also thought Jimmy was a nice assistant, overall very fun.


    There's a lot to talk about, however I say we talk about the best part of the present..PLAYING AS TRUCY!


    One other nice thing about playing as her is that unlike AJ and SOJ, percieve's not really obnoxious here and is just kinda eh I guess.

    It's more like in DD where it's kinda just a little side thing that doesn't really matter.

    Now than, onto the non-Trucy parts, aka The non-Magical Turnabout.

    I quite liked Williamson here, his arc was really awesome.

    I'd say almost Edgeworth levels, which is impression for an one-game only character.

    His theme is also superb.

    Weirdly enough, this case is one of the more personal ones of the series despite that the defendant is one that you're kind of supposed to openly hate.

    Allen Yossarin/Francisco Mendirez is just kind of an okay character though, he's fine though and I loved his character development.

    I'm surprised nobody has really noticed that the part where he knocks out Luciano by punching him is a callback to when Trucy knocked out Jane earlier in the case.

    Speaking of Jane, we have to talk about the Hoods...I LOVE THE HOODS!

    Finnegan is one of my favourite characters from this game, he's really funny and entertaining...or is he? Eejit, did ya really trust me enough for me to tell you my true opinion on him?

    I love Jane's homicidal tendancies (real sentence I just made), she's so evil that it's honestly hilarious.

    Carlo Luciano/Morton Dreisan was a great if not predictable villain, I found him pretty funny pre-reveal however he's much funnier post-reveal I found.

    Like when he says that Mark and Sandra are ''a match made in heaven'', that's such an awful thing to say that it's actually kind of hillarious.

    One of the more terrifying villains too, he nearly killed the main character of the series...in court.

    Thank god for Mendirez, right?

    The scene where he took Watters as hostage was really Investigations 1 esque to me, by the way.

    The Game Overall

    Honestly this might be one of my new favourite Ace Attorney games, every case sans the first one is phenomenal (although case 1 is good) and I loved so many characters from it.

    My ranking of each case: COI-3 > COI-5 > COI-2 > COI-4 > COI-1

    Top 5 characters:

    1. Mark Watters
    2. Gladys Porter
    3. Obadiah Williamson
    4. Finnegan Hood
    5. Wayne Parker

    I hope you enjoyed the review! This took me a while to write.

    submitted by /u/PowerOfL
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    Daily doodle #5: Ema giving apollo a token of her appreciation

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    Ace Attorney - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly [AA3, "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations"]

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All

    Hello everyone.

    This is Part 3 of a series of posts I'm rescuing from the dead due to quarantine downtime, in which I take each case from an AA game and make a quick bullet-point list of their good, bad and ugly parts. The list will cover all mainline games, the Investigation games, and Dai Gyakuten Saiban 1. PLEASE DO NOT SPOIL DAI GYAKUTEN SAIBAN 2 OR PROFESSOR LAYTON VS ACE ATTORNEY FOR ME.

    Good: What's good about the case

    Bad: Minor annoyances, things I'm confused about, or lackluster stuff that ultimately doesn't affect the case, just leaves a ? over my head

    Ugly: Things that, for worse or much worse, affected my opinion of the case.

    Some items I'll elaborate on, some I won't, but the whole point of this is to give my opinion and hear yours. If you need any clarifications, fire away!

    Turnabout Memories

    The Good

    • Payne shows some slick moves during the first half of the case. He doesn't get enough respect for someone with a career as long as his
    • A fine balance between comedy and seriousness throughout the development of the case
    • Young Mia really sells herself as a character with how natural she feels; both when she's being naïve/inexperienced in court and when her nature of believing her clients/never giving up shines through
    • Follow-up: exploring Mia in general is a good idea; she was taken from us far too early and her role became more tied to spirit channeling and personal connection rather than actual lawyering
    • The trope of "meek girl is secretly a psychopath" isn't new, but Dahlia plays it so well that she might as well be the face of the trope; the music, the contrast of personalities, the way her character design works for good and evil with a simple change in shading, etc
    • Young Phoenix, as a character, feels like Phoenix (only completely stupid, but you can see his character traits here and there without making it weird)
    • Good setup for Mia and Dahlia's personal issues, but without outright spoiling the 4th case
    • A case that feels fresh and simple, like The First Turnabout, and yet has cool twists and somewhat of a mystery, like The Lost Turnabout... tried to do

    The Bad

    • Retconning Phoenix's past; it's nothing too dramatic for me, but it kinda bothers me when I stop to think about it, especially when the first game really laser focuses on Edgeworth and the class trial as Phoenix's main reasons for becoming a lawyer. Then suddenly... he's an art major? The same guy who calls art "a mistake" in Turnabout Sisters? I guess it's plausible, but still
    • Grossberg's hemmorroids joke ran for far too long. I liked him better when he was just a famous arrogant rich lawyer
    • I loved Mia bringing it to Payne in the end, but that whole thing about "prosecutors believing in witnesses" felt a bit weird and out of character even for him; prosecutors are supposed to doubt and counter the defense's suspicions of their witness, but not "believe" them.
    • The joke of "being horny for Dahlia" should've ended when she flipped out, unless Payne's into some dark shit

    The Ugly

    • Nothing, really. This case is a perfect intro-case model

    The Stolen Turnabout

    The Good

    • Luke Atmey in general. Such a unique take on a character, and on the trope of the thief hunter being a thief etc
    • Follow-up: his plan. I've said it before in this subreddit; his plan is absolute genius, one of the few to actually use the law, and the best culprit plan in the entire franchise for me
    • Larry is at a perfect balance here. He finds his stride – which carries over to Investigations 1 and 2, but is ruined in SoJ (we'll talk about this later) – as a comic relief character with somewhat of a relevance to the story in his own, unique way
    • Both mysteries are pretty fun to unravel and require as much thought as attention to detail
    • Godot's introduction
    • DeMasque and Atmey's theme songs
    • While the case might as well be considered filler, it does a bit of exploring on Kurain and revisits some JFA stuff, like Pearl and Morgan, the Fey Clan lore, etc; things that will become relevant in the series finale
    • Follow-up: I love filler cases because they focus a lot on developing the main cast's interactions with one another, and Phoenix, Maya and Pearl's banter (both amongst themselves and with others like Gumshoe) is top-notch
    • Adrian's development, coming more into her own, acting like her own person with vulnerabilities and emotions. It's kinda nice to see her be a little clumsy, flustered and "imperfect" because we were so used to see her try her best to be a flawless, carbon copy of Celeste (and how much of a toll it took on her)

    The Bad

    • The DeLites, while endearing at times, can get a little grating

    The Ugly

    • How the hell was Bullard killed, either hypothetically (by Ron) or literally (by Atmey)? What was the murder weapon? What kind of murder trial goes on without a grasp on those basic facts?

    Recipe for Turnabout

    The Good

    • Furio Tigre's plan, personality and theme song. He's an amalgamation of two or three bad guy tropes at once that somehow works within the AA universe; even moreso by making him have a biiiiiiiig achilles' heel in Viola's accident
    • The Cadaverinis as a dressing around the case without making it be about them
    • Viola's tragic past and multifaceted personality. She's definitely not a good person, but she's sympathetic; her suffering, and the things she was put through by Tigre, are entirely unrelated to whatever crimes she might've commited before. Take fucking notes, Acro (sorry sorry I couldn't resist I swear this is the last Big Top jab forever please don't kill me)
    • Again, as filler cases go, the main cast banter is pleasant, and helps a lot in developing the characters and tying the cast together
    • Gumshoe being a badass because of his love for Maggey. Cheesy? You bet. But I like it
    • Follow-up: Maggey does act somewhat unreasonably towards Gumshoe during the case, but it works both as a plot device and as a mini-arc for Gumshoe (and his undying loyalty to those he cares about)
    • Follow-up: Maggey's much better as a character here, with good lines, a personality and a far cry from JFA Maggey
    • Armstrong being a multifaceted, grey-morality-ish (as far as AA goes anyway) character instead of being a one-trick pony centered around the obvious joke
    • Victor Kudo in court is just precious. I love the hostility and how 100% pissed he is at everyone around him

    The Bad

    • This is going to be unpopular as fuck, but I do not care for the jokes with/about Armstrong's sexuality/appearance and Waitress!Mia being creeped on. A couple of times they can be "ha-ha" funny, but they do get a bit overboard for me. Call me a "SJW" or whatever, but that's only my take
    • A bit more delving into Glen Elg would be nice; he had potential to bring up a few morality issues. This being a filler case for the most part, though, I get why they didn't push it
    • Godot makes some unreasonable points sometimes in the trial and yet, somehow, the Judge plays along

    The Ugly

    • Phoenix ensnaring Tigre could've been done a whole lot better
    • The sometimes convoluted manner in which the mystery unravels, featuring one of AA's biggest letdowns as a franchise: those moments where you could solve a riddle right then and there with a piece of evidence, but the game forces you to follow Phoenix's logic even if it arrives later than yours
    • Sorry; suspension of disbelief is all well and good, but the cardboard badge + "he told me he got a tan" is a bit too obnoxious for me to stomach

    Turnabout Beginnings

    The Good

    • The ending really tears into you. This case is one of the most emotional and tragic cases in the whole franchise, right up there with DL-6 and the rest
    • The music sets the tone pretty well in this case, especially the sad and eerie melodies
    • Dahlia's cruelty and deceit is extrapolated beyond whatever impression the first case had already left us with, establishing her as a terrifying and unpredictable presence; this is probably why we never really see how shitty a criminal she is until Mia rips her a new one in 3-5
    • Diego Armando as a character is perfectly flawed and rounded. He's exactly what he should be - a much nicer Godot, with smugness and cockiness mirroring what would later become arrogance and condescension
    • Follow-up: while Mia has her own special brand of lawyering, you can see just how much she inherited from Armando; things such as "smiling in the face of despair", or "contradictions boil down to lies in some sort of way or another"
    • Terry Fawles, a man as simple as 2+2; and yet, so many complexities around him and his emotions. Truly an example that not all emotionally impactful characters have to follow a set model
    • Edgeworth as the prosecutor is a good choice for a plethora of reasons: a) he has a big role in the next case, and it serves as a sort of reminder of his character development since the first game; b) a more in-depth look on Miles von Karma, and a reminder that Manfred's legacy still exists in the franchise; c) he's a challenging prosecutor, but inexperienced and prone to low blows. With Godot still unborn, and avoiding using Payne for such an emotionally charged and important trial, it was either this or a one-off prosecutor to forget later
    • The Judge's brother is just precious

    The Bad

    • I have trouble buying Miles von Karma's reason to ignore Dahlia's past - even before his character retcon in AAI-4
    • A few more instances of roundabout arguing to prolong the plot, same as the previous case

    The Ugly

    • Nothing, really. The case isn't 100% perfect, nor is it a story for the ages, but it serves its intended purpose masterfully

    Bridge to the Turnabout

    The Good

    • THE prime example of how to wrap a trilogy up. Elements from all games are used, all avenues are explored (Fey Clan, Mia's murder, DL-6, Morgan's arrest, Pearl, Phoenix's past, Edgeworth being afraid of earthquakes and skeptical of channeling, Franziska and Manfred, Misty's disappearance...) and it feels like the whole trilogy lore is wrapped together nicely, like a fancy tablecloth
    • The main cast is entirely present (for the most part) and at their best in terms of character development and interactions
    • Follow-up: hiding Maya away did wonders for the rest of the characters to shine, since Phoenix had to have a lot more interactions with them
    • Gumshoe has a lot of bro moments with Phoenix here. It's like they're realizing they've become friends after running into each other so much.
    • Edgeworth interacting with Franziska and Gumshoe as a "main character" really set the tone for Investigations later on, and it's a pleasure to play as him
    • Follow-up: kudos to Capcom for keeping Edgeworth's inner monologue so consistent with his character, and, yet, still feel like we're seeing new aspects of said character
    • Tension levels all the way up throughout the whole case, save for those 15 minutes of peace before shit went down
    • Godot finally reveals why he hates Phoenix, and it is VERY belieavable, even though we know his logic is wrong
    • Phoenix himself, as the usually straight-man, basic main character, deals with A LOT through this case and getting to see his emotions shooting all over the place while trying to keep it together is wonderful
    • The mystery has no more than 3 people directly involved, and only two locations are explored during the trial. And yet, it's intricate, full of twists, and satisfying to unravel
    • Follow-up: Larry's sketch is the condensed version of what having Larry in a plot feels like. Stupid, bizarre, earnest and ultimately leads you to the truth
    • Godot calling Phoenix out on his skills as a lawyer. We love Phoenix, but someone had to tell him some harsh truths
    • Dahlia builds herself up even higher as a villain due to her manipulation, both of the characters and us the players, into believing a) that she was basically untouchable because she's dead; and b) that Maya threw herself into Eagle River, since Iris was at the only place we thought she could be
    • Follow-up: ... which makes it all the more satisfying when Mia pulls everyone back to reality, and proceeds to fuck Dahlia's shit up and expose her for what she ultimately was. And then, the coolest exorcism to ever take place in media happens
    • Franziska and Phoenix's "unlikely friendship" works well with their personalities, and sets the tone to how Franziska acts around Edgeworth in Investigations
    • Phoenix realizing even more about what being a lawyer is towards the end, accepting Godot's criticism, but ultimately beating him nonetheless
    • Phoenix ultimately surpasses Mia, albeit momentarily (y'know, before... THAT... case), and she's the one to tell him this herself, which means a lot to Nick and makes us, the players, feel like we've cleared the trilogy with flying colors
    • The monologue about what it means to protect people, and how it ties into Phoenix making unlikely friends as he grew into his journey, is a very underrated segment of this case and makes for some good reflection
    • Another underrated moment is Phoenix realizing he wasn't wrong about Iris
    • The trial between Edgeworth and Franziska and the trial between Phoenix and Godot definitely feel like different trials, and yet, they don't seem to clash against each other; the story/case progresses almost seamlessly
    • Edgeworth as an attorney played exactly like he should; he has vast knowledge of the law, he's Gregory freaking Edgeworth's son, and has studied to be an attorney for a while, so there's no reason to believe he wouldn't put on a decent shift just because he's on the other side. Plus, they set him apart from Phoenix - a good example of that is when Edgeworth raises FOUR contradictions at the same time from the Shichishito
    • Godot unraveling at the end, baring his soul for everyone, and realizing his mistakes without asking for mercy or pity was perfect for him. It gives the case a satisfying, yet tragic and complex resolution at the same time (offset a bit by Iris and Phoenix's happy segment later on)

    The Bad

    • Godot overreacting to the writing on the stone lantern. You are colorblind, man, we've been through this. If someone says there's blood on the lantern, and you're the only one who doesn't see it, maybe shut the fuck up and roll with it? (This could, however, be moved to "The Good" if one rationalizes this as Godot secretly wanting to be caught)
    • Iris has done some shit, even if it was because she was too spineless to say no, and I feel like she got too much of a happy ending (we know that her sentence wasn't long, I mean, it's AA)
    • Godot treating Franziska dismissively with sexist rhetoric was... cringe. Good thing he got fucked in the end though
    • "The police have been tracking Misty Fey's movements for a while" - dude, she was on the center of one of the biggest law scandals in history and made the police look like fools, how the hell did you just leave her be like that? (I realize she didn't actually do anything wrong, but I'm looking through the AA police's eyes)

    The Ugly

    • As you can clearly see from the sheer amount of stuff into "The Good", I'd be lying to myself if I said anything was ugly about this case
    submitted by /u/CompleteWingback
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    Heya, I need some advice

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 01:41 AM PDT

    So I just finished Apollo Justice and I wanna buy dual destinies and spirit of justice


    I see online that it isnt compatible on some devices and the screens messed up, one of my friends who has an android has SoJ messed up too

    I have a samsung j7 pro and I was wondering if any of yall had problems on a j7pro? I really want to get it but I'm afraid that I might just waste my money

    submitted by /u/MCCBBpierogi
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    So if Godot can only ....

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    If Godot can only see red, doesn't that mean his mask is essentially the virtual boy headset?


    submitted by /u/pearhead7997
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    Why do some characters introduced in Investigations 1-4 look so... weird?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    Manny Coachen, Mack Rell, Deid Mann, and even Byrne Farady look weirdly realistic and ...wrinkly? Why do their character designs/portraits look like that?

    submitted by /u/karizake
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    [Serious] Why is Godot a fan favorite?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    I really did not like him. Trials and tribulations is my favorite of the 3 games but I really did not like him

    submitted by /u/Alexis-Kirigiri
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    Porque é que não há um fundo de tribunal no gacha?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    Question About Games 4-6

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    Just curious if these games are a trilogy in the same way games 1-3 are With the 3 game story arch?

    If so, Are the generally considered as good as the original trilogy?

    submitted by /u/lonnie123
    [link] [comments]

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